Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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What magblade needs are reliable heals, not mitigation

  • Jhalin
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Btw, for those saying magblade needs more healing, etc... and mitigation sucks. Have you ever tried a high health regen build? Why have self healing abilities when you can pump up health regen for passive healing every 2 seconds.

    Magblade does need more healing though. If you build in enough mitigation for magblades low healing hots to be effective your damage or sustain will be so low that you will have trouble killing competent players and will essentially only function as group support which you will be outclassed by templars and wardens in because even though magblade can put out alot of healing it can't put out the overall utility of those classes.

    Magblades 100% need better self healing though and that's what's really killing the class right now. Magblade would be in a much better spot if they increase the healing. overall magblades have lost minor vitality, healing ward and now 8% damage which all has or will effect your healing. If they increased the healing of strife and refreshing path I think that would help a lot in making magblade not the worse class.

    The only thing they need to do is make the heal detached from damage done. If it requires hitting an enemy, whatever that’s fine, but stop tying it to damage and making the class heals completely useless in PvP
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    Heres a question for you magblades, would you use malevolent offering and morphs, if it cost magicka instead?

    My magblade had become a crafter cause its dogshite. But something as simple as making this cost magicka could solve problems (along other tweaks) It would be a reliable HoT without the damaging yourself stupid mechanic. The 1 morph would remain the same giving minor mending, the other could be reworked as it wouldnt cost health.

    I would if it remained a HoT.

    Obviously if it cost magic, you would be able to hit yourself too.

    I'm saying i liked the original iteration of offering.

    i was responding to this-
    I did use it before they changed it. Now it's not a self heal tho, so no.

    no idea where that one that is in that quote.

    the one that was a hot? this one-

    That’s so weird, you take a large health hit to get a hot that heals for less overall then the health hit? Looks like absolute garbage, what am I missing?

    Pvp and healing in general is spike damage. Hots are useful so you have reaction time, but only if you can follow up it up a large burst heal.

    The heal scales with mag/spell damage, so you could get more healing back then you sacrificed if your max magic and spell damage was high enough. Still bad though, for the reasons you state.
  • Iron_Blurr
    Daus wrote: »
    Less damage received is increased healing received.

    Not if you are a nightblade tank what is already at cap resistances. Mitigation has diminishing returns so it would be better for the class as a whole to just get a stronger self heal that will help all roles.
  • Lucky28
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    Lucky28 wrote: »
    Heres a question for you magblades, would you use malevolent offering and morphs, if it cost magicka instead?

    My magblade had become a crafter cause its dogshite. But something as simple as making this cost magicka could solve problems (along other tweaks) It would be a reliable HoT without the damaging yourself stupid mechanic. The 1 morph would remain the same giving minor mending, the other could be reworked as it wouldnt cost health.

    I would if it remained a HoT.

    Obviously if it cost magic, you would be able to hit yourself too.

    I'm saying i liked the original iteration of offering.

    i was responding to this-
    I did use it before they changed it. Now it's not a self heal tho, so no.

    no idea where that one that is in that quote.

    the one that was a hot? this one-

    That’s so weird, you take a large health hit to get a hot that heals for less overall then the health hit? Looks like absolute garbage, what am I missing?

    Pvp and healing in general is spike damage. Hots are useful so you have reaction time, but only if you can follow up it up a large burst heal.

    The HoT was actually extremely strong. you had to manage the heal with your health, but so long as you remained mindful of the health cost that HoT made you incredibly hard to kill.

    it actually healed far more than the health hit. It was basically a single target Vigor, i was getting about 3K+ ticks from the HoT. it could be kinda hard to use, but it was really strong. Thing is though, if it cost magicka it would literally be broken.
    Edited by Lucky28 on April 30, 2019 7:04PM
  • Dracan_Fontom
    Heres a question for you magblades, would you use malevolent offering and morphs, if it cost magicka instead?

    My magblade had become a crafter cause its dogshite. But something as simple as making this cost magicka could solve problems (along other tweaks) It would be a reliable HoT without the damaging yourself stupid mechanic. The 1 morph would remain the same giving minor mending, the other could be reworked as it wouldnt cost health.

    I'm a nb healer main, and use the healthy offering morph. This was a godsend for nb healers imo. So I'd rather see the other morph get a change as a self heal than change the entire skill as a whole.
  • ProbablePaul
    Shut up mate. You talk like you know so much about magblades but zos doesn't care about how you feel cos they know what's best for the class.

    You want healing? You get damage migitation on your main burst ability. Oh oh I forgot, you'll lose the buff when you fire the spectral bow so you'll be wise to let it proc and just keep it there. Who doesn't want the 20k tooltip skill which takes 5 light attacks ( in pvp where people constantly dodge roll and stuff ) to proc just sitting there? Doesn't it look cool?

    Oh so the grim focus nerf hurts you? Well just use your gap closer and take the death sentence head on.

    And you think zos doesn't care about magblades? Well they just ultra buffed mark target so now it's free. But wait, only stamblades abuse mark target and they can roll dodge out if you mark them but what will you do if they spam a zero cost anti stealth skill on you? Accept your death like a man of course.

    And you think you know the class better than their developers? Pathetic. Thank you zos!!! Now magblade is the most op class in for pvp in the game. Just nerf it a bit cos it's overturned and then we shall have some balance ^-^

    The changes aren't even here yet and you're somehow suffering from magblade receiving some buffs...? The last time people claimed magblade was OP happened before they removed veteran levels, and it wasn't long after that magblade started receiving regular nerfs - well before morrowind - and has received consistent nerfs up until now. Yes, yes, there were some buffs, only to be followed by a greater nerf, somewhere else, in the following patches. So, how in the hell are you even bothered in the slightest by any magblade requests...?
    Bosmer Melee Magicka Nightblade
  • Uriseph
    Shut up mate. You talk like you know so much about magblades but zos doesn't care about how you feel cos they know what's best for the class.

    You want healing? You get damage migitation on your main burst ability. Oh oh I forgot, you'll lose the buff when you fire the spectral bow so you'll be wise to let it proc and just keep it there. Who doesn't want the 20k tooltip skill which takes 5 light attacks ( in pvp where people constantly dodge roll and stuff ) to proc just sitting there? Doesn't it look cool?

    Oh so the grim focus nerf hurts you? Well just use your gap closer and take the death sentence head on.

    And you think zos doesn't care about magblades? Well they just ultra buffed mark target so now it's free. But wait, only stamblades abuse mark target and they can roll dodge out if you mark them but what will you do if they spam a zero cost anti stealth skill on you? Accept your death like a man of course.

    And you think you know the class better than their developers? Pathetic. Thank you zos!!! Now magblade is the most op class in for pvp in the game. Just nerf it a bit cos it's overturned and then we shall have some balance ^-^

    The changes aren't even here yet and you're somehow suffering from magblade receiving some buffs...? The last time people claimed magblade was OP happened before they removed veteran levels, and it wasn't long after that magblade started receiving regular nerfs - well before morrowind - and has received consistent nerfs up until now. Yes, yes, there were some buffs, only to be followed by a greater nerf, somewhere else, in the following patches. So, how in the hell are you even bothered in the slightest by any magblade requests...?

    I could be wrong but I don't think the post you're quoting was being serious.
  • fred4
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Less damage received is increased healing received.

    Nope. Not how it works.

    Yup. It's called basic math.

    Healing done - damage received = net health gained

    The less damage you receive the more effective your healing will be.

    This... seriously. People need to L2P, no wonder people say magblades are the worst pvp class, everyone’s glass canon when mitigation is king in pvp.
    Nightblade gankers have always been glass canons, because that's what works for that class. You cannot compare them to other classes. High pressure and low kill time during a gank yields better results than speccing for more defenses. Believe me, I've tried.

    You engage frequently in the forums. If you go back over some previous nightblade threads, you will see that I layed out my exact build and warned against overbuffing Caluurion + Zaan builds. Some people say melee magblade does not work in open world. I disagreee. I think it does work, it works well and it works in more situations than the naysayers would admit. At the same time the above is also true. It's surprisingly weak against people who know how to defend, even a squishy CP200 magblade, like my PC NA character.

    This thread is a counterpoint to my earlier argument where I'm trying to take on board what others have said, such as Jeezye. I believe his position is that damage and sustain is OK, but he finds it very hard to defend. Indeed, I find that "conventional" ranged flame staff magblades can be more deadly in a duel than I am. I believe the problem with those builds, however, is what many people are saying: It's just a worse sorc. To which I'd add: Probably a worse warden as well.

    The one thing a magblade can do, that those classes can't, is cloak. However, when you are successfully cloaking, you are practicing damage avoidance. Additional resistances won't help you one bit, you're looking to heal instead. This is how magblade used to play, when it had better heals. The frustrating thing today is the amount of times you are forced to cloak away for good, even against a single opponent. 6 seconds is a long time to wait, before Healing Ward pops and that may not even heal you to full. Swallow Soul healing is tied to damage and has become very weak, due to various nerfs. Siphoning Attacks only works while attacking. Blessing of Restoration is super weak and still beaten by Healing Ward. Refreshing Path does not fit with cloak, as it gives your position away, if trying to use the heal.

    If a magblade cannot significantly heal during a single cast of cloak, that pigeonholes them into pure ganking setups. They cannot apply sustained pressure, they might as well go for an all out ganking spec, like me.

    Magblade seems less viable than sorc or warden, if you prefer the traditional ranged playstyle. Everyone must build for damage, sustain and defense in PvP. You trade one of those parameters for the other two. It appears to me, from what other magblades are saying, that sorc and warden will always give you more of everything. While I don't play sorc, that certainly mirrors my experience with warden. But fair enough: Magblade has cloak. I don't even want to mention the shade, since I think Streak / Ball of Lightning is at least as effective as that. So cloak it is, the one unique thing that can compensate for magblades' statistical weakness. Therefore give us something that complements it: Healing. Note that I am not asking for much healing. The initial heal from Healing Ward wasn't much, but it tipped the balance as far as I'm concerned. All I'm saying is that I'd gladly give up the useless resistance buff from Merciless for something like that or for some other reliable heal, such as decoupling the Swallow Soul heal from damage done.
    I don’t duel
    LOL. You need to add that to your activities before anyone can take you seriously! Not because duelling should be the arbiter of class balance, but because it at least gives you consistent fights against the same people with consistent gear. It is much harder to make judgements about class balance from open world experience, simply because every encounter and every BG is different.
    but I do pvp a lot and can tell right away the people who’ve posted what sets their wearing will get smoked.
    Without mitigation more healing is useless. You will get bursted down.
    Without mitigation even a magplar healer spamming breath of life can’t keep themselves up. With the average pen people in glass cannon specs essentially have 0 mitigation and are free kills.
    Templars and nightblades are poles apart. The reason templars must build tanky is that you typically run down your health on that class, before you use your expensive burst heal to bring it back up. The more time you have before using that heal, the better. Classes play differently and your inexperience really shows in this regard. Nightblades, or at least nightblade gankers, benefit hugely from their opening burst, putting their targets in such immediate danger that they must spend time on healing and are unable to counter-attack for a few seconds. That's why you see so many of them speccing into pure damage.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Btw, for those saying magblade needs more healing, etc... and mitigation sucks. Have you ever tried a high health regen build? Why have self healing abilities when you can pump up health regen for passive healing every 2 seconds.
    I have 1.15K health regen in CP. That's because I wanted the speed from Steed, I get "free" health regen from gold food and because it's one of the few ways to get some healing. While Troll King can work wonders for your ability to recover in cloak, it is also a huge compromise. It shouldn't, IMO, be the only way to build.
    PC EU (EP): Magicka NB (main), Stamina NB, Stamina DK, Stamina Sorcerer, Magicka Warden, Magicka Templar, Stamina Templar
    PC NA (EP): Magicka NB
  • Insco851
    fred4 wrote: »
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Less damage received is increased healing received.

    Nope. Not how it works.

    Yup. It's called basic math.

    Healing done - damage received = net health gained

    The less damage you receive the more effective your healing will be.

    This... seriously. People need to L2P, no wonder people say magblades are the worst pvp class, everyone’s glass canon when mitigation is king in pvp.
    Nightblade gankers have always been glass canons, because that's what works for that class. You cannot compare them to other classes. High pressure and low kill time during a gank yields better results than speccing for more defenses. Believe me, I've tried.

    You engage frequently in the forums. If you go back over some previous nightblade threads, you will see that I layed out my exact build and warned against overbuffing Caluurion + Zaan builds. Some people say melee magblade does not work in open world. I disagreee. I think it does work, it works well and it works in more situations than the naysayers would admit. At the same time the above is also true. It's surprisingly weak against people who know how to defend, even a squishy CP200 magblade, like my PC NA character.

    This thread is a counterpoint to my earlier argument where I'm trying to take on board what others have said, such as Jeezye. I believe his position is that damage and sustain is OK, but he finds it very hard to defend. Indeed, I find that "conventional" ranged flame staff magblades can be more deadly in a duel than I am. I believe the problem with those builds, however, is what many people are saying: It's just a worse sorc. To which I'd add: Probably a worse warden as well.

    The one thing a magblade can do, that those classes can't, is cloak. However, when you are successfully cloaking, you are practicing damage avoidance. Additional resistances won't help you one bit, you're looking to heal instead. This is how magblade used to play, when it had better heals. The frustrating thing today is the amount of times you are forced to cloak away for good, even against a single opponent. 6 seconds is a long time to wait, before Healing Ward pops and that may not even heal you to full. Swallow Soul healing is tied to damage and has become very weak, due to various nerfs. Siphoning Attacks only works while attacking. Blessing of Restoration is super weak and still beaten by Healing Ward. Refreshing Path does not fit with cloak, as it gives your position away, if trying to use the heal.

    If a magblade cannot significantly heal during a single cast of cloak, that pigeonholes them into pure ganking setups. They cannot apply sustained pressure, they might as well go for an all out ganking spec, like me.

    Magblade seems less viable than sorc or warden, if you prefer the traditional ranged playstyle. Everyone must build for damage, sustain and defense in PvP. You trade one of those parameters for the other two. It appears to me, from what other magblades are saying, that sorc and warden will always give you more of everything. While I don't play sorc, that certainly mirrors my experience with warden. But fair enough: Magblade has cloak. I don't even want to mention the shade, since I think Streak / Ball of Lightning is at least as effective as that. So cloak it is, the one unique thing that can compensate for magblades' statistical weakness. Therefore give us something that complements it: Healing. Note that I am not asking for much healing. The initial heal from Healing Ward wasn't much, but it tipped the balance as far as I'm concerned. All I'm saying is that I'd gladly give up the useless resistance buff from Merciless for something like that or for some other reliable heal, such as decoupling the Swallow Soul heal from damage done.
    I don’t duel
    LOL. You need to add that to your activities before anyone can take you seriously! Not because duelling should be the arbiter of class balance, but because it at least gives you consistent fights against the same people with consistent gear. It is much harder to make judgements about class balance from open world experience, simply because every encounter and every BG is different.
    but I do pvp a lot and can tell right away the people who’ve posted what sets their wearing will get smoked.
    Without mitigation more healing is useless. You will get bursted down.
    Without mitigation even a magplar healer spamming breath of life can’t keep themselves up. With the average pen people in glass cannon specs essentially have 0 mitigation and are free kills.
    Templars and nightblades are poles apart. The reason templars must build tanky is that you typically run down your health on that class, before you use your expensive burst heal to bring it back up. The more time you have before using that heal, the better. Classes play differently and your inexperience really shows in this regard. Nightblades, or at least nightblade gankers, benefit hugely from their opening burst, putting their targets in such immediate danger that they must spend time on healing and are unable to counter-attack for a few seconds. That's why you see so many of them speccing into pure damage.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Btw, for those saying magblade needs more healing, etc... and mitigation sucks. Have you ever tried a high health regen build? Why have self healing abilities when you can pump up health regen for passive healing every 2 seconds.
    I have 1.15K health regen in CP. That's because I wanted the speed from Steed, I get "free" health regen from gold food and because it's one of the few ways to get some healing. While Troll King can work wonders for your ability to recover in cloak, it is also a huge compromise. It shouldn't, IMO, be the only way to build.


  • Iskiab
    fred4 wrote: »
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Less damage received is increased healing received.

    Nope. Not how it works.

    Yup. It's called basic math.

    Healing done - damage received = net health gained

    The less damage you receive the more effective your healing will be.

    This... seriously. People need to L2P, no wonder people say magblades are the worst pvp class, everyone’s glass canon when mitigation is king in pvp.
    Nightblade gankers have always been glass canons, because that's what works for that class. You cannot compare them to other classes. High pressure and low kill time during a gank yields better results than speccing for more defenses. Believe me, I've tried.

    You engage frequently in the forums. If you go back over some previous nightblade threads, you will see that I layed out my exact build and warned against overbuffing Caluurion + Zaan builds. Some people say melee magblade does not work in open world. I disagreee. I think it does work, it works well and it works in more situations than the naysayers would admit. At the same time the above is also true. It's surprisingly weak against people who know how to defend, even a squishy CP200 magblade, like my PC NA character.

    This thread is a counterpoint to my earlier argument where I'm trying to take on board what others have said, such as Jeezye. I believe his position is that damage and sustain is OK, but he finds it very hard to defend. Indeed, I find that "conventional" ranged flame staff magblades can be more deadly in a duel than I am. I believe the problem with those builds, however, is what many people are saying: It's just a worse sorc. To which I'd add: Probably a worse warden as well.

    The one thing a magblade can do, that those classes can't, is cloak. However, when you are successfully cloaking, you are practicing damage avoidance. Additional resistances won't help you one bit, you're looking to heal instead. This is how magblade used to play, when it had better heals. The frustrating thing today is the amount of times you are forced to cloak away for good, even against a single opponent. 6 seconds is a long time to wait, before Healing Ward pops and that may not even heal you to full. Swallow Soul healing is tied to damage and has become very weak, due to various nerfs. Siphoning Attacks only works while attacking. Blessing of Restoration is super weak and still beaten by Healing Ward. Refreshing Path does not fit with cloak, as it gives your position away, if trying to use the heal.

    If a magblade cannot significantly heal during a single cast of cloak, that pigeonholes them into pure ganking setups. They cannot apply sustained pressure, they might as well go for an all out ganking spec, like me.

    Magblade seems less viable than sorc or warden, if you prefer the traditional ranged playstyle. Everyone must build for damage, sustain and defense in PvP. You trade one of those parameters for the other two. It appears to me, from what other magblades are saying, that sorc and warden will always give you more of everything. While I don't play sorc, that certainly mirrors my experience with warden. But fair enough: Magblade has cloak. I don't even want to mention the shade, since I think Streak / Ball of Lightning is at least as effective as that. So cloak it is, the one unique thing that can compensate for magblades' statistical weakness. Therefore give us something that complements it: Healing. Note that I am not asking for much healing. The initial heal from Healing Ward wasn't much, but it tipped the balance as far as I'm concerned. All I'm saying is that I'd gladly give up the useless resistance buff from Merciless for something like that or for some other reliable heal, such as decoupling the Swallow Soul heal from damage done.
    I don’t duel
    LOL. You need to add that to your activities before anyone can take you seriously! Not because duelling should be the arbiter of class balance, but because it at least gives you consistent fights against the same people with consistent gear. It is much harder to make judgements about class balance from open world experience, simply because every encounter and every BG is different.
    but I do pvp a lot and can tell right away the people who’ve posted what sets their wearing will get smoked.
    Without mitigation more healing is useless. You will get bursted down.
    Without mitigation even a magplar healer spamming breath of life can’t keep themselves up. With the average pen people in glass cannon specs essentially have 0 mitigation and are free kills.
    Templars and nightblades are poles apart. The reason templars must build tanky is that you typically run down your health on that class, before you use your expensive burst heal to bring it back up. The more time you have before using that heal, the better. Classes play differently and your inexperience really shows in this regard. Nightblades, or at least nightblade gankers, benefit hugely from their opening burst, putting their targets in such immediate danger that they must spend time on healing and are unable to counter-attack for a few seconds. That's why you see so many of them speccing into pure damage.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Btw, for those saying magblade needs more healing, etc... and mitigation sucks. Have you ever tried a high health regen build? Why have self healing abilities when you can pump up health regen for passive healing every 2 seconds.
    I have 1.15K health regen in CP. That's because I wanted the speed from Steed, I get "free" health regen from gold food and because it's one of the few ways to get some healing. While Troll King can work wonders for your ability to recover in cloak, it is also a huge compromise. It shouldn't, IMO, be the only way to build.

    You’re missing the point, it’s not Templar’s, or wardens... it’s every class. There isn’t a single class out there that doesn’t go for mitigation in pvp.

    The reason for that is simple- burst. If you can’t defend yourself against someone’s burst combo you aren’t going to get far.

    Solely relying on cloak for defense is insane. You do realize people use things like detect pots and magelight in pvp? Do you win any duels against competent opponents?

    I’d suggest every Nightblade out there trying to run pure offense in pvp just... restart and rebuild from scratch. Try dark cloak, once you can do well with dark cloak switch back to disguise. You can not rely on invisibility for defense, you’re looking at your problem every time you look in the mirror. You’re blaming the class because of your gear choices.
    Edited by Iskiab on May 1, 2019 2:38AM
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Jhalin
    Iskiab wrote: »
    fred4 wrote: »
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Daus wrote: »
    Less damage received is increased healing received.

    Nope. Not how it works.

    Yup. It's called basic math.

    Healing done - damage received = net health gained

    The less damage you receive the more effective your healing will be.

    This... seriously. People need to L2P, no wonder people say magblades are the worst pvp class, everyone’s glass canon when mitigation is king in pvp.
    Nightblade gankers have always been glass canons, because that's what works for that class. You cannot compare them to other classes. High pressure and low kill time during a gank yields better results than speccing for more defenses. Believe me, I've tried.

    You engage frequently in the forums. If you go back over some previous nightblade threads, you will see that I layed out my exact build and warned against overbuffing Caluurion + Zaan builds. Some people say melee magblade does not work in open world. I disagreee. I think it does work, it works well and it works in more situations than the naysayers would admit. At the same time the above is also true. It's surprisingly weak against people who know how to defend, even a squishy CP200 magblade, like my PC NA character.

    This thread is a counterpoint to my earlier argument where I'm trying to take on board what others have said, such as Jeezye. I believe his position is that damage and sustain is OK, but he finds it very hard to defend. Indeed, I find that "conventional" ranged flame staff magblades can be more deadly in a duel than I am. I believe the problem with those builds, however, is what many people are saying: It's just a worse sorc. To which I'd add: Probably a worse warden as well.

    The one thing a magblade can do, that those classes can't, is cloak. However, when you are successfully cloaking, you are practicing damage avoidance. Additional resistances won't help you one bit, you're looking to heal instead. This is how magblade used to play, when it had better heals. The frustrating thing today is the amount of times you are forced to cloak away for good, even against a single opponent. 6 seconds is a long time to wait, before Healing Ward pops and that may not even heal you to full. Swallow Soul healing is tied to damage and has become very weak, due to various nerfs. Siphoning Attacks only works while attacking. Blessing of Restoration is super weak and still beaten by Healing Ward. Refreshing Path does not fit with cloak, as it gives your position away, if trying to use the heal.

    If a magblade cannot significantly heal during a single cast of cloak, that pigeonholes them into pure ganking setups. They cannot apply sustained pressure, they might as well go for an all out ganking spec, like me.

    Magblade seems less viable than sorc or warden, if you prefer the traditional ranged playstyle. Everyone must build for damage, sustain and defense in PvP. You trade one of those parameters for the other two. It appears to me, from what other magblades are saying, that sorc and warden will always give you more of everything. While I don't play sorc, that certainly mirrors my experience with warden. But fair enough: Magblade has cloak. I don't even want to mention the shade, since I think Streak / Ball of Lightning is at least as effective as that. So cloak it is, the one unique thing that can compensate for magblades' statistical weakness. Therefore give us something that complements it: Healing. Note that I am not asking for much healing. The initial heal from Healing Ward wasn't much, but it tipped the balance as far as I'm concerned. All I'm saying is that I'd gladly give up the useless resistance buff from Merciless for something like that or for some other reliable heal, such as decoupling the Swallow Soul heal from damage done.
    I don’t duel
    LOL. You need to add that to your activities before anyone can take you seriously! Not because duelling should be the arbiter of class balance, but because it at least gives you consistent fights against the same people with consistent gear. It is much harder to make judgements about class balance from open world experience, simply because every encounter and every BG is different.
    but I do pvp a lot and can tell right away the people who’ve posted what sets their wearing will get smoked.
    Without mitigation more healing is useless. You will get bursted down.
    Without mitigation even a magplar healer spamming breath of life can’t keep themselves up. With the average pen people in glass cannon specs essentially have 0 mitigation and are free kills.
    Templars and nightblades are poles apart. The reason templars must build tanky is that you typically run down your health on that class, before you use your expensive burst heal to bring it back up. The more time you have before using that heal, the better. Classes play differently and your inexperience really shows in this regard. Nightblades, or at least nightblade gankers, benefit hugely from their opening burst, putting their targets in such immediate danger that they must spend time on healing and are unable to counter-attack for a few seconds. That's why you see so many of them speccing into pure damage.
    Iskiab wrote: »
    Btw, for those saying magblade needs more healing, etc... and mitigation sucks. Have you ever tried a high health regen build? Why have self healing abilities when you can pump up health regen for passive healing every 2 seconds.
    I have 1.15K health regen in CP. That's because I wanted the speed from Steed, I get "free" health regen from gold food and because it's one of the few ways to get some healing. While Troll King can work wonders for your ability to recover in cloak, it is also a huge compromise. It shouldn't, IMO, be the only way to build.

    You’re missing the point, it’s not Templar’s, or wardens... it’s every class. There isn’t a single class out there that doesn’t go for mitigation in pvp.

    The reason for that is simple- burst. If you can’t defend yourself against someone’s burst combo you aren’t going to get far.

    Solely relying on cloak for defense is insane. You do realize people use things like detect pots and magelight in pvp? Do you win any duels against competent opponents?

    I’d suggest every Nightblade out there trying to run pure offense in pvp just... restart and rebuild from scratch. Try dark cloak, once you can do well with dark cloak switch back to disguise. You can not rely on invisibility for defense, you’re looking at your problem every time you look in the mirror. You’re blaming the class because of your gear choices.

    Someone didn’t read the post they quoted
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