MidYear Cancelled this year due to group finder/performance. What are your thoughts?

Maintenance for the week of March 31:
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In a recent post they announced that the thieves guild event will take the place of Midyear due to problems with performance and the group finder.


What are your thoughts on this?
DC- Diablo Azul , Mr T

Alts: Nerf Something or Another

Guild: - Imperial City Police
RIP Guilds: Purple, WKB, Eight Divines, Rage, What Mechanics, Entropy Rising
Game: @TalosSeptim
  • The_Lex
    My thoughts from other similar threads:
    I'm skipping this event. I know a lot of people enjoy DB and TG, but I find those quests in ESO to be repetitive and rather dull. I love the guilds in the single player games, but not in ESO. My opinion.

    Side note, I find it telling that the stated reason for canceling the Mid-Year Mayhem event was the GF. What about open world Cyro? This smacks of ignoring issue that people (including myself) consider to be greater and have been pleading with ZOS for information (but receiving none). As a PvP player, I feel purposely ignored.
    We're given zero info on where they're at. To make matters worse, they failed to acknowledge the open world Cyro, which imo, is far worse for the event. The BG situation can be overcome in other ways. You can;t tell me that open world Cyro isn't on the top of the list of reasons to cancel this event. Yet, they said nothing about it. Why? Because ZOS refuses to engage us in our concerns.
    Honestly, at the rate that they "fix" performance issues, MM will be cancelled next year, too.
    They are killing it, quite literally.

    Since I'm not going to participate in the event, I might take a break for a while. I'll log in once a week to run a trial with my guild, but I think that's it for now.

    Edited by The_Lex on June 27, 2019 5:28PM
  • Gariele
    no point even starting another thread. We’ve complained enough. It’s always “performance issues” but never a fix. ZOS has went silent on the matter to it’s people but want to brag at E3 about how the game is so good and populated that they had to get more servers. Wrap it up lads we done here. Also HERES MORE CROWN CRATES 🎉
    Winter Rose Autumn Rose Summer Rose Pacific Rose Midnight Rose
    RoseESO Discord
    RoseESO Website
  • valeriiya
    "It just works"
  • dotme
    What are my thoughts? They've had years to address performance issues in this game, and during the time I've been playing (since Console launch) performance in PvP has steadily gone downhill. If they haven't mastered the performance after 5 years... well my guess is they won't. Ever.

    Ten pounds of $#&! in a 5 pound bag maybe... I don't know. But after dealing with perma-freezing last year whenever a keep flipped and infinite load screens that you can only escape with a relog, I'm a bit jaded.

    Either nobody knows how to fix this game, or they've pushed past the limits of infrastructure/hardware and that can only be fixed with better platforms - which may not yet exist.

    Either way, canceling the major PvP event of the year is unsurprising at this point, but it does feel like they're punishing the players for flaws/limitations that have crept into the design/architecture of the game they built.
  • Alomar
    Only came back to ESO's garbage pvp for a Summer chapter + PvP event. Nothing left here but 1/1,000th of the launch community, a handful of guilds, dozens of unfixed bugs, and a whole heaping pile of lag every single day.

    Adios Amigos
    Haxus Council Member
    Former Havoc Commander
    Former DiE officer
    Alomar: 5 Stars - Beast: 3 stars - Kurudin: 5th NA emperor
    Awaiting New World, Camelot Unchained, and Crowfall
  • imredneckson
    Alomar wrote: »
    Only came back to ESO's garbage pvp for a Summer chapter + PvP event. Nothing left here but 1/1,000th of the launch community, a handful of guilds, dozens of unfixed bugs, and a whole heaping pile of lag every single day.

    Adios Amigos

    ^ Pretty much sums it up. ZOS is too lazy to even think about fixing PvP let alone actually improve the game.
    Legions of Mordor Guild Officer
    Member of the GvG Community

    Dunmer NB - Merser Frey (DC)
    Dunmer DK - Akaviri Battlereeve (DC)- http://orig05.deviantart.net/7ecd/f/2016/013/b/f/you_***_kill_by_eso_picture-d9nrz0q.png
    Imperial Templar - Knight of the Blood Oath (DC)-
    High Elf Templar - Aurí-El (AD)
    High Elf Templar - Teutonic Honor Guard (EP)
  • VaranisArano
    I understand why they canceled it.

    I'm still disappointed.
  • Nicalas
    They are killing it.. The PVP community that is. Poor decision. Should have moved up Orsinium. RP event to just push more sales only 4 months after it already took place. One DLC since launch and one event per year for the PVP community. We aren't a priority we get it. But at some point the focus needs to shift. This is a huge insult to a PVP community that is dwindling.

    On the positive side at least we will all be rich from doing crafting writs for a year waiting for our event. Yay!

    Our money is just as good as the PVE, casual, RP players. We buy subs and crowns also.

    Please try to show that you value us instead of taking away the few things we have.

  • jadarock
    With the performance where it's at , do you all really want the additional load on the servers ?
    I dont know why some people are complaining when even zos knows the event would have led to a server meltdown.....
    If they dont get it sorted out *** and moan all you want but I for one want the game to run properly before all else....
  • frostz417
    Zos is just making bs excuses. Using activity finder as a scape goat. Truth is they don’t care for PvP anymore and this is the nail in the coffin. Zo$ is a joke.
  • UnseenCat
    Faction lock is new in Cyrodiil, and I can envision too many casual players accidentally getting themselves stuck in a lock they didn't want and then overwhelming support with tickets to get un-stuck.
  • Minno
    my thoughts is that we should move to the part of the game thats stable for our pvp (overland pve).

    during this event we should go into goldcoast and have massive 100 player duels happening at once.
    I am not joking. My favorite mode is pvp and if our pvp area isnt working, I need to go to the area that is working with CP mode enabled; duels.
    Edited by Minno on June 27, 2019 8:03PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Glory
    Class Representative
    I would be excited that they decided to hold something back before performance improved. That would be a sign of a studio that wants to deliver quality content.

    However, we haven't seen any tangible improvement to performance in a long time. Having played since launch, we still have intolerable levels of lag, and sometimes it's more aggravating than ever before in the way it culminates.
    mDK will rise again.
    Rebuild Necromancer pet AI.

    @Glorious since I have too many characters to list


    Strongly against Faction Lock
  • Dreyloch
    I wanted to post some vile ideas against this and what we as PvP'ers as a whole should do to rise up against this farce. But I don't need or want banning for it. The Cyrodiil part of the Mayhem could still have gone on. But since the activity finder is so screwed up that we cant complete the quests involving BG's they shut the whole thing down?!? Logic just called and said "TAKE OUT THE BG QUEST PARTS ZOS!!! PROBLEM SOLVED!!" Let the event happen!!! /shakes head walking away mumbling incoherently cussing.....
    "The fear of Death, is often worse than death itself"
  • Reverb
    I am unsurprised. To Zeni, this is a valid strategy, to shut off parts of the game that are causing them problems.

    - EU server is unstable? Limit people’s ability to login. Lock people out of being able to play, while simultaneously crowing about how many people have bought the game and now you’re “killing it”

    - Groupfinder doesn’t work right. Limit people’s ability to use it.

    - A small, incremental patch broke social functions? Turn those functions off rather than fix them.

    And years of...

    - Cyrodiil performance is unstable? Reduce the number of players that can be there. Still unstable? Reduce it again. Still unstable? Reduce it again. Still unstable? Give up and hope people go away.

    And now...

    The game is too unstable to support a planned, annual event? Cancel the event.


    Clearly what’s best for the game, and the devs, is a very small player base.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • idk
    Considering MYM could have been modified to not include BGs, hence avoid the GF and considering we already have an early MYM (iirc) that came after Zos announced they would not have another event requiring the GF it seems to be a rather weak reason.,

    Edit: the link below seems to be a much more active thread on the same subject. I suggest people pile it in there because Zos is not likely to look at every thread created.

    Edited by idk on June 28, 2019 3:40AM
  • Ranger209
    It's not the Devs, it's the people mismanaging budgetary spending. The money that they put back into the game is poorly allocated, heavily favoring the short game over the long game.
  • Greasytengu
    I think im going to unsub again. Other than PVP I just can't find the motivation to even play anymore.
    " I nEeD HeAlInG!!! "
  • DisgracefulMind
    This was the last strike for me.
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • darkblue5
    MidYear has usually had the most boring PvP and the most blatantly TOS skirting AP grinding. People counting on Midyear Mayhem for Caltrops and the like are probably not pleased, and neither are the puppy-kickers.
  • IzzyStardust
    This was the last strike for me.

    Agree....I've been playing 'x' and was half out the door. I came to see if anything was better. Nope.

    *gently pulls door closed behind her.*
  • IndorilArwynLlethran
    There would be endless loadscreen anyway.
  • LegacyDM
    I think im going to unsub again. Other than PVP I just can't find the motivation to even play anymore.

    PvE in this game is boring. It's too cookie cutter. It IS NOT like the single player elder scrolls game. It is an elaborate do X complete Y BS with no sense of immersion or worthy rewards for completion. Game looks pretty but that's about it.
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Turelus
    Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

    If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Palidon
    What ZOS finally admitting they have a performance problem. For once I have to agree with ZOS. The Midyear event would of most likely made cyrodiil totally unplayable most of the time. Heck PvP is already a disaster prime time.

    But what they do at this point I could care less. My subscription has been cancelled. Their game is littered with bugs and performance issues and I am no longer going tot pay for crap. Heck their support or even responding to players questions or concerns has gone from sub-par to totally pathetic. I will still play their game but they will no longer get any money out of me to do it.
  • Diundriel
    mid year is just a lag fest with Long queues
    My YT:

    GM of former Slack Squad PvP Raid Guild
    Our Vids:

    Zoe'la- AD Magplar AvA 50 x2.5
    Not Zoe'la- DC Magplar AvA 27
    Worst Healbot EU- EP Magplar AvA 20
    Diundriel- AD StamNB AvA 39
    Pugs Got Bombed- AD ManaNB AvA 36
    Cause we have dots- AD ManaSorc AvA 35
    Red Zergs Again- AD StamDen AvA 30
    Synergy Spam Bot- AD MagDK AvA 17
    Heals of Cyrodiil- AD ManaDen AvA 14
    Nawrina- DC StamDK AvA 26
    Not Ganking- StamNB PVE DD
    Stack Pls- DC ManaNB AvA 20
    Der Katzenmensch- AD AvA 30
    Der kleine Troll- DC StamDen AvA 25
    and some I deleted and new ones I am to lazy to add so well above 250 Mio AP and 7 Former Emperor Characters

    PvE: multiple Flawless Conqueror Chars, Spirit Slayer, vAS +2, vCloudrest +3, vRG, vKAhm etc
  • dtsharples
    This is probably the only decision that ZOS have made that I fully 100% agree with.

    The state of PVP performance at the moment is absolutely shocking!!
    Trying to stuff another 200 people into a campaign all day long would do absolutely nothing good. TBH it would likely drive even more people away from PVP.
  • WildRaptorX
    I understand why they made this decision. However, they should have just pushed it back to later this year. And if they have no plans to fix these issues by later this year, then ESO is ***
  • valeriiya
    Turelus wrote: »
    Damned if they do, damned if they don't.

    If they ran the event the forums would be full of rage over the bad servers/group finder. Cancel the event and you get rage about how they hate the PvP community. They can't win on this (until they figure out the stability issues).

    @Turelus the problem is that we can't trust them when they say they're working on it. How many times have we been told that and nothing changes. You were told that there is no big fix coming because they're focused on selling and not fixing. Stop the white knight bs and understand that the community is tired of the lies and half assed attempts at fixing things that just break 10 other things.
  • Turelus
    valeriiya wrote: »

    Turelus the problem is that we can't trust them when they say they're working on it. How many times have we been told that and nothing changes. You were told that there is no big fix coming because they're focused on selling and not fixing. Stop the white knight bs and understand that the community is tired of the lies and half assed attempts at fixing things that just break 10 other things.
    I stand by my statement that no matter what they did with this years Midyear Mayhem it would have bitten them in the butt. Do you really think that what I said wouldn't have happened in either case? So are they not in a situation where they're damned no matter what they do?

    Regarding trusting their word, I think it depends what is said. I wouldn't trust them saying "we have big improvements to stability coming soon" however I would trust them saying "we have a new rebuild of group finder coming"

    In regards to the community being fed up? Funny thing about that is I am part of that community, part that plays on the EU servers as well. I am just as tired off the issues as everyone else, I just try to be a bit more constructive than "grrr ZOS" in every thread.

    But hey, apparently just stating they were screwed whatever they did is now the bar for white knighting. I guess unless every post is "Zo$ SUCKS! FIX GAME!" it's white knighting these days.
    Edited by Turelus on June 28, 2019 11:32AM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
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