Will you stay subbed after your free play time will run out?

  • Lisa
    Yes, I will stay subbed.
    At the rate I'm going, I'll have plenty to do for a while. I can't play as often as I'd like. I'm still level 18 and just started Stormhaven. So much to do, so little video game time! :'(
    Blessed are those who explore the unbeaten path...
  • Sylveria_Relden
    Yes, I will stay subbed.
    I don't "invest" in any game I play without research and careful thought- any money I've spent I consider to be "disposable income", yet I am careful with my investment. I research it if possible- and decisions made on games that are impossible to do so are based on the company's overall reputation. If I'm a prior customer, then it's easier to make such decisions.

    That said, I feel like ESO deserves a chance to blossom and evolve- I do see a lot of flaws, but I also see a lovingly crafted game which doesn't feel as "hollow" as many others I've tried. To the companies that have chosen the cash-grab route- I'm considered one of those customers they'll never earn back. Fortunately, I know I know I'm not alone- the number of which is increasing with every failed release.

    Are there people who will throw a tantrum and leave because their expectations weren't met? Sure. They always exist. You can think of them as the kids in the sandbox screaming "I'm taking my toys and going home! I'm not playing with you anymore!" Are there similarly "fanbois/fangurls" who will defend the game till its dying breath clutching the last desperate hopes? Sure. They always exist, too. The reality is that those who've made smart decisions will win regardless- because they see the experience itself as the most important part. I didn't pay for ESO so I could see some "tangible, physical" reward- I paid for the experience. And with such knowledge I'll either continue to remain a paying customer depending on the choices of the company- or I'll eventually leave and move onto something else later.

    I can tell you one thing- as an experienced MMO player for many years I've come to realize the value of this game, both in terms of story/rpg/sp elements but also in MMO/pvp/end-game elements as well. They did a wonderful job of marrying the two together to satisfy a lot of expectations. There's also some pretty glaring flaws (guild system, for example) which have yet to be addressed, but I have faith enough in Bethesda and the devs that it will be addressed indeed. ZOS isn't going to respond to the fanbase based on what's being posted on forums- they're going to look at their bank account then start asking questions.

    Vote with your wallet- and live with the consequences of your decisions.
    TL;DR - If you got this far without reading the entire post you're either too lazy or suck at reading comprehension and probably don't belong in a public forum anyway. Just move along, you wouldn't understand.
  • Krivasran
    Yes, I will stay subbed.
    I have faith that they will fix the problems.
    You've mistaken me for someone who cares.
  • wastelanderer
    Not sure yet.
    First of all, ESO will never get rid of gold farmers, 1: it's the main source of income, let farmer to get enough gold to sell for cash and buy another account after being banned and have tons of cash left as profit, good for ESO and a gold farmer, I hope it's not true, but with current system that's how it is.
    If gold farmers have nothing to farm, then it's a different story.
    Second, fix skill system, if I want to create a tank it should work, if I want to create DPS character, I should be able to do it, right now I see numbers but no effect.
    Third, make team-up much more enjoyable, you can look in to how GW2 did it.
    One more, implement global market, if possible similar to GW2.
    Sorry no offence intended, I love concept but I can't play if thing are broken/not working.
  • ClaudiaMay
    Yes, I will stay subbed.
    As with any new game I pick up, I will stay subbed until I get bored (serious case of gamer ADD here). So far, still loving it. Highest character is only level 11 and I've been playing for a week or two, so I'm quite happy here.
    Currently Playing:
    Sorcerer Claudia Warren May, lvl 40. Woodworking 25/Clothing 25/Provisioning 50.
    Dragon Knight, lvl 8. Blacksmithing/Enchanting.
    Nightblade, lvl 3. Alchemy.
    Templar, lvl 7.
  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Yes, I will stay subbed.
    Cepeza wrote: »
    Please explain why.

    (Forums did not allow me to post that poll where it would make sense, so I am posting it just somewhere else.)

    Looks like OPs attempt at painting the game bad failed.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    Not sure yet.
    For now , this game is pretty much a single player game to me , i will stay subbed until i get a char to vr10 , which would mean me finishing the story.

    If by then there is any gameplay reason to actually still play it , i will , if not , i will leave.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Crathum
    No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
    I have already canceled my subscription. Someone in another forum divided MMO players into two categories which I feel are appropriate: Elitest snobs and lazy casuals.

    I consider myself to be a lazy casual, but only after 5 years of WoW. I loved the questing and exploring when I first started MMOs. Now questing isn't even remotely fun for me. The leveling process in ESO is incredibly slow and after day two I knew that I didn't want to invest months of my life so I can finally play the game.

    I've made this statement before and I'm usually met with people saying I don't want to put in work on my characters. But I don't pay a company money so I can have another part-time job. I want to unwind and take on something challenging (end game) with a group of friends and just have a good time. That to me is the essence of what MMOs are all about.

    There are a lot of good things about this game. The artwork is by far the best I've ever seen in an MMO hands down. I would like to see a few more abilities but really its not something that would make or break the game for me. When there is a speedier alternative for me to actually play THE GAME without the huge life investment then I'll come back
  • Kendaric
    Yes, I will stay subbed.
    I'm staying and see how they handle the current issues and how they expand the game.

    There are certainly issues at the moment that ZOS will have to adress soon, but for now I'm still confident that they will. I have fortunately encountered very few actual quest bugs and those I found could usually be worked around.
      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!. Outfit slots not being accountwide is ridiculous given their price. PC EU/PC NA roleplayer and solo PvE quester
    • Krohm
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      Ill give them so much time to fix things and if there still not fixed I'm gone along with the people I play with, it summer time and I'd rather spend money on fishing and being out on the lake in my boat then playing a buggy game.
    • Sakiri
      Not sure yet.
      Gisgo wrote: »
      I will quite because there is really no endgame. Where is the reward for doing hard veteran dungeons? Where is the reward for being getting to level10? why cant I do a quest over again just for the fun of it?

      I am sorry but this game is unfriendly towards casual gamers!

      Hmmmmmmm... :|
      Casual gamers will take months if not years to clear all the content up to V10.
      PvPers have Cyrodiil.
      Hardcore PvErs are the only one entitled to ask for something, and i think its coming soon.

      I want things to do with one other person thats worth my time.

      Quest phasing separates party members. Public dungeons suck for xp and are full of bots. World skulls I can solo.... instanced dungeons I need to pug two(barf.. not tanking for pugs) and Craglorn is designed for a full group.

      Unless this changes I probably wont stick around. I came here to play with a friend of mine from Europe. Hes having trouble with the main quest, meaning he likely wont level cap in a looooong time, I cant quest with hom, and I cant help with the quests he has issues with.

      If you have a full group, like solo only or dont mind putting up with the stupid that is pugs(sorry, wow ruined random groups for me... thats why their dungeons arent hard. They have to be completed by mentally incompetent chimps), youre hosed. And thats a breaker.
    • Genev
      Not sure yet.
      Currently unsubbed, might pick it up once the free time runs out, it depends on the options I will have at that time, both financially and "other games" wise.

      Tiny pet peeve though: I snorted at whoever called the art amazing, armor looks awful without any dimension whatsoever, and watching my skirt/dress/whatever stick to my legs and move with my legs make me regret that VR10 costume still looks better than my regular gear, and that even when I upgrade my regular gear according to style, that aspect of it still won't change /shudder
      The rest of the world looks decent enough /shrug.
    • Most_Awesome
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      I have 8 Characters that need to get to V10 :smile:
    • Eyil
      Not sure yet.
      Bots are annoying, bugs are annoying, skintight armour is kinda annoying (especially looking at you, Orcish crafting). However, I really do like the game a lot and would love to keep playing (provided I can progress past that level 30 main quest...). So I guess it depends on how Zenimax deals with the former two problems. Not much to do about the latter one I guess. If I do desub and stop playing, I'll definitely pick it back up later once some things have been fixed and balanced.
    • Cepeza
      No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
      So the intermediate result is: 157 votes, 63% stay subbed, 17% will unsub, 18% are not sure yet. Not as biased in ESOs favor as I expected. Even if this is still not a representative for the overall situation, you would do a good job by taking a very close look to this thread, ZOS. You might find real reasons people don't wanna stay subbed.
    • Asava
      Not sure yet.
      People may of already quit and/or don't use the forums so don't' think that this is a legitimate poll.
    • Cepeza
      No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
      Asava wrote: »
      People may of already quit and/or don't use the forums so don't' think that this is a legitimate poll.

      Sure, but those who are still there and care enough to leave their opinion in forums are still people, right? What I see here is that only about 60% of those who care and read forums are definitely interested in keeping their sub. If this is alarming or not ZOS need to decide by themselves.
    • Terroni
      No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
      I'm guessing many of the ones that aren't renewing aren't lurking on the forums to post they aren't going to renew.

      I'm personally not renewing as I've completed the main story and have no interest in doing Altmeri Dominion zones(for vet) and little interest in PvP.
    • Asava
      Not sure yet.
      Terroni get's it at least. Besides, some previous MMO's threw out that the number of subscribers to official forum members is around 10% on average.
    • Knootewoot
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      Yeah, i like it. And i have high hopes for the future. If i am mistaken i can always cancel. But they deserve the chance. Also i don't have the gamebreaking bugs others are experiencing. Did all quests on DC in the 5 zones and only 3 where broken but eventually completed. Only 2 worldbosses remain. But they don't spoil my fun.
      "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
    • Orchish
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      So long as i enjoy the game and there is content for me, i will stay subbed. As of now, i do plan to renew my sub.
    • Sornfein
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      Yes. I am just level 22. So another 3 month to level up.
    • knaveofengland
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      well what can I say most games need 6 months to iron out the bugs some take years if players quit after 1 month then bye bye mail me your items.
      look at the series they have some work to do I believe they are going in the right direction
    • Cepeza
      No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
      well what can I say most games need 6 months to iron out the bugs some take years if players quit after 1 month then bye bye mail me your items.
      look at the series they have some work to do I believe they are going in the right direction

      As long as they are going into that right direction, but are not there where they pretended to be on launch charging cash for a 3-legged-chair, they will have to do their way without my sub.
    • zaria
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      Albeit being far from any representative sample, there's a surprisingly positive trend, considering it's forum-goers voting here, who usually are more aware of flaws and negatives. But it seems, just as I do, that the majority still finds enjoyment in the game, despite all the problems.

      Nonetheless, to keep or even increase subs, they've got to put some serious work into the game, succesfully battle exploiters and botters and really must improve their customer service, otherwise they'll be bleeding subs faster and faster.
      Yes its surprisingly positive as most people who tend to take part in this sort of pols are the ragequit group, as they are most interested in it.

      Grinding just make you go in circles.
      Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
    • SeñorCinco
      No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
      I canceled my sub and will not renew until bots and farmers are removed from camping bosses. I remain in the forums because I am passionate about the game and the series. This is where you go to be informed.

      ... script or not.
      Words contained in posts, at which point I stop reading and will not respond...
      Toon / Mana / WoW or any acronym following "In ___" /
      Pets (when referring to summoned Daedra) / Any verbiage to express slang (ie, ending in uz,az,..) / Soul Stone
      ... to be continued.

      Now, get off my lawn.

    • bearcalypse
      No, I will quit my sub before I will get charged cash the first time.
      As long as gaming companies keep deluding themselves that they have 6 months to iron out bugs that make their game unplayable, they will continue to fail. 6 months is an eternity in terms of user base attention span. It gets shorter and shorter as newer games come out. It used to be that games would be out for a year or so before they went FTP. Nowadays buggy games (like FFXIV, AOC and now ESO) lose players so fast that they either give people free playtime while their bugs get fixed or just bend over and kiss their butts goodbye. I come from City of Heroes, Rift, and lately, Marvel Heroes, where developers constantly post on the forums and have pretty good communication with their users, so I'm not used to this complete lack of communication or feedback or support that this game displays. Based on my experiences, this is unusual and definitely not a positive development that will keep me around.

      I still love whoever wrote the quests for this game though. Some of the best written quests I have encountered in MMOs so far despite their predictability.
    • spawn10459
      Not sure yet.
      I'm not 100% sure yet. it will depend on what fixes they make to the game.
    • Sleepwalker
      Yes, I will stay subbed.
      The lore is great. The environments are undeniably beautiful. The mobile combat is fresh and keeps your brain working. UH OH! Bugs and bots! I am out of here! No one told me this launch would be exactly like every other launch in the history of human projects, gaming or otherwise! Screw this! I'm un-subbing right now!


      I'm not going anywhere, ZOS. You're welcome! >:)
      "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

      Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
      Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
    • Mailmann
      Not sure yet.
      I'm still on the fence, but ZOS is making positive strides in fixing many of the problems in the game. So, I'm currently leaning toward keeping my subscription, but we'll see.
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