Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Give me 3 good Reasons to play ESO right now

  • amir412
    * Housing
    * Questing and picking flowers
    * Roleplaying

    Anything other than that just will just makes u want to uninstall the game
    Edited by amir412 on April 1, 2020 8:23AM
    PC | EU | AD |Stam Dk named "-Saidden"| 1700 CP|
    "..A world without fire. Ashen one, is this truly thy wish?.."

  • RD065
    1.) Better than anything else
    2.) Gorgeous game
    3.) Always new content
  • Raudgrani
    1. They might fix the game so that it's at least playable
    2. They might not go through with light/heavy attack changes
    3. They might keep vampire roughly like it is already, for us who only wants the mitigation/mistform and RECOVERY passives, other's can delve deeper into vampirism, IF they like. I really dislike fundamentally changing what has been there since the end of the game, something that IS working already, and is used by many.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    1. Habit
    2. Keeping in contact with guild mates
    3. Trading guild GM responsibilities

    Other than that I am really on a knife edge as far as ESO is concerned:

    - Performance is abysmal
    - My main is a nightblade, it's got bad and it seems it is going to get worse
    - Overland is too easy so I dont bother with the dlc stuff
    - Toxic teabaggers in PVP pc eu
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Cyrodiil is still the best PvP ive done since the early WOW Alterac Valley days, it just needs fixing.

    That is something we have all hoped for, for years. Do we really think it will ever get fixed? Especially now with the endless combat tweaking, which just throws more bugs into the mix. Then there are the inevitable 'fixes' that seem to create even more problems.

    Zos has pushed itself into a downward spiral. They just need to stop, take a deep breath, stop the cycle of combat changes and focus on what is really needed.

    Edited by martinhpb16_ESO on April 1, 2020 9:18AM
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Megatto
    If you can't find those three reasons yourself then you shouldn't play. Now get out
    Remove loot boxes or riot
  • FierceSam
    kargen27 wrote: »
    If the game is fun play it.

    If not then don't.

    Only you know the answer for you.

    ^^ Just this

    There’s no compulsion to play, it should be all about having fun. If it’s not fun for you, try something else. That’s alright. The game will be here if you decide to come back.

    If it’s making you mad, or angry, definitely try something else. Another game, a book, a movie, a walk.. Now more than ever we should not be wasting our spare time doing things we don’t enjoy.

    For me the game is providing interesting, challenging content that I can do with friends from around the world, some of whom really need the distraction of an alternate world.
  • FierceSam
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game. They are standing around tallking to other folks or picking flowers or role playing or doing dolmens or something. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME ON ANY KIND OF HIGH LEVEL. That much must be made clear.

    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones. ZOS can possibly make some money off of people NOT playing their game, but for every new person that buys this game, ZOS runs the risk of alienating: as soon as a new player actually gets good at the game, reaches endgame and plays it at a high level, ALL OF THE BUGS hit them in the face.

    ZOS mentioned in their announcements concerning testing the changes to light and heavy attacks that the climb was steep and most didnt enjoy the climb. How much is any new player going to enjoy "the climb" when once they reach the mountain top the game stops working lol.

    Well I am going to call you on that bulls***t.

    I spent all my time yesterday in a number of vet HM DLC dungeons. They all worked perfectly well. No disconnects, no desyncs nothing like that at all. I played with players from around Europe and Africa.

    Today I’ll be back in them and vet trials. Looking forward to it.

    Maybe you can’t do this content, which is sad for you, but it’s out there working. You don’t want to play,? Jump off man.
  • Soresina
    The only reason anyone should need to play a game is the one you give to your partner/family for why you are playing the game instead of what they wanted you to do.
  • JumpmanLane
    FierceSam wrote: »
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game. They are standing around tallking to other folks or picking flowers or role playing or doing dolmens or something. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME ON ANY KIND OF HIGH LEVEL. That much must be made clear.

    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones. ZOS can possibly make some money off of people NOT playing their game, but for every new person that buys this game, ZOS runs the risk of alienating: as soon as a new player actually gets good at the game, reaches endgame and plays it at a high level, ALL OF THE BUGS hit them in the face.

    ZOS mentioned in their announcements concerning testing the changes to light and heavy attacks that the climb was steep and most didnt enjoy the climb. How much is any new player going to enjoy "the climb" when once they reach the mountain top the game stops working lol.

    Well I am going to call you on that bulls***t.

    I spent all my time yesterday in a number of vet HM DLC dungeons. They all worked perfectly well. No disconnects, no desyncs nothing like that at all. I played with players from around Europe and Africa.

    Today I’ll be back in them and vet trials. Looking forward to it.

    Maybe you can’t do this content, which is sad for you, but it’s out there working. You don’t want to play,? Jump off man.

    I’m a Grade 2 Grand Overlord and l PvP EVERYDAY. PCNA and I’m in America. I got fiber optic internet. I play on a gaming rig WELL over spec for this game.

    Say what you want to say. White Knight all you want to: THIS GAME IS BROKEN....ZOS admits that. Why can’t you? Lol.
    Edited by JumpmanLane on April 1, 2020 9:32AM
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    1. Skyrim is old.
    2. There is no TES VI yet.
    3. F76 sucks.
  • FierceSam
    FierceSam wrote: »
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game. They are standing around tallking to other folks or picking flowers or role playing or doing dolmens or something. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME ON ANY KIND OF HIGH LEVEL. That much must be made clear.

    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones. ZOS can possibly make some money off of people NOT playing their game, but for every new person that buys this game, ZOS runs the risk of alienating: as soon as a new player actually gets good at the game, reaches endgame and plays it at a high level, ALL OF THE BUGS hit them in the face.

    ZOS mentioned in their announcements concerning testing the changes to light and heavy attacks that the climb was steep and most didnt enjoy the climb. How much is any new player going to enjoy "the climb" when once they reach the mountain top the game stops working lol.

    Well I am going to call you on that bulls***t.

    I spent all my time yesterday in a number of vet HM DLC dungeons. They all worked perfectly well. No disconnects, no desyncs nothing like that at all. I played with players from around Europe and Africa.

    Today I’ll be back in them and vet trials. Looking forward to it.

    Maybe you can’t do this content, which is sad for you, but it’s out there working. You don’t want to play,? Jump off man.

    I’m a Grade 2 Grand Overlord and l PvP EVERYDAY. PCNA and I’m in America. I got fiber optic internet. I play on a gaming rig WELL over spec for this game.

    Say what you want to say. White Knight all you want to: THIS GAME IS BROKEN....ZOS admits that. Why can’t you? Lol.

    Possibly because it isn’t?

    It was genuinely non-functional for a while on Monday when the PC EU server crashed and had to be ‘maintained’. But yesterday it was working perfectly in vet DLC dungeon content for the entire evening.

    I don’t know about PC NA, it seemed OK when I popped over when PC EU was down...

    You might want to redefine your notion of ‘broken’.
  • Vanos444
    be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos

    1. Cash store: Exciting new reskined mounts, toys, skins, houses, etc that will require a little more cash to pour content on the store.
    2. Content: The exciting new ( boring) stories, ( generic )gameplay, ( vomit ) Armor, etc and the infamous and exciting Class balance.
    3. Subscribe: Subscribe for more content. ( give me your money, NOW!!! )

  • Rake
    1.Dont PvP
    3.Lie yourself everything will be better eventually
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game.
    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones.

    So, anyone not doing those things is "not actually playing the game"? You don't think that's a bit of an overstatement in your behalf?

    Having said that, I had considerable problems healing in a vet trial, with abilities not firing and being frozen in place for several seconds at at time, and that was not fun at all. Still, we made it through after a wipe, and we were not aiming for any leaderboards, so it was still a fun overall experience. I also had a good group wiping several times in vICP because nobody in the group could get their presses of the X key to register. With the particular mechanic in there, that bug means certain death. First we gave up on hard mode, then we just gave up on the fight altogether when nobody survived even the first fall.

    Yes, the game has problems, and of course I would like to see them solved. However, the game is nowhere near unplayable for me, and I'm doing quite a lot more than picking flowers. (Although, full disclosure, yes, I do that, too.)
  • MagicPie
    be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos

    I am new to eso, i find id really fun to play. Yes there are performance issues and latency issues some times, but most of the time game runs fine and that is better than most mmos out there, sure it could be better if they fix current issues.

    As for your question, i myself play a game only if i find it fun, if you do not then either take a break or find something fun to do in eso, or find another game that you find fun to play.
  • CMDR_Un1k0rn
    - Fun PvE (Yes I'm serious)
    - Fun PvP (I know, but yes, I'm still serious)
    - Fun friends (It's an MMO so this should be obvious)
    In-game username: Un1korn | Happy member of the PCNA UESP guild (Resident Daggerfall Covenant enjoyer) | Main & basically only character: Crucian Vulpin, Imperial Dragonknight of the Daggerfall Covenant, and Undaunted Bulwark (I tank) | Mountain bike enjoyer and vulpine appreciator | If you know me from PCEU: No | To ZOS: THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BRING MY HORSE INTO BATTLE!
  • Aznarb
    - Still the best game with lore
    - Fun to play with friend in high content
    - Love how the game look


    With the perf and all the weird change, I'm just gonna play less and stop paying + wont buy Greymore and wait for New World the time Eso fix this mess.
    [ PC EU ]

    [ Khuram-dar ]
    [ Khajiit ]
    [ Templar - Healer ]
    [Crazy Gatherer & Compulsive Thief]

  • tigerborn62
    Give yourself a chance to be creative and meet some new friends.
  • AgaTheGreat
    My friend just announced his quitting :(
    PS4 EU Aga_The_Grey - retired | PC EU AgaTheGreat
  • Curious_Death
    My friend just announced his quitting :(

    well... my GF wanted to play... then she went pvp... and met tea-bag loosers... she doesnt want to play anymore... :neutral:

    i have 100/100 friends... like +100 deleted coz they do not want to play this game anymore since last year ...

    and i wish i could add more ignore than 100... since i play pvp hard for half year.... and i dont have more ignore place on my list and that hurts... when some1 ignore you... gank teabag and then hate whispering... annoying community.

  • Sylianwe
    If you have to ask, then don't play it. This thread serves no purpose.
    The mind is a walled garden, even death can not touch the flowers blooming there 🌹
  • VividMind
    gameplay is what keeps games running enjoy it or hate it, it's what keeps it running and thats where hope comes into play.. but judging zos history idk
  • markulrich1966
    I play because the content I play works smooth.

    Daily delves and worldbosses, can even solo many (you can't solo them with lag).

    Now you might say "I don't do dailies". Well, you should have been more specific in your first post then.

    Or: "I do dailies, but the performance is terrible". In that case, you should have mentioned your system.

    I play on xbox (EU and NA), hours every day.
    My initially common long loadscreens were fixed very simple: I moved the game to a cheap external SSD. No more "this is an unusually long loadtime".

    When I start getting lag, I switch from cable to wifi or vice versa, this seems to reset some internal xbox network settings, and the lag is gone.

    So, if you really want a serious answer, you should deliver first and write more in detail what you miss.
    Edited by markulrich1966 on April 1, 2020 12:01PM
  • Lysette
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game. They are standing around tallking to other folks or picking flowers or role playing or doing dolmens or something. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME ON ANY KIND OF HIGH LEVEL. That much must be made clear.

    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones. ZOS can possibly make some money off of people NOT playing their game, but for every new person that buys this game, ZOS runs the risk of alienating: as soon as a new player actually gets good at the game, reaches endgame and plays it at a high level, ALL OF THE BUGS hit them in the face.

    ZOS mentioned in their announcements concerning testing the changes to light and heavy attacks that the climb was steep and most didnt enjoy the climb. How much is any new player going to enjoy "the climb" when once they reach the mountain top the game stops working lol.

    I don't like the elitist attitude in this - "endgame" is not the only way of playing the game and for most it is not even a goal at all. Endgame is something coming from the MMO world, whereas a lot of players don't come from MMOs, but from single player ElderScrolls where there is no endgame at all. And they play the game just as much - one doesn't have to do high level end game content to play the game "correctly" - this game can even be played solo, because it came from single player TES.
  • mobicera
    Rocky road ice cream...
    A plant...
  • Curious_Death
    FierceSam wrote: »
    People who support this game in its current state aren't ACTUALLY playing the game. They are standing around tallking to other folks or picking flowers or role playing or doing dolmens or something. THEY ARE NOT PLAYING THE GAME ON ANY KIND OF HIGH LEVEL. That much must be made clear.

    They are not in Cyro PvPing. They are not in vTrials pushing leader boards. They are not doing vDungeons, particularly DLC ones. ZOS can possibly make some money off of people NOT playing their game, but for every new person that buys this game, ZOS runs the risk of alienating: as soon as a new player actually gets good at the game, reaches endgame and plays it at a high level, ALL OF THE BUGS hit them in the face.

    ZOS mentioned in their announcements concerning testing the changes to light and heavy attacks that the climb was steep and most didnt enjoy the climb. How much is any new player going to enjoy "the climb" when once they reach the mountain top the game stops working lol.

    Well I am going to call you on that bulls***t.

    I spent all my time yesterday in a number of vet HM DLC dungeons. They all worked perfectly well. No disconnects, no desyncs nothing like that at all. I played with players from around Europe and Africa.

    Today I’ll be back in them and vet trials. Looking forward to it.

    Maybe you can’t do this content, which is sad for you, but it’s out there working. You don’t want to play,? Jump off man.

    wow then u confirm how UNSTABLE servers is! THX!
    coz i played on EU PC i have got few bugs:

    1) My brother yesterday had 9 loading screens.. in 10 min in cyrodiil at home keep when we tried to run to resource! well done!
    2) *my hero dont light attack sometimes or heavy attack - when i hold mouse button for heavy attack my hero stats shaking and do nothing ... and this sounds - repeating 50% of his attack sound... WEIRD

    3)Weapon cannot be swapped... - crap!

    4)I stucked at breakfree - i cant use skills - i run around ... and i can break free every second - not being stunned - untill stamina ends.

    5)When i fire bow heavy attack - an arrow fired.. nothing happens and my hero stuck in bow heavy attack animation.

    6)I got stunned (26k stamina left) i cannot break free untill i got killed (SO MUCH FUN!)

    7)I got stunned - used breakfree > FEARED > breakfree > stunned (within 4-5 sec!)!? cant break free ofc.

    8)I got stunned and i didnt breakfree... i used roll-dodge > i glided on the ground still moving (stunned) and get up without problem (that was fun :D )

    9)I got strange freeze(1-2 sec) in fight (60 fps) then got stunned (again freeze untill i got killed)

    10)I was fighting with friend for fun - killed him (didnt wanted to end that way) with one LA - coz his hp was cutted in 1 sec for 20k of delayed DMG!

    11)I was running from couple of players... i used shield + rapid regen.. then turned around... one light attack killed me ... again a desync? (with shield on!)

    12)I was tanking > so holding block > then got killed coz - idk why my hero stop holding block??? > i figured out that u needs to watch if ur hero dont stop blocking and release mouse button then hold it again to block... (soo much fun with all this animation block bug effects!)
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Malfoy wrote: »
    If you have to ask, then don't play it. This thread serves no purpose.

    then why did you answer?
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • TheFM
    be honest, think about the current performance and all the previous promises from zos

    Sadly o cannot.

    Performance is bad
    They are creating more problems that didn't exist with the changes to the weaving paradigm
    Vampire negative effects are too much
    Prologue was very lackluster, which doesn't bode will for the expansion
    Cyrodiil and all high tier trials and dungeons are suffering because of performance
    Pc EU server down every other day
    Even in overland performance is dropping.

    I've been with this game from the start, through thick and thin, but they are ruining all of my builds I spent a year working on to fit my playstyles, Al of my hard work is going down the drain. I have spent lots of mine on this game, tons of time, and am very saddened by what is happening to the game.
  • Strider__Roshin
    Wow just realized it's been 9 months since I played. When is that deleting of cold accounts supposed to occur? I'm going to have to redownload and login before that happens.
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