dtsharples wrote: »I don't think we need a dressing room, when you can carry as many sets as you like in your inventory.
What is stopping you from changing into a PVP focused set before entering the Imperial City? You'd check that you were wearing a suitable set for PVE, it's exactly the same for a zone where there is PVP.
If you are heading to the Imperial City / Sewers as someone who normally only PVE's, there's a couple of pieces of advice I'd give:
Craft yourself some Impenetrable Armour. Plenty of craft-able sets are great for PVP.
The NPCs are pathetically weak, even the Bosses, you don't need that much extra damage from Divines.
The only real threat to you is other players, and Impen armour will help you to stay alive.
Go in with no less than 25k HP. A sniper is much less likely to target you if you aren't the lowest HP member in the vicinity. Don't make yourself an easy meal.
Craft yourself some Invisibility potions for when you get into sticky situations, it might just keep you alive long enough to escape.
Buy some of the recall stones, you don't want to find yourself with 10k Tel Var and have no way to bank them.
Keep your buffs up at all times, you don't have the luxury of starting a fight on your terms like in PVE. You can be ambushed at any time, never, ever let your guard down - especially when fighting a boss.
Look for choke points, and when you approach them be very, very vigilant. This is where you'll likely get ganked.
Do not go alone. Group up with a few friends / guildies, and make sure that they do the above also ^
TheRealPotoroo wrote: »
You're projecting. I am none of those things but I still loathe PVP.
TheRealPotoroo wrote: »
Switching between PVE and PVP involves resetting more than just your armor and weapons. CP allocations are very different (ie, in PVE you'll have lots of points in The Lady but none in The Lord, for PVP it's the opposite), and even different morphs. It's incredibly time consuming to do and it costs you, which is why the game desperately needs a dressing room with a zero cost switch.
GhostofDatthaw wrote: »
Duh, that's why I started with "IDK why but I feel" not like I was trying to state a fact
ElfFromSpace wrote: »but not having a single, pinch-point on the way into the sewers would help some.