I'm skipping this event. I know a lot of people enjoy DB and TG, but I find those quests in ESO to be repetitive and rather dull. I love the guilds in the single player games, but not in ESO. My opinion.
Side note, I find it telling that the stated reason for canceling the Mid-Year Mayhem event was the GF. What about open world Cyro? This smacks of ignoring issue that people (including myself) consider to be greater and have been pleading with ZOS for information (but receiving none). As a PvP player, I feel purposely ignored.
We're given zero info on where they're at. To make matters worse, they failed to acknowledge the open world Cyro, which imo, is far worse for the event. The BG situation can be overcome in other ways. You can;t tell me that open world Cyro isn't on the top of the list of reasons to cancel this event. Yet, they said nothing about it. Why? Because ZOS refuses to engage us in our concerns.
Honestly, at the rate that they "fix" performance issues, MM will be cancelled next year, too.
They are killing it, quite literally.
Since I'm not going to participate in the event, I might take a break for a while. I'll log in once a week to run a trial with my guild, but I think that's it for now.
Only came back to ESO's garbage pvp for a Summer chapter + PvP event. Nothing left here but 1/1,000th of the launch community, a handful of guilds, dozens of unfixed bugs, and a whole heaping pile of lag every single day.
Adios Amigos
DisgracefulMind wrote: »This was the last strike for me.
Greasytengu wrote: »I think im going to unsub again. Other than PVP I just can't find the motivation to even play anymore.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
I stand by my statement that no matter what they did with this years Midyear Mayhem it would have bitten them in the butt. Do you really think that what I said wouldn't have happened in either case? So are they not in a situation where they're damned no matter what they do?
Turelus the problem is that we can't trust them when they say they're working on it. How many times have we been told that and nothing changes. You were told that there is no big fix coming because they're focused on selling and not fixing. Stop the white knight bs and understand that the community is tired of the lies and half assed attempts at fixing things that just break 10 other things.