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Urgent: Help new players pls zos, vets are speed running all normal dungeons 😣😣😣

  • Kaartinen
    I ran 3 accounts through all of the normal dungeons to level them during this event and rarely came across anyone speeding through. Mostly just some players with horrid dps spamming light attacks and holding everyone back.

    I guess you can call them fake roles, but I think they're just not good at what they do.

    The best course of action is to find players that feel the same way you do and befriend them. If finding a guild is too difficult, these forums can offer companionship. Xbox has a LFG feature that also works well. Best part is, you only need 3 other people for the dungeons.
    Edited by Kaartinen on December 29, 2020 10:32PM
  • defcon.dealer1b14_ESO
    @Wolfpaw I've never had the time to watch a episode of Mando on Disney +....but, the few times I've gone 'leeroy-jenkins' and asked to wait, it wasn't long and didn't ruin my run.

    @Faiza Unfortunately every game and real life, there are people that won't be a compatible fit to roll with and or hangout with.

    @idk Yes.
    I'm offended that ur offended....

    PC NA
    PSN NA
  • idk
    @Faiza Unfortunately every game and real life, there are people that won't be a compatible fit to roll with and or hangout with.

    @idk Yes.

    Which of course goes back to asking the GF to place one into a group of random players is literally asking for a group of random players. Odd how we sometimes get what we request.
  • Iccotak
    Implement a Story mode option for one player paired with three NPC adventurers.

    The player can set the pace for taking their time with the story.

    The team communicate and coordinate with the player to clearly relay the mechanics of dungeons.

    This way when they get into a player group they have a better idea of what they’re getting into.

    It will of course be easier and have considerably less rewards. If they want to farm then they can join the group queue.
  • defcon.dealer1b14_ESO
    idk wrote: »
    @Faiza Unfortunately every game and real life, there are people that won't be a compatible fit to roll with and or hangout with.

    @idk Yes.

    Which of course goes back to asking the GF to place one into a group of random players is literally asking for a group of random players. Odd how we sometimes get what we request.


    I take the good and the bad with any game I roll.

    In my personal gaming experiences, there isn't any I've rolled that was 100% what I would incorporate (if I made a game) , but, I still enjoy most of my game time.

    Every gaming fourm looks the same. 😎
    I'm offended that ur offended....

    PC NA
    PSN NA
  • Wing
    as a vet player i love queueing as a tank for normal mode noob dungeons (i know the unlock order so get new players more often then most)

    i get to relax, chill, make sure they have a successful stress free run, i have alot of fun sherpa'ing new players through easy (for me) dungeons.

    i can attest to the annoyance of having one person zerg it, i feel like it always a mag sorc acting like there trying to set a speed run record.
    ESO player since beta.
    full time subscriber.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • Wolfpaw
    @Wolfpaw I've never had the time to watch a episode of Mando on Disney +....but, the few times I've gone 'leeroy-jenkins' and asked to wait, it wasn't long and didn't ruin my run.

    @Faiza Unfortunately every game and real life, there are people that won't be a compatible fit to roll with and or hangout with.

    @idk Yes.

    Same here. Like I said, I sit back toss a few skills to keep them buffed and healed, chill.

    & Mando is great.
  • defcon.dealer1b14_ESO
    @Wolfpaw No doubt friend 👍

    And yea, one of the best series around, imo.
    I'm offended that ur offended....

    PC NA
    PSN NA
  • AcadianPaladin
    I only pug for normal basic alliance zones that I can solo with my healer (CP1450). That makes things pretty relaxing for me. As a healer, I don't drive the train (the tank preferably does that) regarding pace. My job is to stay with the group (whatever the pace) and support as best I can. Though I prefer slower runs, I don't object to faster runs where the group stays together. My disappointment comes when the group splits up, most typically with one dps racing ahead. So I have to decide where to position, generally deferring to staying near the tank but sometimes staying back with the slow players - particularly if it looks like they are trying to do the quest. This is an interesting thread and a couple ideas come to mind for consideration.

    Early in the thread someone suggested that boss fights don't start until all 4 are present. If that was changed from 'all 4' to the 'full group' (allowing for solos, duos, trios or a full 4 person team) I'd be all in for that.

    Since it seems part of the carrot is that randoms yield more gems, perhaps randoms could exclude pledge dungeons. A player who wants to run more slowly then might have a better chance at getting a slower run by queuing for a pledge that way instead of a random. I don't run randoms so I don't know for sure if that would work well.

    I agree with others who urge against more queuing specific options. The queue times for dps are already slow enough without further subdividing players I think.
    Edited by AcadianPaladin on December 29, 2020 11:51PM
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Calm_Fury
    I am levelling a new character and I can see the pain.

    Even though I've ran those dungeons millions of times, it is still VERY annoying when 3 sub-50 players get put in a dungeon with a 1000+CP that just goes ahead and kills everything. Most of the times you can't even get loot because by the time you get to the boss, it is dead.

    I liked the other suggestion someone posted here the other day, to have a separate sub-50 queue for dungeons.

    But ZOS doesn't care. Just look at the fake roles problem. It has been plaguing the game for years and we didn't even get an official response that this shouldn't be done.

    Unfortunately I don't think the dungeon queue is anywhere near the top of the list of priorities for ZOS.
  • aetherial_heavenn
    I would like a story mode option in group finder available for quest completions for first timers, for all of us to learn to play a new class/role when guildies or friends are not around, or for others like me, who are sometimes in the mood to just mosey through a dungeon and maybe help other people learn where to stand etc.

    This mode would be equal in difficulty to the #1 dungeons available at level 10.
    The bosses would be un-targetable until all dialogue has played and ready check completed (all read a scroll...or open door..etc)

    I'd particularly like this for the newer DLC's which I have done on normal and vet on 2 or 3 characters but still am utterly vague on the story lines.

    Maybe the 'gotta get em all' sticker book collection system, plus the events, plus transmutes being more numerous in dungeons than trial drop rates for time spent, are contributing to more speed runners in the easier dungeons than usual.
    Some refinements to story mode: kite flying
    A solo option could be made available...although that would be a big system change. That, combined with loot drops would mean a huge chunk of speed runners would just solo story-mode for the completing basic set items or quest skill points in some dungeons.
    Loot would be white versions of whatever set is usually dropped. Helms jewels and weapons would drop as they do now. So not in story mode.
    No random daily rewards from story mode, so there is still an incentive to mix up the various eso players and play-styles by choosing random normals or vets; thereby encouraging mixing players and play-styles, introducing people to guilds, making friends etc. All of which I have done in PUGs.
    Hopefully these suggestions should keep the reward table, stable while allowing determined soloers and skill point chasers to just get it done and hopefully encourage some supportive grouping for story line questers and new players.
    Quoted for truth
    "In my experience, the elite ones have not been very toxic, and the toxic ones not very elite." WrathOfInnos
  • Kiralyn2000
    "Been there, done that, just here for the daily credit" veterans (and who have no time to bother with the rest of the group who might not be on board) isn't anything new - I remember people complaining about that back in the early WoW expansions.

    How to solve it effectively (instead of in ways that just annoy everyone, or that can be exploited right out of again) is the hard part.
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on December 29, 2020 11:59PM
  • Sylvermynx
    "Been there, done that, just here for the daily credit" veterans (and who have no time to bother with the rest of the group who might not be on board) isn't anything new - I remember people complaining about that back in the early WoW expansions.

    How to solve it effectively (instead of in ways that just annoy everyone, or that can be exploited right out of again) is the hard part.

    Exactly. That very thing is why I started my own family and friends guilds on Shadowsong and Icecrown - a few people I met in game on Shadowsong insisted they'd be fine with me part of the group for whatever instance it was (don't remember now - was mid-2006) after I explained about badlag (it was REALLY bad back then.... like 2k+ ms), but when we got in there they got all over me about everything I couldn't do.... Wasn't fun.

    Family and friends were fine with it - except nephew who was..... um.... taking after my arrogant pompous brother. So after a while we just didn't have him along....
  • Anotherone773
    nukk3r wrote: »
    How long does one plan to stay a "beginner"? All the beginners I've met were eager to jump into end game ASAP. They constantly asked "when I'm allowed to do this? when I'm allowed to do that?". I completed DLC hardmodes with a guy who was just a month into the game. We carried him through normal content for XP and he learned to play in vet, where you actually encounter the mechanics. IMO it has nothing to do with being a beginner, just the will to learn how to play the game in a most efficient way.

    You don't have to be a new player to enjoy running dungeons at a casual pace. I have been playing years been 810 for almost 2 years and i still like to casually run through dungeons. Just because speed runners/pledgers and the like want to turn it into a job doesn't mean i do.

    I will never want to speed run dungeons whether i play another 2 years or another 20. It just doesn't do anything for me. I enjoy the dungeons and want to take my time in them. I also do it for the social aspect as i don't do a lot of group activities in this game.
  • KaGaOri
    Kinda wish boss wouldn't spawn until whole group is in the reasonable vicinity / inside boss room (if there's gate that closes). Plus would add option to report player for being rear end orifice to rest of the group and if enough individual players reported them, the player would get some time to think about their behavior away from dungeon finder.

    If there's speedrun, it should be done as a group at max speed of the slowest player, preferably after everyone agreed to it.

    Dungeons on 750+ CP dd are fun and games. Dungeons on lvl 25 healer are just pain thanks to all these crystal farmers. Since new to healing, wanted to learn somewhere mistakes won't cause wipes and ruin runs, but will have to wait till lvl 50 and able to slap on CPs and figgure it out as I go in vet content, I gues :| .
  • DT-ARR
    There’s nothing to stop. If you don’t like me running through queued as tank (with inner fire) on a dps character then feel free to leave the group. I don’t care either way.

    Why are you the way that you are...

  • SupremeRissole
    Some players have limited time to play, so if they can get it done in 10 minutes why would they deliberately slow down and do it in 40 minutes because someone wants to read every dialogue. Even if you kick them for being too fast they can just re-queue and probably still get it done faster than the initial group.
    The argument that those players should find like minded players to pre-group, can be said for the slower players as well.
    My point being, there is equal validity and reasoning for both slow and fast players, neither group likes the other.
    Either way, you can't complain about random pug groups, you may get a really skilled and understanding tank, you may get a nightblade spamming bow light attacks and kiting the boss out of AOE's... it's random and if you dont like it you need to either leave group, kick the guy you don't like, or get on with it.
  • DT-ARR
    Some players have limited time to play, so if they can get it done in 10 minutes why would they deliberately slow down and do it in 40 minutes because someone wants to read every dialogue. Even if you kick them for being too fast they can just re-queue and probably still get it done faster than the initial group.
    The argument that those players should find like minded players to pre-group, can be said for the slower players as well.
    My point being, there is equal validity and reasoning for both slow and fast players, neither group likes the other.
    Either way, you can't complain about random pug groups, you may get a really skilled and understanding tank, you may get a nightblade spamming bow light attacks and kiting the boss out of AOE's... it's random and if you dont like it you need to either leave group, kick the guy you don't like, or get on with it.

    You think the casual / new player doesn't have limited playing time either...?

    Real talk. Are you honestly in favor of screwing other players via wasting their time in a 20+minute long queue, when the current game structure / mechanics doesn't allow them to take part / gain the benefits of the quests or loot simply bc 1 inconsiderate d-bag with no thought for others sprinted ahead without even the slightest bit of courtesy?

    The PUG excuse be damned. This is just dumb outdated game mechanics that doesn't take into account the new reality of a diminished player base and power creep. An update is required.

    Cmon now.
    Edited by DT-ARR on December 30, 2020 3:51AM
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    I had a guild owner who asked me to tank a dungeon then them and the rest they had kept running ahead of me and at that point it's like why did you even ask me to tank? I like the group to stay together and it's good practice for working as a group for when I do harder content.
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    Personally I find people running ahead of group annoying especially if I'm the tank I once had a group who kept running ahead and pulling everything so I ended up just standing back clapping then they died on the final boss and got pissy at me and kicked me.
  • JKorr
    nukk3r wrote: »
    How long does one plan to stay a "beginner"? All the beginners I've met were eager to jump into end game ASAP. They constantly asked "when I'm allowed to do this? when I'm allowed to do that?". I completed DLC hardmodes with a guy who was just a month into the game. We carried him through normal content for XP and he learned to play in vet, where you actually encounter the mechanics. IMO it has nothing to do with being a beginner, just the will to learn how to play the game in a most efficient way.

    Most efficient way? Are we getting paid for how much or how many times we complete content? Is there a list of posted requirements where you're only allowed to play if you do X amount of content in Y amount of time? When did the game get turned into a job that has to be completed in the "most efficient way"?
  • SammyKhajit
    For those who like to speed run, why don’t you do it solo instead of going through a GF? It’s like going along to a social event where the point is to interact a little bit (in this case, work as a team), but instead you just grab some food and leave 😕

    Anyhow, give us a story mode with NPCs to pick from to form a team. Pointless creating a speed run mode as such people wouldn’t be considerate enough to use it.
  • NoMoreChillies
    simple fix:

    Increase Tansmute crystals to 25 per vet dungeon run

    No vet player i know would run normal dungeon for 10 crystals with this option available
    Insulting people on the internet is cowardly.
  • redspecter23
    simple fix:

    Increase Tansmute crystals to 25 per vet dungeon run

    No vet player i know would run normal dungeon for 10 crystals with this option available

    Many might still do normal, especially if they can guarantee a lowbie in the group. I can run normal fungal grotto 1 on 10 toons in the time I could do some of the vet DLC dungeons.

    You could do similar with vet dungeons by just having someone else in the group that does not have ESO+. At that point the vet for 25 is probably a better deal, but you're still jumping through some hoops.
  • colossalvoids
    The only fix I can see is to increase random vet crystals reward currently. But still probably will cause backlash from players that are yet to be competent to be there, or even more (if it's possible to be even more) players pressing vet random and getting into fresh dlc dungeon where they do not belong yet and hindering the groups.
  • stefj68
    random queue is random, you get what you get, and deal with it!
    or queue with guildmates
    talking sometimes help to slow down the pace
  • LashanW
    For those who like to speed run, why don’t you do it solo instead of going through a GF?
    Because the daily xp reward and 10 transmute crystal reward is not available without using the GF.
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • Minyassa
    I'm sorry you had crappy guilds who didn't care about guildmates. If you are on PC/NA please PM me and I will tell you about the one I'm in. We go out of our way to, you know, actually make friends with guildies, and not be a-holes to people. Sometimes assumptions might be made--I had this happen last week, and all I had to say was "I'm on a lowbie and I need to do the quest, can we please not speed run this" and they were "oops sorry, np". All it takes is finding people who actually think of other players as human beings with feelings, it's amazing what difference that makes.
  • codierussell
    The content is 6 years old, you can't blame people for wanting it over quickly and move on to other things. Not to mention normal dungeons are stupid easy.

    The only thing ZOS can do about it is make it harder, which then in turn makes newer players unable to complete content. You can't have it both ways, either it is too easy and players run through fast or it is hard and you have everyone on the forums crying because they can't beat it.
  • Recent
    Sarannah wrote: »
    ZOS should have addressed the fake roles situation a long time ago. This situation is only getting worse(expanding with speedrunners), and it getting worse was only a question of time. Since nothing is done to stop those types of players. My guess is, that pretty soon players like that will find yet another way to screw over regular players.

    Just place heavy restrictions on roles to stop fake roles. Besides that: Do not allow bossfights to be skipped, and do not allow bossfights to start with less than 3 players in the boss arena. Speedrunner problem solved.

    I agree 100% ..fake rokes ruining the game too in vet dungeons it's ridiculous
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