Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 16:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – September 18, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

For all the people who say Pet Sorcerer isn´t broken.....

  • katorga
    Once they get pets nerfed, they'll be whining to have terrain nerfed to stop LOS.

    Just wait til you see premade all necro groups in BGs. The whining will be epic.

  • Iskiab
    I don’t think I’ve lost a death match to a sorc zoo and ww zoo premade I fought against a couple times. It’s not that powerful unless you’re a ranged trying to snipe people... in which case your build is pretty weak, and it’s hard to take your balance opinions seriously.

    I fought a sub-50 premade doing the same thing and it’s OP there for sure, just not at 50.
    Looking for any guildies I used to play with:
    Havoc Warhammer - Alair
    LoC EQ2 - Mayi and Iskiab
    PRX and Tabula Rasa - Rift - Iskiab
    Or anyone else I used to play games with in guilds I’ve forgotten
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Yes... just because some one is skillful, nerf the whole playstyle. Isn't it it exactly what is currently happening to NB ?
  • Luckylancer
    To people that say it is "learn2play": do you realise current pets' battle spirit is bugged? OP is completely right about broken pets and ZoS will fix them. Funny thing is, if ZoS would nerf pet stats in pvp only to fix this, everyone would complain 7/24. But "we fix the bug" is ok. Maybe they should say "we fix bugs" instead of calling changes balance changes. You wont complain then.
  • milesrodneymcneely2_ESO
    pzschrek wrote: »
    Just focus the pet, it really *** them over, and in a 1 v x situation a couple guys can always focus the pet, bugged or no
    Okay, this doesn't seem to work for me.

    I'm running a melee MagBlade and I just finished getting curbstomped by a Pet Sorc. My primary problem seems to be targeting.

    Between his use of Streak, Hurricane, and the Winged Twilight, getting a hit in is...interesting. I would burst the Twilight down quickly, but he seemed able to bring it right back up with almost no downtime.

    Any tips you guys have for fighting pet Sorcs would be GREATLY appreciated.
  • InvictusApollo
    SubtleHate wrote: »
    This pet sorc video I just watched had the most broken footage I have ever seen, he is able to take on a huge amount of enemy players with little to zero difficulity. Why has zenimax not fixed this? It is clearly overperforming. No player should be able to take on 10 people and win by himself. As much as I have enjoyed his content and think he is a funny guy - this is just not fair. I think he is a skilled player but he should not be quite this effective.

    Link to Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPXbA5Re6LY

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    Allright. Do you want to know how is this possible?
    One answer: he is very good and they are very bad. It's just that. Stop call ing for nerfs and become better at fighting.
  • Alucardo
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Urvoth wrote: »
    Pet LOS is 100% an issue, but any class should be able to 1vX potatoes.
    Any class can, but mag sorc can juggle more potatoes than anyone else, which is why we see a billion sorc 1vX videos.

    Because sorc is good at repositioning and potatoes don't know how to play against them?

    High burst, high mobility, high sustain, and shields.
  • HalvarIronfist
    I'm currently playing a magsorc in pvp with only the twilight

    Currently, I'm under 50.

    The pet is almost meaningless to me half the time. I only actually use the heal if someone consistantly targets me, and gets through my shield.

    In fact, a full burst can work very much like so:

    Haunting Curse, Flame reach, (Likely Instant) Crystal Frags, Mages wrath.. (Which is getting.... buffed? Feels OP already.)

    Kills 90% of my targets in one fell swoop. Only very tanky builds are able to survive it. And even then, most don't have the damage output to even fight back. (Ran into a nightblade, vampire-tank.. 49k health in PVP, I couldn't fully burst him, and he didn't have enough damage to kill me, even with incap/harvest)

    While I think it is indeed fun, and maybe this is just under-50 perspective. (Though, I do enjoy No-cp Campaign), my ultimate build this far has been a stamsorc. Those overperform by a huge margin. My current record in a single game is 38-0.(Screenshot can be attached.)

    As for Magsorcs, though. I think it's solely a L2P issue. I've fought many of them myself. While they're all around very good, they're typically low-resists under their shields. Apply fracture, major/minor defile if possible, then simply apply bleeds/oblivion, a stun/cc. and proceed to burst. They less mobility you give a sorc, then less powerful they are IMO. They require high pressure and attention.
  • MirkoZ
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Neoauspex wrote: »
    Make summoning pets a channel so that killing one in PvP is a useful strategy

    Pets have a cast time. So that is an option already. People just ignore them for some reason.

    It needs more cast time tho
  • MirkoZ
    SubtleHate wrote: »
    This pet sorc video I just watched had the most broken footage I have ever seen, he is able to take on a huge amount of enemy players with little to zero difficulity. Why has zenimax not fixed this? It is clearly overperforming. No player should be able to take on 10 people and win by himself. As much as I have enjoyed his content and think he is a funny guy - this is just not fair. I think he is a skilled player but he should not be quite this effective.

    Link to Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPXbA5Re6LY

    Pet sorcs are actually broken rn, we all know that. But its just the meta. It will change
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • GreenSoup2HoT

    If you want to point fingers at something look at Concentrated Barrier.

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on April 19, 2019 6:21AM
    PS4 NA DC
  • josh.lackey_ESO
    Sorcs got nerfed into the ground with Murkmire, and people are still crying on the forums? My god.

    That pet build looks like Pelican's mag sorc build, and it's more or less a tank/troll build, but it's the only viable sorc build left for Cyrodiil, and only that because it uses Master Destro. It sucks compared to what Sorcs had before Murkmire.
    Edited by josh.lackey_ESO on April 19, 2019 3:54AM
  • chris25602
    i use a completely non meta sorc build if I enter cyro at the begining of a campaign i am in the top 100 regardless...take break of 2 months ..same ..6 months... doesn't matter. Was my build once meta yes.. do I care to chase meta when I still win? no it really not that hard to play in cyro just accept you will die alot and make sure you kill more.
  • MaxJrFTW
    I just started playing sorc. Let them be broken a bit longer please! According to the patch notes the pet heal and the sorc ward are getting "fixed".

    That's probably the best open world sorc on our server who returned to the game recently.

    We can have a conversation about balance when someone else comes closer to that level of gameplay. I believe people need to walk the talk before looking down upon someone else's outnumbered clips

    Just youtube mag sorc 1vX...

    You're ridiculously biased when it comes to balancing mag sorc, but you know that already.
    Edited by MaxJrFTW on April 19, 2019 7:03AM
    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • PhoenixGrey
    MaxJrFTW wrote: »
    I just started playing sorc. Let them be broken a bit longer please! According to the patch notes the pet heal and the sorc ward are getting "fixed".

    That's probably the best open world sorc on our server who returned to the game recently.

    We can have a conversation about balance when someone else comes closer to that level of gameplay. I believe people need to walk the talk before looking down upon someone else's outnumbered clips

    Just youtube mag sorc 1vX...

    You're ridiculously biased when it comes to balancing mag sorc, but you know that already.

    That guy is not just another 1vX'er. Probably the only stream I have bothered watching.

    I am ridiculously biased towards balancing any other class in this game not just sorc

    For instance I would make nature's grasp behave like streak for wardens and probably return dynamic ultigen to dk's.

    It's just that this community likes all classes being utter garbage in the name of balance and the aids mentality continues with every patch. I would like every class in the game to be viable for 1vX not just stamblade or sorc.

  • Icarus42
    I am sorry but this is a case of a really skilled player knowing how to use his character to almost flawless execution. He has a strong build, high damage, good sustain, survivability. He knows how to reposition correctly who to focus first who is the least threat. Also those were not all potatoes some looked like they were aggro or frustrated but I saw some 4 stars in there and if you have gained that much ap you are not a potato.
    Not trying to defend pets because as a sorc I have never used them because I have always thought they were cheese, and this patch because of los they are a bit op. However after watching this I am wondering if by not using pets I am gimping myself. Anyway to the dude that is in this video props for keeping msorc alive and well!
    Ebonheart Pact - PC NA - Magicka Sorcerer
  • Neoauspex
    I agree with everyone on this thread. The example in the video is a very skilled player. Also, LoS issues and cast time for pets should be addressed.
  • wheem_ESO
    Been seeing some Matriarchs on the PTS hit for ~3.3k on ~30k Spell Resists, which is actually higher than most player-cast spammables tend to be. Plus there are still the obvious issues with targeting and whatnot.
  • StormeReigns
    wheem_ESO wrote: »
    Been seeing some Matriarchs on the PTS hit for ~3.3k on ~30k Spell Resists, which is actually higher than most player-cast spammables tend to be. Plus there are still the obvious issues with targeting and whatnot.

    All pets on the PTR/PTS have been noted by ZOS to being bugged out having 100%+ crit rate and damage increased, so the pets dps isn't accurate, and currently being worked on.
  • wheem_ESO
    SkerKro wrote: »
    wheem_ESO wrote: »
    Been seeing some Matriarchs on the PTS hit for ~3.3k on ~30k Spell Resists, which is actually higher than most player-cast spammables tend to be. Plus there are still the obvious issues with targeting and whatnot.

    All pets on the PTR/PTS have been noted by ZOS to being bugged out having 100%+ crit rate and damage increased, so the pets dps isn't accurate, and currently being worked on.
    Ah, I guess I missed the mentions of that. All I've heard about being bugged in that regard are the Target Dummies causing 100% crit rate.

    I still really want ZOS to implement some options for targeting with pets, though. Perhaps something to de-prioritize pets, and ignore them if players are near the crosshair. There have even been cases where friendly pets have gotten me killed, because I couldn't use my Warden's "Spiderman" Vine to move to a teammate that was behind the pet. Once ZOS made it possible to Vine to your own bear, it seems like all pets are treated as "targetable," though invalid unless it's yours.
  • Destyran
    All you do is stand on other side of pets and they can’t get you when they finally get past your pets you just streak through them back to the other side of pets and cast a dark deal and continue applying pressure while pets LoS for you
  • LordTareq
    Yup its ridiculous. Plus all the pets cause lag in battlegrounds. They should change the targeting so that when you have a player selected, it becomes a semi-hard target lock and your attacks will ignore the pets.
  • sage2000
    SubtleHate wrote: »

    eh, not that impressive seeing as its pet sorc lol

    That guy is literally one of the best magsorcs in the game, right up there IMO with Pelican and Malcolm. Classes should not be balanced around what a small handful of the very best players can do with them. If you think that gameplay was all about the pets, I've got news for you...you haven't "proven" anything by posting that video.
  • MirkoZ
    sage2000 wrote: »
    SubtleHate wrote: »

    eh, not that impressive seeing as its pet sorc lol

    That guy is literally one of the best magsorcs in the game, right up there IMO with Pelican and Malcolm. Classes should not be balanced around what a small handful of the very best players can do with them. If you think that gameplay was all about the pets, I've got news for you...you haven't "proven" anything by posting that video.

    Matriarch is getting -50 instead -50% from battle spirit , but yeah , we haven't proven anything 😂
  • Liww
    hmm they are 50k hp tanks with mobile LoS, crazy mobility, easy sustain and hit like trucks.

    seems fine bar the above. >:)
  • thedude33
    Don't mistake a highly skilled player as proof that a class needs a nerf.

    I would like to see him make a pvp video of him playing every class. Is it possible to make a post .... "Nerf Sorcs, NBs, DKs, Wardens, Templars !!!"
    1v1 Win/Loss Record in PvP.
    1 Wins - 392 Losses (guy was AFK)

  • david_m_18b16_ESO
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Yeah, let's nerf something because two good players are able to 1vX not so good players. That's balance.

    Yeah I think that most poeple don't realise how a players skill and knoweldge coupled with the right gear/build can be devastating against random unorganized miss-builded/geared noobs.

    In some other game I remember murdering 3 noobs who took the jump on me while playing a sub-par PvP class while ending the fight at near full HP.
  • Unfadingsilence
    SubtleHate wrote: »
    you guys are missing the point, it should be balanced. this isn't balanced. his advantage is way higher than it should be because of his build


  • Unfadingsilence
    That's probably the best open world sorc on our server who returned to the game recently.

    We can have a conversation about balance when someone else comes closer to that level of gameplay. I believe people need to walk the talk before looking down upon someone else's outnumbered clips


    I'd say your wrong but close

    Enjoy a real 1v20
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