Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

QOL Suggestions

Hi guys, first post from me so hopefully it goes smoothly. :p

Disclaimer - I am a console player, so keep that in mind for these suggestions. If you are a PC player and have none of these issues or will not benefit from them because you use addons, well that's great for you (no sarcasm intended :)). Just spare a thought for us lowly console players is all I ask. Also these suggestions may have been made before by others, if so I guess it's a good thing more people keep those ideas/discussions going so they may get done one day. With that out of the way lets get the ball rolling:

1 - Please add more slots to the Quick slot wheels, that is for using consumables, summoning companions/using emotes etc. Right now each wheel has 8 slots, that is not enough imo. Surly we could add another 4 or 8 to double the amount. Most of us console players have big screen TVs so I don't think there would be any issues with the slots being too small to see or to target.

2 - Please add an option to "clean all fish". You gave us such an option for refining mats at crafting stations so I'm sure it would not be too hard to do the same here. In fact when we got that crafting station update I was thinking/hoping this would be included as part of that too, but sadly no. :(

3 - A travelling option from Outlaws Refuge's to others. This idea is for people who like to visit all the guild traders. Right now it's nice and easy to visit all the overland guild traders simply by going from one map to another - 1 load screen. For the Outlaw's Refuge Guild Traders it is usually not worth visiting them as that is an extra 3-4 load screens just to see one guild trader! What I propose is having a NPC offer a "smuggle out of the city" option. Which then gives a drop down list of all other Refuge Outlaws. BOOM, 1 load screen between each and every Outlaw refuge for visiting the Guild Traders!

4 - A toggle for "Snap To" on Map. Right now anytime I want to place a waypoint on the map there is always a snapping to whatever is close when I am trying to target my waypoint. Example, I am trying to place a waypoint for my current Treasure Map or Survey location and my targeting will get interrupted and moved to the nearest thing such as a wayshrine/Player House etc. So annoying, even for those of us with big screen TVs! Please, a toggle for the snapping thing is all I ask.

5 - Arrange Guilds List please. We have the option to arrange our Characters on the log in screen. I want something similar for my guilds list please. :)

6 - Toggle for Night/Day inside player Housing. Having the option to turn to night will help when we are placing lighting objects to get an idea of their full power (especially outside of the houses). Also having the day option will have it so we can see how perfectly placed things look for daylight times. This is a MUST. :p

7 - Please stop hiding my hats when I am crafting. I was sure this was a bug when it first came in because it only happened on a few of my chars, but now it happens on all. It is annoying. I want to see their hats, that is why they are wearing them! It also causes a delay in the camera too at times. I craft in first person view, when you go to the station it changes to a close up third person view and removes the hat. When you finish crafting and walk away from the table it sometimes takes a while for the camera to change back to first person. So I am walking along in 3rd person with no about annoying and immersion breaking.

8 - Let us dye Major Adornments - enough said. :p

9 - Please let us be able to cancel/leave the Champion Screen with the keyboard Mount Button like we can with all other menus. I am not sure what that button on the controller is called, but it's that big fat rectangular one we use for mounting and opening the map. Atm while in any menu if we press this button it lets us cancel out of all menus straight back to the game - saving at most sometimes 3-4 button presses and a few good valuable gaming seconds. That's all I am asking for, this exact same function for the Champion Screen. In fact we had this with the old Champion system, so I am sure this is just an oversight, if so, I am just reminding you to put it back please. :)

10 - Please make it easier to target and click on the Argonian Wayshrines while mounted, namely the Wayshrines in Shadowfen. No other Wayshrines in the entire game has the issues these do. For some reason while mounted you have to fight with the camera to be able to activate the Wayshrine.

11 - Please remove or give us a toggle for interacting with things behind our chars. This is an issue when in third person view. You gather something or talk to a follower/companion when they are behind our chars instead of jumping when we are trying to or something else just as important. Oh and don't get me started on the fishing spots that are behind us when I want to jump!

12 -Move Llandras Gathram away from the Daily Writ turn in boxes in Vvardenfell. He walks back and forth hampering our targeting or worse - he pushes us out of the way! How rude! It's bad enough when other players are there with their pets in the way, we don't need this guy and his antisocial behaviour as well. Don't get me started about the "Stealing by accident" that this guy causes either! At no time at all in any situation in real life can people "accidently steal", but yet here we can lol.... - Done!

13 - I have seen this suggestion before and it is a good one (but I thought of it before the first time I saw that suggestion, just didn't have forum access :P) - another Pledge giver for DLC dungeons please - to balance it out since we have roughly the same amount of dungeons for both DLCs and base game. It's also going to be DLCs dungeons outnumbering (if they don't already) base game in the future so maybe then a Third for DLCs will be needed. O.O

14 - Companion Swap/Tabbing at outfit stations please. This one might take a lot of work to do but would be a big pay off, especially when we have MANY companions in the future.

15 - Please let our shoulder buttons (tabbing up and down lists) work in the Companions Equipment & Skills menus like they do in every other menu we have (Inventory/Skills). This is a MUST.

16 - Toggle for combat music please! I want to have the music playing but due to the annoying combat music I have to turn it off. Please add a toggle just for the combat music! - Done! :)

17 - Copying/saving Character options! Right now when we create a new character we have to go to the options settings and change most of them as only a select few are saved for your entire account. Please give us an option when creating a new character (as well as any other time after the character is made) to choose any of our other characters and automatically copying and saving ALL of their Options Settings to the new character!

This would work in a similar fashion to when we buy a new house and copy/save the options from any of our other houses.

18 - Toggle option in settings to turn on/off Interacting with Companions. Another for interacting with Fishing Spots would also be appreciated. I simply just want to jump, not talk to my sidekick or start a round of fishing.

19 - Vendor that Sells Heartwood etc - Basically a Vendor that we can trade ANY tier of wood to for Heartwood and ditto for the other crafts and their resources such as Regulus for Blacksmithing. For my arguments and reasons for this in more detail please see the post on page 3.

20 - Specialized Houses - THIS IS A BIG ONE and the last, I promise!

Right now with ESO+ the biggest houses offer: 700 Traditional/10 Special/110 Collectables/10 Special Collectables and 24 Population slots.

What if ZOS started selling us Specialized Houses that alters those amounts to provide certain houses with more slots where needed, but less in others, but ultimately giving us more options/slots without giving us more slots? What was that you are asking lol?


A Menagerie House - which has Animal Pens and other such enclosures/spaces for our animals with the following changes - 200 Traditional Slots/10 Special/20 Collectables/100+ Special Collectables!

Unless I am mistaken the slots work as such:

Traditional - Practically everything that is not special
Special - Storage chests
Collectables - Dungeon Displays (Mounted Heads)/Quest & Achievement Awards
Special Collectables - Mounts/Pets/House Quests.

The biggest issues with housing and I am sure the amount of storage they have for most people I would say is the lack of ability to change the amounts between the types. Example there are 110 Slots for dungeon trophies! That's all and great if you have just 1 house or want to use 1 house to show off these things. The thing is tho, for those of us with many houses (currently 50+ myself lol) we don't need this amount of slots for this type in every house!

Give us options to alter the amount of each slot for our houses or please start offering specialized houses for certain purposes. :)

Here are more possible examples we could have:

Guild House/Meeting House - Focus on more Population/More Special Collectables possibly but far less slots for Traditional and Special Collectables.
A Small personal Village - Tons of slots for Companions/Houseguests - less for the others.

I am sure other people can come up with lots more ideas - in fact, please start posting them here! The idea is giving us more control, more slots we can play with without actually giving us more total slots.

Wow that was a lot to type and read! Good thing us console players have such long loading screens to give us time on our hands, sorry PC players you will have to put up with your short load screens. Thank you for reading if you did, and please respond to the suggestions that would most benefit you. :)

PS - Other good ideas suggested by people on this thread:

1 - Let us switch among bank, guild bank, and guild store without leaving the banker entirely - Thank you whitecrow. :)

2 - Player House Crafting Tables having the ability to add all attunable tables to a new special set. This would be to save space in Player Houses/Guild Halls - Malfious1986

3 - A new Target Dummy that fights back, doing very low damage and who never leaves it's spot so we can move back a few steps to stop the fighting. This dummy would allow us to test our healing skills as well as defence skills such as Damage Shields and Blocking. A basic looking Target Dummy (sack man) would also like to be added, not for QOL tho. - Malfious1986

4 - Use a different colour than green for "Use this item to learn this motif" or whatever the wording is, if the motif requires having a certain level in one of the crafting skill lines and the character doesn't meet that criteria yet. Red, yellow, purple, anything but green, so it's easier to see which motif pages the character can actually learn while scrolling through the inventory list. - SeaGtGruff

5 - When looking for missing motifs and recipes at guild vendors, it would be very helpful if the message advising it has already been learnt was visible near the top so you could see immediately without having to scroll down - Kitziboo.

6 - Beds - it feels odd having beds as objects we can’t interact with so it would be great to have a sleep option especially when logging off. It doesn’t need to advance time, although a short buff of some kind would be a nice bonus. - Kitziboo.

6B - My addition to the bed thing, (just for an extra idea to give any devs an extra idea if reading :p):

Beds - I agree something needs to be done with them. Even if it's a simple - Interact and just have your char lie on it as an emote type thing similar to chairs. Heck while they are at it please give us an option to be able to jump on our beds - the 4 poster top roof ones I mean. They are usually the best looking beds in the game but the fun is sucked right out of it being we can't stand (jump) on them lol.

7 - We also desperately need a way to filter the guild vendor list for "unknown" recipes/motifs/etc. That is another obvious addition that should long have been in place. - FlopsyPrince.

8 - Crafting stations - Allow us to search, sort, and filter crafting plans in the crafting menu of crafting stations (i.e., sort alphabetically rather than by category; search for all plans with the word "bed" in the name, etc). While you're at it, please do the same for provisioning recipes. - Ani

9 - Add a way (not via Eidetic memory) that we can see which furnishing plans we know without having to go to a crafting station, and also which plans we are still missing. - Ani

10 - Master crafter writs: Add a visual indicator (text color, or additional text) to writs when I don't have the skill level, research traits, or - most important - the motif to complete it ("You do not meet the requirements to complete this writ"). Even better if you can filter searches on guild traders to show only those master writs you can complete, similar to #1 above. - Ani

11 - Give console players the ability to mark items as junk (or to sell) consistent with the base PC game. - Ani

12 - Make treasure maps, style pages, and containers stackable and bankable in both personal and guild banks. - Ani

13 - Motifs: Add an indicator of whether I know the corresponding style (i.e., I know the motif on an alt). - Ani

14 - Update Keen Eye: Treasure Chests to include treasure map sites (treasure dig sites). Those freaking mounds are impossible to see in certain terrain, and we console folks can't just turn off the grass to make it easier. - Ani

15 - Add a couple options in the Outfit Station. Allow us to browse by style rather than by piece. Give us an option on any given to piece to "preview full style", so we can see what the rest of the style looks like without having to change fifty slots. Allow us to lock a slot (like we can in character creator) so we can experiment with "randomize" more. - Ani

16 - The crafting styles needed to have an "alphabetize" option. Yes, some may know them in their order of release or whatever, but finding them on the console was a real pain in many cases, with a lot of scrolling looking for the right one for a Master Writ. - FlopsyPrince.

17 - Armoury stations in Cyrodiil & Imperial City Please. - blkjag


Read during your long load screens. ;)

Edited by Paulytnz on January 31, 2022 8:43PM
  • Nestor
    Your ideas are good ones.

    I think the easiest way to solve the house issue is to instance interior cells. Maybe only in the larger homes. I would be will to suffer a load screen for more stuff.

    The hat thing during crafting both makes sense and bugs me. You probably would take off your hat to craft.
    Edited by Nestor on June 20, 2021 3:10AM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Paulytnz
    Nestor wrote: »
    Your ideas are good ones.

    I think the easiest way to solve the house issue is to instance interior cells. Maybe only in the larger homes. I would be will to suffer a load screen for more stuff.

    The hat thing during crafting both makes sense and bugs me. You probably would take off your hat to craft.

    Thanks for your reply Nestor. :)

    I agree what I am suggesting might/should only apply to the larger/largest houses. I would have no problem with the longer load times either.

    The hat thing is a weird one. When I first noticed it, it only happened on a couple of chars. At the time I was leveling up a new alt and it did not effect him. That is UNTIL he completed the main quest in Coldharbour and unlocked the Cadwell's Silver quest. All of a sudden - BOOM he too was hit with the Hat issue. It's strange but I think if it is a bug it is tied to the main quest some how, I can't see why or how tho - thus why I call it a strange one lol.

    Right now all of my chars have completed the Main Quest, so as you can imagine, any of them with hats are hit with this issue. Yet it does not effect any with Major Adornments, thus why I am using them more instead, which is just sad. :(

  • Hotdog_23
    Great list, all would be welcome improvement.

    For number 12 there is an option in the setting to prevent stealing items just sitting around like say an axe. You can still steal items in containers and so forth.

    Stay safe :)
  • Paulytnz
    Hotdog_23 wrote: »
    Great list, all would be welcome improvement.

    For number 12 there is an option in the setting to prevent stealing items just sitting around like say an axe. You can still steal items in containers and so forth.

    Stay safe :)

    Yeah I tried that option day 1. It's not ideal as it ruins something else, off the top of my head, can't remember what tho. That's the main reason I craft and turn in those quests in first person view. He still bumps you out of the way tho. :(
  • kargen27
    Only one I really disagree with is 13.

    THe random dungeon finder is how players that want to run a specific dungeon fill their group. Splitting the population would increase already long queue times for DPS.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Paulytnz
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Only one I really disagree with is 13.

    THe random dungeon finder is how players that want to run a specific dungeon fill their group. Splitting the population would increase already long queue times for DPS.

    I thought the purpose of the Daily Random was to help boost or fill out the groups in the regular groups who were waiting as well as what you described. The purpose of this suggestion is basically so we can get to certain DLC dungeons quicker in the rotation at the same rate as regular do.

    Having an extra DLC dungeon pledge might not split the population too much. It depends really I guess on how many people have access to the DLC dungeons and who actually want to do them.
  • Mythreindeer
    "Filet all fish" button would be better than a sack full of moon sugar.
  • Peacatcher
    Suggestion number 3 makes so much sense even though I don't really use outlaws refuges. In fact all your suggestions seem sensible to me and I'd love to be able to slot more siege items per your 1st suggestion.
    Ps4 EU
  • Paulytnz
    Thanks for the support guys. As you can probably see, I have been sitting on and compiling this list for some time. I just didn't have access to the forums.

    Every time I found something else that frustrated me I noted it down waiting for this day lol....
  • whitecrow
    Let us switch among bank, guild bank, and guild store without leaving the banker entirely.
  • kargen27
    Paulytnz wrote: »
    kargen27 wrote: »
    Only one I really disagree with is 13.

    THe random dungeon finder is how players that want to run a specific dungeon fill their group. Splitting the population would increase already long queue times for DPS.

    I thought the purpose of the Daily Random was to help boost or fill out the groups in the regular groups who were waiting as well as what you described. The purpose of this suggestion is basically so we can get to certain DLC dungeons quicker in the rotation at the same rate as regular do.

    Having an extra DLC dungeon pledge might not split the population too much. It depends really I guess on how many people have access to the DLC dungeons and who actually want to do them.

    I misread the post. Yeah two pledge givers for DLC might be a good thing.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Destai
    @Paulytnz I totally feel you on the crafting turn-in in Vvardenfell. I've posted a few times on him, always in the way. Thankfully he can be stabbed, which gets him out of the way momentarily. There really needs to be revamp of NPC behavior in this game, so many stalking and disruptive NPCs. And yeah, it'd be nice to have fast travel to DB and TG hideouts, especially if you have the skill lines.

    Commented here a while ago, so it's not a new complaint:
    Edited by Destai on June 20, 2021 8:20PM
  • Sylvermynx
    Paulytnz wrote: »

    7 - Please stop hiding my hats when I am crafting. I was sure this was a bug when it first came in because it only happened on a few of my chars, but now it happens on all. It is annoying. I want to see their hats, that is why they are wearing them! It also causes a delay in the camera too at times. I craft in first person view, when you go to the station it changes to a close up third person view and removes the hat. When you finish crafting and walk away from the table it sometimes takes a while for the camera to change back to first person. So I am walking along in 3rd person with no about annoying and immersion breaking.

    I'm not sure that's anything to do with the MQ (at least on PC) - I have a bosmer with the werewolf hunter hat on each account PC NA. One of them loses the hat during crafting, the other doesn't. Neither has completed the MQ.


    Edited by Sylvermynx on June 20, 2021 8:25PM
  • Athan1
    Your ideas are excellent! Fully agree with all of them. I'd pin this post!
    Edited by Athan1 on June 20, 2021 8:44PM
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Slyclone
    I like these ideas. It will take 5 years. ;)
    That's it, that's all.
  • Zenzuki
    Good read... Good ideas!

    As to number 4: You can already "fine tune" your marker placement around wayshrine symbols and such, by holding RT (right Trigger). This negates the snapping of the cross-hair, allowing you to place your marker exactly where you want it.

    Not exactly the "snap to" toggle you requested, but in essence, does what you're asking for and is in game currently. :smiley:

    Can Open...
  • disintegr8
    I'd like to see no. 2 - clean all fish.

    Similar to No.12, I'd like all pets to be automatically removed when players are in crafting areas, trading areas and writ hand-in areas. I assume the new companions can probably be added to this as well but I'm not sure how they function.
    Australian on PS4 NA server.
    Everyone's entitled to an opinion.
  • Dolphinsgal
    I like all your suggestions.
    Being able to fillet fish all at once would be extremely useful.
    Being able to rearrange my guilds would be nice to organize my guilds depending on what their main function is (more player guild slots 9 maybe would be nice).
    Either have the horse training be account wide or have a way to purchase training or have scrolls that lower training time.
    The really large houses need more than 700 slots, especially because of guild houses need more and more crafting tables (which takes slots) with each expansion. Guild house owners lose spots each and every chapter, which hampers their ability to individualize their house.
    Being able to set 2 houses as primary, that way someone who has a guild house but wants to participate in a housing contest can't due to the guild house taking priority in letting people in.
  • shalalaA7X
    Another to add to the list….
    I would like to see a writ pick up and turn in location for your house.
  • Paulytnz
    whitecrow wrote: »
    Let us switch among bank, guild bank, and guild store without leaving the banker entirely.

    This is a good one Whitecrow, so good I am going to put it on the list if you don't mind. With full credit to you of course. :)
  • Paulytnz
    I agree there are a lot of chars that need to be re-looked at, in fact I think they need to go right back and do a general pass over ALL quest starters and fix them. I didn't really want to get too much into that issue on this thread tho because I had already seen a lot of posts about it. Like you however, I guess Llandras Gathram just really, really gets on my nerves at times to the point I just HAD to post about him and just couldn't leave him out altogether lol. Thank you for keeping that issue alive. :)

    Thanks for the info. That's a little bit more info - So I guess there still are people where it is happening on just certain chars. Definately starting to sound more like a bug to me.

    You may be right lol. But you know what? I think this game still has 5 years of life still in it. ;)

    Thanks for that info, I will check that out!

    Thanks for the support! I have not had any issues with companions yet, but then again I am somewhat lucky in that department, being on console and I can/do play at non peak hours a lot due to my time zone. So if you are a PC player I could really see your frustrations and issues there. If not now, certainly in the future when more people have companions.

    So I agree, maybe a redesign of all crafting spots or simply a auto hide when "followers" of any kind (Companions/Combat Pets/Non combat Pets) come near them.

    I could agree about the Horse Training thing being Account wide, but I would suggest having it be a Crown Store purchase unlock or an added bonus to ESO+. Although I am not sure how that would work if you drop ESO+. My reason for this is there is already a system in place in game to deal with this, well 2 if you think about it. There are of course the Training Books from the crown store but apart from that you can simply do what I and I am sure many others did. That being:

    After I got my main's Horse training fully out of the way and realizing it takes 6 months I decided to devote myself to logging in each day on all my alts to fully max theirs out as well (I have 10 chars atm, 1 of each race) all at once - again in 6 months.

    I know that's not ideal but the option is there for a little bit of work/effort and foresight. I dunno I guess it's just not really that much of a concern for me, but I guess you could say I am biased since mine is already done.

    As for Guild Houses my last suggestion was the best I could think of as an offering to ZOS, to maybe get them to think outside of the box a bit since I have seen them state often now they wont/can't or shouldn't simply just give us more slots.

    2 Primary houses could be a good option tho. In fact I could go as far as say make ALL of our houses accessible to guild members. I have seen other games do it, but I am not sure if they could do it here in a decent way or if the game would handle it without needing a lot of resources/servers/whatever they would need on their part.

    I mean just the fact this game has downtime during maintenance boggles my mind and hints that things are not ideal......having said that I should mention I came from GW2 where there is NO downtime for the game during game updates (you simply log out, download the update and log straight back in) and if I recall correctly they don't even have a maintenance that often, maybe like once every 6 months or a year. Could be wrong I have not played that game in over a year or 2 now, but it was definitely much better than here and that game is older than this!

    Sorry went off topic there, but yeah, this game I don't know, the tech (at least it seems to my untrained eyes) just may not be totally capable or worth the cost/effort to ZOS.

    PLEASE NOTE - I not bashing the game! just stating the facts - I still love this game to bits! :)

    That would be nice but if we are going to go there we would also need the quest Starter Signs available there, as well as a fully functional bank (access to guild banks/Store) and merchant where we can repair etc...or of course the more logical option of letting us repair our own gear but - that is another topic for another day/thread and person. :p

    Even just your idea would have people screaming - Antisocial behavior in game is not good, come out of your houses so we can see you! To them I would say - learn the difference between antisocial and unsociable please!

    Thanks to all for reading my suggestions and taking the time to reply here. Even if I don't totally support your suggestions/ideas, I know you care about the game and want it to be the best it can be - like I do so thank you. :)
    Edited by Paulytnz on June 21, 2021 5:53AM
  • Paulytnz
    Oh yeah I forgot 1 more, added to list:

    Toggle for combat music please! I want to have the music playing but due to the annoying combat music I have to turn it off. Please add a toggle just for the combat music!
  • Lady_Galadhiel
    I am not a big fan of fishing but the few times I did fish I would have wished for an option to slice them all in one go.
    Also number 8 is needed,I find it wierd that on some characters some adorments are silver and on others gold.
    Total ESO playtime: 8325 hours
    ESO plus status: Cancelled
    ESO currently uninstalled.
  • Paulytnz
    I am not a big fan of fishing but the few times I did fish I would have wished for an option to slice them all in one go.
    Also number 8 is needed,I find it wierd that on some characters some adorments are silver and on others gold.

    Oh I never noticed that about adornments.

    Thanks for the bump. :)
  • SkaraMinoc
    For the love of Akatosh, please make sprint a toggle on/off. Holding down sprint for long durations is painful.

    It's also an accessibility issue.
    Edited by SkaraMinoc on August 2, 2021 5:51PM
    PC NA
  • Mik195
    And if I have a companion out and call my banker, return the companion when I dismiss the companion. I'm bad with quickslot (hand issues) and navigating the menus gets old.
  • Paulytnz
    SkaraMinoc wrote: »
    For the love of Akatosh, please make sprint a toggle on/off. Holding down sprint for long durations is painful.

    It's also an accessibility issue.

    It already is a toggle if you are on console. If not on PC well dang, it needs to be!
  • bruta
  • Enemy-of-Coldharbour
    • Furnishings Bag (like the craft bag)
    • Let us dye our mounts gear (so many mounts have been ruined by poor gear colors)
    • Companion self-storage (make them carry their own gear)
    • Toggles for day/night/weather (let us set the mood)
    • Exclusive, unlimited use dyes in the Crown Store (seriously, who buys those one-use dye packs?)
    Silivren (Silly) Thalionwen | Altmer Templar | Magicka | 9-Trait Master Crafter/Jeweler | Master Angler | PVE Main - Killed by U35
    Jahsul at-Sahan | Redguard Sorcerer | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites | PVP Main
    Derrok Gunnolf | Redguard Dragonknight | Stamina | Werewolf - Free Bites
    Liliana Littleleaf | 9-Trait Grand Master Crafter/Jeweler (non-combat)
    Amber Emberheart | Breton Dragonknight | Stamina | Master Angler
    Vlos Anon | Dunmer Nightblade | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Kalina Valos | Dunmer Warden | Magicka | Vampire - Free Bites
    Swiftpaws-Moonshadow | Khajiit Nightblade | Stamina
    Morgul Vardar | Altmer Necromancer | Magicka
    Tithin Geil | Altmer Sorceress | Magicka
    Dhryk | Imperial Dragonknight | Stamina

    Guild Master - ESO Traders Union
    PC/NA - CP 2290+
  • DtOG
    Your post was great man I agree with it all! May I add an option to delete all mail. We have the check boxes beside the mail, being able to delete all at once would be amazing
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