Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Account reset to about 2 weeks ago

  • OSUBucks1967
    Arunei wrote: »
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_Kevin
    I know you guys are busy and constantly get pinged over everything under the sun, but this is a serious issue affecting numerous people. There really needs to be an official announcement about this. Remember that communication thing we keep bringing up?

    And I meant to thank you for trying to loop in these ZOS folks, I really do appreciate it. I am very new to ESO and just want things to work like they are supposed to and get back to playing. Loosing weeks of playing time, 111 CP levels, plus all the in game progress and gear I acquired over the last few weeks is no small matter to me.
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi All, thanks for looping us into this. We are going to touchbase with some of our teams and follow up with any additional new information.
    Community Manager for ZeniMax Online Studio and Elder Scrolls OnlineDev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter
    Staff Post
  • BahometZ
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for looping us into this. We are going to touchbase with some of our teams and follow up with any additional new information.

    I really appreciate the acknowledgement of our woes and have my fingers crossed for a speedy fix.

    I'll endeavour to keep this thread alive in the meantime.

    Have received a customer service response similar to the above. Been told to hold off from playing until it's resolved, as anything gained in that time may be lost.

    I'm really hoping it's resolved ASAP, because on top everything I've lost, I am now losing daily rewards, endeavours, gold, xp, and anything from all the activities that I would otherwise be doing. This happened while I was still going through whitestrake event boxes, so I'll likely miss out on a bunch of those that won't appear with the rewards of the worthy once the mailbox is emptied. I'm also in several raid teams that I'm missing days on. There's a good chance we'd be getting Godslayer this weekend so that'll be heartbreaking.

    This game...

    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Miniminotaur138
    I am in the same boat. Its been 4 days now i cannot play and find subs for me for my trials team. I plan to continue to comment until it is fixed. I have lost and am losing so much.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • Mayrael
    Looks at the topic.


    I'm going to do some screenshots of my craft bag...
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Stanx
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Looks at the topic.


    I'm going to do some screenshots of my craft bag...

    I agree - this is a pretty scary bug. Game-breaking, even.
  • Miniminotaur138
    The worst part is, i have no idea when it has set me back to. I am missing gold from transactions during that time and i cant even remwber what i was selling or anything. Missing several days of event tickets. I mean its so much stuff I domt believe ill ever get it all back. Daily visits to tidehome for the box gone. Ap from the last 2 days of whitestrakes mayhem. Prize money from a housing contest gone. Beyond frustrating.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • Stanx
    The worst part is, i have no idea when it has set me back to. I am missing gold from transactions during that time and i cant even remwber what i was selling or anything. Missing several days of event tickets. I mean its so much stuff I domt believe ill ever get it all back. Daily visits to tidehome for the box gone. Ap from the last 2 days of whitestrakes mayhem. Prize money from a housing contest gone. Beyond frustrating.

    This sounds awful. I'm really sorry and I would be devastated if this happened to me.

    Have you submitted a ticket? I'm guessing you have, just haven't seen your reference it. Commenting on here is important so people are aware but you will need a ticket to have the situation "resolved" - whatever that means in this instance.
  • Miniminotaur138
    I have indeed submitted a ticket that was passed on to the development team.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • Arunei
    BahometZ wrote: »
    ZOS_Kevin wrote: »
    Hi All, thanks for looping us into this. We are going to touchbase with some of our teams and follow up with any additional new information.

    I really appreciate the acknowledgement of our woes and have my fingers crossed for a speedy fix.

    I'll endeavour to keep this thread alive in the meantime.

    Have received a customer service response similar to the above. Been told to hold off from playing until it's resolved, as anything gained in that time may be lost.

    I'm really hoping it's resolved ASAP, because on top everything I've lost, I am now losing daily rewards, endeavours, gold, xp, and anything from all the activities that I would otherwise be doing. This happened while I was still going through whitestrake event boxes, so I'll likely miss out on a bunch of those that won't appear with the rewards of the worthy once the mailbox is emptied. I'm also in several raid teams that I'm missing days on. There's a good chance we'd be getting Godslayer this weekend so that'll be heartbreaking.

    This game...
    The worst part is, i have no idea when it has set me back to. I am missing gold from transactions during that time and i cant even remwber what i was selling or anything. Missing several days of event tickets. I mean its so much stuff I domt believe ill ever get it all back. Daily visits to tidehome for the box gone. Ap from the last 2 days of whitestrakes mayhem. Prize money from a housing contest gone. Beyond frustrating.
    Normally people losing stuff like this due to a login issue like a day of maintenance that goes several hours over it would be a 'tough luck' situation, but I think in this case it's only fair that ZOS find a way to compensate people who are losing stuff. At the very least go in and credit you guys the items from daily login and a way to give you the Endeavors you've missed.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
  • Miniminotaur138
    Yes I can get the gold again, not a big deal. The login rewards, last several days of event tickets, endevors, and hirelings at the very least. My only hope is when i was discussing this with the rep, their record indicates i had more cp than what was showing, so there is still a chance what i am missing is still on their end, just not mine if that makes sense.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • OSUBucks1967
    For me the most frustrating thing about this whole situation is the lack of open and honest communication. Sure it has been acknowledged that there is an issue and it is being worked on but there haven’t been any details (that I have seen and I could have missed) as to what and why it happened and what is being done to rectify the issue. I mean this event that happened to a bunch of random people just didn’t up and happen, something was initiated somewhere that went in and set (aka restored) all these random people back to an earlier time, which seems to be in the timeframe of about 2 weeks or so ago. I apologize I am not trying to be mean I guess I am just frustrated about not knowing what is going on and worried that we are going to be told things aren't going to be put back the way we left them before this event happened.

    My expectation though would be that my account and all seven (7) of my characters on my account would be reset back to the very last time that I logged off from playing on Monday night February 28, 2022, and just like I left them prior to this event that took place that restored them to 2+ weeks ago.

    As far as lost time and daily effort, as others have mentioned none of us have been able to claim our daily reward, which now throws the end of the month claims off, no daily enlightenment accumulation (400k daily), and I know me personally I was leveling my riding skill daily, for which I have now missed 4 days worth, and not to mention the 4-5 CP levels, gold and rewards I was averaging daily while playing.

    Thank You!
    OSUBucks1967, Xbox NA Server

    ESO Ticket# is 220301-002686
    Edited by OSUBucks1967 on March 4, 2022 3:00PM
  • Storm27Stars
    Yup this is all extremely frustrating, especially to anyone with an ESO+ account. We're paying for a service that ZoS are telling us not to use until they figure out what's wrong 🥺.

    I'm sure, as with others, this has affected all our characters, so literally can't play.

    As well as losing everything else, I've got items being sold in guild traders, that were listed before the issue, and the gold is sitting in my email inbox (until the emails expire) cause I can't add the gold cause it'll disappear next time I log on.
  • Miniminotaur138
    Tomorrow will be 1 week of havinf to deal with this issue. They have to do something. Ive been playing since launch and I have never had anything like this happen. I can accept my items being gone, but I want to progress. My trial team is on the verge of sotn and i don't want to have that achievement reset.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone,

    As Kevin mentioned, this issue is being worked on by the team. We are currently testing a fix for this and if everything passes, we will deploy the fix early next week and also fix any affected characters (which we can confirm is a very small number and only affects Xbox NA). Echoing what our Support Team noted in the ticket, please hold off on playing on any affected characters until we publish a fix. Doing so won't necessarily break anything further, but you are likely to lose any additional progress you've made.

    Details are still being worked out but we'll give you an update as soon as everything is locked in; we should have more information on Monday.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Ilumia
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Looks at the topic.


    I'm going to do some screenshots of my craft bag...

    I just did that too - getting a bit nervous about these things, but also really grateful for devs following up to fix the issues.
    It'd be lovely if they decided to give all daily login rewards and endeavour points to the affected characters - I'd be sad to miss out if this had happened to me, but some kind of compensation would make me feel like they cared :)
  • Stanx
    Hey everyone,

    As Kevin mentioned, this issue is being worked on by the team. We are currently testing a fix for this and if everything passes, we will deploy the fix early next week and also fix any affected characters (which we can confirm is a very small number and only affects Xbox NA). Echoing what our Support Team noted in the ticket, please hold off on playing on any affected characters until we publish a fix. Doing so won't necessarily break anything further, but you are likely to lose any additional progress you've made.

    Details are still being worked out but we'll give you an update as soon as everything is locked in; we should have more information on Monday.

    Can you confirm if this will be fixed for players that haven't realised they've been affected or just those who have raised tickets?
  • Storm27Stars
    Ilumia wrote: »
    Mayrael wrote: »
    Looks at the topic.


    I'm going to do some screenshots of my craft bag...

    I just did that too - getting a bit nervous about these things, but also really grateful for devs following up to fix the issues.
    It'd be lovely if they decided to give all daily login rewards and endeavour points to the affected characters - I'd be sad to miss out if this had happened to me, but some kind of compensation would make me feel like they cared :)

    Not too worried about dailies and endeavours personally, but I would like the 1.2m gold back I seem to have had lost, I worked really hard for that and without it I'm almost broke. Plus the AP and the 30-40 CP levels (though unfortunately I can't remember how many I've lost).

    If there's only a small amount of peeps affected by not being able to play the game due to the issue then some crowns might be nice 😉.
  • Miniminotaur138
    @Storm27Stars i totally feel that! I lost alot of gold from buying and selling during that time in addition to a huge prize i recieved from a housing contest.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Stanx wrote: »
    Hey everyone,

    As Kevin mentioned, this issue is being worked on by the team. We are currently testing a fix for this and if everything passes, we will deploy the fix early next week and also fix any affected characters (which we can confirm is a very small number and only affects Xbox NA). Echoing what our Support Team noted in the ticket, please hold off on playing on any affected characters until we publish a fix. Doing so won't necessarily break anything further, but you are likely to lose any additional progress you've made.

    Details are still being worked out but we'll give you an update as soon as everything is locked in; we should have more information on Monday.

    Can you confirm if this will be fixed for players that haven't realised they've been affected or just those who have raised tickets?

    It’ll be everyone, not just the ones that submitted a ticket.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Miniminotaur138
    Hopefully more information will come out today as its been 8 days since ive been able to play.
    Xbox NA Housing Enthusiast & Vet Trial Healer *Heals in all classes*

    Vet Trial Necrommancer Tank currently OT in Kynes Aegis

    ESO Community Supporter and Tamriel Activist *Doesn't condone the filthy high elf ways*
  • OSUBucks1967
    Hey everyone,

    As Kevin mentioned, this issue is being worked on by the team. We are currently testing a fix for this and if everything passes, we will deploy the fix early next week and also fix any affected characters (which we can confirm is a very small number and only affects Xbox NA). Echoing what our Support Team noted in the ticket, please hold off on playing on any affected characters until we publish a fix. Doing so won't necessarily break anything further, but you are likely to lose any additional progress you've made.

    Details are still being worked out but we'll give you an update as soon as everything is locked in; we should have more information on Monday.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Good afternoon Gina, do you have any updates for us on this issue and when we might be seeing the fix go live to address this issue that has effected a number of us and not allowed us to play ESO for 7-8 days now? Thank You.
    Edited by OSUBucks1967 on March 7, 2022 7:35PM
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey everyone,

    As Kevin mentioned, this issue is being worked on by the team. We are currently testing a fix for this and if everything passes, we will deploy the fix early next week and also fix any affected characters (which we can confirm is a very small number and only affects Xbox NA). Echoing what our Support Team noted in the ticket, please hold off on playing on any affected characters until we publish a fix. Doing so won't necessarily break anything further, but you are likely to lose any additional progress you've made.

    Details are still being worked out but we'll give you an update as soon as everything is locked in; we should have more information on Monday.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Good afternoon Gina, do you have any updates for us on this issue and when we might be seeing the fix go live to address this issue that has effected a number of us and not allowed us to play ESO for 7-8 days now? Thank You.

    We're currently applying a hotfix to ensure nobody else gets affected (no downtime required). Once that's finished, we will figure out the next step of fixing any affected characters, which should happen this week. We'll let you know as soon as a date is locked in, but again, should have that info later today.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • mekops_ESO
    Add-on that outputs all your inventory values to a file incoming.
  • Sylvermynx
    mekops_ESO wrote: »
    Add-on that outputs all your inventory values to a file incoming.

    THAT would be perfect!
  • BahometZ
    I am glad they're working on it, and that we'll get a fix this week.

    I'm really hoping this fix involves not simply returning what was taken from us, but granting us what we've lost out on in the meantime, endeavours, daily rewards, etc. If the fix is just locking in what we have now that won't be good enough. I have lost all of the many millions of Alliance Points that I made during a double AP event, not to mention gold, transmutes, keys, and also the general inventory chaos that has been inflicted. My bank was well over 400 before this, it is now well under 400, and I don't know everything that has been removed.

    If it takes a little longer to resolve the above, then so be it.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Update: We have completed our hotfix on the backend to prevent this issue from reoccurring. On Wednesday starting at 6am EDT, we'll take Xbox NA offline for maintenance to fix any character that was affected and they will be restored to their state from February 28. Again, we can assure everyone this only affected a very small number of players and only on Xbox NA. Thanks again for your patience!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • BahometZ
    Update: We have completed our hotfix on the backend to prevent this issue from reoccurring. On Wednesday starting at 6am EDT, we'll take Xbox NA offline for maintenance to fix any character that was affected and they will be restored to their state from February 28. Again, we can assure everyone this only affected a very small number of players and only on Xbox NA. Thanks again for your patience!

    Awesome, thank you, please give my thanks to the teams who have been working on this.
    Pact Magplar - Max CP (NA XB)
  • Storm27Stars
    While I appreciate that the problem will be fixed on Wednesday, it will be interesting to see what I get back, as I didn't have an issue until Mid-year Mayhem finished, half way through March 1st (after I'd picked up 400k gold for selling a timbercrow).

    Here's hoping everyone gets everything back!

    Edited by Storm27Stars on March 8, 2022 12:29AM
  • Stanx
    mekops_ESO wrote: »
    Add-on that outputs all your inventory values to a file incoming.

    Sounds useful but I would prefer a fix that would also work for the affected platform (Xbox).

    I'm on Xbox EU and have begun frantically checking my inventory, CP, bank etc. every day for fear of this bug.
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