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How would You rate year 2019 in ESO ?

  • Saltisol
    @FierceSam Thnaks for taking the time to write this. Found myself nodding in assent while Reading.
  • oxygen_thief
    eso eu and eso na are two different games
  • labambao
    How was 2019...
    In 2019 my only wish about ESO was kinda someone rich enough just buy zenimax and fire all dudes with very bad feedback for future employment.
  • PrimusNephilim
    I voted with an 8. The year of the dragon with 4 quarters of solid content was the best year in my opinion, I really enjoyed the dragons, the stories & questing. My vote would have been an 10 however I can't ignore the performance issues we've had this year. I'm looking forward to next years content but on the other side of the coin, ZOS really needs to steps it up their efforts on the performance of their game.

  • NicGroover
    I put a 5 although the story has improved with Elsweyr the game has been plagued by repeated troubles that have really spoiled the fun. Bugs, waiting times, breakdowns, wild crashes, repetitive maintenance, high latency in places etc... It’s a real mess.

    TESO refuses to put means and prefers to water with dividends. Quantity at the expense of quality. More and more players with constant means and a crown shop earn more than a thorough overhaul of the game.

    I received an email from TESO for a survey. At no time was it possible to give his opinion on the performances. Only history, gameplay and chapters were taken into consideration. Good way to say : all is well, players love the game... So why invest to improve the game experience...

    It’s too bad TESO cuts the branch he’s sitting on...
    Edited by NicGroover on November 21, 2019 1:29PM
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Probably the worst ESO year for me to date.

    - I run a trade guild, lots of upheaval and extra work. Guild history issues, multibidding issues, more work
    - I run NB main in pvp
    - Overland too easy so I don't bother with the new content and it feels there is less for me to do
    - Too many combat changes
    - Lag, crashes, server EU issues etc.

    Only my guild is keeping me ingame.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • GreenhaloX
    Will give 50/50; but overall, these past few months have been "highly unsatisfactory!"
  • Arjuna1696
    Dealing with the crazy back and forth swings of the nerf bat was lame, but right now my Stamden and Magden are in great places - fun to play, happy with their gear, feel comfortable doing any of the content I'm interested in. Love Elsweyr and Dragonhold storylines, fighting dragons is great, new zones are BEAUTIFUL. I've been having fun.
    Arjúna | Wood Elf Stamina Warden | of the Undying Song | Flawless Conquerer
    Tangles-Up-In-Blue | Argonian Magicka Warden | Spirit Slayer | Flawless Conquerer
    Marcełine | Dark Elf Magicka Nightblade | Spirit Slayer | Flawless Conquerer
    Nausîcaä | Breton Magicka Templar | Spirit Slayer | Flawless Conquerer
  • SidraWillowsky
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Kel wrote: »
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.

    Not pushing anyone out of the door, I just don't understand why you would continue to play a game you think so little off.

    Performance aside Zos have done an amazing job.

    That's like saying your girlfriend is going through a bad time so you're going to rate her 3/10

    No you wouldn't do that, you would rate her much higher, because you love her despite the fact you are just not enjoying her company right now.

    Well, that's the thing... and let me preface this by saying that I think it's more than a little silly to compare ESO to a romantic relationship, but if we must, what people are saying about the game is actually pretty in-line with how relationships go.

    You have to look at it like you’d be rating the actual RELATIONSHIP, not the girlfriend herself as a person. Assuming he doesn’t cheat or go on a murder spree or whatever, I’d never assign my husband a rating of 3 as a person. Relationships have ups and downs though, and there have been points where I’d have rated the relationship itself on the lower end of the spectrum. But we’re in it for the long haul, and just because it’s a low point doesn’t mean I’m jumping ship.

    So when people rate the game as low, that’s what they’re doing, in a way.

    I cannot believe I just typed that; it feels ridiculous to compare the two while keeping a straight face…
  • TheHsN
    FierceSam wrote: »
    3 or 4 out of 10

    Not a great year by any means. The good bits are mostly due to the many great people playing the game. The bad bits are entirely due to poor performance and lack of professionalism on ZOS’s part.

    I just meant to leave a mark, not a bloody monologue....

    Great for
    - Friendship and camaraderie of my guilds. Met some really great people
    - Personal progression. Really enjoying trying to break some of the harder content
    - Dragonhold. Despite being completely steamrollered by the Witches Festival, I like this a lot more than Elsweyr
    - Witches Festival. I really loved the extended Witches Festival. I did arena content and organised trials, which I enjoyed and which I would not have done otherwise. It should always have been a 2 week thing.
    - Symphony of Blades. A great final boss ruined by a truly terrible dungeon.
    - Scalebreaker. Aside from the crap name, which instantly confuses it with Scalecaller (and again speaks of imagination vacuum at ZOS), this was a solid pair of DLC dungeons with fewer of the normal issues than usual.
    - A year long story. A good idea averagely exacted. It should have started in Q4 last year instead of Murkmire and climaxed with Elsweyr. No one I know still cares about it. But the concept of a year long story worked.
    - Grappling hooks. Could be quite interesting.
    - V2 dragons. Still not perfect, but this is what they should have been in Elsweyr. That the V1 dragons were not speaks volumes.

    Meh for
    - Elsweyr. Uninspiring and tedious at best. Really felt like the very long, saggy middle part of a trilogy rather than an important part of a treasure hunt.
    - Wrathstone. Frostvault is still buggy as hell. Depths of Malatar is full of incomprehensible mini boss mechanics. Rushed out and badly implemented.
    - Sunspire. Badly designed, poorly conceived and no fun to do.

    Bad for
    - Service. PC EU has been a badly managed, poorly performing ghetto for the entire year.
    - Service. PC EU is a disgrace.
    - Service. You can’t say this enough times. All the creativity and content in the world won’t help if your servers are garbage
    - Communication. Aside from ‘dragons’, I have no idea what ZOS’s intentions are. The impression is this is a game in managed decline. And that’s a bad look.
    - Money grabbing. Massive increase in monetisation of content and progression. Not a great look either
    - Low Quality. Too many content elements are being released in a beta or buggy state. V1 dragons a prime example. ZOS do not appear to give a rat’s arse about this.
    - Low Imagination. Far too little genuinely imaginative elements. Far too much cookie cutter, just repeat what we did last year laziness
    - Events. The early part of the year was too full of unnecessary events, the 5 week Anniversary event seemed to drag on forever. And the only really enjoyable one, Witches, only really worked because it had to be extended because PC EU once again could not cope. It’s a shame when the release of the final piece of your year long story is totally overshadowed 2 days later by yet another event.
    - Indriks. They are horrid.
    - Instakill and ‘no indication’ death threats. V1 dragons were great (ie terrible) for both. The new tendency to only very lightly colour indicate significant threats is a very bad idea.
    - PvP. Just. Utter. Garbage
    - Game explanation. Want to know how any aspect of the game works? Don’t bother looking in game or on ZOS’s website. They explain nothing.
    - Service. You really can’t say this enough. One day it might get through.
    - Caring. I don’t feel ZOS gives a ***. And that should worry them.

    TL:DR a great game being ruined by atrocious service, averagely produced content and a crappy company attitude.

    THIS!!! I put my name and sign under this explanation.
    And really wonder How Zos is going to respond to this Perfectly constructive Thread. It seems Their grade is like 3.5 and it is a BIG FAT FAIL...
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • Tigerseye
    ...and all of that is for the artwork/areas, not for anything else.
  • Mizael
    Content wise i'd give 8-9 but with the bugs and poor performance we had, can't give more then 5 and i am being ... generous
  • pelle412
    We got a lot of new content with the Season of the Dragon which has been quite good. The frequent dramatic balance changes and the game's performance brings the whole experience down.
  • JanTanhide
    Too many "balance" flip flops from one extreme to another. I've had enough of these changes.
  • NaomiHutt
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Kel wrote: »
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.

    Not pushing anyone out of the door, I just don't understand why you would continue to play a game you think so little off.

    Performance aside Zos have done an amazing job.

    That's like saying your girlfriend is going through a bad time so you're going to rate her 3/10

    No you wouldn't do that, you would rate her much higher, because you love her despite the fact you are just not enjoying her company right now.

    Well, that's the thing... and let me preface this by saying that I think it's more than a little silly to compare ESO to a romantic relationship, but if we must, what people are saying about the game is actually pretty in-line with how relationships go.

    You have to look at it like you’d be rating the actual RELATIONSHIP, not the girlfriend herself as a person. Assuming he doesn’t cheat or go on a murder spree or whatever, I’d never assign my husband a rating of 3 as a person. Relationships have ups and downs though, and there have been points where I’d have rated the relationship itself on the lower end of the spectrum. But we’re in it for the long haul, and just because it’s a low point doesn’t mean I’m jumping ship.

    So when people rate the game as low, that’s what they’re doing, in a way.

    I cannot believe I just typed that; it feels ridiculous to compare the two while keeping a straight face…

    Oh I agree comparing relationship's and a game is silly but the person I was originally replying to brought this up
    Kel wrote: »
    NaomiHutt wrote: »
    Just to add another note, if you have rated this year below 5 then in my honest opinion I feel it's time for you to move on and find a new game.

    Why on earth would you play a game that you have clearly rated so low?

    That makes no sense.

    I play this game because I enjoy the overall experience (When the server is working of course 😏)

    You're entitled to your opinion, I'll never understand why people like you, however, feel the need to push people out of the door.

    A lot of us were here when One Tamriel changed everything...basically a rehaul of the game. Some of us are hoping Zos will recognize the need to do so again.

    You can love something and not be happy with it. Your spouse, kids, or even a friend, might be going down a bad path. Doesn't mean you love them less. And it's a disservice to the thing you love as well as yourself to ignore shortcomings and mistakes like they are nothing.

    We don't leave because we still love this game. Wanting to see it improved isn't a bad thing. Being silent won't magically make things better.

    Push enough people out the door, will there even BE a game to love?
    Telling someone to leave has got to be the most useless, self destructive thing to tell someone.

    Hope...hope is why some of us stay.

  • Deathlord92
    I picked 5 because part of me loves the quests the story lines the zones the boss fights tho I’m a bit annoyed at the lore the dragon fights are amazing and brings me bk to skyrim a game I still play. Now the other part the frustrated salty part of me. I hate that cyrodiil a laggy mess every time and in elsweyr when my nb got nerf in to the floor for a while in to I found a way to play nb eso wasn’t enjoyable at all.
  • method__01
    overall:good but teams must focus on performance both on pve and pvp and try to find the line between them
    you just cant nerf an ability only because its outperforming in Cyro,must think pve players also
    after 4 years i still play a lot of hours and always find something new to do-so this is a big plus for me in a game
    increasing inventory and housing slots is something zos must consider for next updates
    Edited by method__01 on November 21, 2019 7:12PM
    PC EU/NA /// PS4 EU/NA

    This one hears nothing. Sees nothing. This one only sweeps.
  • ArcVelarian
    I would have rated it higher if they had fixed some of the bugs and performance issues by now. This game is great when it actually functions.
    Murphy's Law of PvP : If it can be abused and or exploited, it will be abused and or exploited.
  • bluebird
    I'm sorry that there are so many issues with ESO, which is a game that I love, but this year was a total letdown... and since I didn't receive a survey, I'll have to vent here (lol).

    1) Lower quality and quantity of content that was sneakily passed off as 'year-long story woohoo dragons'

    If Dragonguard had been better, I may have given a 5. But this year's Q4 DLC was an absolute travesty. :angry: Dragonguard offered no new trial or arena - while previous zone DLCs always had some PvE content (Murkmire had BRP, CWC had AS). The DLC zone itself was a copy-paste and lazy recolour of Elsweyr - while Clockwork City and Murkmire had unique new assets and architectural styles. Dragonhold also added no furnishing blueprints - not even more Elsweyr style stuff -while CWC and Murkmire both offered new schematics. The Grappling Bow's 'unique traversal mechanic' that devs drummed up in one of the livestreams as a new feature for Dragonhold is not new but simply ripped straight from Murkmire's Tamed Vine-Tongue mechanic.

    Add that to the fact that the year's Chapter itself already had less content than previous years' Chapters. Players could only unlock 2/4th of a single house through gameplay (while they could get a whole house in Summerset and 2 whole houses in Morrowind with ingame gold), and the rest of the house was locked behind 2 further DLC purchases. The story of Elsweyr also ended on a cliffhanger with Kalgrontiid (it really didn't need to, we could have fought him at Jode's Core instead of his no-name lackey), so they locked the Chapter's major villain and story conclusion behind the purchase and completion of another DLC (that's as if we had to buy and complete Murkmire before we get to defeat Nocturnal in Summerset's story). Not to mention the clunky as hell and borderline broken state of the Necro when it launched.

    If you want to write 'year-long stories', write them like you wrote Morrowind-CWC-Summerset; with all DLCs and Chapters standing on their own as a complete adventure, while still having an overarching narrative. But this year's 'Year of the Dragon Hype and Ripoff Content' model was just insulting, honestly. :expressionless:It failed to deliver the quality and quantity of content that ESO has been known for so far, and was instead focused on forcing players to buy every DLC while reducing production costs by reusing assets and cutting tons of content compared to previous Q4 DLCs.

    2) Performance issues even after the alleged updates

    The LFG toon was allegedly reworked for Q4's Update 24, and according to the ZOS performance update article, I quote 'is now functioning well and is holding up to the player load'. We know that this isn't the case. :disappointed: The server load during the Undaunted Event completely broke the EU server, not just the LFG tool. But even outside of events, it still produces the same issues during peak hours. Add that to the recurring issues with lag and connection issues (mostly EU, and you can't even blame it on Steam this time), and we have a frustrating unplayable mess that almost regularly breaks, especially during events and after maintenance.
    3) Nonsensical nerfs and balancing changes

    It's hard to have faith in the combat design team when they regularly make changes that contradict each other, going back and forth on the buff and nerf cycle. Starting with the in random out-of-nowhere buff to generic DoT abilities (like Mages Guild's Entropy, and Soul Magic's Soul Trap - buffs which suspiciously coincided with the introduction of selling these Skill Lines for Crowns I might add) that lead to a massive loss of class diversity since everybody and their mother was running OP DoT builds. And then the 'fix' to the problem that they created was an insane nerf to all DoTs making them a nearly useless drain on resources with so much less damage that they're barely worth casting anymore. The impact of both these buffs and nerfs was discussed extensively on the PTS, cautioning ZOS against such extreme changes, and the feedback was ignored.

    There are also other signs of aimlessness, such as taking away Minor Berserk and Minor Endurance from Grim Focus 'because it's a damage skill and it does too much in one button', but then giving Bound Armaments a Grim-Focus-esque triggered damage component on top of the bonus Stamina and Light Attack damage it already had. Also removing Major Sorcery from Surge and then adding it back again. These sudden and dramatic changes with seemingly very little logic do not engender the trust of the playerbase in ZOS's ability to oversee and balance the combat changes in their game. The Elsweyr-Scalebreaker-Dragonhold back-and-forth was such a rollercoaster of 'WTF-why?'s that the game's combat direction is a rudderless ship drifting from insane iteration to insane iteration. And we thought Murkmire was bad, lol. :smiley:
  • Heatnix90
    Started out pretty decently with Wrathstone, then completely downhill with Elsweyr going forward.

    Biggest example of wasted potential in a game I've ever seen, tbh.
    Edited by Heatnix90 on November 21, 2019 9:02PM
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    I can't vote in a poll that doesn't explain the scale, i.e. indicate whether 1 is good or bad (and 10 the opposite).
  • bluebird
    I can't vote in a poll that doesn't explain the scale, i.e. indicate whether 1 is good or bad (and 10 the opposite).
    I'm pretty sure that rating something on a scale of 1 to 10 means that 1 is the worst. The only way 1 would be 'better' than 10 is if it was a ranking, not a rating, but that can't really apply to this question.
  • TheHsN
    Hope more Vote is going to come!?
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • Grollok76
    It's the year that made me quit and uninstall...
  • TheHsN
    I can't vote in a poll that doesn't explain the scale, i.e. indicate whether 1 is good or bad (and 10 the opposite).

    you really did not understand which number is higher or which number is lower ... Really???
    Magicka SORC - PvE/PvP
    Stamina NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka NB - PvE/PvP
    Magicka Templar - PvE
    Stamina Templar - PvP
    Magicka DK - PvE
    Stamina DK - PvE
  • EtTuBrutus
    They're lucky i have friends that play
  • Banana
    Performance and connectivity hitting new lows yet I am still here
  • Pelican
    Wrathstone is meh. Elsweyr is good. Scalebreaker is complete garbage. Dumpster fire got put out in Dragonhold but damage is already done, large population decline. Still a step in the right direction. Overall ok.
    PC NA - EP Solo PvP Player
  • FierceSam
    bluebird wrote: »
    I can't vote in a poll that doesn't explain the scale, i.e. indicate whether 1 is good or bad (and 10 the opposite).
    I'm pretty sure that rating something on a scale of 1 to 10 means that 1 is the worst. The only way 1 would be 'better' than 10 is if it was a ranking, not a rating, but that can't really apply to this question.

    Except being ‘pretty sure’ isn’t a good look for a survey. Especially when it’s laid out with 1 at the top. It’s why proper surveys have rather long winded questions like “how would you rate the following on a scale of 1 - 10, where 1 is utter failure and 10 is complete perfection”. Then you are ‘sure sure’ what the scale means.

    These things seem pretty petty, but they are important. If it’s not utterly clear what the scale means, then any value on it becomes meaningless.

    So a 3 has no value, whereas a 3 out of 10 does.
  • mague
    LOL, is 1 good or bad ?

    I wanted to give top-2

    Class and story have been good to very good. I am running out of content (4+ years) and there is no solo content worth to replay. Started a single player game but play once in a while ESO and look forward to the next chapter.
    Edited by mague on November 22, 2019 8:45AM
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