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If you are a fake tank ...

  • deleted221106-002999
    Varana wrote: »
    Souterain wrote: »
    Varana wrote: »
    Souterain wrote: »
    You let them get that far as as fake tank without kick or leaving yourself?


    The rest of Selene's Web is not too difficult even with a fake tank - if he taunts and moves out of red, it's fine. Why kick him when you're getting stuff done?

    Here's an arguably better rhetorical question - did you read the OP?

    Yes, I did.

    The dungeon works fine with a fake tank until you get to Selene. As long as everything's going alright, there's no reason to kick a fake anything.

    -er- that was the point of OP, though - it didn't go alright. At all. What you're describing doesn't have anything to do with the OP's experience in the slightest which was clearly the absolute opposite of everything's going alright. In that light/context your initial rhetorical question is meaningless.

    edit: In the separate hypothetical context you are describing, provided the group agrees, in my view that would be perfectly ok and would not in my experience elicit a vote-kick/leave option.
    Edited by deleted221106-002999 on June 12, 2020 12:16AM
  • Dusk_Coven
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Because what often can happen when you indulge a fake tank till the end is you reach a boss who has a hard hitting move that will kill you unless you actually have some defense.

    At that point you realize this is not just a fake tank, it is a player looking for a carry by the rest of the group.
    Obviously they don't know the dungeon otherwise they'd bail right away knowing the boss is coming and they can't handle it -- and the run would fail for them too.
    But they don't leave. Because they are hoping to overpower everything with DPS and then say "see? no tank needed".
    Edited by Dusk_Coven on June 12, 2020 12:21AM
  • Lisutaris
    Algorax wrote: »
    Fake tank = instant kick

    No one asked for a fake tank in order to complete the dungeon faster.

    If you want 3DD/1H run, form your own group and do it.

    And the only reason fake tanks exist in group finder, is because some DDs don't want to wait in queue.

    You must be new to the game: never heard of 3 DD vet runs?

    As the grp finder tool is looking for a grp made out of 1heal 1 tank and 2dd ... there is no 3dd run via grp finder.
    3 DD runs are nice and fine and all... but pre-made, don't expect queue users to like or even agree with that.
    Same rights for everyone, I can disagree as dd to a 3dd run, because i like having support like yolna,alkosh,olo,.... .
    (or via grp finder it is more accurate to say ... the chance of having some of it :smile: but some synergies are better that none....)
    Edited by Lisutaris on June 12, 2020 12:25AM
  • Nogawd
    "3 DD runs are nice and fine and all... but pre-made, don't expect queue users to like or even agree with that."

    As someone who mains a healer, I prefer more damage, personally.

    In normals, 4 dd is actually great.

    In any case, fake dd's are far more common and more frustrating.

    Edited by Nogawd on June 12, 2020 1:07AM
  • ShizaZepelli
    Tank can kick fake dps doing 2k-4k each? Because this is boring for tank when you found fake DPS in dungeons.
  • Appo
    All non dlc dung can be easily done with either 1 good heal or 1 good tank you DO NOT need BOTH, if u do, u have alot to learn.
  • volkeswagon
    Probably a member of the Fake Guild.
    Tank can kick fake dps doing 2k-4k each? Because this is boring for tank when you found fake DPS in dungeons.

    That's bad DPS, not fake.
  • newtinmpls
    Algorax wrote: »
    So ye: smite the incompetent and praise the skilled.

    I just love this. Had to quote it!
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Zpook
    Below 70k dps = kick the fake DD
  • Algorax
    Lisutaris wrote: »
    Algorax wrote: »
    Fake tank = instant kick

    No one asked for a fake tank in order to complete the dungeon faster.

    If you want 3DD/1H run, form your own group and do it.

    And the only reason fake tanks exist in group finder, is because some DDs don't want to wait in queue.

    You must be new to the game: never heard of 3 DD vet runs?

    As the grp finder tool is looking for a grp made out of 1heal 1 tank and 2dd ... there is no 3dd run via grp finder.
    3 DD runs are nice and fine and all... but pre-made, don't expect queue users to like or even agree with that.
    Same rights for everyone, I can disagree as dd to a 3dd run, because i like having support like yolna,alkosh,olo,.... .
    (or via grp finder it is more accurate to say ... the chance of having some of it :smile: but some synergies are better that none....)

    I do not expect anything: if i decide to play a tank role with a different setting that may easyly fulfill the task i will do it, regardless of my team's dim-witted opinion. I have 5 full leveled tanks but i can still perform flawlessly as fake tank which, i remember you all, IS NOT a bad thing when done properly.
  • Sergykid
    Sergykid wrote: »
    so you consider someone a "tank" because it can bypass mechanics with his health and resistances? some mechanics, like your Selene example, are not to be tanked. Many bosses and mechanics don't require a tank. That's one of the reasons i have hybrid (that's what i like to call them instead of fake) tanks. They are equipped with a taunt and enough mitigation to survive average encounters. Depending on the difficulty, i lower the dps output and mitigate damage. Even with medium armor and no shield equipped, i can solo Selene (and pretty much any non-dlc vet). People i encounter quite often wouldn't even be able to finish dungeons even with real tanks, or would stay 1 hour for some dungeons.

    playing a hybrid tank dps helps me bypass queue, helps me finish dungeons faster, helps others finish the dungeon faster (or at all). But i know mechanics and how to survive. So don't blame "fake" tanks, blame the people that do this without knowing what they are doing.

    You sound like one of the most frustrating kinds of fake tanks: the "kite" tank. You may think you're great because you "know the mechanics and how to survive", but you're really hurting the group overall because you're focusing on mechanics instead of doing DD-appropriate damage while also kiting bosses out of everyone's AoE (ultimately reducing overall group DPS).

    no, i do my job as a tank and i keep the boss in place taunted. You will see no difference from me being as half dps or other classic tanks. Those classic tanks are just overkilling it with their mitigation, while i only use the mitigation necessary and the rest goes to dps. Same i do on my healers, i heal only as much is necessary and rest goes to dps, not overhealing.
    You started judging me without knowing what i do, and people agree with you, sums up the average behavior of this forum's community
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • LashanW
    Sergykid wrote: »
    no, i do my job as a tank and i keep the boss in place taunted. You will see no difference from me being as half dps or other classic tanks. Those classic tanks are just overkilling it with their mitigation, while i only use the mitigation necessary and the rest goes to dps. Same i do on my healers, i heal only as much is necessary and rest goes to dps, not overhealing.
    You started judging me without knowing what i do, and people agree with you, sums up the average behavior of this forum's community
    What are the sets you use on your hybrid tank/dps?
    ---No longer active in ESO---
    Platform: PC-EU
    CP: 2500+
    Trial Achievements
    Godslayer, Gryphon Heart, Tick-Tock Tormentor, Immortal Redeemer, Dro-m'Athra Destroyer, vMoL no death

    Arena Achievements
    vMA Flawless, vVH Spirit Slayer

    DLC Dungeon Trifectas
    Scalecaller Peak, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar, Icereach
  • Varana
    Souterain wrote: »
    -er- that was the point of OP, though - it didn't go alright. At all. What you're describing doesn't have anything to do with the OP's experience in the slightest which was clearly the absolute opposite of everything's going alright. In that light/context your initial rhetorical question is meaningless.

    edit: In the separate hypothetical context you are describing, provided the group agrees, in my view that would be perfectly ok and would not in my experience elicit a vote-kick/leave option.

    I'm not sure we've read the same OP then.
    They are talking about Selene, i.e. the final boss, when things started to go wrong. Apparently, everything was okay until then.

    Dusk_Coven wrote: »
    A possibility is to let real tanks and real healers who queue as such in a TRIAL get extra goodies, like a tank/healer specific bag of gear.

    I don't think shoehorning gear into a specific role is a good idea. Tanks wearing Alkosh or Olorime, Healers wearing Ebon, Z'en, or Roaring, and all kinds of weird combinations and builds: let ZOS create the gear, and let the players figure out how to use it best.
    Also, ZOS' idea of "tank specific gear" is probably a set that gives two people Minor Aegis.
    Edited by Varana on June 12, 2020 10:40AM
  • deLioncourt
    I fake tank queue with a dps because about 85% of the time I get put with 2 dps who pull about 7-10k on average.

    I was parsing with my magblade yesterday and I was pulling 35k NOT on the Iron Atro..just spamming blood for blood. I specifically wanted to see how much dps blood for blood spam does on its own. About 35k.

    How is even possible to pull less damage than you would if you only spammed ONE ability? The rotation for 7-10k dps must be:

    Light Attack
    Pause for 10 seconds.
    Light Attack.

    I queue as a fake tank as a dps for vet dungeons that I KNOW I can solo. Put it this way. If I queue as a tank, and we get 2 dps who can't pull more than 10k, then the dungeon cannot be completed. I queue as a FAKE tank(a dps toon) and get paired with 2 other dps who can't pull 10k, we can still complete it.

    Sure, I can understand the side of argument that's against fake tanks, but at the same time, that argument is irrelevant.
  • Mortiis13
    Souterain wrote: »
    You let them get that far as as fake tank without kick or leaving yourself?


    Sometimes it's better to go with a fake tank when waiting another hour ^^ not everyone is into tanking/healing.

    When I have a fake tank in group I switch to my solo dungeon build and ending most times alone vs boss. Atleast the group is usable for faster trash fight :-P
    But in vet dungeons im going first time I mostly die cause I hate guides and want to discover the mechanics by myself.
  • deLioncourt
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Fake tanks/healers should get an accountwide ban from dungeon finder for a week, in my opinion. Really wish ZOS-staff would sometimes run dungeons, and inflict disciplinary actions against those cheaters.

    Also, fake tanks do NOT increase the dps over a debuffing/buffing tank! Most of the time they are terrible DD's as well, despite what they themselves think. They also lower DPS by not holding aggro, basically disabling other DD's from doing dps/high dps. So even if your DPS meter shows you are the best dps'er as a fake tank, you are not!

    A tank wearing Yol and Alkosh is increasing dps of a GOOD player by nearly 10-15k. True story. A garbage dps is still gonna pull garbage dps even if the Tank is in Yol and Alkosh. I can pull 75-80k on my stamdk. With extra synergies coming at me on the Iron Atro, ive hit 90k on my Stamdk.

    While your tank is providing 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene from Alkosh and garbage dps..that doesn't amount to anything extra. 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene means nothing when the dps you're buffing is only light attack spamming.

    Just be happy that the hour-long Fungal Grotto 1 you just entered is only going to take 9 minutes. Yep. That was my fast solo time for FG1 VetHM SOLO. 9 Minutes.

    Zone in, run straight to the first boss, kill everything, jump off the waterfall, kill the crabs that inevitably aggro, trigger HM..defeat boss. I've solo'd the final boss of FG1 on HM in 50 seconds.

    I just don't have the time left in my life to spend an hour doing something with 4 people that takes less than 10 minutes to do solo.

    Sure, you can leave the group if you want, but then you get the 15 minute wait til you can use the queue again..and in that 15 minute could've just completed the dungeon and moved on.
  • BeamsForDemacia
    ofc if the Group wipes u can blame the fake tank, but if all goes fine and fast be happy that u get a good clear xD
  • Luvtantius_Micocia
    Believe it or not, but there used to be a time in where people sticked to the role they queued for and took the time to run through a dungeon together, as a team, and even took the time to say hello to eachother at the start and exchange gear at the end to improve their setup.

    Ohh the good 'ol days.
    I like eating sweetrolls and crushing skulls, and I am all out of sweetrolls.
  • Sarannah
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Fake tanks/healers should get an accountwide ban from dungeon finder for a week, in my opinion. Really wish ZOS-staff would sometimes run dungeons, and inflict disciplinary actions against those cheaters.

    Also, fake tanks do NOT increase the dps over a debuffing/buffing tank! Most of the time they are terrible DD's as well, despite what they themselves think. They also lower DPS by not holding aggro, basically disabling other DD's from doing dps/high dps. So even if your DPS meter shows you are the best dps'er as a fake tank, you are not!

    A tank wearing Yol and Alkosh is increasing dps of a GOOD player by nearly 10-15k. True story. A garbage dps is still gonna pull garbage dps even if the Tank is in Yol and Alkosh. I can pull 75-80k on my stamdk. With extra synergies coming at me on the Iron Atro, ive hit 90k on my Stamdk.

    While your tank is providing 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene from Alkosh and garbage dps..that doesn't amount to anything extra. 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene means nothing when the dps you're buffing is only light attack spamming.

    Just be happy that the hour-long Fungal Grotto 1 you just entered is only going to take 9 minutes. Yep. That was my fast solo time for FG1 VetHM SOLO. 9 Minutes.

    Zone in, run straight to the first boss, kill everything, jump off the waterfall, kill the crabs that inevitably aggro, trigger HM..defeat boss. I've solo'd the final boss of FG1 on HM in 50 seconds.

    I just don't have the time left in my life to spend an hour doing something with 4 people that takes less than 10 minutes to do solo.

    Sure, you can leave the group if you want, but then you get the 15 minute wait til you can use the queue again..and in that 15 minute could've just completed the dungeon and moved on.
    The thing is... it does not matter how long a dungeon takes, or if a group makes it to the end. The roles in the dungeonfinder are predetermined: 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS. Cheating the roles to get in faster, is not right. And knowing/telling others they will be punished with a 15 min penalty if they leave, is even worse! Since they are actually doing what they are supposed to be doing, no matter if they are bad at it. You just took away their opportunity to learn their role as well.

    Btw, you may think the other DPS is bad... but you might be running ahead and killing everything before they even get there, which doesn't show on DPS meters. Running ahead DPS, argh! As a real tank I've had this in dungeons before, and so far only two DPS actually did manage to do it successfully. The others, when I didn't rush after them to hold aggro on most monsters, they'd be dead.

    Also, why would you fake role queue for dungeons if you can truly solo them that fast?... Let's mess up three other players their day, so you can get the daily experience? Doesn't seem fair.

    I can't believe players do not feel bad about fake queueing, even if it sometimes works out(rarely). Especially about other players being punished with a new queue or penalty, when they do not put up with cheating behavior. I would feel terrible if I was doing that kind of stuff to other players, as they are just humans trying to enjoy the game.

    PS: I would never gimp one of my actual tanks by using those two sets(yol/alkosh).
  • BeamsForDemacia
    why are People so focused on the roles, yes they are predetermined but that doesnt mean ist Right or needed, if it works with other Setups why not accept it? and yeah if the dds run ahead and die flame them and they are …, but there are many dds that are capable of doing so , soloing the bosses takes longer than doing it with 3 others so ofc ppl queue
  • deLioncourt
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Fake tanks/healers should get an accountwide ban from dungeon finder for a week, in my opinion. Really wish ZOS-staff would sometimes run dungeons, and inflict disciplinary actions against those cheaters.

    Also, fake tanks do NOT increase the dps over a debuffing/buffing tank! Most of the time they are terrible DD's as well, despite what they themselves think. They also lower DPS by not holding aggro, basically disabling other DD's from doing dps/high dps. So even if your DPS meter shows you are the best dps'er as a fake tank, you are not!

    A tank wearing Yol and Alkosh is increasing dps of a GOOD player by nearly 10-15k. True story. A garbage dps is still gonna pull garbage dps even if the Tank is in Yol and Alkosh. I can pull 75-80k on my stamdk. With extra synergies coming at me on the Iron Atro, ive hit 90k on my Stamdk.

    While your tank is providing 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene from Alkosh and garbage dps..that doesn't amount to anything extra. 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene means nothing when the dps you're buffing is only light attack spamming.

    Just be happy that the hour-long Fungal Grotto 1 you just entered is only going to take 9 minutes. Yep. That was my fast solo time for FG1 VetHM SOLO. 9 Minutes.

    Zone in, run straight to the first boss, kill everything, jump off the waterfall, kill the crabs that inevitably aggro, trigger HM..defeat boss. I've solo'd the final boss of FG1 on HM in 50 seconds.

    I just don't have the time left in my life to spend an hour doing something with 4 people that takes less than 10 minutes to do solo.

    Sure, you can leave the group if you want, but then you get the 15 minute wait til you can use the queue again..and in that 15 minute could've just completed the dungeon and moved on.
    The thing is... it does not matter how long a dungeon takes, or if a group makes it to the end. The roles in the dungeonfinder are predetermined: 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS. Cheating the roles to get in faster, is not right. And knowing/telling others they will be punished with a 15 min penalty if they leave, is even worse! Since they are actually doing what they are supposed to be doing, no matter if they are bad at it. You just took away their opportunity to learn their role as well.

    Btw, you may think the other DPS is bad... but you might be running ahead and killing everything before they even get there, which doesn't show on DPS meters. Running ahead DPS, argh! As a real tank I've had this in dungeons before, and so far only two DPS actually did manage to do it successfully. The others, when I didn't rush after them to hold aggro on most monsters, they'd be dead.

    Also, why would you fake role queue for dungeons if you can truly solo them that fast?... Let's mess up three other players their day, so you can get the daily experience? Doesn't seem fair.

    I can't believe players do not feel bad about fake queueing, even if it sometimes works out(rarely). Especially about other players being punished with a new queue or penalty, when they do not put up with cheating behavior. I would feel terrible if I was doing that kind of stuff to other players, as they are just humans trying to enjoy the game.

    PS: I would never gimp one of my actual tanks by using those two sets(yol/alkosh).

    I queue for the dmg buff given by the queue. I can do it solo, or with 3 other people. I queue because it saves EVEN MORE time, on top of fake queueing.

    "As a real tank I've had this in dungeons before, and so far only two DPS actually did manage to do it successfully."

    Give me your @tag. Lets me and you form a group and do the pledges. I'll bring my most self-sufficient toon and show you just how little a tank is needed. Pledges today are CoA 2 and BC2. |

    I challenge you. Lets run them right meow. Bring your dps, i'll bring my dps, fake-queue..and it'll the fasted COA2 Vet HM you've ever run.
  • deLioncourt
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Sarannah wrote: »
    Fake tanks/healers should get an accountwide ban from dungeon finder for a week, in my opinion. Really wish ZOS-staff would sometimes run dungeons, and inflict disciplinary actions against those cheaters.

    Also, fake tanks do NOT increase the dps over a debuffing/buffing tank! Most of the time they are terrible DD's as well, despite what they themselves think. They also lower DPS by not holding aggro, basically disabling other DD's from doing dps/high dps. So even if your DPS meter shows you are the best dps'er as a fake tank, you are not!

    A tank wearing Yol and Alkosh is increasing dps of a GOOD player by nearly 10-15k. True story. A garbage dps is still gonna pull garbage dps even if the Tank is in Yol and Alkosh. I can pull 75-80k on my stamdk. With extra synergies coming at me on the Iron Atro, ive hit 90k on my Stamdk.

    While your tank is providing 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene from Alkosh and garbage dps..that doesn't amount to anything extra. 129 wpn dmg and some extra pene means nothing when the dps you're buffing is only light attack spamming.

    Just be happy that the hour-long Fungal Grotto 1 you just entered is only going to take 9 minutes. Yep. That was my fast solo time for FG1 VetHM SOLO. 9 Minutes.

    Zone in, run straight to the first boss, kill everything, jump off the waterfall, kill the crabs that inevitably aggro, trigger HM..defeat boss. I've solo'd the final boss of FG1 on HM in 50 seconds.

    I just don't have the time left in my life to spend an hour doing something with 4 people that takes less than 10 minutes to do solo.

    Sure, you can leave the group if you want, but then you get the 15 minute wait til you can use the queue again..and in that 15 minute could've just completed the dungeon and moved on.
    The thing is... it does not matter how long a dungeon takes, or if a group makes it to the end. The roles in the dungeonfinder are predetermined: 1 tank, 1 healer, 2 DPS. Cheating the roles to get in faster, is not right. And knowing/telling others they will be punished with a 15 min penalty if they leave, is even worse! Since they are actually doing what they are supposed to be doing, no matter if they are bad at it. You just took away their opportunity to learn their role as well.

    Btw, you may think the other DPS is bad... but you might be running ahead and killing everything before they even get there, which doesn't show on DPS meters. Running ahead DPS, argh! As a real tank I've had this in dungeons before, and so far only two DPS actually did manage to do it successfully. The others, when I didn't rush after them to hold aggro on most monsters, they'd be dead.

    Also, why would you fake role queue for dungeons if you can truly solo them that fast?... Let's mess up three other players their day, so you can get the daily experience? Doesn't seem fair.

    I can't believe players do not feel bad about fake queueing, even if it sometimes works out(rarely). Especially about other players being punished with a new queue or penalty, when they do not put up with cheating behavior. I would feel terrible if I was doing that kind of stuff to other players, as they are just humans trying to enjoy the game.

    PS: I would never gimp one of my actual tanks by using those two sets(yol/alkosh).

    And whats wrong with Yol/Alkosh? What do you mean gimping them?
  • lucky_Sage
    Most vet dungeons can be done with 3 dps and a healer or tank and if you a Templar healer make a tank healer build and run 3 dps your dungeons will be dumb faster and less mechanics to worry about. Before the swallow soul change to heal 2 people people use to run 2 magblade dps and 2 other dps didn’t need a tank or healer than just burn the boss before a single mechanic happened
    DC PC NA
    Magdk - main
    Stamcro - alt

    AD PS4 NA -retired (PC runs way better to play on console)

  • Sergykid
    LashanW wrote: »
    Sergykid wrote: »
    no, i do my job as a tank and i keep the boss in place taunted. You will see no difference from me being as half dps or other classic tanks. Those classic tanks are just overkilling it with their mitigation, while i only use the mitigation necessary and the rest goes to dps. Same i do on my healers, i heal only as much is necessary and rest goes to dps, not overhealing.
    You started judging me without knowing what i do, and people agree with you, sums up the average behavior of this forum's community
    What are the sets you use on your hybrid tank/dps?

    on my mag tank, bahraha grothdarr bsw. I keep alive by healing and blocking, and if i dodge through the boss he doesn't move from its place. On my stam tank i use VO selene agility and frost vma (to block with mag) and heal with vigor, also dodge like already mentioned. Health 25k is enough, and i can do 30k dps with this nearly half a tank setup that also keeps me alive in any vet non-dlc. In dlc vets i just equip a spell that gives me more mitigation, like undaunted bone shield or the such.
    -PC EU- / battlegrounds on my youtube
  • Thechuckage
    Leeching plate w/ Azureblight is another good combo

    Baharah w/ Akiviri Dragonguard isnt too bad either
  • PapaWeeb
    The bare minimum for a "tank" in duty finder:
    • Keep taunt on the boss/particularly dangerous adds
    • Not have ants in your pants, keep the boss in my godsdamned AoEs
    • Not drop like a fly. Mistakes happen even if you're a conventional tank, but taking 30k damage through block when you only have 15k is annoying
    Bonus points for:
    • Buff/debuff
    • Do some DPS
    • CC/Chain in adds for faster runs
    • Pull big, don't stop to kill every group of 3 enemies

    If they manage to do the minimum then fine, whatever their build is, who cares. I have enough DPS for the whole group anyway. Queuing as a DD and getting some mediocre DD build who doesn't taunt the boss, or any adds, that's frustrating. I didn't wait 45 minutes in that queue to end up tanking the boss myself anyway. I want to do DPS, not roll, block and heavy attack when that's your job.

    This is selfish behaviour, and shouldn't be defended. If it's no problem, as some of you say, and the "dungeon is so EZ I can solo it who gives a [snip]" then just slot. inner. fire. That is the least they can do.

    [Edited for Censor Bypass]
    Edited by Psiion on June 12, 2020 7:38PM
    PC EU
  • deLioncourt
    JinMori wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    JinMori wrote: »
    The funny thing is that most of the time i am in a fake tank group, they never manage to do great dps.

    At least you should do immense damage if you queue for something you are not, yet, 3 dd, still doing about 55% of the damage... I'm not seeing the great dps, just above average.

    And they tend to be bad with mechanics.

    I do not know why fake tanks are still an issue. It is so easy to have an off-spec for tanking. Just kick the fake tank, use your off-speck, and get a DPS to fill the vacancy. The fake tank gets taught a lesson and the rest of the group gets to move on and clear the dungeon.

    I find it a bit disrespectful to be honest, if you are queuing as a tank but really are dps, you should do a lot of damage to fill the void of a lacking a tank.

    This. I often queue as a fake tank as a DD, and I end up doing 60%+ of the groups damage. Tell me why I should bring a real tank and let the dungeon run on for an hour or more, when I can just fake queue and get the same clear in under 20 minutes?
  • deLioncourt
    PapaWeeb wrote: »
    The bare minimum for a "tank" in duty finder:
    • Keep taunt on the boss/particularly dangerous adds
    • Not have ants in your pants, keep the boss in my godsdamned AoEs
    • Not drop like a fly. Mistakes happen even if you're a conventional tank, but taking 30k damage through block when you only have 15k is annoying
    Bonus points for:
    • Buff/debuff
    • Do some DPS
    • CC/Chain in adds for faster runs
    • Pull big, don't stop to kill every group of 3 enemies

    If they manage to do the minimum then fine, whatever their build is, who cares. I have enough DPS for the whole group anyway. Queuing as a DD and getting some mediocre DD build who doesn't taunt the boss, or any adds, that's frustrating. I didn't wait 45 minutes in that queue to end up tanking the boss myself anyway. I want to do DPS, not roll, block and heavy attack when that's your job.

    This is selfish behaviour, and shouldn't be defended. If it's no problem, as some of you say, and the "dungeon is so EZ I can solo it who gives a [snip]" then just slot. inner. fire. That is the least they can do.

    [Edited for Censor Bypass]

    Inner fire isn't a make or break all thing. I tried doing BC2 today on VetHM. I brought my magblade and YES, I queue'd as a DD. Didn't fake queue. We got a tank, for BC2 VetHM, who had 10k hp, and was CP115.

    Part of the problem today is that people are queueing for vets and aren't even CP160.
  • Glurin
    why are People so focused on the roles,

    I don't know. Why are employers so focused on you doing the job they hired you to do? Can't they just be happy that you hopped into that bulldozer and started pushing stuff around even though you were hired to build walls?

    The group needed a tank. You joined claiming you were a tank. You don't tank. You deserve to be fired.

    Maybe you can solo the dungeon. Maybe you can put out so much damage in the first second of the fight that the boss doesn't even have time to react. Doesn't matter. One mistake is all it will take for you to cause failure because you're not doing the job that the group needed you to do and that you agreed to do.
    "He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster...when you gaze long into the abyss the abyss also gazes into you..."
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