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WHY make one of the event tickets tied to the Dark Brotherhood prequest of murdering someone?

  • mustangmorgan31
    Seriously? Someone has a problem with the event tickets being tied to killing innocents. Sigh...
    It is just a game!!!!!!!
  • logarifmik
    I wish we are able to choose either eliminate the DB and the TG or become a member of these guilds. It'll never happen, though.
    EU PC: @logarifmik | Languages: Русский, English
    Dimitri Frernis | Breton Sorcerer | Damage Dealer | Daggerfall Covenant
    Scales-of-Ice | Argonian Warden | Tank / Healer | Daggerfall Covenant
  • Coatmagic
    I am 68 and I too am concerned. I tried it as I try everything ESO gives us. I was very unconfortable and won't do another anything for Dark Brotherhood, as the look on my characters face repulsed me when she was murdering. I do not believe this should be part of any event.

    Not reading through all this crap to see if anyone else said but FYI (for those of you with queasy-tummy):
    The 'Murder Cam' can be turned off in options and you won't have to see any slo-mo-bloody-bad-face ;)

    PS: +1 to it is the Dark Brotherhood; if yer not into their thing then don't do it same as a lot of folks don't do Midyear Mayhem. ZoS could dangle any shiny carrot they want it's not gonna get me to into Cyro xD
  • Tabbycat
    If you don't like the idea of Murdering innocent NPCs, just think of it as knocking them out. After all, it's not like they stay dead. Eventually they respawn (wake up).
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • VaranisArano
    I’m incredulous that an adult can have no compunction when joining an alliance, which is mandatory, and participating in the systematic eradication of invading forces yet recoils at the moral turpitude of murdering an ‘innocent’ NPC. You know there was collateral damage to civilians during the base game, right? You murdered the Orc king in Wrothgar and usurpered his thrown. There is morally ambiguous choice in every DLC since.

    Everyone can distinguish between fact and fiction. There is no way to diplomatically state this without offence but you’d have to be intellectually dense to conflate people with characters with abhorrent views and a lack of morality with the person themselves espousing the dogma of the Dark Brotherhood.

    Using the blade of woe is a prerequisite because you’re partaking in an event to commemorate the Dark brotherhood. There is no conspiracy to compel you to play the event and lure you into a den of iniquity, the tickets have been made available in abundance.

    Was the PvP event a war simulator? Was it to make us amenable to killing others due to difference of belief?

    To be entirely fair, the murdering the Orc king and usurping his throne was after he...
    and his Mother tried to kill me (well, they actually killed me, but I'm the Vestige, suckers!) and tried to assassinate the other clan chiefs. Dude totally deserved it. :smiley:

    But yeah, this whole thread (assuming its not just a troll) makes me think of the scary stories about D&D in the 80s. No, you don't die in real life if your character dies in game. No, you don't become a bad person if your character does bad things in game.

    Now, as a D&D player, that doesn't mean I throw out common sense. I no longer play Chaotic Neutral characters because I tend to play them as very snarky and sarcastic...and I can't turn that off when I talk out-of-character which means I can act pretty mean to my fellow players - a behavior I'm not okay with afterwards. So I choose to avoid that situation.

    Role-play responsibly!
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    How dare a fictional assasin guild in a a fictional universe want my fictional character to kill a bunch of innocent pixels!
  • Facefister
    Seriously? Someone has a problem with the event tickets being tied to killing innocents. Sigh...
    It is just a game!!!!!!!
    People who are targets of the Dark Brotherhood are far from being innocent.
  • CassandraGemini
    Facefister wrote: »
    Seriously? Someone has a problem with the event tickets being tied to killing innocents. Sigh...
    It is just a game!!!!!!!
    People who are targets of the Dark Brotherhood are far from being innocent.

    I believe the OP (if they really aren't a just a troll) was referring to the initiation quest of the DB, that requires you to just go and kill some NPC of your own choosing. So technically - if you really want to go down that road of thinking of animated, fairly human looking pixels as "alive" - you'd be "murdering" an innocent then, very likely. What happens afterwards, when you're already a member of the DB, is an entirely different story, of course.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • Numerikuu
    LIKE WTF is society and people these days? Seriously like WTF? How have we ever come to this point in our society?

    Let me explain it to you and others. You see back in my days when someone said something idiotic, we called him and idiot. It most often resulted in him/her changing their behavior. If not then everyone simply stopped listening to that person. There was nothing wrong in it. You call duck - a duck. You call a car - a car. And you call idiot - an idiot. It was in the best interest of a society. Idiots were being identified and ignored which was saving the society from their idiotic ideas.

    However after a while came the oversensitive and not very intelligent people who invented the political correctness. Under the guise of advocating kindness, they implemented their ideology of inclusion for everyone... even idiots. It suddenly became forbidden to call people as they actually deserved due to their actions and/or mental, cognitive capabilities.

    I wish I could give this several awesomes and agrees.
    Edited by Numerikuu on March 10, 2019 2:13PM
  • Sinolai
    If you sneak into position where you can steal from people you can see NPCs profession. Look for NPC that says "Outlaw" or "Assassin" and kill that one. I am pretty sure they are not innocent.
  • CassandraGemini
    Alright, after the Sacrament quest I just did, everyone who is still unsure of how to feel about this can ease their conscience: The targets very obviously don't actually die, not even by in-game standards. I went and killed the optional target first, then proceeded to stalk out the main target and while I did, the optional dude spaws again right in front of me, looks at me accusingly and says: "I alerted the guards for what you just put me through!" Right after I planted the Blade of Woe directly between his shoulder blades. Must be a prop, I guess, covered in pig blood to make it look realistic.
    This poor little Bosmer stealth passive had passionate friends and a big loving family!

  • JKorr
    I think I am asking a legitimate question here.

    It doesn't matter if this is a game or what. WHY is there a prerequisite to murdering an innocent NPC just to unlock an event quest?

    Gee. I didn't realize that the Jester's Event will need a murder to start. /sarcasm

    I don't recall being required to do that in the last events either. Especially in the one event I didn't even bother to do, because I didn't like the activity of the event. I got more than enough tickets from the events I did do to purchase the feather I needed as soon as the event I didn't participate in started.

    There are multiple events with different activities. ZOS is trying to get people to participate, but they are NOT requiring you to do so. Skip the events you don't want to do, participate in the ones you do. Considering there is a lot of killing involved in most of the game, if killing bothers you, it might be a good idea to find a different game.
  • IzzyStardust
    Ruinhorn wrote: »


    whatever. That does not imply that you should be promoting the idea of *MURDER* for the sake of a critical event that EVERYONE is allowed to participate in to get an EVENT TICKET.

    [Edit to remove profanity]

    It's not 'critical' (please consider your words) unless you want a free mount.

    This is what is required plain and simple. Get over it. Or buy your tix from crown store in a couple weeks.
    Edited by IzzyStardust on March 10, 2019 4:58PM
  • IzzyStardust
    I am 68 and I too am concerned. I tried it as I try everything ESO gives us. I was very unconfortable and won't do another anything for Dark Brotherhood, as the look on my characters face repulsed me when she was murdering. I do not believe this should be part of any event.

    Just don't do it then. Sorry but it's that simple. Wish you the best - just do the other one in that case. :)
  • IzzyStardust
    Because its the Dark Brotherhood anniversary event, if you don't like the Dark Brotherhood, don't do the Dark Brotherhood part of the event that's celebrating the release of the Dark Brotherhood..

    ....Dark Brotherhood.....
    hail sithis!

    Dark Brotherhood.
    Silence, my brother.
  • VaranisArano
    Because its the Dark Brotherhood anniversary event, if you don't like the Dark Brotherhood, don't do the Dark Brotherhood part of the event that's celebrating the release of the Dark Brotherhood..

    ....Dark Brotherhood.....
    hail sithis!

    Dark Brotherhood.
    Silence, my brother.

    Dark Brotherhood.
    Innocence, my brother.
    See, there's the answer to the OP's problem. To a true Dark Brotherhood player, "What is life's greatest illusion?"
  • notimetocare
    LIKE WTF kind of message are you trying to put out there with this kind of prerequisite?

    WHY must I kill an innocent NPC just to unlock the event quests for Dark Brotherhood?

    Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

    You understand there are kids who play this game?

    90% of this game is murder. Those bandits? Some are stealing to survive. Those enemy soldiers? Conscripted civilians to fill the ranks

    You are a murderer and a monster by definition of being the vestige and doing any of the story lines. You are an arbiter of reckless justice.

    Honestly though, get over yourself lol. It's a game, it's not a message of 'go kill the innocent in real life cuz stuffs'
  • Karius_Imalthar
    If it's not your thing then don't do it. Or do the quest line on another character that has questionable morals. Is being "good" just living in a controlled environment with no choices or is it having a choice and making the right decision? Deep thoughts. In my mind, they are fated to die. You are just carrying out the will of Sithis. You are a reaper.

    Also, as has been pointed out, I assume you haven't had any problems with wiping out a pack of wolves or killing an entire tribe of reachmen. These actions could seem monstrous to someone else.
    Edited by Karius_Imalthar on March 10, 2019 5:50PM
  • max_only
    Sinolai wrote: »
    If you sneak into position where you can steal from people you can see NPCs profession. Look for NPC that says "Outlaw" or "Assassin" and kill that one. I am pretty sure they are not innocent.

    This. This is what I was talking about.
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
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    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • Shantu
    I can understand what the OP is feeling. Personally, I ignore anything that has to do with the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood. Even if it's virtual, murdering and stealing don't appeal to me. However, that fact that other's enjoy it doesn't bother me the slightest.

    I think a bigger question here is why is anyone doing anything toward the butt-ugliest, most stupid looking mount in the game. :)
  • Juponen
    So this is "M" rated and wanton murder and theft are encouraged during this event... I just wonder when is the "seduce ladies" event ?? I'd prefer that mortal sin :p
  • ZOS_JesC
    Greetings, we've removed several inappropriate comments and decided to close this thread as it has derailed. Thank you for your understanding.
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