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What have you been up to in your first week of Necrom, PC Players?

Community Manager
PC Players! It's been a week since Necrom launched! Still shocked by how fast time flies. What has everyone been up to so far? Have you been playing through the main quest? Grouping up for some Sanity's Edge runs? Running around Cyrodiil as an Arcanist? Upping your fashion game?

Just trying to get a gauge on where everyone is to relay to teams.
Edited by ZOS_Kevin on July 27, 2023 2:45PM
Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
Staff Post
  • thejadefalcon
    Not making progress in Cyrodiil campaign tiers.
  • Personofsecrets
    I've been playing Tales of Tribute and that's pretty much it. The Almalexia deck leaves a little bit to be desired, but it seems to be an overall good addition to the game.
    Edited by Personofsecrets on June 12, 2023 7:22PM
    Don't tank

    "In future content we will probably adjust this model somewhat (The BOP model). It's definitely nice to be able to find a cool item that you don't need and trade it to someone who can't wait to get their hands on it." - Wrobel
  • redspecter23
    I've been working on levelling up an arcanist and loving it so far. I'll be checking out the new zone probably by next week but have been avoiding all spoilers so I can go in blind.
  • Dr_Con
    Got my arcanist to 50, got a Velothi amulet and working on leveling up Azandir's rapport.

    Did the vet version of Insanity's Edge twice. I am not enthusiastic about the trial or its drops, it feels like the loot was designed to help with that specific trial but it has more limited uses outside of that trial. This comes across as very odd. I feel like it would would be smart to adjust the difficulty of older encounters if you want to see us using this kind of loot.

    Did the main quest on my Arcanist, plan on doing main quest and side quests on my main quester for complete end-of-story dialogue options in both Apocrypha and Telvanni Peninsula.

    Guild had a fashion show recently as well as an obstacle course with parkour.
  • Peppo_Lives
    looking for antiquities strictly required for achievements (the sheer number of leads + the reduced % on subsequent drop of the same lead, convinced me to stop pursuing codex completion) and checking quests for bugged books...created an arcanist but i won't level it until horse speed is maxed.....really loved some side quests and apocrypha map!
    PC-EU - Eidetic Memory / Codex / Recipes Collector - 60K+ Achievement Points
  • Parrot1986
    Completed the story and all side quests. Really enjoyed it, twists felt natural and characters were really good and like where it left us.

    Doing side achievements with the majority of them completed apart from 30 day quest ones. Enjoyed the exploration ones like graves and books. Getting out and about has been good chance to see the new zones fully.

    Doing Bastion events has been fun, done solo and quickly as a group.

    Got the companions, quests were very good albeit bit long. Fine on main alt but doing multiple times is a bit tedious.

    Will be doing arcanist levelling to 50, antiquities hunting and trial next and finishing off achievements and motifs and finish rapport and level grind companions.

    I’ve also really enjoyed all the additional rewards you get from completing the content and getting achievements, style pages, mounts and houses has been really good to get and better than before especially for someone who doesn’t touch the crown store.
    Edited by Parrot1986 on June 12, 2023 7:37PM
  • TaSheen
    Ask me in about 3 months after the crowds are gone. I am however enjoying leveling my arcanists - they are very fun to play!
    Edited by TaSheen on June 12, 2023 7:42PM

    But even in books, the heroes make mistakes, and there isn't always a happy ending.

    PC NA, PC EU (non steam)- three accounts, many alts....
  • TheRimOfTheSky
    Wondering where all the Indoril settlements are
  • React
    Still waiting for long overdue meaningful PVP balance changes.
    @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
    React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP
  • tomofhyrule
    I've been having a lot of fun trying out my new Arcanist. I'm specifically trying not to power level him, but I am having loads of fun with the skills.

    I will say that the fact that Crux persists outside of combat is unnecessary, especially as crux can't be built outside of combat. I hope the team decides to purge Crux when combat ends (and I'm sure that will really help players who are sensitive to the spinning triangles in towns).

    Sanity's Edge was really fun, and I think it was one of the better trials in a while. I really enjoyed the mechanic on the second boss. Kudos to the Encounters team - they really make bangers every time.

    The Bastion Nymic is also fun when... when with a group. As world events though, those are a bit of a slog when you don't have a full group to go in there. It's also irritating that there seems to be no way to force a specific wing - I'm still missing one of the wings completely since every time I get one of the other two. I also ran with a group last night where one of our members kept swapping characters to make sure we got all three versions of the quest, but still we got one wing twice and the other not at all. As another issue, the fact that the Nymics are only available on quests means that we can't just go farm them (...and I have a sneaking suspicion that there will be a motif dropping from those in due time, as the official site did release the Concept Art for the Kindred's Concord style but we never saw that motif on PTS... except on enemies)

    I'd suggest to the team that it could be much better if the number of ichors needed for the quest would be reduced to 1 so players could just go get one Herald's Seeker and then go straight into the Nymic. The fact that Seekers can also wander close to wayshrines and thereby pull unsuspecting players into the fight could also be a problem and ripe for trolling, so it would be nice if they were either leashed further from wayshrines or set to prevent spawning the tentacles and attacks on players not in combat with them.

    I can't say much about the story since I usually like to wait for the zone to clear out before I do it so I can take my time to experience the story. However, I will say that - as far as I am through Sharp's questline - I really enjoy him as a character and I think the story is done very well.

    I also am happy that this was one of the smoothest Chapter releases. Yes, there are a few bugs (and the food bug is highly irritating and I hope that gets fixed soon), but honestly since I was affected by the storage-chest-deletion bug a few patches back, I consider anything that doesn't actively stop me from playing as a win.
  • Kendaric
    Trying in vain to avoid seeing too many arcanists and their horrid vfx...

    other than that, I've been playing through the whole Elsweyr story as a Khajiit on my alternate server (PC NA).
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Caligamy_ESO
      Endeavors and Diablo IV
      love is love
    • Treeshka
      Finished my Arcanist entirely and did the main quest today on my main. I guess i will be grinding some Alliance Skill level with the upcoming event as well.
    • NoxiousBlight
      Working on my arcanist. Def becoming my new main. Very well done on the class - although I wish the green effects were toned down 50%. It is very hard on my eyes.

      Maxed his level the first day, now working on the long skyshard and skill point grind.

      Will probably start the Necrom quest line this week, but my priority is those skill points so that I am ready for MYM whenever that drops this month. I will be going non-stop in PvP when that happens and putting the arcanist through the paces to see how they really fare.
    • PrinceShroob
      Let's see... I didn't make an Arcanist, but I've tanked a few sets of pledges for friends who were leveling Undaunted on theirs. I picked up the new companions both day one and did both public dungeons the same day (since the companion quests take you there).

      Since my friends were leveling Arcanists, we shared a bunch of guild dailies back and forth so I got Sharp to rank 8 in his guild dailies on the 5th. I had Sharp's quests finished on the 8th (and immediately placed him in my house). I'm going to finish Azandar's last quest today.
      Just a picture of my main character and his new boyfriend beeko.

      I picked up both new companions on two alts, as well, and hopefully will collect them on three more (and the missing High Isle companions on one alt, too). I also picked up Sharp on EU since I was working on my character there; I don't plan to actually play on two servers but I have friends who do, so I figured it'd be good to have a character who could do veteran dungeons and who would make the EU PTS cycle less arduous.

      I love Sharp and Azandar is a big hit with my friends. After they saw his "sanctum" there were plenty of r/malelivingspace jokes...

      I did some Tribute dailies to look for the Almalexia deck clues. I'm hoping to do the quest to get the last fragment of the deck soon, maybe today. I did all the Necrom delves and world bosses as the dailies came up.

      I did two runs of veteran Sanity's Edge. It was a bit overwhelming during the first run but hopefully we'll get more of a hang of it. Passed two Divines drops of Ansuul's Torment to a friend; a lot of people want that set but just because it's a medium trial set with a flat damage boost and Minor Slayer, so I was curating my sticker book so that I'd get body pieces for that set.

      I will probably start doing quests this week now that it's cleared out a bit.
      Edited by PrinceShroob on June 12, 2023 8:36PM
    • emilyhyoyeon
      I've been doing all the delve and public dungeons quests. I usually start with those first with new zones. I liked all the quests and the environments in all of them were beautiful. Visually and story wise Gorne was great, but I also loved the public dungeon in Apocrypha especially because I'm a sucker for pocket watchers. Them and the Blackfeather Court crows are always my favorite.
      IGN @ emilypumpkin
      Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather _ Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
      Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher _ Qa'Rirra, khajiit assassin & dancer
    • bachpain
      Taking a break from ESO because I don't want to make an Archanist. I might come back for the next DLC if there is anything that if offers non-archanists to advance our characters.
    • Dreaders123
      Feeling miserable because my playtime has been seriously reduced thanks to migraines and nausea caused by Arcanist effects implementation. And then increasingly angry because we aren't hearing anything about it, even a recognition of how serious it is. It's not feedback, it's a game-breaker and a health issue for a lot of the ZoS player base. Just being honest.
      Edited by Dreaders123 on June 12, 2023 10:24PM
    • acastanza_ESO
      I can't play the story. My quest progression in the Telvanni Peninsula is completely broken.
      I posted in Bug Reports and opened tickets but haven't heard anything back yet.

      Done a couple runs of vet Sanity's Edge though. It's great! Some really incredible environments there and the encounters are fun too (love the random miniboss mechanic)
      Edited by acastanza_ESO on June 12, 2023 10:31PM
    • TechMaybeHic
      React wrote: »
      Still waiting for long overdue meaningful PVP balance changes.
      Endeavors and Diablo IV

      ^These minus Endeavors
    • Elsonso
      Unlocked the two companions, located all wayshrines, collected some of the skyshards, killed a few insignificant bosses.

      Have not started on the main quest and tried to limit questing to companions and delves.

      Returned to Western Skyrim, where some unruly witches still need to be put back in their place.
      PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
      XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
      X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
    • ZOS_Kevin
      Community Manager
      Feeling miserable because my playtime has been seriously reduced thanks to migraines and nausea caused by Arcanist effects implementation. And then increasingly angry because we aren't hearing anything about it, even a recognition of how serious it is. It's not feedback, it's a game-breaker and a health issue for a lot of the ZoS player base. Just being honest.
      Just wanted to note here, we have passed on multiple examples of how the Arcanist VFX are impacting some players to the dev team. We have also noted this in several threads on the forum. The team is working to address this and when we have more info to share, we’ll post an update. We also have it tagged on the dev tracker.
      Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
      Staff Post
    • ZOS_Kevin
      Community Manager
      I can't play the story. My quest progression in the Telvanni Peninsula is completely broken.
      I posted in Bug Reports and opened tickets but haven't heard anything back yet.

      Done a couple runs of vet Sanity's Edge though. It's great! Some really incredible environments there and the encounters are fun too (love the random miniboss mechanic)
      When you have a chance, please send one of your ticket numbers. We can follow up and make sure it’s in the right place. Thanks!

      Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
      Staff Post
    • KlauthWarthog
      Pretty much everything but the Necrom zones.
      I am extremely averse to power levelling, so the arcanists are getting their steady level ups by going through the psijiic quest line, and picking the associated zones clean of lorebooks and skyshards.
      On indefinite hiatus since U41.
    • Carlos93
      ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
      PC Players! It's been a week since Necrom launched! Still shocked by how fast time flies. What has everyone been up to so far? Have you been playing through the main quest? Grouping up for some Sanity's Edge runs? Running around Cyrodiil as an Arcanist? Upping your fashion game?

      Just trying to get a gauge on where everyone is to relay to teams.

      I have almost completed all the chapter achievements.
    • Necrotech_Master
      finished all side quests and majority of the antiquity leads for the mythics, still working on other antiquities and main story

      decided to work on sharp first

      concerning the time it takes to run the quests, if you are speeding the companion quests, sharps is far shorter than azanders

      sharps was pretty striaghtforward and the part in the public dungeon is only annoying running past all the mobs
      azanders kind of takes you in a lot of other locations and a lot more running around

      i would estimate sharps quest takes closer to 10 min if you were speeding while azanders is closer to 15-20 if you dont have a lot of shrines

      still my feedback stands that it is horrendous that you have to redo these quests on every toon without a way to bypass it if you have already unlocked them before
      plays PC/NA
      handle @Necrotech_Master
      active player since april 2014
    • acastanza_ESO
      ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
      I can't play the story. My quest progression in the Telvanni Peninsula is completely broken.
      I posted in Bug Reports and opened tickets but haven't heard anything back yet.

      Done a couple runs of vet Sanity's Edge though. It's great! Some really incredible environments there and the encounters are fun too (love the random miniboss mechanic)
      When you have a chance, please send one of your ticket numbers. We can follow up and make sure it’s in the right place. Thanks!

      Thanks for the follow up! Sent you a DM with my two ticket numbers and the link to the forum post where I elaborate more with a couple screenshots.
    • AzuraFan
      I've explored the city of Necrom, started the main quest (haven't gotten too far deep into it yet), helped Naryu, and completed Gorne (all achievements). Taking it slow and poking into every nook and cranny. Oh yeah, I also completed Sharp-As-Night's quest. Enjoying the new chapter so far!
    • Tannus15
      We've been doing some Sanity's Edge runs, getting the gear and having some fun.

      No one has any complaints about it, it's been fun learning it. We went in mostly blind and were mostly able to work out the mechanics ourselves.

      Arcanist is a lot of fun in overland and levelling, but very somewhat tedious and boring on a longer right. The new zone looks good, but I haven't really done anything there.
    • ESO_Nightingale
      To be honest I've been running circles around necrom and doing 1 or 2 quests or digging up an antiquity here and there. I've been casually playing while i raid in WoW. This chapter doesn't have too much that interests me unfortunately. Been waiting for a new weapon/universal skill line for my warden for years. Guess I've gotta wait a little longer.
      Edited by ESO_Nightingale on June 13, 2023 4:19AM
      PvE Frost Warden Main and teacher for ESO-U. Frost Warden PvE Build Article: Come Join the ESO Frost Discord to discuss everything frost!:
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