Maintenance for the week of September 9:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 9

Game-breaking invisible adds in trials (Xbox One) - [EDIT] STILL BROKEN AFTER SUPPOSED FIX

  • AlasseaNellas
    Soul Shriven
    Hi all,

    We wanted to confirm that we've seen your messages here about some lingering issues with invisible monsters, boss animations, and boss mechanics visuals not showing after the recent incremental patch. We're investigating - thank you for providing helpful specifics in your posts!

    Not only that.
    Equiping my gear takes forever. Game freeze for for like 10 sec every item i equip.
    Mounting up takes forever. Luckily my toon is running as fast as a mount, so not a freeze. After like 10 sec she mounts up.

    Using a crown repair kit. Freezes the game super long.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Cappelito
    Soul Shriven
    Im playing on a xbox one.
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

  • Kartoffelmuesli
    Soul Shriven

    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

    I had the issue on an Xbox one s after the patch dropped. In vSS for example I didn’t have any storm atronachs spawning in on the first boss at all. I have upgraded to an Xbox Series S. It has gotten better since but is not completely gone. In vKA for example on the first boss the totems kill me before they spawn in. Things tend to spawn in slower and I already get hit before I can see the enemy. As compared to the Xbox one S things didn’t spawn in at all. On the new Xbox things spawn in but with a massive delay.
  • eleia
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox one S, I’m having issues with late spawns of adds in vMOL still however been in both vAS and vCR since the update and those are fine for me now, but before the patch I couldn’t see any mechanics or adds and minis in vCR
    Edited by eleia on April 8, 2021 9:36AM
  • Grega
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

    @ZOS_GinaBruno I'm playing on current generation Xbox series X. 3-4 second lag when taking/putting items in and out of storage chests/bank. 3 second freezeups when swapping gear/repairing gear with a chance of DC or crash, which is probably most troublesome since that hinders most trial progressions presently.

    I personally haven’t encountered invisible adds or extra adds in trials since the fix patch but I’ve had people in the group who have. Many seem to still have those issues that are on older console. But the issues noted above are present on the latest console.
  • Jakengard
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

    We have a few:
    - 3x original Xbox One
    - 2x Xbox One S

    (these are the ones who are having the issues with invisible adds/mechanics/etc)
  • MJallday
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

    Xbox one x with external SSD
  • FaceDancer
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

    I'm playing on an Xbox one s digital only and still having problems
  • FlyingDutch92
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!

    Playing on an original Xbox One
  • Grega

    @ZOS_GinaBruno Just have a quick look at this video in public dungeon. The amount of server lag since last update is pretty intense. I’d post video here directly but is not letting me from a mobile device.
    Edited by Grega on April 8, 2021 2:05AM
  • zAlpxne
    Soul Shriven
    Xbox one X post patch, late ad spawns 2-4 seconds. Bank items transfer delays 4 - 10 seconds.
  • AlasseaNellas
    Soul Shriven
    I play xbox one x.
    I see the adds. But i have the other problems.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • YoshinJaa
    Xbox Series S, adds are about 2-4s delayed some cases. Blackrose Prison first round, first stage takes about 5-8s on average for adds to show. Game installed on external hard drive.

    EDIT: A console PTS/flighting version of ESO would be amazing to catch console-specific bugs before new release. Just saying. Several other games have it and it would help tremendously in my opinion with squashing bugs that plague console.
    Edited by YoshinJaa on April 8, 2021 6:31PM
  • Kartoffelmuesli
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    Yes I do.
  • Jakengard
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    For us:
    - The 3x Xbox One, none of them using external hard drives
    - The 2x Xbox One S, one of them using external hard drive, the other is not

    EDIT: turns out one of the One S people is using external

    Edited by Jakengard on April 9, 2021 7:15AM
  • SerraKBella
    Xbox one X - There is also a delay when coming into a Harrowstorm, it takes a few seconds to see the pillars and other adds.

    The banks, equipping armor, eating food also cause the game to freeze for anywhere from 3-30 seconds.

    The Guild rosters still list people as last online 624 months ago, when I know they were on just that day.

    Edit: No external hard drive
    Edited by SerraKBella on April 8, 2021 7:26PM
  • Cappelito
    Soul Shriven
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    I am not using an externa hard drive to my original xbox one.
  • FlyingDutch92
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    Original XBox One, not using an external hard drive
  • MJallday
    Yes, Samsung 580 500gb SSD
  • Ishtarknows
    Xbox EU, xbox 1x with external SSD.

    After travelling into an area - town in pve or pvp, or delve, or instanced area (skyreach, brp, some trials) there's a period of time where I can neither see nor interact with anything that's not scenery or furniture and any skills cast don't show animation but sometimes cast. It can take the better part of a minute from summoning my banker or merchant to being able to interact with them.

    I also get the invisible mount thing where my mount doesn't spawn for a few seconds while I race along at mounted speed.

    Eating food/pot/using scroll/gutting fish etc causes a long pause (anywhere from ~3-12 seconds) when being done in menu but is instant if quick slotted.

    Edited: Falkreath Hold was interesting to tank today. I was attacked by invisible enemies before reaching the gate to FH and the seige mammoth took a while to become visible to me. After dying to stuff I couldn't see I just gave up. Can't tank what you can't see
    Edited by Ishtarknows on April 9, 2021 1:13PM
  • DreadDaedroth
    Still bugged, Xbox one serie s no external drive.
    Edited by DreadDaedroth on April 13, 2021 6:27PM
  • Grega
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    I am using only internal SSD storage on Xbox series X, with all the before mentioned issues appearing presently.

    One issue I’ve forgotten to mention is filleting fish also freezes game for 5 seconds with a chance of DC or crash. I ended up destroying stacks simply out of frustration as it seemed easier.

    Granted invisible adds and swapping gear issues would be on priority list before fixing fish issues. Unless all of this is caused by the same issue, I do wonder have y’all actually found out what exactly is causing all this?
    Edited by Grega on April 9, 2021 6:35PM
  • Jakengard
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    Had another couple of people giving info - 3 more original xboxes, all using internal HDDs
  • alcoraptor
    For those of you continuing to run into this issue, could you please clarify which model Xbox you're playing on? Thanks!
    Thanks for the information, everyone. Could you also let us know if you're using an external hard drive?

    We have 2x xbox one x and 1x xbox one s, all with internal HDDs.
    All of them have texture load issues where ads, NPCs, world items and even the player character do not load in for upwards of 10 seconds at times. Other player characters often all load in untextured as well.
    There are also issues where bosses load in but do not animate in combat (e.g. Z'Maja or the Gryphons in CR), which makes it impossible to see any telegraphed attacks
    Praise Vivec! You were there to stop Alexandra Conele from capturing the coral heart!
  • Ishtarknows
    Grega wrote: »

    One issue I’ve forgotten to mention is filleting fish also freezes game for 5 seconds with a chance of DC or crash. I ended up destroying stacks simply out of frustration as it seemed easier.

    It's not a fix by any means, but if you quick slot fish like a potion you can fillet it quickly. It was aways quicker than from inventory for me anyway, but way more important now.
  • A_mean_old_cat
    Xbox series x and while I don’t have any ad delays I did have yoln just not appear at all and I couldn’t even damage him until we wiped in vss, but I’m still having gear swap delays. Maybe they can just add dressing room to console and then they won’t have to worry about this bug if anyone can swap their gear all at once lol.
  • Konstanz
    Xbox One S - Minecraft Edition.
    • 99 little bugs in the code
    • 99 little bugs
    • Take one out, pass it around
    • 287,439 bugs in the code
  • Rittings
    Same issue on PS4 too. In vmol last night and half the group couldn’t see adds spawning in... it’s a nightmare when it’s your tanks being effected.
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