I foresee another consequential side effect from this: all the anti-PvPers will praise the devs for this and view this as "payback" for the "griefing" PvEers experienced during that week of the anniversary. This will in turn fracture the community even more.
The only reason ZOS has cancelled midyear mayhem is because it's tied to event tickets and they don't want to subject the majority of their customers to more misery in Cyrodiil.
PVP performance has completely sucked for years and that never stopped them from hosting the event before and obviously AvA players will continue to feel pain in Cyrodiil regardless.
No one should give ZOS a free pass on this. Neither Cyrodiil or Group Finder issues are new. ZOS has chosen to focus its client and server development efforts on supporting an even larger cash store instead of fixing serious issues. I honestly can't believe anyone still apologizes for them. It actually turns my stomach to read that crap.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
I stand by my statement that no matter what they did with this years Midyear Mayhem it would have bitten them in the butt. Do you really think that what I said wouldn't have happened in either case? So are they not in a situation where they're damned no matter what they do?
Regarding trusting their word, I think it depends what is said. I wouldn't trust them saying "we have big improvements to stability coming soon" however I would trust them saying "we have a new rebuild of group finder coming"
In regards to the community being fed up? Funny thing about that is I am part of that community, part that plays on the EU servers as well. I am just as tired off the issues as everyone else, I just try to be a bit more constructive than "grrr ZOS" in every thread.
But hey, apparently just stating they were screwed whatever they did is now the bar for white knighting. I guess unless every post is "Zo$ SUCKS! FIX GAME!" it's white knighting these days.
OtarTheMad wrote: »I am glad that they are working on it and trying to improve it. It sucks no double AP event will happen as it was fun and I usually went to a lower pop campaign so I never had most of the issues others did but it's okay.
You know it's funny I see a lot of players posting that they want fixes and improvements over content and when the Midyear event happens and it's crazy in Vivec you see them saying "why they even do it?" and all that. Now they take some steps to improve things and the same players are crying about that. LoL. Can't have it both ways. As a PvPer it sucks that the one event we had got canceled but I get it.
I also don't see how ZOS lacks communication when they have spoken about things they plan on doing with performance issues in ESO Live broadcasts and other places like Reddit and such. They said they are working on things slowly so they don't make any major mistakes and also seeing how those minor changes help/hurt pvp. They said they were looking to reduce calculations (They removed towers and roofs from being siegable), moving things from one server side to another, fixing some coding and more I don't remember.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
kpittsniperb14_ESO wrote: »
Not to mention during the last event many regular pvp players asked ZOS not to run these events until performance was improved and campaigns could handle the larger populations. Still, they created a no win situation for themselves by allowing the performance to go into the crapper. I think people were asking them to improve performance instead of cancelling the event.
@markulrich1966 I enjoy more people in pvp, dont care if you main pve. I like the chaos pve guilds bring to pvp.
Reminds me of how cyro was before guilds got too organized.
I think the majority only complain about pve players coming into cyro because it adds more stress to the server.
So, the hate towards pve folks coming into cyro is a direct result of zos failing to listen to the pvp community for years about the lag and other issues.
Then you get a cancellation of the biggest pvp event because of performance issues we have been talking about for years. That might add even more misdirected rage.