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Get off your high horse

  • blackwolf7
    Streega wrote: »
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Rpers are self centered kids we have to deal with every mmo. (...)

    We are all paying the same sub fee and it's only natural that what we get is what the majority wants.

    Sir, neither am I a kid, nor a self-centered one, because I care for my fellow players to have a good fun in polite and kind manner.
    The "majority" is mindless and greedy, so it's not a valid argument. However from the ZOS point of viev it's good, 'cos "hasty" players equals more spent money ;)

    You see my friend, the definition of being greedy / polite in an online game context is subjective.

    By removing horse in towns, you say because it is respectful while for the majority here who are hardcore gamers will think of it as a hindrance for them.

    Although atleast you get my point. ZOS will never succumb to childish whims such as this thread because it will significantly affect their income if they upset the majority and caters to the small amount of the population.
  • PBpsy
    The best solution would be to actually have the wayshrines close to the damn crafting/shop areas in cities Why exactly do the ws have to be all the way outside town when you can find them all over the place.Do they cause cancer or something? It is certainly annoying to see people trying to enter the minuscule crafting room on horses when the place is already so full that you don't see anything.

    If people are so interested in speed speed speed maybe the best option for the 'majority' remove the cities .replace them with a nice menu and allow crafting all over the place. That would certainly be fast. Also remove the stupid mining /gathering /whatever animation make resources float like in Mario and you get them just by walking trough them.
    These fetch quests are also very slow make them more efficient put all t
    he damn thingies that I have to get in a pile somewhere close.
    Screw 'immersion' that is only for overentitled spoiled prepubescent gamers. B)
    ESO forums achievements
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  • ZOS_MichelleA
    Please refrain from making rude comments or calling each other names. We understand that players will disagree from time to time, but we ask that you do so respectfully. Thank you!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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  • Streega
    I didn't say a word about banning horses in towns - although I wouldn't mind it, as it's a kind of tradition in TES games. I just wish horseriders to be more thougthful and at least unmount when you enter crowded market area and not to run you over on roads, 'cos it's rude. Is it much to ask?
    And why don't you pimpled "hardcore players" move to Cyrodill - you can knock each other like barbarians there and no one will complain?
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
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    Master Angler
  • blackwolf7
    Streega wrote: »
    I didn't say a word about banning horses in towns - although I wouldn't mind it, as it's a kind of tradition in TES games. I just wish horseriders to be more thougthful and at least unmount when you enter crowded market area and not to run you over on roads, 'cos it's rude. Is it much to ask?
    And why don't you pimpled "hardcore players" move to Cyrodill - you can knock each other like barbarians there and no one will complain?

    Well the topic is about horses in town. So I assume that's the reason you hating my comments otherwise it will be considered as spam.

    Well hardcore players cant be in cyro all the time. They have to gear up, level, craft some pots.

  • Pretext
    If they are not ridding a horse they are being followed by a monkey. Its a wonder the islands are not covered with horse poo and nut shells.
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Streega wrote: »
    I didn't say a word about banning horses in towns - although I wouldn't mind it, as it's a kind of tradition in TES games. I just wish horseriders to be more thougthful and at least unmount when you enter crowded market area and not to run you over on roads, 'cos it's rude. Is it much to ask?
    And why don't you pimpled "hardcore players" move to Cyrodill - you can knock each other like barbarians there and no one will complain?
    Here's the thing. The majority of players don't think it's rude or an inconvience. They find it incredibly bizarre that someone would think it is. You are the outlier in this. You have some support on forums but forums are never a representative sample of game population. If you want to see what percentage rp'ers usually are I encourage you to look at this link for wow servers. Since wow has been so big for so long I find it to be a pretty good sample of how many rp'ers there are compared to normal players.


    RP'ers need to remember they are a niche minority when they ask for things that would anger the majority of customers. Honestly it's this kind of attitude that gives rp'ers a bad reputation.
  • stryderzz

    dude i'm a "hardcore" player and in no way do i sit around RPing with people, that being said, i still like to immerse myself and enjoy the game and its amazing storyline, i'm able to use the horse without running people over and running up steps and smacking into the bank door, i'm incredibly inpatient and craft 3 full professions everytime and leave with a nice tidy clean inventory of about 8 items or less when i leave the city so i have a sac ready to fill with loot, this is a process that is extremely time consuming and requires loads of back and fourth running.

    i use the horse and get around with no hassle, honestly i don't see a problem with horses allowed in cities in itself, its when people are seriously to lazy to hit one button which by the way takes a split second, literally no time at all, to dismount themselves before making a huge mob of horses at the crafting station or running right up the steps smacking into the bank door, its when people are to lazy to hit that button when it becomes a problem.

    i even park my horse to the side because its fun, but sometimes i forget and i still dismount before the door and just sprint to the door because i'm in a hurry, it literally is no hassel to not be a rude inconsiderate player, you can do this and still be a hardcore player trust me.

    i think ZOS should and probably will find a middle ground which i think is something along the lines of having areas in the city that don't allow mounts, like at crafting stations or right before banks and wherever else they see it helps keep immersion, that way the game hits the button they are to lazy to hit for them.

    anyways when it comes down to it i think it just makes the city look incredibly ugly having mobs of horses derping in a big pile or seeing horses derp into doors lol, i mean c'mon in the meantime until the issue is fixed if it ever gets fixed is it really that hard to just hit a button for a split second and keep sprinting? really? is it that hard? (knowing the majority of players out there it probably is which just makes me /sigh)
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    basdisco wrote: »
    It's funny how everyone with the Imperial Edition thought they'd be special for having a horse, meanwhile it looks stupid seeing a group of people riding the except same damn white horse.

    Just a quick question .... who do you think is happiest with their horse...

    Imperial Edition player that only had to hand over 1 gold.

    Me, who spent 17k on his first horse and ended up so poor I had to borrow 30g off a friend to repair my damn gear.

    After that I bought the horse from the store. Save me future money for alts.
  • Haxer
    Came in expecting something whiny, but was pleasantly surprised. You have convinced me sir. I will have better horse etiquette from now on. And while I'm not clamoring for them to remove horses from town, if they made that change, I wouldn't hate it. 10/10
    Edited by Haxer on April 5, 2014 6:02PM
  • software_goddess
    basdisco wrote: »
    It's funny how everyone with the Imperial Edition thought they'd be special for having a horse, meanwhile it looks stupid seeing a group of people riding the except same damn white horse.

    Just a quick question .... who do you think is happiest with their horse...

    Imperial Edition player that only had to hand over 1 gold.

    Me, who spent 17k on his first horse and ended up so poor I had to borrow 30g off a friend to repair my damn gear.

    After that I bought the horse from the store. Save me future money for alts.

    I bet you are the happier, because you earned it, and because it does not look like a clone of the other 50,000 horses in town.
  • kargen27
    I don't mind the horses in populated places to much. What really annoys me is when I am out in the middle of nowhere fishing and a horse will run right through me. I know they did it just for the hell of it. Not quite as annoying is when I am just out gathering and I get run over by a horse. Out in the wilderness there is all kinds of room to go around players, so really no excuse to just plow through them as you are going from A to B.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Singular
    kargen27 wrote: »
    I don't mind the horses in populated places to much. What really annoys me is when I am out in the middle of nowhere fishing and a horse will run right through me. I know they did it just for the hell of it. Not quite as annoying is when I am just out gathering and I get run over by a horse. Out in the wilderness there is all kinds of room to go around players, so really no excuse to just plow through them as you are going from A to B.

    Out in the wilderness, I prefer to gallop toward people and then jump over them.

    In the city, I love trampling them, like the peasants they are. Out of my way peasant! Go grow me some vegetables or something. Whatever it is you do.

    Wwwwhoooooooooooooooooooosh! (trample, trample, dust billows)
    War, give me war, give me war.
  • Singular
    I don’t usually complain about this sort of thing, openly in a forum—just privately to my computer screen. I think I’ll make an exception in this case due to the level of ‘OMG that is so rude,’ and pent up disgust I am feeling.

    Am I the only one who is burning mad about being trampled by horse-riding players everywhere I go? Go around me, for crying out loud! Why are horses even allowed out of your pocket when you are in town? In all of the previous games, horses where left in the stables, just outside of town. In this game, I step out of a door and suddenly I’m inside of a horse. People are taking their horses all the way up the stairs and getting off only because the game makes them get off in order to go through the door. WTF, Stop it! That’s rude!

    I get it. … It saves time not putting away your horse when you enter a town.
    I get it. … It is easier to stay mounted until the game actually removes you from your horse.
    I get it. … You don’t give a crap about the lowlings that do not have a horse, and it feels good to look down on us from up there.

    I don’t care. It’s rude, and you should not ride your horse in town just because the game lets you. It’s annoying, and you should not ride your horse in town just because everyone else does. It’s selfish, and you should not ride your horse in town just so you can run through other players.

    Rant over; carry on…

    Fairest Lady, I am on a mission of the utmost importance. A farmer's poor family has been brutally murdered, their entire village being attacked. Worse, the brigands are feasting on the survivors and making plans for the next village. The only way I can stop this appalling loss of life and livelihood is to hurriedly seek out a talisman of great power to - oh! I do not have time to explain the details!

    Every moment you prevent me from this mission of utmost importance, another innocent dies!

    You are standing in the way of justice! Morality! All that is good and true in this realm and the next - and, dear lady, this is just a horse. It means you no disrespect. Now, if you don't mind, I will, in the time remaining to me, do my very best to save this small part of the world.

    Would you please, for the sake of others, pull yourself together? Now move!!!
    War, give me war, give me war.
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