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Give me 3 good Reasons to play ESO right now

be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos
  • kargen27
    If the game is fun play it.

    If not then don't.

    Only you know the answer for you.
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Starlock
    In order for us to provide you with good reasons, you need to tell us more about what you consider a good reason. It's not hard to find reasons - certainly more than a paltry three. But whether or not they are "good" in your opinion will depend on what you personally are looking for in a game and why you play games. We can't read your mind.
  • kylewwefan
    no ones holding a gun to your head. Play whatever you want.

    When you find a game that can replace the eso sized hole in your heart let me know.
  • Tandor
    If you enjoy a game that is reason enough to play it. If you don't enjoy a game then that is reason enough not to play it.
  • JKorr

    Personal preference, personal experience, personal game play style.

    Does it suck for some players? Yes, undoubtedly.

    Does it work fine for some players? Yes, undoubtedly. [played for about 4 hours straight today so far]

    I can't give you reasons to play; first you won't listen because "I play pve and haven't had any issues with it" isn't what you want to hear. Second, I don't touch pvp, which is usually what the OMG TEH GAME IS BORKED FIX YOUR POS GAME ZOS!!!!!!!! complaints are about. Thirdly; if the game is such a bad experience for you perhaps its time to move on and find a game that meets your requirements. If you are no longer having fun playing, there is nothing anyone could give as valid reasons for you to go against your own feelings and start/keep playing.
  • Waynerx8
    There are none
  • Tigertron
    There is nothing better yet.
    You can't stop.
    What else are you going to do anyway.
  • BejaProphet
  • Nemesis7884
    Tigertron wrote: »
    There is nothing better yet.
    You can't stop.
    What else are you going to do anyway.

    i still really enjoy eso and will continue to play it

    but ooooofff m&b bannerlord just came out, and honestly, warband was probably the most fun i ever had in any multiplayer experience EVER

    and its really fun as single player too... and apparently they are working on a lord of the rings mod
    Edited by Nemesis7884 on March 31, 2020 6:14PM
  • TheMightyRevan
    if you try to do anything, that requires a fairly good performance youre just doomed. zos made everything worse, in pve and especially in pvp in the last months.

    [Edit to remove mention of protest]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on March 31, 2020 7:43PM
  • Knightpanther
    Its a mess for sure in some places, BUT there's nothing out there better, and from an overland questing perspective it looks amazing.
    Cyrodiil is still the best PvP ive done since the early WOW Alterac Valley days, it just needs fixing.

    Be Safe
  • yodased
    no thanks.
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • vamp_emily
    Sad, that I can't come up with 3 good reasons.

    1. If you like PvE
    2. If you like PvP and enjoy pressing a button 5 times to make a skill animation go off.

    If you want a friend, get a dog.
    AW Rank: Grand Warlord 1 ( level 49)

  • VoidCommander
    1. Buying things from players is super easy and definitely not super convoluted and requires third party software to do it effectively.

    2. The dynamic PvP of the game is super fluid and rarely ever has issues performance wise in the game's 6 year history.

    3. The combat of the game has very gradual changes so that players are definitely not shell-shocked every 3 months with catastrophic changes to how combat is done.
  • olsborg
    The fun factor of this game has dropped by 90%. I might be able to squeeze out an hour of fun here and there, but the performance is killing the fun as soon as a few more ppl start logging in to pvp. Also the current balance and meta is dead boring, as a side note.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Lixiviant
    Well, because:
    1. You've watched everything available on Netflix, Amazon and Hulu.
    2. You have found the last page of the Internet.
    3. You can't leave the house.
    PS4/PS5/NA - And now EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • Gilvoth
    Tigertron wrote: »
    There is nothing better yet.
    You can't stop.
    What else are you going to do anyway.

    Best Answer ^
  • bearbelly
    be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos

    The question and the opening post make it sound like you don't actually want to play, but would rather just stir people up for fun.
    (i.e., you already know the responses you're going to get.)
  • Lixiviant
    be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos

    You DO realize that you are posting the same threads we've had to read since the game came out, don't you?
    PS4/PS5/NA - And now EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • Universe
    3 Alliances:
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ebonheart Pact
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • L_Nici
    Its simple. There is no alternative.
    Thats why the game gets so bad, no alternative -> no competition.
    Edited by L_Nici on March 31, 2020 7:20PM
    A very special girl

  • Taliho
    Not sure it would benefit the community to do so.
  • BaiterOfZergs
    Vampires, skooma and natch potes
    Zerg of House Smallscale, First of his name, wielder of Volendrung, battleground hero, Cyrodiil butcher, the swifft footed, OG of the Templars and first pvpers, defender of scrolls and baiter of zergs.
  • sirston
    you can Pie RPer's right now
    Whitestakes Revenge
    WoodElf Mag-Warden
    Magickia Dragonknight

    Pride Of The Pact
    The Crimson Order

    victoria aut mors
  • Lysette
    Tandor wrote: »
    If you enjoy a game that is reason enough to play it. If you don't enjoy a game then that is reason enough not to play it.

    Exactly and there are no rules for how to play it as well - there are plenty of ways to enjoy ESO without to even do what most do in the game - there are even people who just use ESO as a backdrop for their theatrical role play, never interested into skills or leveling up - those have fun as well.
  • mague
    1) Real Gamepad support

    2) gamepad UI

    3) did i mention gamepads ?

    Anything else is a matter of taste or if you are a vet or new player. For new players the question is to find reasons to not play.
  • Curious_Death
    be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos

    Feed greedy company - that dont listen customers :disappointed:
    Get toxic injection from haters from all over Cyrodiil :)
    Finally ! get killed by NPC/Player coz ur skills stopped working then get hate whispers coz u got finally killed! and... the cherry on cake! TE@-Bag by thoose toxic players as trophy of ur bad-luck =) (i mean their pro victory)
    Edited by Curious_Death on April 1, 2020 7:58AM
  • Saucy_Jack
    1. Pies
    2. More pies
    3. Even more pies
    ALL HAIL SNUGGLORR THE MAGNIFICENT, KING OF THE RNG AND NIRN'S ONE TRUE GOD! Also, become a Scrub-scriber! SJ Scrubs: Playing games badly to make you feel better about yourself.
  • TheShadowScout
    Tandor wrote: »
    If you enjoy a game that is reason enough to play it. If you don't enjoy a game then that is reason enough not to play it.
    ...and that's pretty much it.

    I hardly listen to the naysayers, and I still have fun playing ESO, levelling some alts, doing some questing on them I had been putting off, chasing motiv pages, taking time exploring places, smelling the flowers then gathering them for my alchemists, redoing a outfit here and there, farming for the last piece of some overland set I wanted on some alt, etc.

    You see if its fun for you.
    If it is, then that is the only reason you need to play, if it isn't, then no reason is enough.
  • JumpmanLane
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game. They are standing around tallking to other folks or picking flowers or role playing or doing dolmens or something. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME ON ANY KIND OF HIGH LEVEL. That much must be made clear.

    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones. ZOS can possibly make some money off of people NOT playing their game, but for every new person that buys this game, ZOS runs the risk of alienating them: as soon as a new player actually gets good at the game, reaches endgame and plays it at a high level, ALL OF THE BUGS hit them in the face.

    ZOS mentioned in their announcements concerning testing the changes to light and heavy attacks that the climb was steep and most didn't enjoy the climb. How much is any new player going to enjoy "the climb" when once they reach the mountain top the game stops working lol.
    Edited by JumpmanLane on April 2, 2020 2:01AM
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