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Nerf jabs to make templar great again (warning: sarcasm inside)

Let's face it. This skill is too strong. Stamina templars pulling over 100k DPS with a one bar rotation next patch:

People complain about it all the time (quick search, took me less than 2 minutes to find these):

Let's nerf this skill to the ground. The templar class is a sick animal. Let's put a shot to it's head and end our suffering. /s

In all seriousness, jabs is the reason why people are unaware how broken the templar class really is. Because jabs are so strong (seriously, 100k DPS on one bar?!) people forget about how templar was voted to be THE worst class for tanking in the game (can't find the exact thread, but it was last by a wide margin with 200+ votes), and the class reps as well as high end pvpers agree that the class is underperforming in PvP, especially stamina templar, which again is at the very bottom of the barrel. For gods sake, we aren't even considered to be the best healer anymore!

No mobility.
No health based heal.
No class access to major brutality/sorcery.
No crowd control utilities.
Sun shield sucks, has sucked for years years now.
Nova was already a bad ultimate, but is losing 20% damage reduction next patch with buff nerfs.
Who even uses sun flare? Is it a spammable or a dot? I have no idea. All I know is it sucks, and isn't worth a slot.
Dark flare morph sucks big time. Go for solar barrage instead.
Backlash even fully charged hits for less than fire and forget delayed skills (blastbones for example), but requires you to go completely ham with damage for 6 seconds.
Eclipse was overperforming so it was nerfed to the ground to the point of it not being worth a slot.
Rite of passage sucks, always has sucked, and always will suck as long as you have to remain immobile to cast it. Similar to nova one of the morphs is losing 20% damage reduction next patch.
Healing ritual sucks, STOP FORCING IT DOWN MY THROAT ZOS. By the way, ritual of rebirth always heals the person the furthest away instead of the one with lowest health, please fix.
The other skills are pretty decent, I guess.

In addition to above, we have the worst passives. A comparison:
We have the worst passives. Examples:
There's more (mending applying only to restoring light skill line, while necro passive inreasing ALL healing), but you get the drift.

The fact is, the class is broken and is held together by only one skill, jabs. If we get rid of it, we can put away our templars because they will be useless. Maybe then we can get around to reimagining some skills and build a new toolkit comparable to the two new classes.

TL;DR: nerf jabs to make templars great again
Edited by Husan on October 13, 2020 2:51PM

Nerf jabs to make templar great again (warning: sarcasm inside) 163 votes

SolarikenGilvothVoidCommanderHusanRaikikiAurrynthea_DrakeZer0_CooLCompletelyToastSleep724pod88kkAriades_sweArchMikemSpiderKnightDrdeath20blkjagGrebcolmaster_vanargandVinterdvalad3adpainJeirno 43 votes
TabbycatBlueRavenrbulliske.sardenb14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOEmmaga2BeolundNeillMcAttackRazielSRDTStormfoxzariaSotha_Silidkmertustastarlizard70ub17_ESORecktrithiusOediphitryTanis-StormbinderKwoungElvenheartLinaleah 120 votes
  • virtus753
    No, because your premise is flawed: if they nerf jabs, there is no guarantee (or even much likelihood) that we will see anything in the way of compensation.

    You are hoping for balance where there sadly is none.
  • Auberon1983
    I'm assuming this post is largely tongue-in-cheek/satirical? If so, yes, nerf to the ground. Burn them at the stake! If I misread, no, please don't, it's like the only thing going for Templars right now.

    I feel so bad for Templar mains. This class has (or had) the potential to be a total powerhouse. I've only really been playing about two months now, but I enjoy reading about what the classes used to be like, prior to patches and nerfs.

    On the one hand, I'm really glad I picked Warden Healer for main instead of MagPlar, but on the other hand, I've met some great people who main Templars and I feel like I'm rubbing their faces in it if I talk about our classes.
  • Grandchamp1989
    Nova was the only reliable way to get major maim.
    It was honestly the only thing Templar Tanks had going for them in terms of bringing something unique to the fight.

    How they're gutting it next patch is pretty brutal, they need to remove the synergy requirement to make it remotely worthwhile.
    Also templar healing ulti is just plain bad. You're stuck in place and can't cast anything while it fire. Horrible ulti for a "healer class". 2/3 of their ulties are bad. Remember purifying light? It used to be the entire team would add to its overall damage. Now it's only the player.

    It's just nerf on nerf on nerf.

    No major sorcery
    no health based heal
    no AOE CC

  • Husan
    Nova was the only reliable way to get major maim.
    It was honestly the only thing Templar Tanks had going for them in terms of bringing something unique to the fight.

    How they're gutting it next patch is pretty brutal, they need to remove the synergy requirement to make it remotely worthwhile.
    Also templar healing ulti is just plain bad. You're stuck in place and can't cast anything while it fire. Horrible ulti for a "healer class". 2/3 of their ulties are bad. Remember purifying light? It used to be the entire team would add to its overall damage. Now it's only the player.

    It's just nerf on nerf on nerf.

    No major sorcery
    no health based heal
    no AOE CC

    Exactly. I agree completely. Thanks for confirming my points. I feel that at this point there aren't even any arguments left that would say otherwise (unless those that claim "templars op because jabs").

    to reiterate:
    No major sorcery/brutality.
    No health based heal.
    No AoE CC.
    No mobility.
    2/3 ultimates are thrash.
    6 skills are trash.
    passives are trash.
    Edited by Husan on October 13, 2020 8:21AM
  • Husan
    Oh, and I completely missed an important one.

    No in class healing options for stamina templar.
  • Nairinhe
    Nerf nerfers
  • MorganaBlue
  • Ragnork
    Maybe you should be playing something else? I did a quick search for "worst pvp mmorpg" for you. ESO did not appear in the list.
    Edited by Ragnork on October 13, 2020 8:43AM
  • barney2525
    Tell us how you reeeeeelly feel

  • pink_panther

    If you nerf jabs then the class has nothing left. On the other hand If you would buff the other skills and make them more useful I agree.

    Templar is so *** this Patch. One button does all your dmg as stam. Even as mag you can't use anything else than jabs or you lose a lot of dmg.

    Won't even start saying anything about the worst tanking class in the Game 😔.
    Edited by pink_panther on October 13, 2020 11:23AM
  • x48rph
    Wait, you post goes on and on with how bad templars have it and then you want us to vote to nerf the one thing they do have that's good? On the hopes ZOS will then balance the class ?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you got to be joking right? ZOS has a track record of nerfing crap into the ground with vague promises about 'balancing' later. Heck, they never even finished their class overhauls from the last time they started them
  • techyeshic
    I get what you're saying, and I have been on how jabs has become the class especially after making burning light require 4 hits in under a second between nearly making it jabs only; but I dont see them addressing the other issues. They'll just nerf jabs more. They'll probably hide it as a buff by making the splash damage true AOE to hit as much on all targets and then lower it to AOE standards leaving stamplar to go dizzy swing and expect magplar to go ranged. Oh wont that be grand.
  • Anentet
    Less nerfs on classes, more buffs on classes. Constant nerfs make games less fun. People work their butts off to make amazing builds, then when its nerfed over and over they get fed up and leave. The better things to do is buff other classes where they lack power.
  • BomblePants
    It is not our way to call for nerfs... see @Ragnork’s post for directions...
  • JanTanhide
    No more nerfs.
  • MKintr
    Ruin templars completely to hope to get something better? 🤔
    What kind of optimism is that? So we stop playing our templar mains and wait some years until zos fixes it...maybe?
  • Husan
    I knew the sarcasm of the post would fly over some peoples heads, such is the nature of internet. And I admit, the provocative nature of the thread is made to incite a need to respond (which people do), which I hoped would foster discussion (it doesn't).

    Why? Because it is very obvious that many people don't even read the thread contents before leaving a reply based just by seeing the thread name. Please read the thread contents before replying. It's fine to disagree, but don't just come in here and say "no more nerfs", because you've obviously missed the point entirely by not reading the thread.
  • PrimusNephilim
    No! You improvise, you adapt and overcome, enough with with these cries for nerfs.
  • Husan
    Husan wrote: »
    Please read the thread contents before replying. It's fine to disagree, but don't just come in here and say "no more nerfs", because you've obviously missed the point entirely by not reading the thread.
    Literally 2 minutes later
    No! You improvise, you adapt and overcome, enough with with these cries for nerfs.

    Why do I bother :D
  • Firstmep
    Husan wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    Please read the thread contents before replying. It's fine to disagree, but don't just come in here and say "no more nerfs", because you've obviously missed the point entirely by not reading the thread.
    Literally 2 minutes later
    No! You improvise, you adapt and overcome, enough with with these cries for nerfs.

    Why do I bother :D

    Most people will read the title of the thread and thats it.

  • esotoon
    Husan wrote: »
    Why do I bother :D

    You write a misleading headline. Then bury the point you are trying to make at the bottom of a wall of text. And then act annoyed that people aren't understanding the purpose of your post.

    Whilst you should never blame the messenger, sometimes you do have to blame the person who wrote the message. ;)

    Had your title been what you wrote as a tl:dr you might have got better responses. ;)
  • mairwen85
    No, because what you're asking will not result in what you want, and your only focus is from a stamina angle. My magplar does 82K on the dummy currently on live (far cry from SkinnyCheeks PTS experiment) and I don't even use jabs--I can make do perfectly well with the rest of my mag class kit.

    edit to add:
    you also over look the other stam spec on PTS pulling equivalent if not greater dps with idiotic setups like dw/inferno (stamblade). Next patch will be a stam meta meme regardless and the video you use for evidence in your argument is but a drop in the ocean.

    Edited by mairwen85 on October 13, 2020 2:22PM
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    x48rph wrote: »
    Wait, you post goes on and on with how bad templars have it and then you want us to vote to nerf the one thing they do have that's good? On the hopes ZOS will then balance the class ?? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, you got to be joking right? ZOS has a track record of nerfing crap into the ground with vague promises about 'balancing' later. Heck, they never even finished their class overhauls from the last time they started them

    And we all saw how well that process worked for night blades over the years. :s
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • PrimusNephilim
    Husan wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    Please read the thread contents before replying. It's fine to disagree, but don't just come in here and say "no more nerfs", because you've obviously missed the point entirely by not reading the thread.
    Literally 2 minutes later
    No! You improvise, you adapt and overcome, enough with with these cries for nerfs.

    Why do I bother :D

    Yes, why do you? Maybe a class or two on literature composition would help get your message across, rather than scribbling random thoughts on a blank field.

  • Drdeath20
    Let it burn!

    Theres too much missing and the overall toolkit is obnoxious.

    Everything has a cast time, travel time or channel.

    10 second or less skill durations. **except for the oddball sunfire. Only fire damage ability, grants the most easily accessible major buff, either hits 3 targets or has an odd 16 second duration (neither of which is optimal for a damage dealer) lastly is it instant damage or is it a DoT.

    Blazing shards being completely neutered to the point that i slot orbs over it.

    And these are not even the dead skills (skills so neiche or underpowered that they are virtually dead). Amongst everything you listed above.

    Nerf it soo that it can finally be put to rest or get the overhaul it deserves.
  • Husan
    Firstmep wrote: »
    Most people will read the title of the thread and thats it.
    esotoon wrote: »
    Husan wrote: »
    Why do I bother :D
    Had your title been what you wrote as a tl:dr you might have got better responses. ;)

    You're right. I made a bad title and now I reap what I had sown. Next time I'm making a thread, I'll save it as a draft and sleep it over before posting it :D

    I changed the title, so hopefully it's still salvageble.

  • Gilvoth
    the more you can heal the Less damage you should be able to do.
    end of story.
  • pink_panther
    Gilvoth wrote: »
    the more you can heal the Less damage you should be able to do.
    end of story.

    You do realise we are talking about stam right?

    Biting Jabs as the stam Morph doesn't heal.....

    Also the Mag Morph is far from op. Magplars
    don't even parse for 90k and next patch they do even less dmg thanks to the overall range nerfs even though they have the melee disadvantages.
    Edited by pink_panther on October 13, 2020 3:10PM
  • Drdeath20
    1. Revert ritual of retribution change.

    2. Healing ritual 1 morph cost magicka heals for 33% of total health small AoE heal. Other morph cost stamina is a vigor self heal (based off highest resource pool) that also grants 3 seconds of major mobility.

    3. Radiant aura also grants AoE major fracture along with AoE minor magsteal.

    4. Solar barrage last 20 seconds (with increased cost)

    5. Purifying light/PoTL last 40 seconds and boom for 20% of all damage done (can crit) every 8 seconds 5 times (increase cost to match). Less bursty but less obnoxious for everybody.

    Even with 5 big changes the class still has too much wrong with it. These would just be bandaid fixes and all the real problems still would exist. Templars need a complete overhaul.
  • volkeswagon
    Show how my stamplar can get 100k dps. I can't even get 15k.
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