Next Chapter Involves Volkihar Vampire Clan's Formation.

  • TheFM
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    Fanservice. nothing more. friend was right.
    Dragons. okay they was okay. hardly swallowable but okay. Vampires, Lord Harkon and Serana? Just excuse me what the ***. Serana was caged way before 2nd era. She dosent say thousands of years beause she just overreacting it. She was caged for reason, as Harkon was happy in his stupid castle.

    i understand now why Lawrence Schick left. Fanservice = more money. Well written story = deeper lore and more awesome story. (Morrowind, Summerset). But without him now they just making this 1 year long stories. What will it be next then? Year of the Vampire? Year of the Wolf? Just nonsense. Makes. no. sense.

    They should have start a more deeper story into the game after summerset. a story that leads up to the end of the war aand not some fanservice dragons who was so overpushed. every boss is now a dragon. just why?

    Dedicating an entire year to a theme is far deeper than anything we have gotten so far. Before it was 1 dlc for this region, 1 xpac for this, and they were only ever so slightly related, if at all. Vampires and werewolves play a huge part in TES lore, and the loremaster left because of health and family reasons.
  • TheFM
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Please no. I really don't want a whole chapter dedicated to Vampires unless it allows me to rid the world of them.

    We dont like blood sacks either. So the feeling is mutual.
  • Hallothiel
    Can someone please explain what started all this wild speculation (and slightly sad fanboi drooling over a female game character 😘 lol only teasing)?

    What exactly is there that points to this idea of links to the Dawnguard dlc? Anything vaguely concrete?

    As I truly hope is without substance.
  • TheFM
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Can someone please explain what started all this wild speculation (and slightly sad fanboi drooling over a female game character 😘 lol only teasing)?

    What exactly is there that points to this idea of links to the Dawnguard dlc? Anything vaguely concrete?

    As I truly hope is without substance.

    I would be so happy if we got a vamp chapter finally. And I would be even MORE ecstatic if they touched on the varying vampire lines around tamriel.
  • MLGProPlayer
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.

    From Wiki...
    Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires

    uesp>fandom usually. That said, serana's dialogue implies that she was locked up much earlier than the events of eso.

    Not this time! UESP actually got it wrong here (Wikia has a dev quote to back up their date).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on December 7, 2019 3:27PM
  • MLGProPlayer
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Can someone please explain what started all this wild speculation (and slightly sad fanboi drooling over a female game character 😘 lol only teasing)?

    What exactly is there that points to this idea of links to the Dawnguard dlc? Anything vaguely concrete?

    As I truly hope is without substance.

    Next chapter is Skyrim. Pretty much confirmed through in-game dialogue and data mining. People are just speculating on possible quest lines though (a vampire line makes sense in terms of timeline and it's great fan service).
    Edited by MLGProPlayer on December 7, 2019 3:32PM
  • WeerW3ir
    TheFM wrote: »
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    Fanservice. nothing more. friend was right.
    Dragons. okay they was okay. hardly swallowable but okay. Vampires, Lord Harkon and Serana? Just excuse me what the ***. Serana was caged way before 2nd era. She dosent say thousands of years beause she just overreacting it. She was caged for reason, as Harkon was happy in his stupid castle.

    i understand now why Lawrence Schick left. Fanservice = more money. Well written story = deeper lore and more awesome story. (Morrowind, Summerset). But without him now they just making this 1 year long stories. What will it be next then? Year of the Vampire? Year of the Wolf? Just nonsense. Makes. no. sense.

    They should have start a more deeper story into the game after summerset. a story that leads up to the end of the war aand not some fanservice dragons who was so overpushed. every boss is now a dragon. just why?

    Dedicating an entire year to a theme is far deeper than anything we have gotten so far. Before it was 1 dlc for this region, 1 xpac for this, and they were only ever so slightly related, if at all. Vampires and werewolves play a huge part in TES lore, and the loremaster left because of health and family reasons.

    except. the story feels now like the new star warses...
    the story before started in Wrothgar where the prophet contacted you about the incoming problem from the gods. this started to make sense when in morrowind you find out the plot about getting into Clockwork City. You go into clockwork city where you save the city and you find out they didnt gave up. so they made a godly trio and plotting to take the crystal tower in summerset. obviously even if the betray. you stop them and you save whole tamriel. then lizardland without a plot. then a full new story for 1 year but its messes up the continuity.
  • RaddlemanNumber7
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.

    From Wiki...
    Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires

    uesp>fandom usually. That said, serana's dialogue implies that she was locked up much earlier than the events of eso.

    Not this time! UESP actually got it wrong here (Wikia has a dev quote to back up their date).

    "dev" quote? GStaff is a dev?

    "to back up their date"? In sentences that begin, "The intension was..." it is implicit that whatever follows is not actually how things turned out.
    PC EU
  • Lady_Linux
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.
    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • essi2
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.

    The majority of the fanbase don't care about the lore to the extent that they will stop playing because a character is in a place or time it shouldn't.
    "The Heritance are racists yes? Idiots. But dangerous, destabilizing racist idiots." - Razum-dar

    "Wood Elves aren't made of wood, Sea Elves aren't made of water. M'aiq still wonders about High Elves" - M'aiq the Liar

    ** Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-EU) - Leyawiin Layabouts (PC-NA) **

    *** - ***
  • Ri_Khan
    More vampires in Skyrim, eh? Again? How original.

    Been there, done that.

    There is 100% chance I will not purchase such dlc.
  • ZonasArch
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.

    "Majority". Maybe, just maybe, you don't quite understand the meaning of this word. The majority of people don't care all that much about lore to the point they will complain about lore breaking stuff. For most people, lore isn't what's in the books, and the dialogues, lore is the overarching sorry and the races and that's about it. Having serana or not won't upset above but the hardestcore of fans, and those, loud as they are, are just a tiny bit of people, I promise you.

    And it's most definitively not that lore breaking either, since there's conflicting information on timing, and if you care about it that bad, you know that there's isn't much, if any, historical documentation of the period of eso. No mentions on winners, emperors, or anything like that. You should know that because of the continental scale civil war, anything that happened during the period of ESO is quite possibly lost due to other things being priority. All sorts of daedric aholes are attacking too, so it's really easy to see how confusing it could be for people that live in hiding, in an isolated Castle somewhere, to know about the situation of the empire, for example. At the time serana gets locked, she doesn't know if an empire, and that's all we know...

    You ask me, during ESO period, the isn't an empire either, but Emeric calls it the second empire, so there was one before (we know for a fact, but my point is...) that the vestige main character may not even know about considering if you're young, all you know is war of cyrodiil, but no emperor.

    Then again, if you're so sensitive as to quit because of an uncertain timeline, my arguments won't help you. (snip)

    (edited for baiting post)
    Edited by ZOS_FalcoYamaoka on December 7, 2019 6:33PM
  • Lady_Linux

    Serana's dialogue in skyrim states that she has no knowledge of cyrodiil being the seat of an empire. her time comes waaaaaaaaaaaay before the current time of ESO.

    I simply must protest. There are no Penguin avatars for me to use in the forums.

    BTW, I use arch too
  • Neoauspex
    ArchMikem wrote: »
    Please no. I really don't want a whole chapter dedicated to Vampires unless it allows me to rid the world of them.

    So... Dawnguard/Vamp bounty system zone work for you then? Works for me.
  • VaranisArano
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.

    From Wiki...
    Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires

    Durnehviir likewise dates his entrance to the Soul Cairn and the bargain to guard Valerica as a time when "The dovah roamed the skies, vying for their small slices of territory that resulted in immense and ultimately fatal battles." This is almost certainly the Merethic Era, prior to the defeat of Alduin, or after when the dragons are hunted.

    The thing about retcons is they can also be used to explain Durnehviir's dialogue, since with Elseweyr we now have a much more recent period when dovah roamed the skies, who knows we might even have a role to play in sending him to the soul cairn ourselves...

    It could happen, but it would be a total retcon that reinterprets much older dialogue in light of events that were added extremely recently that were not planned at all during Dawnguard. Which is a thing that bugs me on a fundamental level.

    All I can say is that there may be plenty of players willing to pay for Dawnguard: 2nd Era Edition, but I am NOT one of them.
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.

    You ask me, during ESO period, the isn't an empire either, but Emeric calls it the second empire, so there was one before (we know for a fact, but my point is...) that the vestige main character may not even know about considering if you're young, all you know is war of cyrodiil, but no emperor.

    ESO happens in 2E 582.
    The last of the Longhouse Emperors was deposed in 2E 577 by Varen Aquilarios.
    The Three Banners War started in 2E 580.

    So maybe if your Vestige is two to five years old they can say they only know about the war in Cyrodiil, no Emperors. Otherwise, assuming they weren't completely sheltered from pretty much everything going on in Tamriel or lost their memory or some such, they ought to know there was an empire in Cyrodiil in the very recent past - not the Reman dynasty, but certainly an empire.
  • Noxavian
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.

    From Wiki...
    Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires

    Durnehviir likewise dates his entrance to the Soul Cairn and the bargain to guard Valerica as a time when "The dovah roamed the skies, vying for their small slices of territory that resulted in immense and ultimately fatal battles." This is almost certainly the Merethic Era, prior to the defeat of Alduin, or after when the dragons are hunted.

    The thing about retcons is they can also be used to explain Durnehviir's dialogue, since with Elseweyr we now have a much more recent period when dovah roamed the skies, who knows we might even have a role to play in sending him to the soul cairn ourselves...

    It could happen, but it would be a total retcon that reinterprets much older dialogue in light of events that were added extremely recently that were not planned at all during Dawnguard. Which is a thing that bugs me on a fundamental level.

    All I can say is that there may be plenty of players willing to pay for Dawnguard: 2nd Era Edition, but I am NOT one of them.
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.

    You ask me, during ESO period, the isn't an empire either, but Emeric calls it the second empire, so there was one before (we know for a fact, but my point is...) that the vestige main character may not even know about considering if you're young, all you know is war of cyrodiil, but no emperor.

    ESO happens in 2E 582.
    The last of the Longhouse Emperors was deposed in 2E 577 by Varen Aquilarios.
    The Three Banners War started in 2E 580.

    So maybe if your Vestige is two to five years old they can say they only know about the war in Cyrodiil, no Emperors. Otherwise, assuming they weren't completely sheltered from pretty much everything going on in Tamriel or lost their memory or some such, they ought to know there was an empire in Cyrodiil in the very recent past - not the Reman dynasty, but certainly an empire.

    Unfortunately, you kinda doomed yourself with your own statement. You recognize that many players would play and pay for a Dawnguard-themed expansion, yet say that you aren't one of them.

    So regardless of what you say, there's enough people that want the expansion to warrant it's creation and it's success. There were people like you that didn't want dragons to return, but hey, here we are.
  • SidraWillowsky
    Davadin wrote: »
    havent played Skyrim for years. who's Harkon/Serana?

    Oh my goodness, go play the Dawnguard DLC NOW. It's really, really well done and was one of my favorite parts of the game. Serana is a fantastic character.
  • VaranisArano
    Noxavian wrote: »
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.

    From Wiki...
    Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires

    Durnehviir likewise dates his entrance to the Soul Cairn and the bargain to guard Valerica as a time when "The dovah roamed the skies, vying for their small slices of territory that resulted in immense and ultimately fatal battles." This is almost certainly the Merethic Era, prior to the defeat of Alduin, or after when the dragons are hunted.

    The thing about retcons is they can also be used to explain Durnehviir's dialogue, since with Elseweyr we now have a much more recent period when dovah roamed the skies, who knows we might even have a role to play in sending him to the soul cairn ourselves...

    It could happen, but it would be a total retcon that reinterprets much older dialogue in light of events that were added extremely recently that were not planned at all during Dawnguard. Which is a thing that bugs me on a fundamental level.

    All I can say is that there may be plenty of players willing to pay for Dawnguard: 2nd Era Edition, but I am NOT one of them.
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.

    You ask me, during ESO period, the isn't an empire either, but Emeric calls it the second empire, so there was one before (we know for a fact, but my point is...) that the vestige main character may not even know about considering if you're young, all you know is war of cyrodiil, but no emperor.

    ESO happens in 2E 582.
    The last of the Longhouse Emperors was deposed in 2E 577 by Varen Aquilarios.
    The Three Banners War started in 2E 580.

    So maybe if your Vestige is two to five years old they can say they only know about the war in Cyrodiil, no Emperors. Otherwise, assuming they weren't completely sheltered from pretty much everything going on in Tamriel or lost their memory or some such, they ought to know there was an empire in Cyrodiil in the very recent past - not the Reman dynasty, but certainly an empire.

    Unfortunately, you kinda doomed yourself with your own statement. You recognize that many players would play and pay for a Dawnguard-themed expansion, yet say that you aren't one of them.

    So regardless of what you say, there's enough people that want the expansion to warrant it's creation and it's success. There were people like you that didn't want dragons to return, but hey, here we are.

    I mean, ZOS is gonna do what ZOS is gonna do. That's always gonna happen.

    If they make Dawnguard 2E Edition, I suppose I'll be happy enough for the vampire fans who like it, and I'll spend the money I would have paid for the DLC or Chapter on something else. ZOS doesn't care about one player in particular either way.
    Edited by VaranisArano on December 7, 2019 7:56PM
  • MercilessnVexed
    Hard to out-do dragons. But I'm game if it's story-based Volkihar. Hey I'm game any way they do it. :D I love this game!
  • ZonasArch
    cyclonus11 wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.

    From Wiki...
    Her year of birth is unknown, but she was originally locked away in the mid-late Second Era, in between the rule of the Reman and Septim Empires

    Durnehviir likewise dates his entrance to the Soul Cairn and the bargain to guard Valerica as a time when "The dovah roamed the skies, vying for their small slices of territory that resulted in immense and ultimately fatal battles." This is almost certainly the Merethic Era, prior to the defeat of Alduin, or after when the dragons are hunted.

    The thing about retcons is they can also be used to explain Durnehviir's dialogue, since with Elseweyr we now have a much more recent period when dovah roamed the skies, who knows we might even have a role to play in sending him to the soul cairn ourselves...

    It could happen, but it would be a total retcon that reinterprets much older dialogue in light of events that were added extremely recently that were not planned at all during Dawnguard. Which is a thing that bugs me on a fundamental level.

    All I can say is that there may be plenty of players willing to pay for Dawnguard: 2nd Era Edition, but I am NOT one of them.
    ZonasArch wrote: »
    Lady_Linux wrote: »
    If seranna ends up in the next expansion i will have to quit. so much lore breaking can not be done without offending the majority of the fan base.

    You ask me, during ESO period, the isn't an empire either, but Emeric calls it the second empire, so there was one before (we know for a fact, but my point is...) that the vestige main character may not even know about considering if you're young, all you know is war of cyrodiil, but no emperor.

    ESO happens in 2E 582.
    The last of the Longhouse Emperors was deposed in 2E 577 by Varen Aquilarios.
    The Three Banners War started in 2E 580.

    So maybe if your Vestige is two to five years old they can say they only know about the war in Cyrodiil, no Emperors. Otherwise, assuming they weren't completely sheltered from pretty much everything going on in Tamriel or lost their memory or some such, they ought to know there was an empire in Cyrodiil in the very recent past - not the Reman dynasty, but certainly an empire.

    Fair point, but still... We could somewhat assume that a dawnguard-like expansion viuld tell other stories, or even show us a sheltered, isolated or even technically imprisoned serana. Again, assuming serana would show up, which isn't necessary, but could be done properly since Dad vampire Lord and mum vampire Lord were both selfish aholes, and they both wanted serana under their wings like ducklings.

    If, iiiffff, she shows up at all, she could show up easily as completely oblivious to anything that's happening, as a side note to fans, but totally apart from any story. That's the only fan service I really enjoy, btw, the Easter egg kind. It's there for you to notice, but that's all.

    And you tell me... Wouldn't you want to have a really cool questline telling a bit of those vampires stories? Some darker stories than just daedric princes trying to take over?
    Edited by ZonasArch on December 7, 2019 8:06PM
  • B0SSzombie
    Considering how heavily Skyrim is hinted at in Dragonhold, it's a pretty safe bet to assume it's the next Chapter.

    We should also note that the next two Crown Crate Seasons have also been datamined.

    "Gloomspore" is the Q1 Crown Crate (released between the 1st Dungeon DLC and Chapter for 2020).

    "Nightfall" is the Q2 Crown Crate (released between the Chapter and 2nd Dungeon DLC for 2020).

    Gloomspore could be a reference to Dwemer or Falmer related content, considering the abundance of Fungi in their domains within Skyrim, especially in regards to places like Blackreach.

    Nightfall, on the other hand, has only ever been referenced in the names of a Sabre Cat Mount and Pet related to the Reachmen.

    But, both could also easily be attributed to Vampires as well. Vampire Lairs tend to be dark and gloomy and suitable environments for mushrooms. And given their natural (unnatural?) aversion to sunlight, Nightfall could be a more literal term.
    Edited by B0SSzombie on December 7, 2019 8:21PM
  • SidraWillowsky
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.
    B0SSzombie wrote: »
    Considering how heavily Skyrim is hinted at in Dragonhold, it's a pretty safe bet to assume it's the next Chapter.

    We should also note that the next two Crown Crate Seasons have also been datamined.

    "Gloomspore" is the Q1 Crown Crate (released between the 1st Dungeon DLC and Chapter for 2020).

    "Nightfall" is the Q2 Crown Crate (released between the Chapter and 2nd Dungeon DLC for 2020).

    Gloomspore could be a reference to Dwemer or Falmer related content, considering the abundance of Fungi in their domains within Skyrim, especially in regards to places like Blackreach.

    Nightfall, on the other hand, has only ever been referenced in the names of a Sabre Cat Mount and Pet related to the Reachmen.

    But, both could also easily be attributed to Vampires as well. Vampire Lairs tend to be dark and gloomy and suitable environments for mushrooms. And given their natural (unnatural?) aversion to sunlight, Nightfall could be a more literal term.

    OMG, if they feature the Dwemer in any manner that sheds light on their mystery, I am OUT. That's the one thing in the TES universe that NEEDS to remain unknown. I don't know why, but knowing more about them would probably destroy the franchise for me. And I'm only being the SLIGHTEST bit hyperbolic here.

    They could involve the Falmer as we see them in Skyrim (besides Gelebor, who I believe could technically be involved in ESO), but it was the Dwemer who destroyed them and we're the direct cause of the Snow Elves' transformation into the Falmer (I know that they were Falmer before as well, but just for differentiation here), and the Dwemer are long gone by the time the ESO timeline begins.

    Regardless, I'm suspecting that I'm not going to like what they do regardless of what that is.
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.
    B0SSzombie wrote: »
    Considering how heavily Skyrim is hinted at in Dragonhold, it's a pretty safe bet to assume it's the next Chapter.

    We should also note that the next two Crown Crate Seasons have also been datamined.

    "Gloomspore" is the Q1 Crown Crate (released between the 1st Dungeon DLC and Chapter for 2020).

    "Nightfall" is the Q2 Crown Crate (released between the Chapter and 2nd Dungeon DLC for 2020).

    Gloomspore could be a reference to Dwemer or Falmer related content, considering the abundance of Fungi in their domains within Skyrim, especially in regards to places like Blackreach.

    Nightfall, on the other hand, has only ever been referenced in the names of a Sabre Cat Mount and Pet related to the Reachmen.

    But, both could also easily be attributed to Vampires as well. Vampire Lairs tend to be dark and gloomy and suitable environments for mushrooms. And given their natural (unnatural?) aversion to sunlight, Nightfall could be a more literal term.

    OMG, if they feature the Dwemer in any manner that sheds light on their mystery, I am OUT. That's the one thing in the TES universe that NEEDS to remain unknown. I don't know why, but knowing more about them would probably destroy the franchise for me. And I'm only being the SLIGHTEST bit hyperbolic here.

    They could involve the Falmer as we see them in Skyrim (besides Gelebor, who I believe could technically be involved in ESO), but it was the Dwemer who destroyed them and we're the direct cause of the Snow Elves' transformation into the Falmer (I know that they were Falmer before as well, but just for differentiation here), and the Dwemer are long gone by the time the ESO timeline begins.

    Regardless, I'm suspecting that I'm not going to like what they do regardless of what that is.

    At the end of Moongrave fane, the npc talks about the thu'um and the grey beards as well. Please don't add the thu'um as a skill line or some stupid thing like that.

    I would hope that the falmer are introduced as they are and leave the dwemer mystery a mystery.
  • B0SSzombie
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.
    B0SSzombie wrote: »
    Considering how heavily Skyrim is hinted at in Dragonhold, it's a pretty safe bet to assume it's the next Chapter.

    We should also note that the next two Crown Crate Seasons have also been datamined.

    "Gloomspore" is the Q1 Crown Crate (released between the 1st Dungeon DLC and Chapter for 2020).

    "Nightfall" is the Q2 Crown Crate (released between the Chapter and 2nd Dungeon DLC for 2020).

    Gloomspore could be a reference to Dwemer or Falmer related content, considering the abundance of Fungi in their domains within Skyrim, especially in regards to places like Blackreach.

    Nightfall, on the other hand, has only ever been referenced in the names of a Sabre Cat Mount and Pet related to the Reachmen.

    But, both could also easily be attributed to Vampires as well. Vampire Lairs tend to be dark and gloomy and suitable environments for mushrooms. And given their natural (unnatural?) aversion to sunlight, Nightfall could be a more literal term.

    OMG, if they feature the Dwemer in any manner that sheds light on their mystery, I am OUT. That's the one thing in the TES universe that NEEDS to remain unknown. I don't know why, but knowing more about them would probably destroy the franchise for me. And I'm only being the SLIGHTEST bit hyperbolic here.

    They could involve the Falmer as we see them in Skyrim (besides Gelebor, who I believe could technically be involved in ESO), but it was the Dwemer who destroyed them and we're the direct cause of the Snow Elves' transformation into the Falmer (I know that they were Falmer before as well, but just for differentiation here), and the Dwemer are long gone by the time the ESO timeline begins.

    Regardless, I'm suspecting that I'm not going to like what they do regardless of what that is.

    At the end of Moongrave fane, the npc talks about the thu'um and the grey beards as well. Please don't add the thu'um as a skill line or some stupid thing like that.

    I would hope that the falmer are introduced as they are and leave the dwemer mystery a mystery.

    Personally I would hope for some Western Skyrim stuff (But not the Reach), focusing on Solitude. Throw in some Vampires for Plot, and a focus on the Bards College as the main side quest line with an accompanying Skill line that focuses on Group Buffs/AOE Debuffs.
  • VaranisArano
    B0SSzombie wrote: »
    Er, Skyrim's dialogue heavily hints that Serana was entombed during the 1st Era, prior to the formation of an Empire in Cyrodiil.

    So it might have the Volkihar, but Serana seems unlikely.
    B0SSzombie wrote: »
    Considering how heavily Skyrim is hinted at in Dragonhold, it's a pretty safe bet to assume it's the next Chapter.

    We should also note that the next two Crown Crate Seasons have also been datamined.

    "Gloomspore" is the Q1 Crown Crate (released between the 1st Dungeon DLC and Chapter for 2020).

    "Nightfall" is the Q2 Crown Crate (released between the Chapter and 2nd Dungeon DLC for 2020).

    Gloomspore could be a reference to Dwemer or Falmer related content, considering the abundance of Fungi in their domains within Skyrim, especially in regards to places like Blackreach.

    Nightfall, on the other hand, has only ever been referenced in the names of a Sabre Cat Mount and Pet related to the Reachmen.

    But, both could also easily be attributed to Vampires as well. Vampire Lairs tend to be dark and gloomy and suitable environments for mushrooms. And given their natural (unnatural?) aversion to sunlight, Nightfall could be a more literal term.

    OMG, if they feature the Dwemer in any manner that sheds light on their mystery, I am OUT. That's the one thing in the TES universe that NEEDS to remain unknown. I don't know why, but knowing more about them would probably destroy the franchise for me. And I'm only being the SLIGHTEST bit hyperbolic here.

    They could involve the Falmer as we see them in Skyrim (besides Gelebor, who I believe could technically be involved in ESO), but it was the Dwemer who destroyed them and we're the direct cause of the Snow Elves' transformation into the Falmer (I know that they were Falmer before as well, but just for differentiation here), and the Dwemer are long gone by the time the ESO timeline begins.

    Regardless, I'm suspecting that I'm not going to like what they do regardless of what that is.

    At the end of Moongrave fane, the npc talks about the thu'um and the grey beards as well. Please don't add the thu'um as a skill line or some stupid thing like that.

    I would hope that the falmer are introduced as they are and leave the dwemer mystery a mystery.

    Personally I would hope for some Western Skyrim stuff (But not the Reach), focusing on Solitude. Throw in some Vampires for Plot, and a focus on the Bards College as the main side quest line with an accompanying Skill line that focuses on Group Buffs/AOE Debuffs.

    Bards College would be awesome. We didn't get very much of them in Skyrim.
    "Go find my lute!"
    "Go find my drum!"
    "Help me doctor up this old ballad so we can butter up Jarl Elisif!"
  • wolfbone
    What we know:
    - Harkon was supposed to be a King of Haafingar region during or after the events of ESO.
    - NPC dialogue hints Solitude as the destination.(For new chapter)
    - ZOS loves milking nostalgia.

    Therefore: Next chapter involves Molag Bal's Bussiness with Harkon, and Serana confirmed.

    so, you're making asumptions, and like every other fan boy, deciding the next chapter must be skyrim.
  • Noxavian
    wolfbone wrote: »
    What we know:
    - Harkon was supposed to be a King of Haafingar region during or after the events of ESO.
    - NPC dialogue hints Solitude as the destination.(For new chapter)
    - ZOS loves milking nostalgia.

    Therefore: Next chapter involves Molag Bal's Bussiness with Harkon, and Serana confirmed.

    so, you're making asumptions, and like every other fan boy, deciding the next chapter must be skyrim.

    Man if I had the ability to put a reminder on this reply when next month rolls around and the next expansion is Skyrim I'd tell you "Told you so".

    But either way, I'll settle for telling you that I'll laugh in your honor when the next expansion is revealed to be Skyrim. Just how I laughed when the people who whined about Necromancers not being a possible class were proven wrong.
  • maboleth
    Davadin wrote: »
    havent played Skyrim for years. who's Harkon/Serana?

    Oh my goodness, go play the Dawnguard DLC NOW. It's really, really well done and was one of my favorite parts of the game. Serana is a fantastic character.

    Agreed. Dawnguard DLC was one of my all time fav DLCs!! Gothic vibe aaaaalllll the way.
  • karekiz
    Bards College

    Locations: Solitude

    New guild line = Bards guild?
    Edited by karekiz on December 8, 2019 3:46AM
  • Nemesis7884
    the nightfall crown crates didnt look reachmen like but rather gotic...probably thats why...

    i could see something involving mages guild, dwemer and falmer in the beginning and vampires vs dawnguard in the other half...

    but someone pointed out the dawnguard wasnt a thing then... so maybe the vampires are looking for an ancient artifact in blackreach and you need to find it first or something
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