Initial thoughts while it was fresh - I ran in the same group as @code65536 and @Disturbed125
CP1670 Melee Magplar DD
False God's Devotion, Deadly Strike, 1pc Slimecraw, Mora's Whispers, Maelstrom Staff
This build was for the most part unchanged from Live, although I did swap back from a hybrid dual-wield/2H setup to a staff-staff setup, due to the nerfs to Merciless Charge and the need in this dungeon for ranged light attacks.
General Dungeon Info:
We ran this dungeon on Veteran HM, clearing the first two bosses on HM after a couple of wipes on each, and getting the last boss to 75%. We cleared the final boss on non-HM after a couple more wipes.
Overall the majority of this dungeon feels pretty decent. The first two bosses aren't overwhelmingly challenging like we've had in Shipwright's Regret, but the last boss feels way over-tuned at the moment (more below). Aesthetically, major, MAJOR props to the art team, this dungeon looks absolutely phenomenal. Loved the little walking on the ocean floor segment, though I was really expecting some sort of giant sea creature to come bearing down on us! Also really love how the Dwarven architecture was mixed in, very pleasing results.
The secrets were pretty easy to find, though as @code65536 mentioned, there's not a lot of information provided for how to solve the puzzles other than brute force. The first one was just spamming random cubes until we worked it out, and the third was just pulling random levers until we made a path - not incredibly intuitive or satisfying. Loved the laser parkour section for the second one though! All of the secret bosses themselves were fairly straightforward as well, no real mechanics other than a lot of jumping around. I think the secret buffs themselves were . . . okay? The intrinsic stat buffs are always useful, but we didn't use the second laser buff at all, simply because there was no real incentive to - you have to drag everything over to an out-of-the-way location just to stand in a beam which also does damage to you! Pretty weird IMO.
Boss Info
Boss 1: Euphotic Gatekeeper
This guy seemed to be alright once we figured out exactly what to do with the Bristlebarb, and how you can shed it even if there isn't a vent to put it into. Main concerns here were that he jumps around a lot, which I know is now a key part of the boss design philosophy going forward, but this is in tandem with extended ground DoT durations, which would suggest you'd want to keep the boss in those as much as possible . . . just a thought.
Boss 2: Varzunon
We tried killing the Sacrificial Skeletons at first, but they had a lot of health and we could only maybe get two down per phase, so we just started to ignore them and just focus the boss. This worked, except when he grew past a certain size his hitbox started to go wonky, and it made it increasingly difficult to land both weapon attacks and abilities. My Radiant Destruction in particular had me standing about half-way across the room just to get a target lock. Besides this, the fight feels pretty decent.
Boss 3: Zelvraak the Unbreathing
Jesus, this boss is a handful. I don't think the phrase "mechanical overlap" has ever had more usage than here, lol. What's annoying is that some of the mechanics really do have some good groundwork and ideas, it's just that they're coupled with a lot of incoming damage for the DDs.
- Two, then four Sea Orbs throughout the fight that you just have to deal with
- Boss has a fear which is unbreakable if it lands on you, pretty much an instant RIP
- Cone on the tank which they must dodge or it's a one-shot
- The boss summons shades with each cone . . . what do they do aside from more cones?
- The boss' curse mechanic. This one feels the most overwhelming at the moment. Not just because it puts an insane defile and fast-ticking DoT on you, but also because your soul gets sent to the very outside edge of the room. We found that it was nigh impossible to reach it usually unless you had Major Expedition, which feels like a weird requirement. Not only that but the soul itself is running around on the spot, making actually colliding with it once you reach it's position difficult. I personally also had problems in non-HM about seeing the soul shoot out from my body - oftentimes it just wouldn't do anything before the soul spontaneously appears on the other side of the room.
- Boss splits at 75% and 25%, with one shade targeting each player and making it so if you attack the wrong shade, they near-immediately one-shot you (think I got hit with a 70k Crippling Grasp). This isn't so bad by itself, but the ranged light attacks on these things hit for like 10k, which can immediately kill DDs if they're being hit by 2 or more at the same time.
- The boss steals your abilities. We had two Templars and two Nightblades in our group, and Templar felt particularly punishing due to the amount of Nova spam. During the main fight this isn't too bad, as you can kite them out, but during the split they summon Novas much more frequently. At least to me this really goes against the melee-centric Templar design philosophy if they can just immediately deny all of the area around the shade. Maybe they could do Crescent Sweep instead, and just make it something that you have to roll out of, without permanently denying area?
- The boss goes into the Shadow Realm at 50%. Even on non-HM this still felt pretty confusing. You can stand on all of the ghostly people to prevent your health from being drained immediately, but what purpose do the Fractured Souls actually serve? Do they enrage the boss on HM or something?
- The boss summons a Flesh Abomination after the Shadow Realm phase. Personally feel this guy is not needed, or at the very least lower his health.
- Overall I do like the design of some of these mechanics, but some of them really need to be toned down in damage and frequency to make this encounter fun and engaging, without stressing over timers.
Contraptions wrote: »
This is an aesthetics thing but having a lich as the final boss of a dwemer dungeon is just weird. Given that there is no story reason for him to be here at all, much less on the bottom of the sea. Maybe add some lorebooks? Some crazed sailor from long ago? A maormer mage studying storm magic drawn here and eventually becoming a lich? Something? Anything? Also what's the connection between this dungeon and the "year-long story"?
Update for Day 2.
We introduced both a DK and a Warden to the group, so we saw how those classes affect Zelvraak. The Warden ice AoE is just as bad, if not worse, than the Templar Nova spam - at least with the Nova spam you can have one person sort of control where it goes, whereas the Warden AoE is providing area denial to ALL members of the group. This looked particularly nasty for our tank when found he had no more room to move in his cone lane. And the Warden one drops a massive heal as well! The DK one, on the other hand, is trivial in comparison - simply pulsing damage, radiating from the boss, that is very much manageable.
Personally I feel like something along the following lines could work best:
- Templar: Drops 2 Novas instead of 4, and has the smaller heal from the Nightblade. Have a delayed Nova during the split phase.
- Nightblade: Keep Crippling Grasp as it is, and maybe have him do a Soul Tether occasionally to momentarily deny area around the boss (something to roll out of perhaps). Lose the heal.
- Warden: Drops ice on 2 people instead of 4, excluding the tank (like how curse excludes the tank when there are 4 people alive). Have the smaller heal from the Nightblade.
- DK: Pretty much fine as is
Please nerf the Warden and Templar. Don't really understand why the Nightblade has a heal in the first place, but I feel Soul Tether would work a lot better and be a bit more intrinsic to the class.
Update for Day 3.
We cleared Zelvraak HM finally. We also added a Necro and a Sorc to the group to see what the stolen abilities from them would be like.
Necro: Summons targetting blastbones onto each player, which I think is fine - blockable or dodgeable as long as they're not stacked. My main gripe is that it spawns two 300k (!) health Spirit Guardians that put a particularly big heal on the boss. I feel like the health of these should be reduced, or have it just spawn one - the heal is way too strong presently.
Sorc: Summons targetting lightning pools onto each player. This one isn't too bad - the lightning doesn't last for too long and you can more easily deal with it.
Some notes on the HM itself:
- Having Zelvraak carry over some of his stolen abilities into split phase is extremely annoying, especially when it's the Templar - having even more Nova spam during that phase is not great at all. Please make it so that the main boss stops his stolen abilities when the split phase starts.
- The shadow realm mechanic is still weird. For comparison, I ran the last boss solo on Normal difficulty, and I was having major issues with my health - it was draining for about 2k/s, and the ghost pads didn't seem to do anything, with me dying before the Fractured Souls made it into the arena. By contrast, Vet HM was . . . fine? My health barely moved, and I was able to kill most of the Fractured Souls with ease while only needing to use two ghost pads. Either normal is incredibly overtuned and/or bugged, or something is wrong with Vet HM - I would really hope it's the former.
We found it was best during the split phase to simply dodge roll all of the barrages - bashing them only made it so they started casting out of sync. When the barrage deals 10k per hit, you ideally want to be dodging all of them at the same time. Both DPS focused the same shade (my earlier assumption that hitting the shade of the wrong colour did stupid damage was incorrect), while our healer handled the Sea Orbs on either side of us, and our tank handled the two orbs on the other side. We then simply rotated around the room.
The bug I reported on July 15th is still occuring on Graven Deep Normal mode. It was working as intended for the first pull, but all subsequent pulls have had this bug. This will be a major roadblock to the majority of people running Normal mode, and needs to be fixed immediately before the launch next week.
Follow-up to this, figured it out!
The problem is Pale Order - the Soul Infusion heal is not being counted as an exception to Pale Order's heal-exclusion rule.
Interestingly, the heal that you receive upon reclaiming your soul from the soul-split mechanic does still go through - so hopefully, this should be an easy fix to just add Soul Infusion as another exception to the rule.