Biased poll: Did you like new chapter?..............

  • TitusF2
    So, I take it all Imperial City & Cyrodiil battles will be conducted via Card Game challenges in next years chapter? That will improve performance. LOL
    This is text.
  • Hlanu
    I don't hate it, but it's not really for me. Beautiful location that I'd love to explore but the story features Jarkan in a major role apparently, who is one of my most loathed characters in all of ESO. I wanted a companion that tolerates me killing people, but it's a khajiit, so that is not going to happen. And I do not care about card games. Will give it a try, tho. IF I decide to buy the chapter.
    Hlanu - Redguard Arcanist
    Tahemet at-Hubalajad - Redguard Sorcerer

    PC EU
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    disllike boring euro settings
    no new class
    no new skill line
    no new pvp systems
    no sailing or attempt at water battles

    only exciting thing was possible new furnishings and housing...
  • ZOS_Kevin
    Community Manager
    Hi All! We also have an official thread for feedback. You can check it out here.
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  • Kesstryl
    Yes because I play DLCs and Chapters for story, not for the fluff, and I'm excited to get more Breton story this year.
    HEARTHLIGHT - A guild for housing enthusiasts! Contact @Kesstryl in-game to join.
  • RisenEclipse
    I... I actually like card game mini games... so I'm on board with this. Don't hate me for my guilty pleasures!
  • WraithShadow13
    considering the issues this game is having, adding a "massive new system" seems like something they should have used for something OTHER than a card game. I can only imagine they're going to be dropping ten cards for 1500 crowns.

    Aside from that, The companions were a bit meh to me but i will likely grab them anyway, if they're mission grabs and not cash grabs.

    Overall, this reveal was really disappointing as a whole. The presentation was boring and lackluster, the content reveal was boring, the companions seemed a bit boring, out of all the things i've seen people on the forums saying they want, not a single person was screaming for a card game to take up more game resources, I still haven't recieved any of the drops that i should have earned from watching it all. No new classes or weapon types or skill trees or playable races (so far).

    I get that Skyrim is hard to beat, Bethesda has never really done it, which explains why they've made it so many times over the years, lol But this whole reveal just seemed so base and generic to me. If they had mentioned being able to remove shoulder pads, like they have remove helmets, that would have easily been the thing i was most excited about because everything else in this global reveal just... wasn't very interesting.
  • xaraan

    I like that its a normal land area and not a daedric realm, I'm kind of bored of those and they are not fun to explore or hang out in once you do the quests. So I'm glad for the area and it looks pretty, plus I also like bretons so its nice to get some more breton area.

    BUT, I don't care about the card game, so the major new mechanic addition is wasted on me.

    It also looks like a much smaller land mass (if they wanted to do a smaller area b/c of work from home, then the cost should be half of what other chapters are). There could be more to it though, but I'd be shocked if there was and they didn't show it.

    Just looks like year after year we get less and less and less for our money.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
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  • ZigoSid
    Yes and No.

    Yes lore-wise and for the setting.

    No gameplay-wise. Card game and companions could be cool of course, but that's nothing next to new weapons or new skills for all the classes or things like that.

    PS : I voted no because even if the story is the best of the best in the world, it's just short term, once it's done and that you know it, it lost 90% of it's flavor.
    While cool gameplay additions are better for the long term.
    Edited by ZigoSid on January 27, 2022 8:55PM
  • hands0medevil
    Even card game has to be PVE XD

    Trailer is boring and they should stop making cinematics without voices, it's purely bad
    Edited by hands0medevil on January 27, 2022 8:55PM
  • Onyx_Werewolf_Gnome
    A talking cat
    a card game
    & recycled Summerest delve/dungeon architecture
    They are laughing at us
  • jedtb16_ESO
    idk, haven't played it yet.
  • Čičiliusku
    I just want the story to be good & original, that is all.

    I also wanted a new pvp system, but that is too much for me to ask.
    This bird is watching you from afar
  • Vevvev
    Yes, because no new skill line.

    I'm happy they're sticking to their guns and really truly going through with this server rearchitecture.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • BlissfulDeluge
    No, because they're apparently doubling down on the medieval vibes for Bretons, rather than the thinking/magical vibes
    Edited by BlissfulDeluge on January 27, 2022 9:49PM
    Former completionist with all achievements unlocked up until Update 29 (Flames of Ambition). Avid RPer, writer, and former Breton lover. Then Legacy of the Bretons was released and I realized just how boring and uninspired the Bretons are according to the writers.
  • FlipFlopFrog
    The setting and visuals look stunning and I'm glad they're taking a different approach with regard to the main quest. The whole big epic plots, vampire lords, daedric princes etc was wearing a bit thin. I think a change of pace will be refreshing. What I didn't like was the announcement of a card game which I have absolutely zero interest in playing. No new class...why? :/and having both the companions female was a bit disappointing...not very diverse.
    PC EU
  • James-Wayne
    If it contains jousting as a PvP sport then its a hard yes!!!
    PERTH, AUSTRALIA | PC | NA | @Aussie-Elders

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  • Orpheaus
    No shade at the people who like the card game. I'm sure it'll be cool in it's own right. But it is absolutely embarrassing to release an expansion and this be the primary new "feature." There should have been a real new feature (class/skill line/system/weapon) and this could have been a nice bonus. The announcement was extremely thin and they jumped straight into the pre-order stuff. Very sad for someone who loves the game.
  • EF321
    Another minigame slapped on top of actual game got me like :|
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    Yes, but I'm not too thrilled about a card game with stuff locked behind it.

    Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
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  • The3sFinest
    How can you justify such a small zone for a chapter? And for the same price?
  • KyleTheYounger
    No because basically everything above (especially lack of high replayability skill line line Antiquities) + lack of new interactivity with your Companions. e.g.
    • marry companion and get similar (but reduced) benefits from Ring of Mara ceremony between 2 real players
    • be able to sit while eat/drinking at table
    • immersive side mini game activities like being able to joust against NPCs and/or players. Win a joust would add a small amount to health/combat skill increases (but not enough for players to exploit by constant grinding etc)
  • Kiralyn2000
    If nothing else, the people-watching of seeing all these over the top reactions about minor stuff is interesting. ;)
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on January 27, 2022 9:07PM
  • jlmurra2
    Disappoint is my primary feeling about it.
  • Marcus_Thracius
    I bet they will fix the lag
    Apparently we pvpers should stop with our whining
  • Dayth
    More a no than yes now.

    I was hoping for a 1 hand and spell skill line not a card game. A card game as the main new mechanic rather than a secondary feature is incredibly disappointing.

    I'm worried about the scale of isles considering on the Redguard map they are tiny compared to Summerset.
  • ArchMikem
    It's somewhere new to explore, of course I like that. The scenery alone is shaping up to be really pretty. I don't need extras to be satisfied.

    I'm DEFINITELY getting Ember, btw. A Khajiit companion for my Khajiit characters? That will never be a no.
    Edited by ArchMikem on January 27, 2022 9:17PM
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
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  • adriant1978
    Einher2137 wrote: »
    No, because no new skill line.

    This. I want that Bound Sword spell the Dagon cultists were using in the last DLC, not ESO's version of Gwent.
  • Vindold
    I've got mixed feelings about it...

    1. Story looks promising.
    2. I like medieval euro culture.
    3. Nice Kitty companion, though I'm not a fan of companions, but this one is interesting.

    Card game is dissapointment as Chapter's main feature, but on its own it's a nice, small addition IF properly done and balanced.

    No new types of PvE\PvP content, not even new solo arena, no new BG maps\modes, no new skill lines for existing classes or simply new guild skill line, no new weapon types like spears, no new character customization options or character model updates, no dungeons story mode, nothing what ppl asked for, that's just disappointing.
    Edited by Vindold on January 27, 2022 9:26PM
  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    Simply put. Aside from the location and implied lore. There is nothing in this chapter for me.

    Edit: Now that I really think about it. Its likely to never happen but watching the stream and seeing the jousting lists. Mounted PvP/Combat. Probably would have been excited to see that.
    Edited by Nomadic_Atmoran on January 27, 2022 9:28PM
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