Provisioner Hireling - Useless?

  • copito
    copito wrote: »
    reached 50 on provisioning and added all 3 skill points to hireling today . In 10 hours gonna post what he gathered

    My hireling brought me twice grapes. All together 16. Four of them I can use for blue and purple recepies. I guess is ok, wish they would bring me onions and tomatoes.
    Edited by copito on April 15, 2014 6:21AM
  • Iceborg
    i can confirm the provision hireling is a joke. he really needs a huge upgrade with chance at finding rare recipes and stacks of materials that endgame items use maybe base it on player lvl somehow. but atm he is a joke waste of 3 skill points considering he only send you at most i have had is 3 mats [1 of each] low lvl mats lol
    Edited by Iceborg on April 15, 2014 7:00AM
  • Avidus
    I have a tier 3 Hireling..
    And to be honest the guy assumes I have a fetish for grape varieties.
    And they are not even rare, Jazbay Grapes? at once point I would actively avoiding picking those up.
    White Grapes? maybe a little better, but please.
    I think instead of 1-3 of each ingredient sent you should receive like 30 or something.
    I mean you don't go online and get 1 bottle of milk, an onion and a potato delivered to your door, its not worth paying for.
    That's how I feel about my hireling.
  • andrantos
    Sounds like I'll be avoiding this trait all together.
  • Anazasi
    I think that the hireling should provide more quantity and should have a larger chance to return a rare or very rare recipe. I would love a purple fishy stick!
  • JessieColt
    This is the one hireling I have no intention of getting. From the start it seemed worthless to me to waste skill points on. I loot SO many provisioning items just running around checking every crate, bag, and barrel that getting more stuff from a hireling seemed like a moot point.

    As others have said, if there was a chance at getting rare blue and purple recipes, I might reconsider. But for now, I am spending my skill points in other places.
  • sflanagan21ub17_ESO
    Well if your guy's hireling is anything like mine, the reason we aren't getting any decent components sent back our way is because he is busy running from Argonian bandits or riding with caravans populated by women who say "What" all of the time.

    You would think he could keep better company or choose a safer route then to go by the lost temple in the swamp of despair.

    I'm thinking of firing him...haha
  • rideh
    My 3/3 hireling also brings small stacks of mostly useless stuff though he has occasionally brought a few ingredients i've not found elsewhere. like pinguis. (VR1 AD - am I just not in the right zone?)
  • Brennan
    It's been my experience that all of the hirelings are kind of useless. I certainly will not spend any SP on them again (since respeccing). I can get more stuff running around in the game and getting XP than I can in the 12-24 hours that it takes for Bobby Braindead to send me a couple of grapes, or a couple of ore, wood, cloth, hide, runes, etc.
  • Vantor
    Woot! He brought back 2 Tomatoes!
    Invictus EU Guild Officer
  • shawnpreub18_ESO1
    Soul Shriven
    Have had the 3 point provisioning hireling for about 3 days now. Nothing received that is making me happy about the investment.
  • Locke_ESO
    I've got 4 tomatoes in the bank from when I had a provisioning hireling. Still not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with them seeing as they are from a level 35 purple recipe for another faction.

    If the hireling was bringing me things I need like Imperial Flour & Stock (which I cant find anywhere!) and maybe very rarely a new recipe I dont have at 3/3 it might be worth it.
  • khaza
    My level 3 hireling seems to have a fetish for onions.
    Member of Ginnunga since 2001.
  • DiceKnight
    Soul Shriven
    Very disappointed in mine. Brings me nothing but trash for 3 skill points. Want to respec out of him, buuuut it's going to take a chunk out of the horse fund.

    I made this regarding my experience with him:

  • Phranq
    The hireling has a chance to bring you tomatoes and oats which are very hard to come by otherwise.. this is the only reason I've seen to get the hireling.
  • Dragonheart013
    I got this one on my first character (can't really call him my main, I switch evenly between him and my other), and have to admit, it is rather dissatisfying. I agree with what others have said about recipes or stacks of ingredients. Another option would be to potentially bring in some blue or purple food stuffs as well, that could be interesting, especially if they delivered at a time when you kinda needed it. But honestly don't see this hireling as worth having currently.
  • DGVish
    Provisioner Hireling is useless imo because you can get most of this crap in the world easily. Only ones I found to be worth it were the actual crafting profs.
  • Catches_the_Sun
    DiceKnight wrote: »
    I made this regarding my experience with him:


    This is the best thing ever!

    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • SmallArchangel
    My guess is 3 potatoes. If you are lucky.

    I spent that skill point thinking that maybe I wouldn't have to spend all that time rifling through all the containers in every zone/instance/building etc. But no, in a week of employing the waster I have received 3 pieces of red wheat (singly), a red onion, and 2 apologies for having 'lost' his goods.

    Seriously... I'm trying to provide for 2 guilds, here!!
  • Dragonheart013
    Just got 4 salt, 2 pepper, 2 garlic from the one I opened today... Probably the best one I've gotten so far, but still quite... meh.
  • carazvaneb17_ESO
    Don't know if they fixed provisioner hireling in one of the last patches but yesterday got 5 oats and today got 4 tomatoes (They exist!!!)
    (this was out of 4 drops since I have 3/3 hireling so 1 mail every 12 hours, other 2 were drink ingridients)
  • Hellorush
    Diceknight, that is awesome! Everything you need to know about provisioning hirelings in one picture. Complete waste of a skillpoint.

    For how much you can sell tempers from other professions? Even a single epic (not saying legendary) temper will bring you hundreds of gold. That makes other hirelings worthwhile. And "potato-wizards"? Meh..
  • hauke
    you need a temper 1 time to craft a piece of armor or a weapon, you meal lasts 1 hour... 50 potatoes are good for 50 meals then they are gone, your armor can last forever

    trade 50 potatoes for 1 golden temper might be very cheap
  • Mabh
    I like reading about his travelling exploits... isn't that what the provisioning hireling is for? ;p
  • Fablelost
    Prov hireling is the only source of tomatoes so far.
    He always brings rare (optional) ingridients for crafting purple and blue foods and drinks.
    3 skill points are no big deal.
    Edited by Fablelost on April 22, 2014 9:13AM
    "Come Nerevar, friend or traitor come. Come and look upon the Heart and Akulakhan. And bring Wraithguard, I have need of it."
  • Jadakin
    Fablelost wrote: »
    Prov hireling is the only source of tomatoes so far.
    He always brings rare (optional) ingridients for crafting purple and blue foods and drinks.
    3 skill points are no big deal.
    I have gotten tomatoes from searching sacks, barrels, etc.

    The hireling is worthless when compared to the other hirelings. Worthless.
  • Catches_the_Sun
    Zenimax has made an official response that relates to our issues. It appears that Hireling is the only way to get tomatoes & oats. The caveat is that you have to at least have the 2nd skill to get them. See below.

    "ZOS_JessicaFolsom wrote: »
    Hi all,

    We can confirm that oats and tomatoes are indeed in the game and working as intended. We double checked when we started seeing threads like this, just to be sure.

    Here's a little info, to help you:
    Currently, you will never find oats or tomatoes out in the world. This is working as intended.
    Both oats and tomatoes are only available from Provisioner Hireling boxes. They are rare by design.
    They're only available if you have the Provisioner Hireling passive skill to Rank 2 or greater."
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Catches_the_Sun
    I can confirm that the leap from Hireling 1 to Hireling 2 is very substantial. I went from receiving 1 ingredient per day to receiving 2-4 each of 3 different types. Only 1 bag so far though, so no tomatoes or oats to report just yet. :smiley:
    Catches-the-Sun - Argonian Templar - Master Smith, Provisioner, Chemist & Tailor
    Valaren Arobone - Dunmer Flamewalker - Master Woodworker, Provisioner, Assassin
    Kazahad - Khajiiti Arcane Archer - Master Thief
    V'orkten - Redguard Swordmaster
    Finnvardr the Frenzied - Werewolf Berzerker
  • Cats525
    DiceKnight wrote: »
    I made this regarding my experience with him:

    This just made my day, thanks alot pal! :)
    Edited by Cats525 on May 5, 2014 12:47PM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Ive found prov hireling only good for if you have blue and purple recipes to craft. They don't bring you anything for green recipes, just the 3rd/4th/and 5th ingrident needed for blue and purple recipes. Sucks because I find plenty of the stuff needed for blue recipes for myself, and I don't have any purple recipes for my level at all.

    I think Prov Hireling should be able to bring you recipes at 2/3 and 3/3.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 5, 2014 1:34PM
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