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Free Deadlands DLC

So ideally when giving people something, you want them to be able to utilize it and be thankful for it. Here you have a situation where pretty much anyone who is participating in this event also has access to the DLC as I'm betting people who buy expansion also sub, so you are basically saying:

"Hey thanks to everyone who participated to unlock this prize, we are now going to give access to it to all the folks who didn't participate."

You also effectively devalue your subscription by adding this as free content, which I appreciate, but seems counter productive for something that is supposed to be a reward for the players and ideally promote sales.

I am amazed you didn't go with another house and place it in the Blackwood area so players would have to buy blackwood or sub to access it...

[edited for bashing]
Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 10:19AM
--- HuntGod ---
Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Sheezabeast
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • BejaProphet
    For the record, murkmire was a log in reward where it was competing with things like an XP scroll.

    It’s fair to say that this was underwhelming for anybody with a sub.
  • Khaleesi8688
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    I can't imagine thinking corporations do things out of compassion. How naive. It's weird that we can't speak to how we feel without you trying to guilt people about the poor down trodden people who can't afford plus but can afford a decent computer and internet access. The fact is, plus members logged into a stream about a big deal mystery prize and got told we are getting nothing that has any extra usefulness to us. We have every right to speak about how we feel we got shafted by this choice.
  • huntgod_ESO
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    That's apples and something that isn't remotely like an apple.

    [edited for baiting]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 1:05PM
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Sheezabeast
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    That's apples and something that isn't remotely like an apple.


    There really is no pleasing this community. Daily login rewards are always criticized, events aren't frequent enough, its always something. And now, they can't even basically give out free content without people being up in arms about it being obtainable to people who already purchased Blackwood. Maybe just be happy for other people, it effects people other than you, people less fortunate than you, the community is not a community of one. We all make up the community.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 1:06PM
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • method__01

    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    That's apples and something that isn't remotely like an apple.


    There really is no pleasing this community. Daily login rewards are always criticized, events aren't frequent enough, its always something. And now, they can't even basically give out free content without people being up in arms about it being obtainable to people who already purchased Blackwood. Maybe just be happy for other people, it effects people other than you, people less fortunate than you, the community is not a community of one. We all make up the community.

    the sub ppl dont have a prob with community,they are big part of,just want equal treatment
    how gifting something i already have is a gift?

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 1:06PM
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

  • Khaleesi8688
    Zone chat called me stupid yesterday for an opinion I had so I don't really feel the community you imagine is the one that exists. Reality is tough.
  • huntgod_ESO
    Zone chat called me stupid yesterday for an opinion I had so I don't really feel the community you imagine is the one that exists. Reality is tough.

    I guess that depends on the opinion shared :-P
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Fennwitty
    Is it too late for it to become a collector's edition of the DLC? I didn't watch the stream.
    PC NA
  • jad11mumbler
    Yup very disappointed by this reward, I wasn't expecting much from zos anyway but, they managed to go beneath my expectations anyway.

    If the pathfinder meter [snip] actually mattered, I'd avoid doing it cause this "reward" sucks.

    [edited for conspiracy theory]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 10:23AM
    174 characters and counting over 13 accounts.

    120 writ certified. 73 at CP rank.
  • trackdemon5512
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    That's apples and something that isn't remotely like an apple.


    There really is no pleasing this community. Daily login rewards are always criticized, events aren't frequent enough, its always something. And now, they can't even basically give out free content without people being up in arms about it being obtainable to people who already purchased Blackwood. Maybe just be happy for other people, it effects people other than you, people less fortunate than you, the community is not a community of one. We all make up the community.

    Boy howdy I can tell ya that none of the players who got Murkmire for free three years ago tout that fact to players.

    You know what they do tout? That huge Psijic Villa they got for free with Summerfall. The trial combat dummy, attuneable tables, and gold pile furnishing they got with Elsweyr’s event. The house they got for free with Lost Treasures of Skyrim.

    Murkmire showed that rewarding players with ownership of something that many of them got perpetually with their ESO+ membership wasn’t an incentive. These days a 1 or 2 month subscription leaves you with enough crowns to buy any of these DLCs straight out.

    So what’s the reward? Players that loyally subscribe to ESO+ aren’t really getting anything. Casual base game players aren’t getting anything unless they shell out for Blackwood. And those that miss out are usually able to find a crown gifter to reward them.

    So yeah, it’s a let down.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 1:08PM
  • BladedMischief
    It honestly really bothered me to see that the DLC was the final "reward".
    As an ESO+ subscriber of many years, it feels like a kick in the teeth.
    ~We're a community of adventurers. No matter which banner we fight under~
  • LanteanPegasus
    Well, I do own Blackwood. Bought it at regular price because I did't want to wait to get my Basti. Played all through it, all quests, all places (well, except the trial, I don't do those).
    I play ESO a lot. And I buy all chapters. Full price if I like them (most so far), discounted if they don't sound so good (Greymoor).
    But I don't sub all year long, just 3 months here and 3 months there, one or two times a year, because that's my spending limit. So technically you lost your bet. ;)
    Story DLCs I do buy. As with chapters, full price if they sound great, discounted if not. With Deadlands I would have waited for the discount, because all things Daedric aren't really interesting to me. But I'm sure there are a few nice things in there, as they are in every ESO zone.
    So I'd be very happy to get to play Deadlands right away when it comes out (if we make the tier for the reward), and I'd be very happy to get it for free!
  • Gambino108
    It's a pretty obvious strategy. Blackwood 60% off and next DLC chapter is free with purchase.

    No offer like this has existed before and it coincides with the release of a competitive MMO.

    This is why competition is king for consumers. All the ESO main streamers are playing New World and the game is flavour of the month - whether it lasts is questionable.

    But ZOS are just reacting to market competition. They know that if they can leech off a percentage of the ESO migrants to New World and tempt them back with a free DLC, than its a worthwhile short term monetary loss.
    Göllum - PC-EU
  • wolfie1.0.
    Yup very disappointed by this reward, I wasn't expecting much from zos anyway but, they managed to go beneath my expectations anyway.

    If the pathfinder meter [snip] actually mattered, I'd avoid doing it cause this "reward" sucks.

    Tempted to put zos to the test and organize a movement to not progress the bar at all...

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 10:25AM
  • Fhritz
    You can't be happy at least one time ? I'm a ESO sub and i'm fine with it, I mean we still get it at the end no matter what and those who don't pay for the sub can have the opportunity to play something different for "free" !
    I'm a single character man.
    Stamblade. Khajiit. Mostly pvp.
    And...that's it.
  • huntgod_ESO
    Yup very disappointed by this reward, I wasn't expecting much from zos anyway but, they managed to go beneath my expectations anyway.

    If the pathfinder meter [snip] actually mattered, I'd avoid doing it cause this "reward" sucks.

    Tempted to put zos to the test and organize a movement to not progress the bar at all...

    If you think that bar actually reflects anything happening in game, well have you ever considered purchasing a bridge?

    Seriously that bar is not linked to anything[snip]

    [edited for bashing & to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 10:25AM
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • Red_Feather
    It will help to sell blackwood collection to new players. Players who may not sub to eso+ because they don't know what DLCs are like. I think it is a very generous and very smart strategy.
  • Araneae6537
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    That's apples and something that isn't remotely like an apple.


    There really is no pleasing this community. Daily login rewards are always criticized, events aren't frequent enough, its always something. And now, they can't even basically give out free content without people being up in arms about it being obtainable to people who already purchased Blackwood. Maybe just be happy for other people, it effects people other than you, people less fortunate than you, the community is not a community of one. We all make up the community.

    You’re totally missing the point. I don’t think any of us would object to access to the DLC being given as part of the reward — I certainly wouldn’t — it’s that it was the hyped incredible amazing community reward. I expected it would be something for everyone, not necessarily something everyone would like, but something all players wouldn’t have otherwise. And this was the case in past events even without an extra reward reveal.

    I’m happy for the players getting it who wouldn’t have otherwise. Mostly I’m baffled at this marketing decision by ZOS tbh.
    (Edited to correct a typo.)

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 1:09PM
  • huntgod_ESO
    It will help to sell blackwood collection to new players. Players who may not sub to eso+ because they don't know what DLCs are like. I think it is a very generous and very smart strategy.

    How much of their revenue stream do you think it made up of new players? This is an older MMO and though they do absolutely get new players, at this point in it's life cycle the game is player retention and this does nothing for retention and actually diminishes the subscription value be removing content that was previously only available if purchased or subscribed.

    This is the equivalent of giving an Itunes gift card as a bonus to your employees...
    --- HuntGod ---
    Officer of the Unrepentant
  • wolfie1.0.
    It will help to sell blackwood collection to new players. Players who may not sub to eso+ because they don't know what DLCs are like. I think it is a very generous and very smart strategy.

    Depends on how good the dlc is. Murkmire was given away because it's my belief that they didn't think it would sell. One could look at this as an effort to move more Blackwood sales as the chapter was under performing or they don't think deadlands will sell well.

    It might be nice, but it also might stink, and based on the PTS I don't see much there that's all that new and great.
  • method__01
    Fhritz wrote: »
    You can't be happy at least one time ? I'm a ESO sub and i'm fine with it, I mean we still get it at the end no matter what and those who don't pay for the sub can have the opportunity to play something different for "free" !

    something different for free but payed with money taken from the rest who subbed?
    how is free?for me is definitely not
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

  • Ashryn
    I rarely speak out about things like this, but this really irked me and made me question why I have been subbing all these years. This 'mystery surprise' feels like one big insult to those that sub to support this company.
  • Blacknight841
    Or because of the economic impact of Covid, subs are down and they want to reach out to people who can't afford to sub and they want to be compassionate. And it was well-received when they did it with Murkmire.

    That's apples and something that isn't remotely like an apple.


    There really is no pleasing this community. Daily login rewards are always criticized, events aren't frequent enough, its always something. And now, they can't even basically give out free content without people being up in arms about it being obtainable to people who already purchased Blackwood. Maybe just be happy for other people, it effects people other than you, people less fortunate than you, the community is not a community of one. We all make up the community.

    The community is a “community” and as such the reward should be something that is rewarding to all players. The issue is that this is a reoccurring pattern, where non subscribers get free content for simply not being subscribed. They said eso plus will improve every year, and yet they have made no further additions to since they introduced the double transmute crystals. Subscribers have every right to be upset buy getting a reward they already pay for. I guarantee non subscribers would be outraged if they announced the reward and it was something that only those that have been paying for eso+ for more than a year would be able to get.

    [edited to remove quote]
    Edited by ZOS_Icy on October 2, 2021 1:09PM
  • BlueRaven
    I have a feeling this is all counter marketing of “New World”, but as a eso+ Member it felt like a bit of a disappointment.
  • trackdemon5512
    Gambino108 wrote: »
    It's a pretty obvious strategy. Blackwood 60% off and next DLC chapter is free with purchase.

    No offer like this has existed before and it coincides with the release of a competitive MMO.

    This is why competition is king for consumers. All the ESO main streamers are playing New World and the game is flavour of the month - whether it lasts is questionable.

    But ZOS are just reacting to market competition. They know that if they can leech off a percentage of the ESO migrants to New World and tempt them back with a free DLC, than its a worthwhile short term monetary loss.

    Late summer every single year that I’ve played:

    Summerfall Event - Summerset Chapter 50% off and free pet, mount, and a notable home for owners

    Dragon Rise Event - Elsweyr Chapter 50% off, double drops and double gold (first time ever) plus unique rewards including styles, tables, pets, combat dummies, and costumes

    Lost Treasures of Skyrim - Chapter 50% off and free pet, costume, and 600 inventory home for players. Plus style pages and rewards for owners

    Murkmire - free for collecting 21 daily rewards during November 2018

    Every zone DLC typically goes on sale a month or two after release.
  • BalticBlues
    Wow, they probably are giving away an entire DLC for free.
    Isn't this awesome... but some people here still do complain?
    Why not just be happy for all the people without ESO+ to enjoy it?

    If you cannot be happy for other people
    you probably won't be happy for a lot of your life...
    Because you get the most happiness in life
    when the people around you are happy.

    Edited by BalticBlues on October 1, 2021 9:54PM
  • Sheezabeast
    Gambino108 wrote: »
    It's a pretty obvious strategy. Blackwood 60% off and next DLC chapter is free with purchase.

    No offer like this has existed before and it coincides with the release of a competitive MMO.

    This is why competition is king for consumers. All the ESO main streamers are playing New World and the game is flavour of the month - whether it lasts is questionable.

    But ZOS are just reacting to market competition. They know that if they can leech off a percentage of the ESO migrants to New World and tempt them back with a free DLC, than its a worthwhile short term monetary loss.

    Late summer every single year that I’ve played:

    Summerfall Event - Summerset Chapter 50% off and free pet, mount, and a notable home for owners

    Dragon Rise Event - Elsweyr Chapter 50% off, double drops and double gold (first time ever) plus unique rewards including styles, tables, pets, combat dummies, and costumes

    Lost Treasures of Skyrim - Chapter 50% off and free pet, costume, and 600 inventory home for players. Plus style pages and rewards for owners

    Murkmire - free for collecting 21 daily rewards during November 2018

    Every zone DLC typically goes on sale a month or two after release.

    Don't you think that if they said that there were prizes that only Plus subbers would receive, that people would be upset that it wasn't inclusive, and they were paywalled? The zone is already paywalled by being a Chapter. Having everyone get it free, whether they be Plus or not, makes it an even playing field for the end prize. How well would it go over with the 'pay to win' crowd that cries pay to win any time anything involves crowns or real money? I am not saying it is but there are very vociferous members of our community that are very quick to get upset about things that are exclusive to the crown store or subbers.
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • karekiz

    Just give subscribers equal amount of Cash Shop currency.
  • Ragged_Claw
    The same thing definitely was complained about with Murkmire, i'e. that it was NOT a reward for those already paying for ESO+ so that correlation is false for starters. At least that was a login reward so it was actually free, let's not pretend this is 'free' for anyone, you will still need to buy Blackwood to be able to receive it afaik. I have absolutely no problem with anyone who can't sub, getting nice freebies, but I don't have a pot to pee in myself and have to really scrape these days to keep my sub going, so I'd like something for 'free' too is all I'm saying.
    PC EU & NA
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