Remove all third party software

  • Linaleah
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    And yet us poor simple console folk have been managing to play the game without all this hand-holding for years.......(the writ one? I would ban it. You want the benefits of doing the writs, then damn well do them. 😘)

    But then how does this idea work in regards to consoles, when as mentioned, we don’t have all this malarky and yet have poor performance in pvp?

    and you also have cheaters, becasue cheating doesn't have anything to do with addons either.

    and hey, if you want tedious tasks take more time - more power to you. doesn't mean that everyone else has to as well or that there is something wrong with wanting to shorten tedious tasks. and btw - existence of multicrafting on console now, search function for guild stores as well as several upcoming improvement to housing UI?

    you're welcome. (it exists BECAUSE of addons)

    P.S. what amuses me about this whole addons and consoles conversation is that one of the most in demand features for Skyrim and Fallout, I believe...was addons. it was so in demand that even Sony caved and allowed addons on ps4. yep. so consoles and addons are not this thing that shall never EVER mix, ever.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
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