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How would You rate year 2019 in ESO ?

  • Tyrion87
    Frequent and huge contradictory combat changes that led to nowhere (and definitely not to balance). My enjoyment from playing group content has decreased tremendously.

    Performance issues (including lag, crashes and bugs) are the worst since I can remember. Obviously PC EU here...

    Content-wise it is a very boring year to me. Maybe because personally I hate khajiits and everything related to them. Not a huge fan of the whole elsweyr theme (compared to e.g. Summerset which I loved the most). But I can't deny that art team did amazing job as always and new zones are visually gorgeous as usual.

    This year's dungeons were rather bland.
  • svartorn
    Sandman929 wrote: »
    Played for 10 minutes last night before quitting in frustration with horrible performance in Cyrodiil. Experiences like that are becoming the norm. Off peak hours, most of the time it's ok as far as lag goes, but the constant disconnects are still there.

    I zoned into Cyrodiil and apparently was in combat immediately. Ported to BRK and had to run to Drake on foot. Left Cyrodiil after that.
  • Starlock
    Well, the OP doesn't specify if "1" is high rank or "10" is high rank (a sadly common amateur surveyor mistake), but fortunately this doesn't matter for me because I'd evaluate smack dab in the middle regardless.

    The story/lore/art/design content continues to impress as usual. The game is dragged down significantly by ever-increasing predatory monetization that has reached levels I never thought I would see from it. And it is very dispiriting, especially since it is just getting worse. Our events got monetized, character progression got monetized, and now we even have an extra inventory space that is impossible to get without shucking out cash.
  • technohic
    Nothing really special would have this at a 6 or 7 for just being a decent game but the wild swings at combat balance, bugs, and performance somehow getting worse after phase one of a performance improvement plan drags this down to subpar
  • Rontabs77
    ESO still is my favorite game (definitely because of the lore and story) and I started during Morrowind era during the latter part of 2017. Although I admit that the "Season of the Dragon" was not my favorite year in the game for me, probably because dragons are nothing new to me and the game is just saturated with them the entire year. To compare, the best year was last year, with Summerset. A Sload, now that was something new and really got my imagination going. And Clockwork City, best DLC, because I really felt that I was somewhere else when I am in that zone. Apologies, did I go off-topic? Anyway, I still thank ZOS for the great interactive entertainment.

    Also, I am not sure why but the zones in Elsweyr, specifically when there are Khajit architecture on the screen seems to be hogging down my computer as my FPS was dipping down so low, until now, which kind of ruined the immersion for me..

    Either way, still is one of the best games that I have ever played.

    Best regards,
  • Suryoyo
    Horrible year.
    I liked Elsweyr for PvP as a MagDK and then everything after is not good and didn't enjoyed. I liked Dragonhold zone this is the only good point.
    Negative points:

    New Lfg tool: it shows every day since its release ZOS complete lack of control of its own development, completely out of touch and PTS is just useless, it would help testing if players didn't have to redownload all of ESO for PTS and if ZOS gave in game bonuses for people actively testing and reporting issues during PTS cycle.

    Servers issues: it seems like ZOS is hiding behind the "Event too much people playing" and complete ridiculous and buggy lfg tool and doesn't address this issue, they blatantly ignore it and us players, it's been since January, and the issues are now worse. Every week, since now 2 months probably and one can see how ZOS completely disrespect its players, all players, especially ESO+ and those buying crowns. And this issue is terrible for merchant guilds.

    Loading screens longer than usual since dragonhold, sometimes you're wondering if it's an infinite loading screens, if one should restart the game...

    These pain points make me think that it looks like ZOS isn't investing anymore on ESO like they are progressively downsizing ressources to a minimum and will let it die slowly until all players are frustrated and quit the game.

    Regarding balance:

    Balance was horrible with scalebreaker, again out of touch, ridiculous buff numbers and subsequently ridiculous nerf numbers in dragonhold. Though Dragonhold is better than scalebreaker in that aspect but I haven't played much BGs due to the bugs, long solo queue for BG when it's working, etc.

    No cp update, no combat update, no racial update (it was supposed to happened for orcs especially...), more and more bugs, Cyrodiil is Lagodiil and a terrible experience for new players.

    The game is really in a bad state and ZOS stubbornness to held free play week, events while everybody and their mothers know that servers are burning is outrageous.

    To finish, ZOS will not deliver, its performance roadmap, knowing those pain points seems compromised.
  • grannas211
    I mean if you play it like Skyrim? Probably pretty high I guess. The artwork is nice and you can tell they put time into that kidna stuff.

    But if you do endgame pve or pvp? Its absolutely horrendous. Game balance at the end is up to them. I get that. But game performance shouldnt really be up to them. I mean it shouldnt be a take it or leave it thing. Game literally is only getting worse.

    Yes I know this post will get deleted.
  • Wheresthetea11
    Joined around the time of the summerset patch so my eso experience isn’t as much as everyone else’s. However, up until elsweyr, I was having the time of my life. I genuinely wanted to get on this game almost everyday and pvp or pve for a bit.

    After Elsweyr tho.... it’s just been going downhill like a snowball. Now I can’t even login, bg’s are just... broken, and cyro is laggier/prone to crashes more than ever before. The story is good but the combat changes and server performance... it’s been a frustrating year.
  • Ohtimbar
    I didn’t connect very much with any of the content this year, despite having some small amount of fun with it. Dragonhold felt like a rehash of Elsweyr, with the same look, same dragon grinding etc.

    Then we were subjected to constant, drastic back and forth attempts to “balance” the game which screwed me over both in pve and pvp, and an entire year of nerfs. Constant technical flubs and poor communication were the icing on the cake. Oh, and remember CP? ZOS doesn’t. Maybe that’s for the best the way things have gone this year.
    forever stuck in combat
  • Saltisol
    Ohtimbar wrote: »
    I didn’t connect very much with any of the content this year, despite having some small amount of fun with it. Dragonhold felt like a rehash of Elsweyr, with the same look, same dragon grinding etc.

    Then we were subjected to constant, drastic back and forth attempts to “balance” the game which screwed me over both in pve and pvp, and an entire year of nerfs. Constant technical flubs and poor communication were the icing on the cake. Oh, and remember CP? ZOS doesn’t. Maybe that’s for the best the way things have gone this year.

    Yeah don't incourage them to start messing with CP :#
    Edited by Saltisol on November 20, 2019 3:28PM
  • Anotherone773
    1) Elsweyr story
    2) intro of necro
    3) I like the new zones( a few more wayshrines so i dont feel like im in cyro would be nice.)
    4) The dragons, like summerset , were a different twist to dolmens. I dont consider this a big pro because its basically a reskin of dolmens. But it is more challenging than dolmens even with a couple of dozen people. So I have to give it a pro.

    1) The server issues during events and subsequent cancelling of events is a huge negative. This should have been fixed a long time ago.
    2) The general server problems not during events. Why is this a thing?
    3) Cyro. I dont play it because its a complete mess. Something that also hasnt been fixed.
    4) The rebalance. Its ok to do a rebalance or even a retool of the character system if you do it all at once. But these partial half done jobs do nothing but break things and annoy players. Retool racial, class, CP, and gear all at that same time. Alpha test it, then stick in on test server. Then ask us to come mass test it. Then fix it. Then ask us to test it. Then fix it. Keep doing this until its ready. Its ok to release something a couple of weeks late because it needs more fixing and testing. Better than putting on live and breaking everything.
    5)QoL Improvements. So many little things that can be done to make players happy that arent. Finally, got a QoL on the trader nightmare by being to bid on multiples but it took a long time to get a minor thing and wasnt a solution people really needed anyway.
    6) Housing. Housing has so much potential but ZOS continues to use it as an ATM instead of a fun and useful function of the game that draws players. We ask for cheaper housing in game than what we pay out of game and ZOS responds with a free house you earn by completing some task/requirement( like summerset) and then giving up a cheaper crown house that is smaller. Really? Really? Put some gold houses in the game.
    6B) Halls of Lunar Champion: This had potential to fix an often complained about problem: limited slots and large houses. It would solve this by having a main area you acquire and then expansion areas that are just parts of the home but treated on the backend as a different house. Instead all of the sections together are just treated as a single home greatly limiting what can be done with it.
    7) Last but not least the group finder. It keeps breaking and even when its not considered broke, it works poorly. Also for dungeons themselves just make groups 5 man. tank heal and 3 dps. This will help wait times a lot when playing DPS and you wont have 124 DPS in queue 11 healers and 0 tanks. Though the amount of effort to tank in this game compared to other roles and to other games makes it a highly undesirable role and i say that as someone who typically plays only tanks and heals in dungeons and raids in other games. Tanking in this game is like trying to build a house by yourself with only hand tools. I properly tank a couple early content dungeons in a row and im exhausted in real life.
  • max_only
    5. It would have been a 3 for all the horrible things they did but I got invited to a pvp guild and it’s expanded my gameplay options. I’m hoping Zos can pull it out of the bag by the time my subscription period ends. I won’t re-up otherwise which is sad because I loved this game immensely.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • idk
    I would say it is the worst year since the game launched.

    Great story this year but server performance has been a huge downside which is much like the first year.

    The only year that could be worse is the year between Upper Craglorn and IC as Zos did not release any meaningful content and a great many players left as a result.
  • Kaunas
    10/10 since i just joined this year
  • ChefZero
    Performance - 1
    Content - 1
    Necro - 10

    Average - 3.3
    PC EU - DC only
  • Czekoludek
    Lazy trial design, p2w class (necro meta in PvE that still outperform any other group setup), crap communication, crap performance, maybe it isn't a popular opinion but weak chapter story (Sorry, khamira is kinda marry sue for me. But I must admit Dragonhold story was good). Overall game is definitely less enjoyable since Elsweyr.
  • GrimTheReaper45
    I really dont even know. I gave 2 because I sort of like necro, sunspire is alright and some pretty decent gear sets.

    Even if we didnt have a ton of performance problems and they didnt screw with combat this year would be like a 5 for me. It would be average for me if everything had gone smoothly.

    Was not interested in the story at all. Questing in eso is something I already dont have a ton of interest in. Like cwc and summerset at least kept my interest long enough to finish them.

    Dungeons were ok, moongrave was my favorite but really wish they were all a bit shorter. I know about half of players like dungeons times as are. Thats cool for them but i just want shorter activities to go have some fun and get playing something.

    Sunspire was ok again. Its not really a full trial no matter what zos says. Yes its got trash adds and chests but compared to like nmol or nhof its still really short. Like this is the place where I actually want to get a group of friends together and hangout for like 45min to and hr. nss is like done in like 20 mins, I spend longer in a dungeon with a pug grp with noone on mic.

    Dlc zone was lacking in content and I get they were supposedly working on performance. That would have been find with me if the game wasnt worse now than before the update. The same old run through a delve and kill this or collect that dailies are getting boring too.

    Over all I just really wish they had spent the year improving performance, adding some new interesting dailies to old zones, added some new maps and modes to bgs, gave us a full full length trial and gave us a lot of quality of life improvements. Maybe made some small tweaks to balance and improved classes playstyles rather than a whole combat audit.
    Edited by GrimTheReaper45 on November 20, 2019 4:35PM
  • Hapexamendios
    I would have said 5, but it got nerfed.
  • phileunderx2
    I gave it a 6. Love elsywer and the dragons. But hate the poor performance and drastic combat changes.
  • anadandy
    The year started out ok...

    Then the racial "balance" changes in U21 - removed stealth from Bosmer for no good reason.

    Then they cancelled Midyear mayhem, something I look forward to every year.

    After that it was one foot in the grave, another on a banana peel.
  • Anhedonie
    I couldn't care less for catfolk, so story and theme wasn't anything interesting to me. Necro is a let down, riddled with bugs and bad gameplay decisions. Server performance is terrible as well. Here you go.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • Shantu
    Every new chapter and DLC being a 95% retread of things we've seen before, and nerf happy combat devs and their nebulous "vision", have pushed me to the edge.
  • vibeborn
    I have really enjoyed Elsweyr and the game overall, but of course the problems I've had, especially this autumn are a bit tedious to deal with, my sympathy goes to the developers
  • Gilvoth
    this has been among the Best years eso has had
    in my opinion.
    no, not joking, just honest feedback.
  • Narvuntien
    vibeborn wrote: »
    I have really enjoyed Elsweyr and the game overall, but of course the problems I've had, especially this autumn are a bit tedious to deal with, my sympathy goes to the developers

    I came here to say this. I liked Elseweyr, its beautiful and engaging. But there are a bunch of annoying problems that keep popping up every couple of months.
  • caperb
  • Vlad9425
    Horrible performance, horrible class balance, awful gameplay changes, awful lack of direction considering buffs and nerfs. On the plus side all of the new zones look amazing and have some nice content in them however as someone who PvPs most of the time this year has been very frustrating because of game performance issues making the experience awful.
  • Azurya
    a 1 just becuase a 0 wasn´t there.
    waiting 35% of my time @ login, till you get it fixed once again...... not funny
    all the HUGE changes every 3 months to gear, stats, skills......... getting tired of that

    to be true, I don´t know if I ever subscribe again, I payed for as long as eso+ was around, just got out yesterday, cauz was hanging around in login-screens for ages once again......

    this game once was exciting,
    now it is only about killing pleasure,
    you no longer looks forward to an update, you only get feared,
    about how will they nuke my chars this time?!!!

    and that is just it, no longer fun if you keep doing such huge changes every 3 months,
    if the server performance is that low, that I can't play for hours during prime,

    just give me my fun back and servers that work, then your number can rise again.....
    Edited by Azurya on November 20, 2019 5:33PM
  • IndianaJames7
    If this game ran smoothly and had a clear direction (almost regardless of what direction that would be) it would be 10/10. -3 point for performance/bugs, -1 point for nerf roulette/drastic rebalances. Would score it much lower if judging based in the past few months alone and not the year as a whole.
  • SickleCider
    /nasal inhale

    Well, let's see. I can't wrap my head around the combat changes, and combat has been a chore since the recent patch borked up targeting. Old bugs are still here, new bugs are saying hello, and I'm not a fan of this occasional blue screening. Starter zones are still absolutely infested with bots. Lots of QoL and accessibility changes I would have liked to see. And, of course, things are pretty broken.

    On the other hand, I liked Elsweyr and think the dragon fights are fun (if a bit janky). SOME QoL changes were made, and they save me a lot of time. Say what you will about the Indriks and their attempt at releasing weapon skins with the Undaunted Event, but they're trying to give players more things to earn in the game, and that's a good direction. Art design has gotten better.

    Bottom line, it's not Dark Souls, but I guess it's okay.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
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