Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
VaranisArano wrote: »
I agree that NOW they've put themselves and us in a lose-lose situation.
But they've known about groupfinder breaking under high demand for 2 years.
They've known that the BGs queue bug was getting worse for at least 6 months.
They've set their Activity Finder revamp so that it might be in place by Q4 for the Undaunted event...but didn't think about Midyear Mayhem.
I'm very disappointed that ZOS got themselves and us into this lose-lose situation because they didn't (can't?/won't?) fix known, longstanding, gamebreaking performance issues.
If ZOS is damned either way, its because of their failure to fix known issues before they became gamebreaking enough to warrant canceling an event.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
Its disheartening to me because I dont care about the overall events of event tickets and whatever they really just attached to events we already have. I just want it for the extra buzz and action in Cyrodiil and double AP is nice too. But they basically skip the event because if the progress toward event tickets in things like BGs which require groupfinder. because let's face it; they could give 2 *** about Cyrodiil or the "small number of players" who enjoy it. Performance being *** there has never stopped them before.
I just wonder, will they cancel any PVE events that require groupfinder? Probably not, and I'd be shocked if they ever really fix the performance they are blaming.
MrSinister213 wrote: »My thoughts?
Pathfinder main with a 4.5 kdr lfg to grind season 2
vamp_emily wrote: »I think everyone should be happy they cancelled. Not sure if it is just me but PvP performance has been poor lately. I think I know why they made a comment the devs were "killing it". If performance stays the same I don't see how I can continue "wanting" to play.
Greasytengu wrote: »I think im going to unsub again. Other than PVP I just can't find the motivation to even play anymore.
Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).