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DOM - King Narilmor

I would say King Narilmor is one of the PUG killer in the game .


The day DOM launched , those copies can be taunted by tank and lead them all to corners , DPS aoe them at once , healer focus on healing .
I think it was the typical method .

I don't remember what patch made the adds wont follow , wow , the nightmare started ...

King Narilmor is still plugable but really hard , even you explained all mechanics to the PUG dps and healer , it's very tough for inexperienced dps and healer .

My tank completed the this HM , but I felt sad I cant help much in this fight , can dev do something if possible ? like the real King indication or all copies follow the tank again or fake copies hp show like HRC upper boss copies ?

It's really sad I saw those players spent hours and left .

Thank you .
  • Taleof2Cities
    The first rule in Depths of Malatar is to absolutely not use the group finder if you have a goal or expectation for the dungeon run, @ccfeeling.

    Find a pre-made group if you're looking for a clear or have a limited amount of time.

    The King Narilmor fight is one of the few dungeon bosses in the entire game that requires an experienced healer. Similarly, if the DPS don't know the mechanics, the fight can go for a very long time ... possibly infinitely.

    Personally, I don't think ZOS should adjust the boss mechanics.

    Players simply need to spend a few minutes learning the dungeon. After all, they're choosing to make the step up to DLC content.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on December 30, 2020 4:37AM
  • tomofhyrule
    They can be pulled to a point, but they don't follow you directly. You pretty much need to poke one and then run to the opposite corner to get that one to come into the middle, sort of like standard grouping on ranged adds like the flameshapers in HRC. Rinse and repeat for the others.

    Most times when I'm running with my guild, I pretty well spend the whole time sprinting to group them so I don't really get to see the rest of the fight. Good DPS can take the fake ones down while they're still being grouped up, but it doesn't always work well. I actually prefer melee taunting these guys since I have to run to the edges to group them anyway. And even then, half the time they don't group too nicely. Still, I have stam problems since I'm sprinting the whole time, and the ice pillars really slow things down.
  • code65536
    When the dungeon launched, you could taunt all 4 copies, jam yourself into the corner with the pile of coins, and the slope of the coin terrain creates line-of-sight issues that caused all four to bunch up really close together.

    They later fixed this problem be eliminating the slope of the coin pile, so the terrain is now flat. WIthout LoS, the copies will only come as far as needed to get into range and will not stack up.

    The solution to this is to go to one corner and then to the adjacent corner. It doesn't matter which two corners you choose, as long as the second corner is adjacent to the first. For example, you might taunt all 4 and then jam yourself into the southeast corner. Once they've gone as far as they could go, you then jam yourself into the northeast corner, and that will result in a reasonably close stack.

    The King Narilmor fight is one of the few dungeon bosses in the entire game that requires an experienced healer.

    No it doesn't. What it requires is situational awareness. The damage in that fight is avoidable. Difficult to avoid, yes. But avoidable.

    If you do have a healer, the healer should be healing Tharayya, not the players. The duel between Quintus and Tharayya during the fight is not just some background show. It actually has implications for the boss fight. If Tharayya is subdued by Quintus, he will debuff all of the players with two effects: Extreme Defile, reducing the healing received by players and Extreme Maim, reducing the damage output done by the players. And the only way you can help Tharayya as she battles Quintus is to keep her healed with AoE heals. There's a reason that Tharayya calls "Help me!" to the players, and there's even an achievement for never letting Quintus subdue Tharayya. These are both hints for how the mechanics of that fight works.

    What makes this fight difficult is that mechanics happen on a timer. For groups with low damage, they will expend all that damage on dispatching the clones and have little or no opportunity to actually damage the boss. I've gotten this dungeon a number of times as a random vet when I queue with my tank, and I've seen groups take up to 12 minutes to kill this boss. My most recent kill of this boss, as a tank in a random group, took 10:45 minutes. And with some groups, the damage is so low that it's literally impossible to clear, since they can't even clear the clones each round.

    I.e., this fight is a massive DPS check. And the difficulty scales non-linearly with damage output in the sense that having twice as much damage output makes the fight way more than twice as easy. My most recent kill of this boss with a (healerless) premade group of endgame players took a mere 45 seconds. The boss died before it could split a second time. Comparing the logs from the premade group and the random group, the premade group's damage was 3.7x higher, but the fight went 14.3x faster--this is what I mean by the difficulty scaling non-linearly with damage output. For high-damage groups, the fight is made even easier because you can safely ignore the clones. If the boss never splits more than once, then there's no need to worry about the accumulation of unkilled clones, and players can just focus damage on the real copy and ignore the clones (in which case, the tank's job is not to stack the clones, but rather to maximize debuffs on the real copy) (to identify the real copy, listen carefully to the boss's voice lines--following the direction of the audio cue will point you to the real copy).

    So what's the healer's role in all this? The healer's job is to boost the group's damage, since this fight is so strongly dependent on DPS levels. Either directly by doing damage themselves (e.g., healerless 3-DD group) or indirectly by directing their heals towards Tharayya so that Quintus does not win and the group can avoid the damage loss from Extreme Maim. Either way, the DDs and tank are largely on their own. Tanks should be able to self-heal through the damage that they take. And DDs need to have the situational awareness to avoid the call lightning, meteors, and Dawnbreakers.

    (For the record, I don't like the design of this fight. It's way too dependent on DPS levels and that results in a highly polarized experience. It's way too easy for endgame groups. And way too hard for everyone else.)
    Edited by code65536 on December 30, 2020 7:22AM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • ccfeeling
    Thanks code65536 , impressive explanation :)

    I remember I watched your written guide when DOM 1st launch lol .
  • LashanW
    Every time I did this boss it was by focusing the real one only, but like Code explained, it requires good dps and the players knowing how to find the real one. Code already mentioned the audio dialog cue.

    I'd also like to add that you can also find the real one using debuff icons. First splitting happen at boss HP 90% iirc. Any debuffs you put on the boss will still be visible on the real one after splitting (stuff like alkosh debuff, ele drain, minor vulnerability etc). Base game has options to display target debuff icons in top middle of your screen, addons also offer more advanced options. Just aim at the clones and see which one has all the debuff icons, that's the real one.
    Edited by LashanW on December 30, 2020 8:12AM
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  • ccfeeling
    Yes LashanW , you're right .

    But you know , sometimes when DPS isn't that high enough in PUG , few mins later , there are over 6 cones in the room .

    Meteor ground effect , lighting balls ground effect , ice pillars , Dawnbreaker of Smitings , Radiant Oppressions and numbers of spell effects from players , tank also busy on taunting and provide group supports , dps and healer work hard to stay alive and find the real target ... what a messy fight .

    Like code said it's absolutely a DPS race but I believe players won't expect in random vet .
  • Rehdaun
    The first rule in Depths of Malatar is to absolutely not use the group finder if you have a goal or expectation for the dungeon run, @ccfeeling.

    Not true at all. Got my Purified Devastator title with a group finder tank. As the old saying goes "only fools deal in absolutes."
  • oddbasket
    Can still be pulled, I've tanked this after greymoor, though they don't followed all the way to the corner since they attack from range, but can still be grouped off centre of the room if you run into a corner.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Rehdaun wrote: »
    The first rule in Depths of Malatar is to absolutely not use the group finder if you have a goal or expectation for the dungeon run, @ccfeeling.

    Not true at all. Got my Purified Devastator title with a group finder tank. As the old saying goes "only fools deal in absolutes."

    That's great for you, @Rehdaun, but it's not the best idea to recommend to other players who may be reading the thread.

    The core part of my post is that you don't want to PUG Depths of Malatar if you have an expectation of the end result.

    If you don't care what the end result is, then great ... a player might end up just like you.

    The King Narilmor fight is one of the few dungeon bosses in the entire game that requires an experienced healer.
    code65536 wrote: »
    No it doesn't. What it requires is situational awareness. The damage in that fight is avoidable. Difficult to avoid, yes. But avoidable.

    @code65536, not every player runs the dungeon as soon as it is out on PTS to nail down mechanics. Not every player runs with guildies or a pre-made group. The OP specifically is talking about PUG groups ... where there's a wide array of playstyles and not every player is going to have a "situational awareness" that you and your groups have.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on January 1, 2021 10:05PM
  • code65536
    @code65536, not every player runs the dungeon as soon as it is out on PTS to nail down mechanics. Not every player runs with guildies or a pre-made group. The OP specifically is talking about PUG groups ... where there's a wide array of playstyles and not every player is going to have a "situational awareness" that you and your groups have.

    You clearly have not fully read what I wrote.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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  • Rehdaun
    If you don't care what the end result is, then great ... a player might end up just like you

    IKR? Might just end up with the title.
  • zvavi
    @code65536 the current stacking strategy I do as the tank with low dmg groups (let's number the corners, corner n1 is right to the exit, 2 left to exit, 3 entrance, 4 last corner).
    I stand around corner 4, taunt all 4 of them in the order of 2134, make sure king 1 left his corner, then make myself stand in the small triangular corner in corner 1. It stacks them pretty nicely within very short time.
  • code65536
    code65536 wrote: »
    @code65536, not every player runs the dungeon as soon as it is out on PTS to nail down mechanics. Not every player runs with guildies or a pre-made group. The OP specifically is talking about PUG groups ... where there's a wide array of playstyles and not every player is going to have a "situational awareness" that you and your groups have.

    You clearly have not fully read what I wrote.

    My previous response was a bit terse since I was about to head out the door. But to elaborate...
    • Thanks for assuming that I have no idea what the fight is like with a PUG, even though I discuss at length in my post what the fight is like with a PUG. Yes, I do often run with premade groups that breeze through in less than a minute. But I wasn't kidding when I said I've been in a group that took 12 minutes. And I've seen everything in between, though for this fight, because it's so polarizing, there isn't as much in between and instead the extremes tend to be somewhat more common.
    • The incoming damage on that fight is very bursty. If you get whacked by a meteor and call lightning at the same time, I don't care if you have a healer or not, you're dead.
    • Yes, healers can make it easier to survive by making some of the mistakes more forgiving. And players that don't die will do more damage than players that do die. But that doesn't mean that it "requires" a healer (to use your words). I've been in PUGs that cleared the fight with the healer lying dead on the ground for most of it.
    • It's irrelevant whether you're talking about PUGs or premades, awareness is important, because no healer is going to save you if you keep standing in the meteors. And often in PUGs it takes a few pulls before the DDs learn to avoid the damage. You know... hone their awareness. And you know what? That's part of learning the fight, not something to dismiss as you just did.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

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    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • universal_wrath
    Rehdaun wrote: »
    The first rule in Depths of Malatar is to absolutely not use the group finder if you have a goal or expectation for the dungeon run, @ccfeeling.

    Not true at all. Got my Purified Devastator title with a group finder tank. As the old saying goes "only fools deal in absolutes."

    That's great for you, @Rehdaun, but it's not the best idea to recommend to other players who may be reading the thread.

    The core part of my post is that you don't want to PUG Depths of Malatar if you have an expectation of the end result.

    If you don't care what the end result is, then great ... a player might end up just like you.

    The King Narilmor fight is one of the few dungeon bosses in the entire game that requires an experienced healer.
    code65536 wrote: »
    No it doesn't. What it requires is situational awareness. The damage in that fight is avoidable. Difficult to avoid, yes. But avoidable.

    @code65536, not every player runs the dungeon as soon as it is out on PTS to nail down mechanics. Not every player runs with guildies or a pre-made group. The OP specifically is talking about PUG groups ... where there's a wide array of playstyles and not every player is going to have a "situational awareness" that you and your groups have.

    Still what @code65536 said it correct. Every boss fight in the game has cue to explain the mechanics whither visual or audible. I fail to understand how people don't notice obvious cue. Like, you can meteor being casted at your location, can you not see the big red circle? You can block or leave the circle to negate the damage. What I see? Someone siting there with 13k HP that gets one shot by the meteor every single time, and then they blame healer for not healing. This boss fight does not require a healer if most players can self heal and avoid red circle. NPC is not a big deal, it will delay the fight a bit, but nit as bad as it used to be, since both mqjor defile and main reduced from 30 to 15%. I have done this particular dungeon with pugs more times thatn I did fungul grotto 1 for farming purposes. About 70% of the time did I get queue with people who have little understanding of basic dungeon mechanics 101. Healers for thus dungeon as well as many others are not a neccassity but convinience. If you have 20k dps, you can clear this boss "king Narilmor" as long as you don't die and your tqnk can stack the bosses quickly. Being dead 70% of the time from avoidable AOEs, or getting one shot, just makes a person looks like ....
    Edited by universal_wrath on January 2, 2021 1:26AM
  • tsaescishoeshiner
    LashanW wrote: »
    Every time I did this boss it was by focusing the real one only, but like Code explained, it requires good dps and the players knowing how to find the real one. Code already mentioned the audio dialog cue.

    I'd also like to add that you can also find the real one using debuff icons. First splitting happen at boss HP 90% iirc. Any debuffs you put on the boss will still be visible on the real one after splitting (stuff like alkosh debuff, ele drain, minor vulnerability etc). Base game has options to display target debuff icons in top middle of your screen, addons also offer more advanced options. Just aim at the clones and see which one has all the debuff icons, that's the real one.

    Another way to find the real boss is to listen for his voice. When he reappears with 3 copies, only one of them speaks, and that's the real one.

    This helped my pug groups a lot back when it came out. I just told the other DPS to attack only the one I was attacking. I hope this trick still works
    in-game: @tsaescishoeshiner
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