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Get off your high horse

  • chipz88b14_ESO
    I agree that having someone riding a horse clip through you in a town hurts immersion. I won't fault the players for wanting to get places as quickly as possible, but I'd prefer it if players automatically dismounted when entering a town and couldn't remount until leaving.

  • Censorious
    It's how it should be. In this (game) world there are the 'haves' and the 'have nots'.

    My complaint is that peasants shouldn't be able to block a running horse. It's ridiculous that your horse stops dead when an NPC gets in the way.
    They should be thrown into the mud like in RL.
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • hilelorangutan
    I hate the horses in town for immersion. Yet when I finally saved enough money to buy a horse I have now taken to jumping on my horse just to get across the street, just because I can. Sorry guy.
  • Gelston
    I usually try to avoid running over people with my horse, even though I know it doesn't actually matter. However, realistically, if I'm riding a horse towards someone who is on foot, shouldn't they be getting out of my way?
    Edited by Gelston on April 5, 2014 4:38AM
  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO

    This is exactly what I’m saying. It makes the game so much more enjoyable if people consider their actions as viewed from the perspective of other players. It adds to the emersion of the game if you follow the basic rules of society.
    I'm following the rules of medieval society. I'm rich, you're poor. I can trample and kill you with no ill effects.
  • Sue_D_Nim
    Rich, eh? The stablemaster told ME that you only paid 1gp for that nag.
    "If danger doesn't find her, she'll seek it out and invite it home to dinner." ~ Prince Naemon
    "Such despair! Richer than a cheese sorbet!" ~ Sheogorath
  • chipz88b14_ESO
    Gelston wrote: »
    I usually try to avoid running over people with my horse, even though I know it doesn't actually matter. However, realistically, if I'm riding a horse towards someone who is on foot, shouldn't they be getting out of my way?

    Heh. I instinctively try to dodge a horse charging at me even though I know it doesn't matter. Still, I think horses galloping through cities clipping through everyone breaks immersion.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    I don’t usually complain about this sort of thing, openly in a forum—just privately to my computer screen. I think I’ll make an exception in this case due to the level of ‘OMG that is so rude,’ and pent up disgust I am feeling.

    Am I the only one who is burning mad about being trampled by horse-riding players everywhere I go? Go around me, for crying out loud! Why are horses even allowed out of your pocket when you are in town? In all of the previous games, horses where left in the stables, just outside of town. In this game, I step out of a door and suddenly I’m inside of a horse. People are taking their horses all the way up the stairs and getting off only because the game makes them get off in order to go through the door. WTF, Stop it! That’s rude!

    I get it. … It saves time not putting away your horse when you enter a town.
    I get it. … It is easier to stay mounted until the game actually removes you from your horse.
    I get it. … You don’t give a crap about the lowlings that do not have a horse, and it feels good to look down on us from up there.

    I don’t care. It’s rude, and you should not ride your horse in town just because the game lets you. It’s annoying, and you should not ride your horse in town just because everyone else does. It’s selfish, and you should not ride your horse in town just so you can run through other players.

    Rant over; carry on…

    Can I say that I agree but also disagree?

    I agree that the game needs to force you off your horse inside the City. Its extremely rude considering the limited space and the number of people going about. And its bad enough that when you go to interact with a high trafficked NPC that you deal with a pile of bodies. Having horses just makes it worse.

    On the flipside. I actually RP in this game. Never gotten into it in any other MMO. But something about this game makes me want to pretend Im some meathead Nord. And I can imagine (especially with the attitude of Dark Elves and their High-Born mentality) those 'High-Born' types deciding to ride through the city so they dont have to walk amongst the 'filth'.

    But the Cities arent that big. The paths are only so wide in certain areas and for the sake of keeping any sort of trolling to a minimum. It really wouldnt hurt to remove the ability to ride your horse in the city. Youre not the City Governor, youre not a member of one of the Noble Houses, or some special Diplomat, and youre not some Alliance General. So theres no need for you to go galloping through the city.

    For the sake of Immersion. If Zenimax wants to in-game explain the change. Some Guards near the gate could state something like

    'You might be the Hero of ________ but no Horses allowed in the City.'
    'New City Law. No Horses inside the City Walls.'
    'Horses to the Stables. Then you can enter.'
    Edited by Korah_Eaglecry on April 5, 2014 4:58AM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
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    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • Censorious
    Whoever heard of a city where you can't ride a horse? If you don't like people riding through you, get on the sidewalk and stay out of the way.

    My god! in my day we used to carry a whip to make sure people paid for such insolence.

    (Now THAT'S immersion :D)
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • stryderzz
    I have a horse myself and i love this game for its RPG elements, and i only ride in town when on an urgent quest and i always use the roads and steer away from running into people as it breaks my immersion, i also always dismount outside of a building on the grass off to the side, i try to keep my immersion as deep as possible, and i too get really annoyed with all the mobs of idiots running around like derps up 2 doors with horses or standing aimlessly on quest NPCs or running through dungeons in some sort of mad race 2 the end boss and sitting there and camping them, i think those people should be on a special derp server and let us RPG loving gamers stay on ours
  • MaxBat
    At OP: No, you're not the only one. People think relative to themselves. "You're upset because I'm riding my horse in town?" No, I'm upset because you and fifty others are riding your horses in town.
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • Censorious

    You want what?
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Lalai
    I'm like a few others in this thread.. the only time I really use my horse is while I'm in town. While I'm outside of town I generally go on foot as I gather everything I possibly can, and don't want to miss anything by speeding by on a horse. In town though, there's nothing to gather, and the run from the Wayshrine to various points, or say.. the woodworker to the banker, is quite a little jog and greatly reduced by a horse. I'm not speed leveling or anything, I'm not even out of Glenumbra yet and I've been playing at least 8 hours a day since 5-day early access started (yeah.. no lifer here). We obviously have different playstyles and I think it's rather selfish to expect people to conform to yours.
    Fisher extraordinaire!
    Send me your worms, crawlers, guts, and insect parts.
    Templar Healer
    Daggerfall Covenant, NA
  • software_goddess

    For the sake of Immersion. If Zenimax wants to in-game explain the change. Some Guards near the gate could state something like

    'You might be the Hero of ________ but no Horses allowed in the City.'
    'New City Law. No Horses inside the City Walls.'
    'Horses to the Stables. Then you can enter.'

    I really like this idea. How do we make it happen?

  • Supersomething
    Wow... people really will complain about ANYTHING.
    Remember, you're unique... just like everyone else.
    Tiberius Aulus
  • Thete
    Wow... people really will complain about ANYTHING.

    I had a mudcrab look at me funny last night. ZOS need to sort it out right now or I won't be renewing my subscription next month.

  • jdkorreckpreub18_ESO
    Sue_D_Nim wrote: »
    Rich, eh? The stablemaster told ME that you only paid 1gp for that nag.
    Ah but it's my noble connections that allow for good prices. ;)
    I don’t usually complain about this sort of thing, openly in a forum—just privately to my computer screen. I think I’ll make an exception in this case due to the level of ‘OMG that is so rude,’ and pent up disgust I am feeling.

    Am I the only one who is burning mad about being trampled by horse-riding players everywhere I go? Go around me, for crying out loud! Why are horses even allowed out of your pocket when you are in town? In all of the previous games, horses where left in the stables, just outside of town. In this game, I step out of a door and suddenly I’m inside of a horse. People are taking their horses all the way up the stairs and getting off only because the game makes them get off in order to go through the door. WTF, Stop it! That’s rude!

    I get it. … It saves time not putting away your horse when you enter a town.
    I get it. … It is easier to stay mounted until the game actually removes you from your horse.
    I get it. … You don’t give a crap about the lowlings that do not have a horse, and it feels good to look down on us from up there.

    I don’t care. It’s rude, and you should not ride your horse in town just because the game lets you. It’s annoying, and you should not ride your horse in town just because everyone else does. It’s selfish, and you should not ride your horse in town just so you can run through other players.

    Rant over; carry on…

    Can I say that I agree but also disagree?

    I agree that the game needs to force you off your horse inside the City. Its extremely rude considering the limited space and the number of people going about. And its bad enough that when you go to interact with a high trafficked NPC that you deal with a pile of bodies. Having horses just makes it worse.

    On the flipside. I actually RP in this game. Never gotten into it in any other MMO. But something about this game makes me want to pretend Im some meathead Nord. And I can imagine (especially with the attitude of Dark Elves and their High-Born mentality) those 'High-Born' types deciding to ride through the city so they dont have to walk amongst the 'filth'.

    But the Cities arent that big. The paths are only so wide in certain areas and for the sake of keeping any sort of trolling to a minimum. It really wouldnt hurt to remove the ability to ride your horse in the city. Youre not the City Governor, youre not a member of one of the Noble Houses, or some special Diplomat, and youre not some Alliance General. So theres no need for you to go galloping through the city.

    For the sake of Immersion. If Zenimax wants to in-game explain the change. Some Guards near the gate could state something like

    'You might be the Hero of ________ but no Horses allowed in the City.'
    'New City Law. No Horses inside the City Walls.'
    'Horses to the Stables. Then you can enter.'

    Here's the real deal. You people that want this are rp'ers. There is nothing wrong with this but you are a niche part of mmo's. You really are. That's not an insult to you, but just a fact that most of the public doesn't play the game in the manner you do. Look at some other games that have seperate servers and you'll see that the rp servers are usually the least populated.

    This means that in this case that a game change that benefits your playstyle directly harms the majority who want to cut down on their travel time in cities. Doing something that angers or irritates the majority of your customers and makes only a few happy is not good business. Now I'm all for any changes that would benefit RP'ers even though I'm not one, as long as it doesn't harm the majority. Unfortunately this suggestion by the OP is made in every game that doesn't have a specific rp server, and it never gets done because like I said earlier it hurts the majority and the company wants to make money.

    Now my earlier joke in the thread was had a point. It was a way for RP'ers to incorporate the fact that people ride along in the game into their role-play, rather than get angry and accuse the majority of playing the game wrong.
  • Nox_Aeterna
    While i think what you just said is a combination of absurd AND self centered OP , i had to give you a lol.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • ZiRM
    It doesn't bug me at all. I try to go around people but it doesn't always work out as I plan.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • blackwolf7
    What useless rant. You must be a spoild brat irl to rant about horses in game "trampling" your character. It doesnt even dmg your hp so not sure what youre crying about.

    Mounts are there for a reason, for players to travel faster. Towns here are big enough that walking around it takes time. Not long but nevertheless takes time.

    Not all players are kids like you who have all the time in the world, some are always on rush so they use horse to travel.

    If you cant respect that then you are not fit to play mmos at all
  • software_goddess
    While i think what you just said is a combination of absurd AND self centered OP , i had to give you a lol.

    Thank you. Despite what some readers might think, I really was going for a humorous discussion. It does annoy me that this is a feature of the game, but it is no skin off my back. I falsely assumed I would get more comments about the nobles and the serfs, then comments about selfish gameplay. Thank you for the LOL, I hope you enjoy the rest of the comments as well; some of them are a hoot!

  • Sarenia
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    What useless rant. You must be a spoild brat irl to rant about horses in game "trampling" your character. It doesnt even dmg your hp so not sure what youre crying about.

    Mounts are there for a reason, for players to travel faster. Towns here are big enough that walking around it takes time. Not long but nevertheless takes time.

    Not all players are kids like you who have all the time in the world, some are always on rush so they use horse to travel.

    If you cant respect that then you are not fit to play mmos at all

    Is just angry because he works cleaning up horse dung off the streets, and doesn't want to lose his job if horses get banned from cities.

    It's foul work for a foul gentleman, but somebody has to do it!
    Edited by Sarenia on April 5, 2014 7:44AM
  • Streega
    Thete wrote: »
    Noblemen and women ride horses, peasants don't ride horses. Nobles trample over peasants. Need I say more?

    From my perspective - both feet on the ground ;) - it looks different: see those "nouveau riches" paying twice as much for the game to get a white horse and an uggly statue :D I'm a working person and could afford every "trinket" in ESO, but I think it's just stupid - better spend it for the sub-fee.

    Besides, I'm rather a RP gamer, not hardcore, but I like to "feel" the game - enjoy the view, explore, gather resources and interact with people. I do not race to the chests and ores like some gamers, I try to make space for others when I'm fishing from the harbour... and stuff like that, pretty much I would do in the real life. Maybe I will buy a horse when I have few spare septims, but what's the hurry?
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
  • blackwolf7
    Rpers are self centered kids we have to deal with every mmo. Despite the fact that they are miniscule in comparison to the amount of population this game has, they whine and want zos to cater to their every needs.

    Guess what guys! ZOS is not your parent who gives you everything you want as long as you throw tantrums. You have to accept the fact that majority of the people here wants to get by fast. ZOS wouldnt cater to your every childish whims because in return, they will disappoint most of their customers.

    We are all paying the same sub fee and it's only natural that what we get is what the majority wants.
  • Holmes
    Shhh now. Diamond has feelings, you know?
  • Calaban
    Doesn't bother me in the least.
  • Taaltos
    Really wish there was an RP Megaserver. RP servers have typically tended to be more mindful of things like this, to help other's immersion.
  • Streega
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Rpers are self centered kids we have to deal with every mmo. (...)

    We are all paying the same sub fee and it's only natural that what we get is what the majority wants.

    Sir, neither am I a kid, nor a self-centered one, because I care for my fellow players to have a good fun in polite and kind manner.
    The "majority" is mindless and greedy, so it's not a valid argument. However from the ZOS point of viev it's good, 'cos "hasty" players equals more spent money ;)
    ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃ Don't-Care-Bear ⊂( ̄(工) ̄)⊃
    PC EU "House Tertia" - Friendly Guild for Mature Folks (housetertia.com)
    PC EU "Priests of Hircine" - Awesome Guild for Friendly Werewolves (free bites!)
    Master Angler
  • Sarenia
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Rpers are self centered kids we have to deal with every mmo. Despite the fact that they are miniscule in comparison to the amount of population this game has, they whine and want zos to cater to their every needs.

    Guess what guys! ZOS is not your parent who gives you everything you want as long as you throw tantrums. You have to accept the fact that majority of the people here wants to get by fast. ZOS wouldnt cater to your every childish whims because in return, they will disappoint most of their customers.

    We are all paying the same sub fee and it's only natural that what we get is what the majority wants.

    I would rhetort that you, sir, are playing the wrong game.

    You're going to run into a LOT of roleplayers on ESO. A lot. They'll be in your guilds. They'll be in your groups. They're all over "your" forums.

    Roleplayers, on the whole, are some of the most mature and reasonable people I've ever met in my years using the internet.

    The real problem is people like you who slam their face against the keyboard and think they're making text art.

    Good day to you, sir.
  • blackwolf7
    Sarenia wrote: »
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Rpers are self centered kids we have to deal with every mmo. Despite the fact that they are miniscule in comparison to the amount of population this game has, they whine and want zos to cater to their every needs.

    Guess what guys! ZOS is not your parent who gives you everything you want as long as you throw tantrums. You have to accept the fact that majority of the people here wants to get by fast. ZOS wouldnt cater to your every childish whims because in return, they will disappoint most of their customers.

    We are all paying the same sub fee and it's only natural that what we get is what the majority wants.

    I would rhetort that you, sir, are playing the wrong game.

    You're going to run into a LOT of roleplayers on ESO. A lot. They'll be in your guilds. They'll be in your groups. They're all over "your" forums.

    Roleplayers, on the whole, are some of the most mature and reasonable people I've ever met in my years using the internet.

    The real problem is people like you who slam their face against the keyboard and think they're making text art.

    Good day to you, sir.
    Sarenia wrote: »
    blackwolf7 wrote: »
    Rpers are self centered kids we have to deal with every mmo. Despite the fact that they are miniscule in comparison to the amount of population this game has, they whine and want zos to cater to their every needs.

    Guess what guys! ZOS is not your parent who gives you everything you want as long as you throw tantrums. You have to accept the fact that majority of the people here wants to get by fast. ZOS wouldnt cater to your every childish whims because in return, they will disappoint most of their customers.

    We are all paying the same sub fee and it's only natural that what we get is what the majority wants.

    I would rhetort that you, sir, are playing the wrong game.

    You're going to run into a LOT of roleplayers on ESO. A lot. They'll be in your guilds. They'll be in your groups. They're all over "your" forums.

    Roleplayers, on the whole, are some of the most mature and reasonable people I've ever met in my years using the internet.

    The real problem is people like you who slam their face against the keyboard and think they're making text art.

    Good day to you, sir.

    Reasonable? Banning horses in city so the majority of hardcore players which compose a huge chunk of population in zos cant fast travel is reasonable?

    So in your mindset, by getting what you want even though it will clearly affect majority of the players is reasonable and mature?

    Well on a normal person's view, that clearly defines childish and selfish. So not sure if were speaking the same english language, it seems that yours have a different meaning.

    Also I dont think there are a lot of rpers in eso. The only reason why you think that is because only rpers and a few players are posting in forums. And also, I dont think there will be rpers in my guild because usually RPers group themselves up with other rpers and make a small community so chances are the few rpers of this game will only be joining a few guilds.
    Edited by blackwolf7 on April 5, 2014 9:08AM
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