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The “Easy Sorc” build

  • zvavi
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    @T3hasiangod just ignore them man, they are not reading your arguments xd

    Both "sides" of this debate seem to ignore the arguments of the opposite side. They talk past each other, instead of listening.
    What, did you even read what he said? When people asked him why not use vMA staff, he answered elaborately that it is not a staff easily aquired by the crowd the build is made for, and that the build is cheaper, and easier to obtain and stronger compared to the original ez mode sorc. Adding a vMA staff doesn't change any of those 3 points. I mean, we might be talking about different things though, enlighten me what you meant
    Edited by zvavi on June 2, 2019 10:21AM
  • starkerealm
    You should check out his youtube channel...

    I have, and it's clear that he needs to learn about how to play the DPS role. It might be a good idea for him to brush up on the basics.
    The whole point of his build is to utilize easy to get gear...

    ...precludes the inclusion of trial sets. I know, you think Trials are easy. I think trials are easy. However, that isn't necessarily the case. If we're talking about people with manual dexterity issues so severe they're unable to clear vMA... trial content is probably going to be beyond them as well. Unless you're advocating they actively look for carries.
  • muh
    You should check out his youtube channel...

    I have, and it's clear that he needs to learn about how to play the DPS role. It might be a good idea for him to brush up on the basics.
    The whole point of his build is to utilize easy to get gear...

    ...precludes the inclusion of trial sets. I know, you think Trials are easy. I think trials are easy. However, that isn't necessarily the case. If we're talking about people with manual dexterity issues so severe they're unable to clear vMA... trial content is probably going to be beyond them as well. Unless you're advocating they actively look for carries.

    The build t3hasiangod compared Xynode's Easy Sorc to is using: Ilambris, Mother's Sorrow and Necropotence. None of which are trial sets.
  • hedna123b14_ESO
    muh wrote: »
    You should check out his youtube channel...

    I have, and it's clear that he needs to learn about how to play the DPS role. It might be a good idea for him to brush up on the basics.
    The whole point of his build is to utilize easy to get gear...

    ...precludes the inclusion of trial sets. I know, you think Trials are easy. I think trials are easy. However, that isn't necessarily the case. If we're talking about people with manual dexterity issues so severe they're unable to clear vMA... trial content is probably going to be beyond them as well. Unless you're advocating they actively look for carries.

    The build t3hasiangod compared Xynode's Easy Sorc to is using: Ilambris, Mother's Sorrow and Necropotence. None of which are trial sets.

    I think this is a mic drop comment. @starkerealm rekt
  • Katlefiya
    zvavi wrote: »
    What, did you even read what he said?

    I commented on the whole thread, and on the older thread, that went exactly like this one.

  • lassitershawn
    mikemacon wrote: »
    IA is often redundant in groups, but has decent stats. UI is just plain weak. Max mag on the 2 and 3 pc is the worst DPS trait (Spell Crit, Spell Damage, Spell Pen all perform better), Weapon Crit to the 4 pc adds literally nothing, and the 5 pc is not nearly powerful enough to make up for these shortcomings.

    If you’re going to do a pure lightning heavy attack build just use something like Julianos and/or Netch. Neither are BiS for end game, but both are good options for easy sorc. Mother’s Sorrow is also excellent and can be bought from other players for cheap. Even Queen’s Elegance is decent for heavy attack builds, and is dirt cheap, no farming required.

    What you’ll very quickly discover is that the build calls for the sets that it does (IA & UI) for a very specific reason and that those sets with those skills and that rotation have the best outcome for this bulld.

    Seriously. Go try it.

    I went and tested a copy of xynode's build on PTS with UI and then with MS. No cheese, replaced surge in the rotation with drain. ~40-41k for both setups, UI maybe winning out on average by a few hundred DPS (note that this would change instantly with any major force from a support or any minor force, which the build should use instead of surge). So I guess it is fair to say that UI is good for xynode's build. Still a lot of farming for a setup that isn't actually that good. The fact that a set can have the best outcome on the context of a certain build does not make it a good set, and does not make a build good. Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.

    For context, I tested a very generic BSW/MS/Ilambris build, which uses sets not attached to positioning and therefore can be used on any fight where you have to be mobile or ranged (xynode's build is actually less able to go ranged due to grothdaar and less mobile because of heavy attack snares). I used regular regen food, not parse food, no shock enchant (generally considered dummy cheese and xynode's build uses one), self-drain (which costs more for this build than xynode's because I have to drop front-bar aegis), no external buffs of any kind. No trap cause trap is kind of cheese and I don't use it in raid. Easy consistent 48-50k. I haven't dummy parsed in forever so I'm not sure what an actual dummy parse build could do but I'd imagine it is upper-50s now for single pet sorc.

    With ANY kind of external buffs the later build becomes waaaaay better. More crit so benefits more from warhorns. Largely fire damage so benefits from engulfing flames. More base DPS so benefits more from external courage, combat prayer, etc. Uses atro so benefits from someone else synergizing. Hard to sustain by yourself (~3-4 heavies on 6m), while with raid sustain buffs could easily do no heavies and in some (most) cases even sustain bifood for a huge DPS gain on both counts. Can drop ele drain for front-bar aegis due to external drain. Massive damage increase from having external IA while xynode's gains nothing from that. Can also run even better setups on a lot of bosses like Siro/MS and now you have access to the powerful False God's Devotion which would be utter trash on xynode's build.

    For new players, I would recommend the later build. It might be a bit harder to learn at first but in the end you will have a way more viable build and will be better prepared. The sets are way way easier to get and then you can spend the extra time learning to play instead of just heavy attack spamming. It is better in any scenario other than being bad at the game, and WAY better in raid or even a semi-optimized dungeon group.
    @masel, there seems to be an inverse correlation. The more someone understands about the game, the less likely they are to be hyperfocused on finding a single, overall, "best."

    I mean, it drops off at the bottom end, with people who really don't know or care, but, if you're looking at someone who came from WoW, or raids occasionally, terms like "BiS" are much more likely to be thrown around as actual statements. The people who really understand the game's systems, and the options we have are far more likely to use, "BiS," sarcastically.

    I think that has to do with how ESO's build diversity really is open, and an understanding that a difference of 5k DPS at the upper end of the spectrum doesn't really matter in a practical sense (outside of score attacks.) However, if you're coming from an MMO where there is an objective best, you could make the mistake of looking at that 5k, and thinking, "but, there must be a reason to run the better option!"

    There's also a few people who only run their builds on paper (or against dummies), who then get extremely defensive of their builds the instant you poke them. I mean, the real reason here is, they're untested, and they know it, but they'll scream to the rooftops about how theirs is the way, the truth, and the light, rather than admit that you could get slightly lower damage on a dummy, but better damage in live, by just switching to a different, "less optimized set." I remember someone arguing for Siroria when they were only able to maintain five stacks, as an example of this. Or, you know, half the value of just running Juli. But, they're quite aggressive about their builds. (I kinda wonder if they were the ones behind the Mother's Sorrow+Acuity mess a couple years ago.)

    So, yeah, I tend to be somewhat hostile to the people who are like, "no, there's only one possible BiS." Sometimes, a bit too aggressive, but life goes on.

    They're tested in raids, not just on dummies. Wtb good raid CMXes from a UI/IA sorc build lol. I said this exact same thing in a previous thread on the topic but if someone can prove me wrong I'll recant all previous statements.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • Katlefiya
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    Edited by Katlefiya on June 2, 2019 3:21PM
  • lassitershawn
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • kylewwefan
    Man. I just wanted to see if it would work. For me. I threw it together with what I had. Farm a little. Or a lot. And whatever. It does work. Well.

    I was quite happy with the results. Had fun.

    Everything after about this or that build working better; and then bringing the “math” into it. Really killed the fun.

    Inevitably a pet Sorc was brought in and shown to work better by a few thousand. I didn't want to use a pet Sorc. I wanted something different.

    Btw, I have a plethora of other sets I can try and use. For me it was about finding something that worked for me.

    And to that extent, it does a terrific job.

  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Has this set up been tried on a magdk with the 50% boost to heavys?
  • starkerealm
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(

    Ironically, a Superstar Screenshot would take up more space than the CP allocation there. Also, the entire part where he's explaining his allocation instead of just saying, "here, take this, it's t3h best," doesn't really fit on a screenshot.
  • starkerealm
    muh wrote: »
    You should check out his youtube channel...

    I have, and it's clear that he needs to learn about how to play the DPS role. It might be a good idea for him to brush up on the basics.
    The whole point of his build is to utilize easy to get gear...

    ...precludes the inclusion of trial sets. I know, you think Trials are easy. I think trials are easy. However, that isn't necessarily the case. If we're talking about people with manual dexterity issues so severe they're unable to clear vMA... trial content is probably going to be beyond them as well. Unless you're advocating they actively look for carries.

    The build t3hasiangod compared Xynode's Easy Sorc to is using: Ilambris, Mother's Sorrow and Necropotence. None of which are trial sets.

    Because obtaining Grothdar, Juli, and Torug's pact is so much more difficult and expensive... no, wait, it's not.
  • Masel
    Class Representative
    Has this set up been tried on a magdk with the 50% boost to heavys?

    I'm currently working on a mag dk heavy attack build that I'll publish within the next week or so. Ir deals (ofc) less dps than a light attack build, but is pretty relaxing to play.
    PC EU

    All Trial Trifecta Titles Done!

  • Grianasteri
    I have been running a variation of the "Easy Sorc" for several years. I rarely copy a build/rotation completely, I adapt it to suit my play style and preference.

    So, I have been running a similar build, with the sets Netch's Touch and Mad Tinkerer and Valkyn Scoria. I absolutely love Mad Tinkerer for the visuals, and the stun and the damage, all together it was a really enjoyable set. Valkyn Scoria I felt was just more adaptable than Grothdar, beacuse that requires much closer proximity to target, but I do switch between the two depending on the content being done.

    Anyway, with the latest iteration of the build, I decided to experiment. I went with the recommended Undaunted Infaltrator, Infallible Aether, Grothdar.

    Farming for the Undaunted Infiltrator was an absolute pain, but I finally got there. Strangely I managed to gather infallible Aether really quite quickly in only a few runs, guess I got lucky.

    Aaaanyway, main point I want to make is, I dropped a huge amount of DPS moving to the newly recommended sets, which was a big surprise to me. I feel like it could not possibly be Infallible Aether as its just such a great set. So I switched out the Undaunted Infiltrator set and went back to Netch's Touch... instantly got several thousand more DPS back (using 3m dummy). Go figure huh.

    At this point I have not substituted Mad Tinkerer back in for Netch's Touch to try that combo with Infallible Aether. I plan on doing this next.

    Just an FYI, I am roughly following the rotation xynode suggests, though with a couple of different skills and I also have no Maelstrom weapons, so the rotation/build is similar but not the same. I think it is important to note that with this said, I am still doing roughly the same number of light attacks with my weaving and the same number of heavy attacks during that part of the rotation. (All purple armour, usual infused/divine split with large/small set pieces).

    (I guess I will add, there seem to be quite a lot of folk in this thread who are completely missing how the build actually works, i.e buffed Heavy Attacks into Wall of elements etc).

    Id be really interested to know anyone elses experiences or thoughts re mine. (gonna carry on reading the thread now!).

    Edited by Grianasteri on June 3, 2019 10:28AM
  • lassitershawn
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(

    Ironically, a Superstar Screenshot would take up more space than the CP allocation there. Also, the entire part where he's explaining his allocation instead of just saying, "here, take this, it's t3h best," doesn't really fit on a screenshot.

    ? You can literally fit an entire build on a superstar screenshot. Gear, CP, stats, skill bars, everything...
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • Joxer61
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(

    Ironically, a Superstar Screenshot would take up more space than the CP allocation there. Also, the entire part where he's explaining his allocation instead of just saying, "here, take this, it's t3h best," doesn't really fit on a screenshot.

    ? You can literally fit an entire build on a superstar screenshot. Gear, CP, stats, skill bars, everything...

    gee thanks for that!
  • lassitershawn
    Joxer61 wrote: »
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(

    Ironically, a Superstar Screenshot would take up more space than the CP allocation there. Also, the entire part where he's explaining his allocation instead of just saying, "here, take this, it's t3h best," doesn't really fit on a screenshot.

    ? You can literally fit an entire build on a superstar screenshot. Gear, CP, stats, skill bars, everything...

    gee thanks for that!

    Its just constructive criticism :( Not trying to be mean, superstar is a hella nice way to convey a lot of information really concisely.
    William Thorne - EP Breton Sorcerer
    Astrid Winterborn - EP Breton Warden
    Erik Ironskin - EP Nord Dragonknight
    Venasa Viri - EP Dunmer Nightblade

    IR x8, GH x5, TTT x2
  • Joxer61
    Joxer61 wrote: »
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(

    Ironically, a Superstar Screenshot would take up more space than the CP allocation there. Also, the entire part where he's explaining his allocation instead of just saying, "here, take this, it's t3h best," doesn't really fit on a screenshot.

    ? You can literally fit an entire build on a superstar screenshot. Gear, CP, stats, skill bars, everything...

    gee thanks for that!

    Its just constructive criticism :( Not trying to be mean, superstar is a hella nice way to convey a lot of information really concisely.

  • Kolzki
    The easy sorc is probably my favourite off meta build and I really like how effective it is using very unusual sets (who wouldn't normally junk UI without a second thought?). The aoe damage and survivability really are impressive. I don't think that anyone is arguing that it does more single target dps than a pet sorc or that the optimal gear is easy for a new player to farm (when is it ever?).
  • starkerealm
    Katlefiya wrote: »
    Worth noting that I forgot to fully optimize CP for this but the website doesn't even list optimized CP just says put 75 in thaum.
    Actually Xynode does list his CP setup. Did you look here? https://www.xynodegaming.com/easysorc
    Blue Stuff: 75 Thaumaturge - 47 Staff Expert - 64 Elemental expert - 51 Elfborn - 10 Spell Erosion - 23 Master at arms

    Green Stuff: 75 Tenacity - 75 Arcanist - 44 Warlord - 76 Tumbling

    Red Stuff: 19 Quick Recovery - 64 Hardy - 64 Elemental Defender - 51 Thick Skinned - 72 Ironclad

    You're right, my mistake. I didn't see the entire part devoted to CP, just the second part which makes it look a lot more like just randomly throwing in CP where they look good. He could fit most of the information from the entire post into a single superstar screenshot :(

    Ironically, a Superstar Screenshot would take up more space than the CP allocation there. Also, the entire part where he's explaining his allocation instead of just saying, "here, take this, it's t3h best," doesn't really fit on a screenshot.

    ? You can literally fit an entire build on a superstar screenshot. Gear, CP, stats, skill bars, everything...

    What you can't fit into the screenshot is the notes, and if you just slap a superstar up there, a lot of people will ignore the written text. I'm not 100% sure that's the entire reason @Xynode eschews Superstar, but it would result in a lot of people simply copying down the gear and CP allocation, then whining about how the build doesn't perform for them. Whatever faults you might attribute to him, he is careful to explain what he's doing, and why he's doing it.

    I mean, we've got people in this thread who aren't running the build. They copied the gear and skills, and straight up missed the champion points, or didn't understand how to follow the rotation, because more than 15 words in a row without any pictures scared them. I mean, hell, look at the people insisting that Xy doesn't post parse data for his builds, when it's in the video.

    Also, Superstar's a bit buggy these days. Last time I fired it up, a couple months ago, it was telling me the vet rank of my character. That's info that hasn't been relevant since 2016. Also, not for nothing, a number of updates have caused some serious weirdness with Superstar. That's not really anything against @Ayantir, because that happens to every addon author. But, when you're literally unable to do your job, because one of the tools breaks, it might be time to reconsider if you really need that one. In the case of Superstar, no. It's useful for critiquing someone else's build if they're struggling and you're tying to see if there's a build problem. It can be useful in a 1 on 1 situation where you're just handing them a loadout. But, it's not good as part of a coherent build write up.

    Finally, if you're a content creator, people tend to get a bit squirrelly about you using their work in your content. The big exception to this is showcases, but when you're simply using their work to present your own, people can get weird. Would Ayantir throw a fit? I kinda doubt it, but it's possible, and it's not worth the risk. Especially as the Skyrim Together team is currently being dragged around because they're using SKSE code without permission (there's more to this story, but just an example.) So, Xy doesn't use Superstar on his own website? Probably for the exact same reason @Alcast doesn't. Maybe the same reason Dotzz doesn't. Honestly, I'd be kinda inclined to say someone simply slapping up the Superstar of their build on their site would be enough to say they're not a professional. As a professional, you do not want to hand the opportunity to shut your site down to a random person you don't know.
  • Banana
    Masel wrote: »
    Has this set up been tried on a magdk with the 50% boost to heavys?

    I'm currently working on a mag dk heavy attack build that I'll publish within the next week or so. Ir deals (ofc) less dps than a light attack build, but is pretty relaxing to play.

    Excellent. Ive been waiting :*
  • El_Borracho
    Gonna have to give this a try in VMA and see how it compares to the one-bar pet sorc. I loved IA on my magblade, nice to know I can revive it on my shiny new sorc. Thanks, @kylewwefan
  • Kolzki
    I used to use mine to farm vMA. It's good for relatively chilled runs for those of us that haven't memorised every spawn. Since the shield nerfs I add a bit of health.

    I sometimes run a modified verseion in pvp. It's surpsingly effective, particularly in no cp. Again it's definitely not a meta build, but some of the whispers it's received have been pretty legendary.
  • ZOS_Ragnar
    We have removed some nonconstructive posts from this thread. Please keep this discussion civil and respectful.
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  • kylewwefan
    Remember to take Grothdar off for the seventh round boss. I found Iceheart to be better all around after the fourth. People seem to be doing really well with the pet builds. But that’s just not something I want to do.

    Flawless Sorcs don’t really seem to carry much weight anymore, but uh Go For It! it’s still Flawless!

    I might end up using this same build or similar at least on mag DK and going back through for Flawless. Eventually. I was using BSW and silks of the sun. I struggled pretty hard, but probably a lot of that was learning mag DK.

  • kylewwefan
    It’s been a short while since I was discussing this build, but yesterday I ran into a guy from zone trying to farm this set out.

    LFG Arx Corinium

    So I asked if he was going for Xynodes easy Sorc. The guy was floored, apparently I’m the only person he ran into that knew what he was doing. So I shared with him some of my experiences with the build.

    He was around CP 177 or so and that might play into achieving maximum results. I was very surprised he already had all the IA stuff he needed, as it took me over 50 Craglorn trials to get a VO set put together on my Eu account.

    The TL;DR is build has really strong AOE, but lacks a little bit in the Single Target.

    People may get annoyed with you leaving Daedric Mines everywhere, but they do hit very hard.

    With how laggy the game is now, I see it working well because the game can’t handle light attack rotations for a poo in its current form.

    Then we discussed some other build options like Julianos / mother Sorrow , or spell strat/ false god. I’m really digging the false god set with anything right now myself. Siroria, we kind of agreed is a running joke.

    There also is another similar set in wayrest called the Sergeants Mail that acts similar.

    This guy really wanted to keep the lightning theme going so, I’m sure it will probably work well for him.

    Good luck farming that Underwear Lightning staff though. Lol After a run or 2 I had to go.

  • Saril_Durzam
    Some friends helped me months ago to farm Arx Corinium and i got Lightning UI staff and a full set of purple jewelry. In a single night! (note that all UI drops would go to me). Used Easy Sorc for some weeks, but the ST wasnt satisfactory, plus i was cp3xx then. Switched to pet sorc, my DPS and group utility improved and banked UI and moved IA to my Templar healer main.
  • El_Borracho
    I've been running this for a little after reading this. Didn't feel like farming Arx for weapons and jewelry, so I swapped Undaunted Infiltrator for Queen's Elegance. Seems to be comparable for what this build does
  • zvavi
    kylewwefan wrote: »

    With how laggy the game is now, I see it working well because the game can’t handle light attack rotations for a poo in its current form.

    "(5 items) When you use an ability that costs Magicka, your Light Attacks deal an additional 774 damage and Heavy Attacks deal an additional 1161 damage for 10 seconds" <-cant handle light attacks so this works? Lol.
  • Grianasteri
    I have been running a variation of the "Easy Sorc" for several years. I rarely copy a build/rotation completely, I adapt it to suit my play style and preference.......

    Just thought I would drop past to advise that with a little tweaking, my version of this build is now pulling in excess of 10k more dps than I was at the time of writing my original contribution.

    Still running IA and Netch. Still with significant room for improvement as I do not have a maelstrom destro staff or gold gear.

    The build works. Its so funny seeing so many rile against what is a build that clearly and unequivocally works.
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