I know the concept of an advanced combat tutorial has been brought up previously, and zos employees responded with "we want to make sure we do it right" but literally anything is better than what we have right now. How things work are buried in the help menu to the point that barely anyone will see it and there are changes that are straight-up not shown anywhere in-game. It's all a mess.
Note: All the following are just my opinion, I have no assisting knowledge (such as game development experience or psychology).
I don't see why this can't be easily added to the current combat tutorial as another round on the dummy. Start off the player with 3 skills: the basic one from each class skill line (and give all characters who had previously done the tutorial 3 skill points to make up for this). This would establish what is suggested by players: to spend the first 3 skill points in the basic class skills to level all three lines. What this would also do is give the player a skill to weave with. Just have this round make the player light attack and then cast their skill and maybe the npc can call out that it's not required but highly suggested to continue weaving past the tutorial.
Something I didn't know as a new player is that you can't double up on named buffs. Considering there are already pop-ups for combat, I think once someone slots two of the same buff a pop-up should appear to let them know that named buffs don't stack.
Health Bars
There is a combat pop-up to explain what breach looks like on enemies, however there is nothing that explains this:
For the longest time, I thought my health bar was bugged. It is true that it does bug out with not increasing in size when it should, but only recently did I find out on my own that the weirdness going on here is actually buff related. The glowing I believe is empower, and the border might be resolve, but I have no idea. An advanced combat tutorial based around what buffs look like would be great (not only on health bars but also physically and the buff/debuff icon) but at a minimum it'd be nice if there was a pop-up like there is for breach. Additionally, an image explaining what the buff/debuff looks like should be viewable somewhere at minimum, maybe in the help menu.
Updated Build Suggestions
The suggested builds feature is so out of date and confusing that it makes me sad. It feels lost to time but could be a great feature if updated and expanded. To be more specific, here's an example: tank taunts. On my sorc tank the suggested build is to use only inner rage as my taunt. No frost clench, not even pierce armor. Only inner rage. This is really bad advice.
This is described in the help menu but I feel like there still is some confusion. Why does using a restro staff skill not proc an enchant while using a destro skill does? People also are still confused when their enchants don't proc their proc, such as encratis. I'm not sure where this information could best fit in the game but it should really be somewhere. If it is in the game already then it's not something people look at.
Detailed Set Information
There are so many sets that have a target limit or a range that is just not present. Please add this to the tooltip for them. Additionally, it would be nice to have a place or a setting to view what common ranges are, I don't know how big a meter is in-game, let alone 26. A toggleable suggestion mode would be great for accessibility as well. What I mean by this is explaining how to use each set and what class and role it's most commonly used it in the tooltip. For example: Roaring Opportunist, healer, best paired with jorvuld's guidance, heavy attack 2x in trials and 1x in dungeons. Powerful Assault, healer/tank, best used with echoing vigor, use 2x in trials and 1x in dungeons. Burning spellweave, dps, dragonknight. Etc, etc.
PC/NA Dungeoneer (Tank/DPS/Heal), Trialist (DPS/Tank/Heal), and amateur Battlegrounder (DPS) with a passion for The Elder Scrolls lore
- CP 2000+
- Warden Healer - Arcanist Healer - Warden Brittleden - Stamarc - Sorc Tank - Necro Tank - Templar Tank - Arcanist Tank
- Trials: 9/12 HMs - 3/8 Tris
- Dungeons: 30/30 HMs - 24/24 Tris
- All Veterans completed!
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