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7th Legion Not functioning Properly

  • LiquidPony
    jaws343 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Yeah, you are wrong though. Nightblades can still proc the set using a skill that actually provides resistance:

    "Surround yourself in a phantasmic aura to gain Major Evasion, Minor Resolve and Minor Ward increasing your Dodge Chance by 25% and your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance by 1320 for 26 seconds.

    Also grants Minor Resolve and Minor Ward for the duration, increasing your Physical Resistance and Spell Resistance."

    Just because you want to conveniently ignore the skill doesn't make you right.

    Equilibrium from the mages guild also procs the skill.

    Has nothing to do with the OP

    "Currently this class and an entire ability line is singled out and excluded unfairly and uncharacteristically."

    The OP states that the class is singled out. It isn't, because the class still has a skill that can proc it. So, everything to do with the OP.

    And, as someone else mentioned here, Armor Master procs this as well. So, similar to Skoria proccing BSW, item set procs count as abilities. Passives, which is what the Shadow Barrier proc is, do not. There is a very clear line between what does and doesn't work. And again I ask, what PASSIVE procs BSW?

    Point is being missed here.

    If a set proc from heals and a templar healing skill line didnt proc it.

    It working on resto abilities does not negate the fact that the skill line isn't working properly.

    This post is simply stating

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    Meets the requirements of

    Seventh Legion:
    This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances

    Preventing it from proccing is contradictory and no benefit to the game.

    It doesn't meet the requirements stated in the patch notes.

    Additionally, to the point you keep trying to make about BSW, I think there is some confusion around the terminology in the tooltips.

    "Ability" does not mean "skill". This is consistent throughout the tooltips: Automaton buffs your light and heavy attacks, Shadow of the Red Mountain/Way of the Fire/BSW proc off of light and heavy attacks, Deadly Strike buffs alchemical poisons and set procs, Morag Tong buffs alchemical poisons and poison glyphs and the Poisoned status effect, Light of Cyrodiil will reduce your incoming damage while channeling a Resto heavy attack.

    All of these things count as "abilities". "Ability" only means "skill" when the tooltip context requires it. For instance, Armor Master requires having an armor ability slotted, which must be a skill. If a tooltip specifies casting an ability, that can be a skill or a light/heavy, but importantly per the clarification in the 5.1.1 patch notes, a proc from a passive does not qualify as "casting an ability".
    Edited by LiquidPony on August 8, 2019 8:10PM
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.
    Edited by Juhasow on August 8, 2019 8:10PM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol
    Edited by Royalthought on August 8, 2019 9:21PM
  • Styxius
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    ZOS themselves literally said in PTS v5.1.1 said this isn't an ability. "Work on being a better you. lol" is also highly hypocritical as you are the only one in this entire 3 page forum posts that seems to not be understanding 7th Legion IS working as intended on PTS. You honestly seem to mistake what an ability is. LA/HA are cast abilities. Skoria is a Set ability not a passive ability. ZOS themselves has confirmed this. BSW's stipulation requires Flame specific as it's proc condition. Equipping a flame staff is a form of Set bonus associate with the flame staff to make you deal Flame damage with your LA Cast ability. To quote yourself "For the millionith time" You're barking up the wrong tree with inaccuracy and spreading a false ideology from a reality. The set is working as intended. Just because the set isn't procing off a passive as Intended and stated by ZOS, doesn't make it their issue to deal with if you aren't understanding what the definition of a Cast is. you don't Cast a passive. You provided BSW as a example of a comparison when in both of their tool tips explain the difference that seems to be confusing you alone.
    BSW: "(5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability...."
    7th: "NEW: When you **cast** an ability that increases your Physical or Spell Resistance...."
    The key difference is the cast, BSW doesn't state you need to cast a flame damage ability as there is no passive that deals flame damage just by existing or using a sword with a poison enchantment as a LA doesn't deal Flame damage in any passive just from using it's base damage. As there is no passive that Casts flame damage. It's simple English dialect to understand the significant difference in those conditions. It's literally the fine print that would make a pass or fail on any educational test in the world is a condition like that. I will not be contributing more to this thread as when I viewed it I had to share to try and see if you can actually understand what the reality of the situation is and not a unfortunate misconception of the terminologies that ZOS has made very clear as a intention they have with it and fixed it being affected by other means outside of what the Tool tip directly states in clear English. Cast, is only in one of those two descriptions. Choosing BSW as your comparison directly proves where your arguments logical semantics are flawed. Have a good day bud not to mention how horrific it'd be if a stamblade could proc this set of surprise attack would easily out power hundings rage drastically if implemented so a stamblade's spammable could put it up 100% the pve and pvp implications are large. None the less that's not the situation we're in because the set was fixed from that to working as intended. Good day on this thread as it's essentially beating a dead horse as everyone but the OP understands the correct terminology used and the true meaning of it's very clear tool tip. Enjoy.
  • MashmalloMan
    Demra wrote: »
    Fine, you win. Lets change the BSW to match its tooltip.

    He doesn't win anything, he's daft and not listening to anyone here. Can't admit when he's wrong.

    The distinction of it not procing off passives was most likely introduced because it completely defeats the purpose of the risk/reward on the set, if you notice, it's over budgeted with 350 damage and 350 HP regen for 10s. Hunding's Rage is only 300 damage. OP can say whatever he likes, but we all know how broken it would be to use ANY Shadow ability, including a damn spammable to proc this for 100% uptime and 0 effort.

    Meanwhile other classes have to use a GCD to cast their Major Resistance skill earlier than they need to. You think a Stam Sorc wants to cast hurricane 5s early and miss out on the best part of keeping it active? No. It will work better on some classes than others and that's completely fine. I personally have the set golded out, but w.e.

    You can stop bringing up BSW as an argument because many people have stated your definition of an ability does not equate to what you think.

    All flame damage is coded as abilities, whether it's Skoria or a skill on your skill bar. Elf Bane for example, increases the duration of any flame ability for 2s, Zaan and Grothdar are affected by Elf Bane with duration in it's calculation so they gain this benefit. If set proc's had damage in their calculation, sets like Silk of the Sun would affect them too. Whether you like it or not, that's a fact of this game you need to deal with.

    So in conclusion BSW tooltip is completely correct so you can stop repeating yourself.

    What is not considered an ability, are passives. The Shadow Barrier passive GRANTS Major Ward and Resolve, any Shadow Ability activates this passive, which in turn grants its function.

    If your looking for tooltip consistency than sure, how about we update the Shadow Barrier passive to make it clearer for you, but Nightblades will never be able to use Seventh with the Shadow Barrier passive so deal with it and move on like everyone else or waste a GCD for your actual Active Resistance skill: Mirage.

    Is that too difficult to understand that you need to do what every other class does instead of trying to fight to get 100 % uptime from an entire Skill tree which includes 1 of the best melee spammables in the game. I don't think your trolling, but you must see how ridiculous you sound arguing about wording when you already know ZOS's intent of the Set clearly stated in the patch notes and working as intended. To compare other classes access to Major Resistance as easy as NB is completely disingenuous.
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Demra
    Yeah i know.

    You know i thought about it again, and having some armors fit perfectly for a class sounds more fun than having some armors don't work with a class.

    I don't play much stampler but i loved ravager as it felt special. I would perhaps tune down the 7th damage but let nbs have this all time proc. And add more armors like this. Make the classes feel more distinct with all the going homogenization.

    Edited by Demra on August 8, 2019 11:26PM
  • Royalthought
    Styxius wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    ZOS themselves literally said in PTS v5.1.1 said this isn't an ability. "Work on being a better you. lol" is also highly hypocritical as you are the only one in this entire 3 page forum posts that seems to not be understanding 7th Legion IS working as intended on PTS. You honestly seem to mistake what an ability is. LA/HA are cast abilities. Skoria is a Set ability not a passive ability. ZOS themselves has confirmed this. BSW's stipulation requires Flame specific as it's proc condition. Equipping a flame staff is a form of Set bonus associate with the flame staff to make you deal Flame damage with your LA Cast ability. To quote yourself "For the millionith time" You're barking up the wrong tree with inaccuracy and spreading a false ideology from a reality. The set is working as intended. Just because the set isn't procing off a passive as Intended and stated by ZOS, doesn't make it their issue to deal with if you aren't understanding what the definition of a Cast is. you don't Cast a passive. You provided BSW as a example of a comparison when in both of their tool tips explain the difference that seems to be confusing you alone.
    BSW: "(5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability...."
    7th: "NEW: When you **cast** an ability that increases your Physical or Spell Resistance...."
    The key difference is the cast, BSW doesn't state you need to cast a flame damage ability as there is no passive that deals flame damage just by existing or using a sword with a poison enchantment as a LA doesn't deal Flame damage in any passive just from using it's base damage. As there is no passive that Casts flame damage. It's simple English dialect to understand the significant difference in those conditions. It's literally the fine print that would make a pass or fail on any educational test in the world is a condition like that. I will not be contributing more to this thread as when I viewed it I had to share to try and see if you can actually understand what the reality of the situation is and not a unfortunate misconception of the terminologies that ZOS has made very clear as a intention they have with it and fixed it being affected by other means outside of what the Tool tip directly states in clear English. Cast, is only in one of those two descriptions. Choosing BSW as your comparison directly proves where your arguments logical semantics are flawed. Have a good day bud not to mention how horrific it'd be if a stamblade could proc this set of surprise attack would easily out power hundings rage drastically if implemented so a stamblade's spammable could put it up 100% the pve and pvp implications are large. None the less that's not the situation we're in because the set was fixed from that to working as intended. Good day on this thread as it's essentially beating a dead horse as everyone but the OP understands the correct terminology used and the true meaning of it's very clear tool tip. Enjoy.

    Holy wall of text. Passionate huh?

    In summary, you feel nightblades would be over powered. Congrats. You shared your true motive. An anti nightblade post.

    I appreciate when people come out and Just say how they really feel.

    That's what this is really about for some.

    No way I'm responding to a novel tho.
    Demra wrote: »
    Fine, you win. Lets change the BSW to match its tooltip.

    He doesn't win anything, he's daft and not listening to anyone here. Can't admit when he's wrong.

    The distinction of it not procing off passives was most likely introduced because it completely defeats the purpose of the risk/reward on the set, if you notice, it's over budgeted with 350 damage and 350 HP regen for 10s. Hunding's Rage is only 300 damage. OP can say whatever he likes, but we all know how broken it would be to use ANY Shadow ability, including a damn spammable to proc this for 100% uptime and 0 effort.

    Meanwhile other classes have to use a GCD to cast their Major Resistance skill earlier than they need to. You think a Stam Sorc wants to cast hurricane 5s early and miss out on the best part of keeping it active? No. It will work better on some classes than others and that's completely fine. I personally have the set golded out, but w.e.

    You can stop bringing up BSW as an argument because many people have stated your definition of an ability does not equate to what you think.

    All flame damage is coded as abilities, whether it's Skoria or a skill on your skill bar. Elf Bane for example, increases the duration of any flame ability for 2s, Zaan and Grothdar are affected by Elf Bane with duration in it's calculation so they gain this benefit. If set proc's had damage in their calculation, sets like Silk of the Sun would affect them too. Whether you like it or not, that's a fact of this game you need to deal with.

    So in conclusion BSW tooltip is completely correct so you can stop repeating yourself.

    What is not considered an ability, are passives. The Shadow Barrier passive GRANTS Major Ward and Resolve, any Shadow Ability activates this passive, which in turn grants its function.

    If your looking for tooltip consistency than sure, how about we update the Shadow Barrier passive to make it clearer for you, but Nightblades will never be able to use Seventh with the Shadow Barrier passive so deal with it and move on like everyone else or waste a GCD for your actual Active Resistance skill: Mirage.

    Is that too difficult to understand that you need to do what every other class does instead of trying to fight to get 100 % uptime from an entire Skill tree which includes 1 of the best melee spammables in the game. I don't think your trolling, but you must see how ridiculous you sound arguing about wording when you already know ZOS's intent of the Set clearly stated in the patch notes and working as intended. To compare other classes access to Major Resistance as easy as NB is completely disingenuous.

    "we all know how broken it would be"

    VS you.

    It's clear now where all this energy comes from. Some feel nightblades too strong against them even in their nerfed state.

    So they campaign against things like this post because they feel it would be a broken situation..... vs them.

    It's kinda like pvp. Insults and all. lol
  • Barbaran
    Seventh Legion:
    This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect

    Shadow Barrier
    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds, increasing Physical and Spell Resistance by 5280. This duration is increased by 25% for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.

    For comparison, the armor master set grants resistance as a passive bonus to armor abilities but are not part of the ability itself.

    However when viewing the nightblade skill description it EXPLICITLY states casting ability grants resistance. That IS the requirement to proc the set.

    This is a broken mechanic that contradicts itself.

    What makes this even more extreme is that, while this isn't working for what it states it should, item sets have never had exclusions to abilities vs Passives, sets, etc.. (I'll try not to make a long list of sets for various reasons)

    Heres one example:

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    It procs off all flame damage. Light attacks, monster/armor set proc, etc. No ability necessary.

    So please fix seventh legion. It's requirement to proc is accomplished by nightblades shadow abilities and should work but does not. Currently this class and an entire ability line is singled out and excluded unfairly and uncharacteristically.

    Thank you

    They stated it won't proc off a passive.
    That is a passive. If you cast the ability from that tree, then the PASSIVE grants ward and resolve, not the ability itself.

    It's pretty black and white

  • MashmalloMan
    Styxius wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    ZOS themselves literally said in PTS v5.1.1 said this isn't an ability. "Work on being a better you. lol" is also highly hypocritical as you are the only one in this entire 3 page forum posts that seems to not be understanding 7th Legion IS working as intended on PTS. You honestly seem to mistake what an ability is. LA/HA are cast abilities. Skoria is a Set ability not a passive ability. ZOS themselves has confirmed this. BSW's stipulation requires Flame specific as it's proc condition. Equipping a flame staff is a form of Set bonus associate with the flame staff to make you deal Flame damage with your LA Cast ability. To quote yourself "For the millionith time" You're barking up the wrong tree with inaccuracy and spreading a false ideology from a reality. The set is working as intended. Just because the set isn't procing off a passive as Intended and stated by ZOS, doesn't make it their issue to deal with if you aren't understanding what the definition of a Cast is. you don't Cast a passive. You provided BSW as a example of a comparison when in both of their tool tips explain the difference that seems to be confusing you alone.
    BSW: "(5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability...."
    7th: "NEW: When you **cast** an ability that increases your Physical or Spell Resistance...."
    The key difference is the cast, BSW doesn't state you need to cast a flame damage ability as there is no passive that deals flame damage just by existing or using a sword with a poison enchantment as a LA doesn't deal Flame damage in any passive just from using it's base damage. As there is no passive that Casts flame damage. It's simple English dialect to understand the significant difference in those conditions. It's literally the fine print that would make a pass or fail on any educational test in the world is a condition like that. I will not be contributing more to this thread as when I viewed it I had to share to try and see if you can actually understand what the reality of the situation is and not a unfortunate misconception of the terminologies that ZOS has made very clear as a intention they have with it and fixed it being affected by other means outside of what the Tool tip directly states in clear English. Cast, is only in one of those two descriptions. Choosing BSW as your comparison directly proves where your arguments logical semantics are flawed. Have a good day bud not to mention how horrific it'd be if a stamblade could proc this set of surprise attack would easily out power hundings rage drastically if implemented so a stamblade's spammable could put it up 100% the pve and pvp implications are large. None the less that's not the situation we're in because the set was fixed from that to working as intended. Good day on this thread as it's essentially beating a dead horse as everyone but the OP understands the correct terminology used and the true meaning of it's very clear tool tip. Enjoy.

    Holy wall of text. Passionate huh?

    In summary, you feel nightblades would be over powered. Congrats. You shared your true motive. An anti nightblade post.

    I appreciate when people come out and Just say how they really feel.

    That's what this is really about for some.

    No way I'm responding to a novel tho.
    Demra wrote: »
    Fine, you win. Lets change the BSW to match its tooltip.

    He doesn't win anything, he's daft and not listening to anyone here. Can't admit when he's wrong.

    The distinction of it not procing off passives was most likely introduced because it completely defeats the purpose of the risk/reward on the set, if you notice, it's over budgeted with 350 damage and 350 HP regen for 10s. Hunding's Rage is only 300 damage. OP can say whatever he likes, but we all know how broken it would be to use ANY Shadow ability, including a damn spammable to proc this for 100% uptime and 0 effort.

    Meanwhile other classes have to use a GCD to cast their Major Resistance skill earlier than they need to. You think a Stam Sorc wants to cast hurricane 5s early and miss out on the best part of keeping it active? No. It will work better on some classes than others and that's completely fine. I personally have the set golded out, but w.e.

    You can stop bringing up BSW as an argument because many people have stated your definition of an ability does not equate to what you think.

    All flame damage is coded as abilities, whether it's Skoria or a skill on your skill bar. Elf Bane for example, increases the duration of any flame ability for 2s, Zaan and Grothdar are affected by Elf Bane with duration in it's calculation so they gain this benefit. If set proc's had damage in their calculation, sets like Silk of the Sun would affect them too. Whether you like it or not, that's a fact of this game you need to deal with.

    So in conclusion BSW tooltip is completely correct so you can stop repeating yourself.

    What is not considered an ability, are passives. The Shadow Barrier passive GRANTS Major Ward and Resolve, any Shadow Ability activates this passive, which in turn grants its function.

    If your looking for tooltip consistency than sure, how about we update the Shadow Barrier passive to make it clearer for you, but Nightblades will never be able to use Seventh with the Shadow Barrier passive so deal with it and move on like everyone else or waste a GCD for your actual Active Resistance skill: Mirage.

    Is that too difficult to understand that you need to do what every other class does instead of trying to fight to get 100 % uptime from an entire Skill tree which includes 1 of the best melee spammables in the game. I don't think your trolling, but you must see how ridiculous you sound arguing about wording when you already know ZOS's intent of the Set clearly stated in the patch notes and working as intended. To compare other classes access to Major Resistance as easy as NB is completely disingenuous.

    "we all know how broken it would be"

    VS you.

    It's clear now where all this energy comes from. Some feel nightblades too strong against them even in their nerfed state.

    So they campaign against things like this post because they feel it would be a broken situation..... vs them.

    It's kinda like pvp. Insults and all. lol

    Deflecting people's arguments as nothing but bias towards Nightblades does nothing to prove your argument or reading comprehension skills which you clearly lack.
    PC Beta - 1900+ CP

    Stam Sorc Khajiit PvE/PVP Main || Stam Sorc Dark Elf PvP ||
    Stam Templar Dark Elf || Stam Warden Wood Elf || Stam DK Nord || Stam Necro Orc || Stam Blade Khajiit

    Mag Sorc High Elf || Mag Templar High Elf || Mag Warden Breton || Mag Necro Khajiit || Mag Blade Khajiit
  • Royalthought
    Styxius wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    ZOS themselves literally said in PTS v5.1.1 said this isn't an ability. "Work on being a better you. lol" is also highly hypocritical as you are the only one in this entire 3 page forum posts that seems to not be understanding 7th Legion IS working as intended on PTS. You honestly seem to mistake what an ability is. LA/HA are cast abilities. Skoria is a Set ability not a passive ability. ZOS themselves has confirmed this. BSW's stipulation requires Flame specific as it's proc condition. Equipping a flame staff is a form of Set bonus associate with the flame staff to make you deal Flame damage with your LA Cast ability. To quote yourself "For the millionith time" You're barking up the wrong tree with inaccuracy and spreading a false ideology from a reality. The set is working as intended. Just because the set isn't procing off a passive as Intended and stated by ZOS, doesn't make it their issue to deal with if you aren't understanding what the definition of a Cast is. you don't Cast a passive. You provided BSW as a example of a comparison when in both of their tool tips explain the difference that seems to be confusing you alone.
    BSW: "(5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability...."
    7th: "NEW: When you **cast** an ability that increases your Physical or Spell Resistance...."
    The key difference is the cast, BSW doesn't state you need to cast a flame damage ability as there is no passive that deals flame damage just by existing or using a sword with a poison enchantment as a LA doesn't deal Flame damage in any passive just from using it's base damage. As there is no passive that Casts flame damage. It's simple English dialect to understand the significant difference in those conditions. It's literally the fine print that would make a pass or fail on any educational test in the world is a condition like that. I will not be contributing more to this thread as when I viewed it I had to share to try and see if you can actually understand what the reality of the situation is and not a unfortunate misconception of the terminologies that ZOS has made very clear as a intention they have with it and fixed it being affected by other means outside of what the Tool tip directly states in clear English. Cast, is only in one of those two descriptions. Choosing BSW as your comparison directly proves where your arguments logical semantics are flawed. Have a good day bud not to mention how horrific it'd be if a stamblade could proc this set of surprise attack would easily out power hundings rage drastically if implemented so a stamblade's spammable could put it up 100% the pve and pvp implications are large. None the less that's not the situation we're in because the set was fixed from that to working as intended. Good day on this thread as it's essentially beating a dead horse as everyone but the OP understands the correct terminology used and the true meaning of it's very clear tool tip. Enjoy.

    Holy wall of text. Passionate huh?

    In summary, you feel nightblades would be over powered. Congrats. You shared your true motive. An anti nightblade post.

    I appreciate when people come out and Just say how they really feel.

    That's what this is really about for some.

    No way I'm responding to a novel tho.
    Demra wrote: »
    Fine, you win. Lets change the BSW to match its tooltip.

    He doesn't win anything, he's daft and not listening to anyone here. Can't admit when he's wrong.

    The distinction of it not procing off passives was most likely introduced because it completely defeats the purpose of the risk/reward on the set, if you notice, it's over budgeted with 350 damage and 350 HP regen for 10s. Hunding's Rage is only 300 damage. OP can say whatever he likes, but we all know how broken it would be to use ANY Shadow ability, including a damn spammable to proc this for 100% uptime and 0 effort.

    Meanwhile other classes have to use a GCD to cast their Major Resistance skill earlier than they need to. You think a Stam Sorc wants to cast hurricane 5s early and miss out on the best part of keeping it active? No. It will work better on some classes than others and that's completely fine. I personally have the set golded out, but w.e.

    You can stop bringing up BSW as an argument because many people have stated your definition of an ability does not equate to what you think.

    All flame damage is coded as abilities, whether it's Skoria or a skill on your skill bar. Elf Bane for example, increases the duration of any flame ability for 2s, Zaan and Grothdar are affected by Elf Bane with duration in it's calculation so they gain this benefit. If set proc's had damage in their calculation, sets like Silk of the Sun would affect them too. Whether you like it or not, that's a fact of this game you need to deal with.

    So in conclusion BSW tooltip is completely correct so you can stop repeating yourself.

    What is not considered an ability, are passives. The Shadow Barrier passive GRANTS Major Ward and Resolve, any Shadow Ability activates this passive, which in turn grants its function.

    If your looking for tooltip consistency than sure, how about we update the Shadow Barrier passive to make it clearer for you, but Nightblades will never be able to use Seventh with the Shadow Barrier passive so deal with it and move on like everyone else or waste a GCD for your actual Active Resistance skill: Mirage.

    Is that too difficult to understand that you need to do what every other class does instead of trying to fight to get 100 % uptime from an entire Skill tree which includes 1 of the best melee spammables in the game. I don't think your trolling, but you must see how ridiculous you sound arguing about wording when you already know ZOS's intent of the Set clearly stated in the patch notes and working as intended. To compare other classes access to Major Resistance as easy as NB is completely disingenuous.

    "we all know how broken it would be"

    VS you.

    It's clear now where all this energy comes from. Some feel nightblades too strong against them even in their nerfed state.

    So they campaign against things like this post because they feel it would be a broken situation..... vs them.

    It's kinda like pvp. Insults and all. lol

    Deflecting people's arguments as nothing but bias towards Nightblades does nothing to prove your argument or reading comprehension skills which you clearly lack.

    And what did your insults add? Nothing. That keyboard karate is corny. Lol.

    Video games bring the worst out of people. Its honestly pretty sad.

    If there's anything in that wall of text you'd like to address do so.

    I actually quoted from it and responded to it specifically. Perhaps if I just threw out insults too, Id fit in. No thanks
    Edited by Royalthought on August 9, 2019 12:06AM
  • Demra
    Styxius wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    ZOS themselves literally said in PTS v5.1.1 said this isn't an ability. "Work on being a better you. lol" is also highly hypocritical as you are the only one in this entire 3 page forum posts that seems to not be understanding 7th Legion IS working as intended on PTS. You honestly seem to mistake what an ability is. LA/HA are cast abilities. Skoria is a Set ability not a passive ability. ZOS themselves has confirmed this. BSW's stipulation requires Flame specific as it's proc condition. Equipping a flame staff is a form of Set bonus associate with the flame staff to make you deal Flame damage with your LA Cast ability. To quote yourself "For the millionith time" You're barking up the wrong tree with inaccuracy and spreading a false ideology from a reality. The set is working as intended. Just because the set isn't procing off a passive as Intended and stated by ZOS, doesn't make it their issue to deal with if you aren't understanding what the definition of a Cast is. you don't Cast a passive. You provided BSW as a example of a comparison when in both of their tool tips explain the difference that seems to be confusing you alone.
    BSW: "(5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability...."
    7th: "NEW: When you **cast** an ability that increases your Physical or Spell Resistance...."
    The key difference is the cast, BSW doesn't state you need to cast a flame damage ability as there is no passive that deals flame damage just by existing or using a sword with a poison enchantment as a LA doesn't deal Flame damage in any passive just from using it's base damage. As there is no passive that Casts flame damage. It's simple English dialect to understand the significant difference in those conditions. It's literally the fine print that would make a pass or fail on any educational test in the world is a condition like that. I will not be contributing more to this thread as when I viewed it I had to share to try and see if you can actually understand what the reality of the situation is and not a unfortunate misconception of the terminologies that ZOS has made very clear as a intention they have with it and fixed it being affected by other means outside of what the Tool tip directly states in clear English. Cast, is only in one of those two descriptions. Choosing BSW as your comparison directly proves where your arguments logical semantics are flawed. Have a good day bud not to mention how horrific it'd be if a stamblade could proc this set of surprise attack would easily out power hundings rage drastically if implemented so a stamblade's spammable could put it up 100% the pve and pvp implications are large. None the less that's not the situation we're in because the set was fixed from that to working as intended. Good day on this thread as it's essentially beating a dead horse as everyone but the OP understands the correct terminology used and the true meaning of it's very clear tool tip. Enjoy.

    Holy wall of text. Passionate huh?

    In summary, you feel nightblades would be over powered. Congrats. You shared your true motive. An anti nightblade post.

    I appreciate when people come out and Just say how they really feel.

    That's what this is really about for some.

    No way I'm responding to a novel tho.
    Demra wrote: »
    Fine, you win. Lets change the BSW to match its tooltip.

    He doesn't win anything, he's daft and not listening to anyone here. Can't admit when he's wrong.

    The distinction of it not procing off passives was most likely introduced because it completely defeats the purpose of the risk/reward on the set, if you notice, it's over budgeted with 350 damage and 350 HP regen for 10s. Hunding's Rage is only 300 damage. OP can say whatever he likes, but we all know how broken it would be to use ANY Shadow ability, including a damn spammable to proc this for 100% uptime and 0 effort.

    Meanwhile other classes have to use a GCD to cast their Major Resistance skill earlier than they need to. You think a Stam Sorc wants to cast hurricane 5s early and miss out on the best part of keeping it active? No. It will work better on some classes than others and that's completely fine. I personally have the set golded out, but w.e.

    You can stop bringing up BSW as an argument because many people have stated your definition of an ability does not equate to what you think.

    All flame damage is coded as abilities, whether it's Skoria or a skill on your skill bar. Elf Bane for example, increases the duration of any flame ability for 2s, Zaan and Grothdar are affected by Elf Bane with duration in it's calculation so they gain this benefit. If set proc's had damage in their calculation, sets like Silk of the Sun would affect them too. Whether you like it or not, that's a fact of this game you need to deal with.

    So in conclusion BSW tooltip is completely correct so you can stop repeating yourself.

    What is not considered an ability, are passives. The Shadow Barrier passive GRANTS Major Ward and Resolve, any Shadow Ability activates this passive, which in turn grants its function.

    If your looking for tooltip consistency than sure, how about we update the Shadow Barrier passive to make it clearer for you, but Nightblades will never be able to use Seventh with the Shadow Barrier passive so deal with it and move on like everyone else or waste a GCD for your actual Active Resistance skill: Mirage.

    Is that too difficult to understand that you need to do what every other class does instead of trying to fight to get 100 % uptime from an entire Skill tree which includes 1 of the best melee spammables in the game. I don't think your trolling, but you must see how ridiculous you sound arguing about wording when you already know ZOS's intent of the Set clearly stated in the patch notes and working as intended. To compare other classes access to Major Resistance as easy as NB is completely disingenuous.

    "we all know how broken it would be"

    VS you.

    It's clear now where all this energy comes from. Some feel nightblades too strong against them even in their nerfed state.

    So they campaign against things like this post because they feel it would be a broken situation..... vs them.

    It's kinda like pvp. Insults and all. lol

    Deflecting people's arguments as nothing but bias towards Nightblades does nothing to prove your argument or reading comprehension skills which you clearly lack.

    And what did your insults add? Nothing. That keyboard karate is corny. Lol.

    Video games bring the worst out of people. Its honestly pretty sad.

    If there's anything in that wall of text you'd like to address do so.

    I actually quoted from it and responded to it specifically. Perhaps if I just threw out insults too, Id fit in. No thanks

    I am curious if you could be won by numbers. Lets see how many ppl it takes for you to start doubting your words.

    I also think you sound very biased and just enjoying the argument. Its fun.
    Edited by Demra on August 9, 2019 12:13AM
  • Royalthought
    Demra wrote: »
    Styxius wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    ZOS themselves literally said in PTS v5.1.1 said this isn't an ability. "Work on being a better you. lol" is also highly hypocritical as you are the only one in this entire 3 page forum posts that seems to not be understanding 7th Legion IS working as intended on PTS. You honestly seem to mistake what an ability is. LA/HA are cast abilities. Skoria is a Set ability not a passive ability. ZOS themselves has confirmed this. BSW's stipulation requires Flame specific as it's proc condition. Equipping a flame staff is a form of Set bonus associate with the flame staff to make you deal Flame damage with your LA Cast ability. To quote yourself "For the millionith time" You're barking up the wrong tree with inaccuracy and spreading a false ideology from a reality. The set is working as intended. Just because the set isn't procing off a passive as Intended and stated by ZOS, doesn't make it their issue to deal with if you aren't understanding what the definition of a Cast is. you don't Cast a passive. You provided BSW as a example of a comparison when in both of their tool tips explain the difference that seems to be confusing you alone.
    BSW: "(5 items) When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability...."
    7th: "NEW: When you **cast** an ability that increases your Physical or Spell Resistance...."
    The key difference is the cast, BSW doesn't state you need to cast a flame damage ability as there is no passive that deals flame damage just by existing or using a sword with a poison enchantment as a LA doesn't deal Flame damage in any passive just from using it's base damage. As there is no passive that Casts flame damage. It's simple English dialect to understand the significant difference in those conditions. It's literally the fine print that would make a pass or fail on any educational test in the world is a condition like that. I will not be contributing more to this thread as when I viewed it I had to share to try and see if you can actually understand what the reality of the situation is and not a unfortunate misconception of the terminologies that ZOS has made very clear as a intention they have with it and fixed it being affected by other means outside of what the Tool tip directly states in clear English. Cast, is only in one of those two descriptions. Choosing BSW as your comparison directly proves where your arguments logical semantics are flawed. Have a good day bud not to mention how horrific it'd be if a stamblade could proc this set of surprise attack would easily out power hundings rage drastically if implemented so a stamblade's spammable could put it up 100% the pve and pvp implications are large. None the less that's not the situation we're in because the set was fixed from that to working as intended. Good day on this thread as it's essentially beating a dead horse as everyone but the OP understands the correct terminology used and the true meaning of it's very clear tool tip. Enjoy.

    Holy wall of text. Passionate huh?

    In summary, you feel nightblades would be over powered. Congrats. You shared your true motive. An anti nightblade post.

    I appreciate when people come out and Just say how they really feel.

    That's what this is really about for some.

    No way I'm responding to a novel tho.
    Demra wrote: »
    Fine, you win. Lets change the BSW to match its tooltip.

    He doesn't win anything, he's daft and not listening to anyone here. Can't admit when he's wrong.

    The distinction of it not procing off passives was most likely introduced because it completely defeats the purpose of the risk/reward on the set, if you notice, it's over budgeted with 350 damage and 350 HP regen for 10s. Hunding's Rage is only 300 damage. OP can say whatever he likes, but we all know how broken it would be to use ANY Shadow ability, including a damn spammable to proc this for 100% uptime and 0 effort.

    Meanwhile other classes have to use a GCD to cast their Major Resistance skill earlier than they need to. You think a Stam Sorc wants to cast hurricane 5s early and miss out on the best part of keeping it active? No. It will work better on some classes than others and that's completely fine. I personally have the set golded out, but w.e.

    You can stop bringing up BSW as an argument because many people have stated your definition of an ability does not equate to what you think.

    All flame damage is coded as abilities, whether it's Skoria or a skill on your skill bar. Elf Bane for example, increases the duration of any flame ability for 2s, Zaan and Grothdar are affected by Elf Bane with duration in it's calculation so they gain this benefit. If set proc's had damage in their calculation, sets like Silk of the Sun would affect them too. Whether you like it or not, that's a fact of this game you need to deal with.

    So in conclusion BSW tooltip is completely correct so you can stop repeating yourself.

    What is not considered an ability, are passives. The Shadow Barrier passive GRANTS Major Ward and Resolve, any Shadow Ability activates this passive, which in turn grants its function.

    If your looking for tooltip consistency than sure, how about we update the Shadow Barrier passive to make it clearer for you, but Nightblades will never be able to use Seventh with the Shadow Barrier passive so deal with it and move on like everyone else or waste a GCD for your actual Active Resistance skill: Mirage.

    Is that too difficult to understand that you need to do what every other class does instead of trying to fight to get 100 % uptime from an entire Skill tree which includes 1 of the best melee spammables in the game. I don't think your trolling, but you must see how ridiculous you sound arguing about wording when you already know ZOS's intent of the Set clearly stated in the patch notes and working as intended. To compare other classes access to Major Resistance as easy as NB is completely disingenuous.

    "we all know how broken it would be"

    VS you.

    It's clear now where all this energy comes from. Some feel nightblades too strong against them even in their nerfed state.

    So they campaign against things like this post because they feel it would be a broken situation..... vs them.

    It's kinda like pvp. Insults and all. lol

    Deflecting people's arguments as nothing but bias towards Nightblades does nothing to prove your argument or reading comprehension skills which you clearly lack.

    And what did your insults add? Nothing. That keyboard karate is corny. Lol.

    Video games bring the worst out of people. Its honestly pretty sad.

    If there's anything in that wall of text you'd like to address do so.

    I actually quoted from it and responded to it specifically. Perhaps if I just threw out insults too, Id fit in. No thanks

    I am curious if you could be won by numbers. Lets see how many ppl it takes for you to start doubting your words.

    I also think you sound very biased and just enjoying the argument. Its fun.

    How many people?

    I don't base my perspective on popularity. Never follow crowds.

    Nevermind videogames, that's true in life. The world isn't ran by the 95%.
  • KageNin
    Everyone just chill out , we will all be still dying from 20k dots next patch!
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.
    Edited by Juhasow on August 9, 2019 3:39AM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.
    Edited by Juhasow on August 9, 2019 4:10AM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol

    Well looks like You have literally zero arguments if only thing You're left with is pointing out some 1 letter missclick 1 time in 1 word when it doesnt even makes a big difference and everyone knows what that phrase was about. That is both silly and pathetic how You are just trying to say anything to have the last word but since You lack any reasonable arguments You'll just use some random tattle and go completly off topic. Fact that You even consider Yourself intelligent in that case is questionable and in fact whole situation is indeed golden but reason for that may be opposite to what You think it is.
    Edited by Juhasow on August 9, 2019 4:28AM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol

    Well looks like You have literally zero arguments if only thing You're left with is pointing out some 1 letter missclick 1 time in 1 word when it doesnt even makes a big difference and everyone knows what that phrase was about. That is both silly and pathetic how You are just trying to say anything to have the last word but since You lack any reasonable arguments You'll just use some random tattle and go completly off topic. Fact that You even consider Yourself intelligent in that case is questionable and in fact whole situation is indeed golden but reason for that may be opposite to what You think it is.

    Nerd rage. It's real I see.

    Btw, insults don't work. Easy to ignore. I'll sleep well tonight.

    You shouldn't allow video games to make you so angry that you type novels of hate about complete strangers. Lol.
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    Kadoin wrote: »
    KageNin wrote: »
    BTW with Templar Restoring Focus costing ~800 stam, you can have 100% uptime on Seventh, great design

    Still have to waste a skill slot at the very least.

    It returns stamina while rolling or blocking and grants resistances why are you not using this in PVP not sure if 7th is used in PvE have not been there in a long time but in PvP Restoring Focus is great.
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • kendellking_chaosb14_ESO
    Look as a Nightblade Main since beta I have no real problem with this. Shadow Barrier is not a cast ability of you think other was then listen to this. If you cast a shadow power but you didn’t unlock Shadow Barrier do you still the resistance buff? No you don’t see right there you would need to unlock at least one activity and one passive ability just to get the resistance buff.

    Now that being said personal I think Mirage and Veiled Strike should change places as they make no sense in their trees. Nightblade spam attack is in Shadow our Tank tree and Mirage is in our DPS tree that’s really weird.

    7th still works on NB just slot Mirage Assassin passives + minor resistance buffs + 25% less damage from AoEs that’s a pretty good combo.
    Chaos Shadow-Scale: Shadow Archer
    Chaos Death-Scale: Shadow Knight
    Tanks-With-Sap-Essence: Dark Mage
    Dark Brotherhood Listener: Blade of Argonia
    Chaos Dragon-Scale: Draconic Shield Master
    Chaos Light-Scale: Marsh Paladin
    Chaos Lightning-Scale: Daedric Master
    Hurricane Chaos: Storm Archer
    Bask-In-My-Light: Warrior of The Light
    Forged-In-Dragon-Fire: Pyro Mage
    Guardian of The Hist: Light Mender
    Chaos of Black Marsh: Master of The Burning Sword
    Star of Chaos: Frost Blade Champion
    Chaos-Lightning-Tower: Lightning Shield Master

    For the King of Argonia
    May Sithis hold back his Void
  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol

    Well looks like You have literally zero arguments if only thing You're left with is pointing out some 1 letter missclick 1 time in 1 word when it doesnt even makes a big difference and everyone knows what that phrase was about. That is both silly and pathetic how You are just trying to say anything to have the last word but since You lack any reasonable arguments You'll just use some random tattle and go completly off topic. Fact that You even consider Yourself intelligent in that case is questionable and in fact whole situation is indeed golden but reason for that may be opposite to what You think it is.

    Nerd rage. It's real I see.

    Btw, insults don't work. Easy to ignore. I'll sleep well tonight.

    You shouldn't allow video games to make you so angry that you type novels of hate about complete strangers. Lol.

    Say whatever You want now. It makes it just more silly how desperate You're to have last word when logic failed and You lack any constructive things to say.
    Edited by Juhasow on August 9, 2019 1:07PM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol

    Well looks like You have literally zero arguments if only thing You're left with is pointing out some 1 letter missclick 1 time in 1 word when it doesnt even makes a big difference and everyone knows what that phrase was about. That is both silly and pathetic how You are just trying to say anything to have the last word but since You lack any reasonable arguments You'll just use some random tattle and go completly off topic. Fact that You even consider Yourself intelligent in that case is questionable and in fact whole situation is indeed golden but reason for that may be opposite to what You think it is.

    Nerd rage. It's real I see.

    Btw, insults don't work. Easy to ignore. I'll sleep well tonight.

    You shouldn't allow video games to make you so angry that you type novels of hate about complete strangers. Lol.

    Say whatever You want now. It makes it just more silly how desperate You're to have last word when logic failed and You lack any constructive things to say.


  • Juhasow
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol

    Well looks like You have literally zero arguments if only thing You're left with is pointing out some 1 letter missclick 1 time in 1 word when it doesnt even makes a big difference and everyone knows what that phrase was about. That is both silly and pathetic how You are just trying to say anything to have the last word but since You lack any reasonable arguments You'll just use some random tattle and go completly off topic. Fact that You even consider Yourself intelligent in that case is questionable and in fact whole situation is indeed golden but reason for that may be opposite to what You think it is.

    Nerd rage. It's real I see.

    Btw, insults don't work. Easy to ignore. I'll sleep well tonight.

    You shouldn't allow video games to make you so angry that you type novels of hate about complete strangers. Lol.

    Say whatever You want now. It makes it just more silly how desperate You're to have last word when logic failed and You lack any constructive things to say.


    I'll just ask out of pure courtesy. Do You have anything constructive to say about this thread topic or all what You're left with are just off topic childlish one liners to make Yourself feel better and superior ? If You dont have any new and constructive arguments to support Your claim about shadow barrier passive then stop embarrasing Yourself and let it go.

    Oh and btw this is my last comment here unless You'll bring some new arguments about main topic since I dont have a time for forum warriors childlish bashing back and forward. This forum is made to discuss issues and concerns about the game so if You have some bring them on and if You dont then face the fact You possibly are incorrect in the matter of this thread topic and let it go like an intelligent person You think You're should.
    Edited by Juhasow on August 9, 2019 1:45PM
  • Royalthought
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Juhasow wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.

    Burning Spellweave
    When you deal damage with a Flame Damage ability, you have a 15% chance to apply the burning status effect to the enemy and increase your Spell Damage by 525 for 8 seconds. This effect can occur once every 12 seconds.

    1. They said burning spellweave works with abilities. It works with everything.

    If they are standardizing the game this proccing for all damage and 7th not working with "some" abilities that meet its requirement goes against that

    2. Shadow abilities grant resistance. They are casted abilities.

    I'm simply asking for consistency.

    Burning spellwave is actually good example of proving Your logic is wrong. It says "when You deal damage with flame damage ability" not "when You cast flame damage ability". For the record for the game everything is an ability some are active ones some are passive ones. Even things like skoria or zaan will be considered as abilities but passive ones triggered by the usage of other active ones. For 7th legion it says "casting an ability that increases your Resistances" which suggest actively using ability that have resistance increase built in its core design not granted through passive measures. Following burning spellwave logic for 7th legion to grant buff through nb passive description would have to sound more like "when You gain resistances" not "casting an ability that increases your Resistances".

    Valkyn skoria is no more of an ability than any shadow ability. It's a proc.

    This is literally an exclusion to one classes mechanics.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    This is what the game states EXPLICITLY. Casting ability grants buffs. Literally states "ability" in the game itself.

    That's the proc requirement and should absolutely work.

    Other than wanting to see the class nerfed there is no reasoning behind putting a stipulation in, to prevent it from having synergy with this set.

    Have You even read what I posted ? Passive =/= active. Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones. You cannot cast skoria and You cannot cast shadow barrier. You'll get both as a result of casting something else. 7th legion says about actively casting an ability that grants You resistance bonuses aka have that resistance bonuses built into it. Have You seen any resistance bonuses built into supprise atack description ? I havnt. Would supprise attack give You resistance bonus if You wouldnt spend points into passive called shadow barrier ? No. You are trying to avoid reality just to support Your idea. It is exclusion from 1 class mechanic because that 1 class mechanic is exclusion itself since other classes have actively casted major resistance bonuses. proc requirement makes it passively used ability not actively casted one.

    Yes I think general idea was to prevent nb from being able to take way bigger adventage from wearing 7th legion then other classes. I dont see anything bad in that it's called balance. Also class is not nerfed since nb still have acces to active ability that grants resistances which is Mirage.

    "Shadow barrier or skoria are passive abilities triggered by usage of other active ones."

    Skoria is proc from heavy attacks. BSW is proc from light attacks and skoria.

    Light attacks are, according to you, abilities yet the game states:

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    But to you casting shadow "abilities gaining resistance isn't an ability. lol.
    akray21 wrote: »
    ThePedge wrote: »
    They said it doesn't work off passives in 5.1.2 I believe.


    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase."

    Right. Casting a shadow ability increases resistances. The sentence above does not match the functionality on PTS, logically speaking. I get their intent, but their wording is wrong.

    Did you purposefully removed the second part of what I wrote? You should work for the media. Here I post again what is written in the 5.1.2 notes:

    "This item set can now only be activated from casting an ability that increases your Resistances, instead of anytime your Resistances increase. This means that things such as passives, potions, or poisons can no longer trigger this effect. "

    A shadow ability does not increase your resistance. A shadow ability procs the shadow barrier passive, which in turn increases your resistance. ZOS made it very clear that it procs from "casting an ability that increases your Resistances", not from "casting an ability that procs a passive that increases your resistance." or from "anytime your resistance increase". There is that in between step of that passive.

    You can argue that the patch notes and the tooltip have been poorly worded, but it's absolutely clear what the patch notes are ment to express by the second sentence. To purposfully misinterpreted seems biased and insincere.

    SodanTok wrote: »
    It is functioning properly. You and me both along with everyone else on this forum knows it, you just dont like that you cannot just put it on NB and forget about it for free constant uptime.

    Which shadow ability is free?

    The shadow barrier passive is free. It procs on any shadow ability as a free passive. Other classes don't have that kind of mechanic. If they want to increase their resistance, they have to use resources on specific skills, unlike the NB class which get's it for free from their their spammable. Which otherwise would mean NBs could have a neatless uptime without ever doing something specifically to proc it, simply by using their spam. That's a huge advantage over other classes. Is it that what you're asking for?

    You wouldn't argue that DW's Bloodthirst is an Execute ability because of the Slaughter passive too, or are you?

    Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward

    It's a contradiction.

    Ok You've just answered my question You dont read what I said. I mentioned in my 1st post that even light attacks are considered as abilities. Active abilities to be specific. Both light and heavy attacks in that matter are considered active abilities because You spend time to actively cast them. Both skoria and BSW requirements are completly different then 7th legion. Skoria requires You to just have DoT active doesnt matter wheter through active ability or passive one. Same goes for BSW it just requires to deal flame dmg doesnt mean through active ability or passive one. 7th legion requires You to actively CAST an ability that increases Your resistances not to proc the passive through cast of other active abilities. It's funny how Your delusion You cannot understand pretty simple idea behind 7th legion because it doesnt fit You.

    Talk about a point being missed.

    Skoria was mentioned because it procs BSW.

    It's neither a passive nor an active ability. Just a proc.

    If you want to argue procs, enchants, etc. are abilities yet somehow the shadow skill line is outside of that, youre barking up the wrong tree.

    For the millionth time

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Go and tell ZoS this isn't an ability granting major resistances.

    Your argument may be better suited with them.

    Delusional? Lack understanding? It's an absolute nerd trait to spew insults over the internet over a video game.

    Work on being a better you. lol

    Is proving that You have issues with understanding anything some kind of sport for you ? Skoria is flame damage ability. Passive one to be exact. Yes procs , echantments and poisons are also considered as abilities. Passive abilities. Shadow barrier is also a passive ability. As somebody else earlier mentioned in this thread abilities doesnt mean skills. It's very wide term.

    So skoria is considered as ability and BSW tooltip requires to deal damage with flame damage ability so skoria meets that requirements. If BSW would require to cast flame damage ability to proc , well then skoria would not proc it , but it just requires to deal damage with flame damage ability which skoria is. Is it that hard to see the difference ? BSW and 7th legion have completly different requirements to proc but You seem to not get it.

    7th legion requires You to actively cast an ability that have resistance increase built into it. Shadow barrier is not meeting those requirements. It's a passive ability so it cannot be actively casted. It requires casting other active abilities to be fired and 7th legion tooltip clearly states about those active abilities not passives tied to them since it have requirement to cast some ability. You cannot cast passive ability it just procs off of other active ones. So You cannot cast shadow barrier You can just proc it.

    You quote the description of shadow barrier passive but You seem to not understand it. It basically says that shadow barrier is a passive and it just grants resistance bonuses when You actively cast shadow tree ability , but that shadow tree ability is not giving You resistances on its own and 7th legion requires that so shadow barrier cannot proc 7th legion. Fact that shadow barrier description have word "casting" doesnt mean You cast shadow barrier passive it means You cast shadow tree ability so if You cannot cast shadow barrier You cannot proc 7th legion with it. Simple. Case closed.

    As for "spewing insults" well for You it may sound like that for me it just sounds like stating obvious.

    Another wall of text, another circle.

    Argue with the devs mate.

    "Casting a Shadow ability grants you Major Resolve and Major Ward for 3 seconds"

    Has nothing to do with understanding. If you feel the tooltip is worded wrong. Tell them.

    If You think it's "another circle" once again You prove You dont read what I said and despite that respond to it. I've answered to Your comment with some new arguments and explanations yet You seem to be so deeply in Your delusion that for You it sounds like all the same since it doesnt support Your view.

    The only thing that is wrong is Your attitude and thinking that You cannot be wrong here. In my opinion everything is fine with the wording ot 7th legion tooltip and how it works and shadow barrier description also proves it shouldnt trigger 7th legion and I explained why. If You think I am wrong go on and prove it with the use of logical arguments.

    It is actually You who have issues with wording used in descriptions. You fail even to understand that... Well or You just lack logical arguments and You're just stucked like a broken record with Your silly quotes of shadow barrier descrition which was already explained to You multiple times yet You cannot comprehend that.

    It have everything to do with understanding but ironically You cannot uderstand that.


    Attempting to insult someone's intelligent while misspelling "understand."

    Golden lol

    Well looks like You have literally zero arguments if only thing You're left with is pointing out some 1 letter missclick 1 time in 1 word when it doesnt even makes a big difference and everyone knows what that phrase was about. That is both silly and pathetic how You are just trying to say anything to have the last word but since You lack any reasonable arguments You'll just use some random tattle and go completly off topic. Fact that You even consider Yourself intelligent in that case is questionable and in fact whole situation is indeed golden but reason for that may be opposite to what You think it is.

    Nerd rage. It's real I see.

    Btw, insults don't work. Easy to ignore. I'll sleep well tonight.

    You shouldn't allow video games to make you so angry that you type novels of hate about complete strangers. Lol.

    Say whatever You want now. It makes it just more silly how desperate You're to have last word when logic failed and You lack any constructive things to say.


    I'll just ask out of pure courtesy. Do You have anything constructive to say about this thread topic or all what You're left with are just off topic childlish one liners to make Yourself feel better and superior ? If You dont have any new and constructive arguments to support Your claim about shadow barrier passive then stop embarrasing Yourself and let it go.

    I've never seen someone so obsessed with a stranger online personally. It's quite the lonely stalker, weirdo, vibe you got going.

    Paragraph after paragraph, insult after insult.
    All these posts and It still hasnt dawned on you.

    I'm constructive with the topic. No effort in engaging with you.

    Toxicity got you disregarded. Lol
  • Royalthought
    Look as a Nightblade Main since beta I have no real problem with this. Shadow Barrier is not a cast ability of you think other was then listen to this. If you cast a shadow power but you didn’t unlock Shadow Barrier do you still the resistance buff? No you don’t see right there you would need to unlock at least one activity and one passive ability just to get the resistance buff.

    Now that being said personal I think Mirage and Veiled Strike should change places as they make no sense in their trees. Nightblade spam attack is in Shadow our Tank tree and Mirage is in our DPS tree that’s really weird.

    7th still works on NB just slot Mirage Assassin passives + minor resistance buffs + 25% less damage from AoEs that’s a pretty good combo.

    It was never am attempt to confuse Passives with anything else.

    They introduced a set that had great synergy with the nightblade class.

    It was brought up on the forums and they reacted by "adding" a stipulation, purely to hinder the class from having that synergy. (Which was unwarranted considering all they've already taken away.)

    But that stipulation when viewed in contrast to the tooltips of the shadow barrier and 7th were contradictions of one another.

    I simply pointed that out. It's original design offered synergy. Why that's a sin all the sudden is beyond reason.
    Edited by Royalthought on August 9, 2019 2:07PM
  • ItsNotLiving
    Just use hundings rage its 50 less weapon damage but you have a 100% uptime no matter what
  • Cathexis
    Rationale here is probably passives =/= abilities.
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  • akray21
    Just use hundings rage its 50 less weapon damage but you have a 100% uptime no matter what

    That's what I'm going to end up wearing on my stamblade. Downside is that it has to be active on both bars so you can't run it alongside something like Spriggan's and an arena set.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User]
    Soul Shriven
    Hello everyone,

    With this thread going very downhill in the end, we're going to go ahead and close it down. Keep in mind that baiting and flaming are both against the Forum Rules. For further posts be sure to stay constructive and respectful to avoid thread derailment or action on one's own account.

    Thank you for understanding.
    Staff Post
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