Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Show the game our support, PLEASE READ!

  • Charwyn
    I like the game. I dealt with all the stupid crap about activations / updates / downtimes and stuff... Now I can enjoy my gaited horse :>
  • Sojan
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. They THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code. ONLY TO FIND that it isn't accepted and keeps telling you to wait another 10 mins. 10 mins come and go....still no new code. You try again, wait another 10 mins. Still nothing. Then when the old code is accepted (because you've messed with the two icons above your account name), you find that your account gets LOCKED because you've entered the code too many times.

    Weird, I had absolutely no problems at all with downloading the game or logging into the game, ever. I've had to type /reloadui a few times, or, comeback and finish a quest a few days later because it was buggy.

    I guess it is easy for me to advice people to have a little patience and let things run there course; I am a father of six, so, I'm not too worried about a few hiccups here and there.

  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    I'm not sure whether any of the above comments have been directed at me personally, saying what I'm doing is unproductive "raging"-- but I certainly don't believe it to be.

    I've said in many-a-post these last few days that I'm DYIN to see Zeni/Beth succeed in this.

    And I know I'm not alone!

    Many of the people who are voicing their discontent throughout these forums are in the same boat as me:
    They've been barred access to a game they've done nothing but support, and they are lamenting it here, on the ESO forums, because it's as close as we can get to the game we're dying to get back into!

    Aside from a few forum posts to say "Hey they fixed my problem-- here's how I went about it." I doubt very many of us will return to these halls once we're successfully back in Tamriel.
    ...Unless it's during the next downtime and it's to join in on the Downtime Defenders-esque camaraderie that's borne of all being locked out together-- and waiting to get back to the game, together.

    When we first blew up the forums during that now-infamous 14hr downtime, we learned what kind of community we were marrying into-- one that [for the most part] loves the series and wants to experience it to the fullest; one that firmly supports anything with Bethesda's name on it; and one that just wants to have a positive gaming experience.
    We had fun.
    We rattled off jokes, told stories, and shared our dreams of what the game would hold.
    We were stoked about the family we were becoming a part of.
    We were a hopeful bunch, all told.

    Heck, who remembers when we were actually shooting the *** with @ZOS_JessicaFolsom?
    She'd show up, say a few words, and get buried in praise for being there with us.
    Who remembers this gem?
    Zaeros wrote: »
    juic3 wrote: »
    You know, if this guild happens, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom should probably get first dibs on officer status.
    course :) we'll need an id from her though


    The point, OP, is that we want to be that community.
    We want to be in-game living those shared dreams.
    But the sad fact is, these forums are the closest we can get right now.
    And for some of us, it's slated to be a looong week of just that unless they extend that dang grace period.
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom --- I (read: "we") like the way we danced... and miss it.
    Why would we be here if we didn't?
    Edited by gustasonmichaelub17_ESO on April 8, 2014 9:19AM
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • rawne1980b16_ESO
    It seems some people are under the misguided impression that we "complain" because we want the game to fail or to attack Zenimax.....

    That is not the case.

    We rail against bugs because we want the buggers fixed.

    Server issues annoy a lot of people.

    Unknown error needs a purpose .... and the day will come when unknown error becomes an in joke (much like orange pixel did in swtor ... or sword in box for anyone who was in the beta for that).

    We complain because we want these issues to be fixed.

    There is no point at all in us blowing smoke up them when things aren't a bed of roses.

    But do note that we don't do it because we hate the game or Zenimax.

    Tough love it's called.
  • Armitas
    Bugs aside the game is outstanding. As for the bugs there are less than I would anticipate for any MMO release of this scale and caliber.
    Nord mDK
  • Murra
    ...I think I'm in the minority because I have like, 0 upset over this game. I mean, there are a few things I would like to see touched up or tweaked, but really I love the game right now as it is. I've only encountered one quest stopping bug and it's a nonessential quest. (Basically the marker is misplaced)

    I'm 100% behind this game. I love it. I might have bias because I'm a huge TES fan, and I was here for beta and got to see it grow, but really this is a fun game! Even if it were to have a LotR skin or anything else, I would still love it. The quests actually have options and different outcomes and I really like that. The ability to customize how my character looks and her armor is just gold for a girl like me; I have yet to see anyone with the same armor combo as me. The thing I hate about other MMOs is that I look the same and all my toon is is a...toon, There is nothing special about them and there is a "correct" and "wrong" way to play them. Here in ESO there is no true right or wrong way to play, and I love that more than any other aspect of this game. It is truly liberating for someone like me to play how I want to play and not have a crappy character.

    But my love aside, I can see why people would be hating or getting mad. Though I have yet to experience these problems people are running into, bugs are extremely annoying, as are server errors and such. I get people want them fixed, and they want them fixed now. Issue is if anyone has had the headache of trying to get rid of bugs in a code they know it's not easy. You get one of them rooted out, but another 5 pop up because you unsettled the code around that! It's madness! All you can do is keep trying, and that takes time.

    I might be really relaxed on this issue though. I seriously have not had issues with this game at all. And most problems that seem to revolve around heavy population times or server stability seem to pass me or something; I do have college to go to and homework to finish so I could just be dodging all the problems by luck. The only issue I have seen are freaking gold sellers. Today I got mail from one. =_=
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Murra wrote: »
    I might be really relaxed on this issue though. I seriously have not had issues with this game at all. And most problems that seem to revolve around heavy population times or server stability seem to pass me or something; I do have college to go to and homework to finish so I could just be dodging all the problems by luck. The only issue I have seen are freaking gold sellers. Today I got mail from one. =_=

    If gold spammers were my/our biggest problem, I/we wouldn't be on the dang forums.

    ^ See my post above for why we're here.
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Dalori
    I'm surprised at the amount of negativity in the forums. There are a few issues that need to be addressed, like bag space and guild store navigation, but for the most part I feel that release has been excellent. I love the exploration component - discovering new areas in an immersive world. Most MMOs are just following one quest to the next.
  • Elvent
    I wouldn't be here if I wasn't supporting... I also wouldn't be buying a second account that is going to be used for storage alts only, don't think anybody is as dedicated as me :)
  • Mortuum
    Great post OP. We, well, not all of us, as part of player base is kinda experienced with MMO genre, have to understand that Zeni is new publisher, they not experienced with market like Blizzard, EA, or Tur-crap-bine(already doing better then last 2;p), and maybe dont have best(for now) customer service, but in my opinion, they are trying. They have to learn how to do things, same as all of you new to MMOs have to learn.

    Sure there were, and will be f*** ups, and not small one. It is a process of learning, i will take my words back if they dont change anything, like billing issue, maybe patch times. But i doubt we will see no changes.

    Had same problem as most players yesterday, 3 or 4 codes, all wrong, then it started to work, but couldnt log in, then i finally could but was getting ''Unknown error'' each time i used shrine to port. So what, things happen, brand new MMO, it is impossible to have it bugs free. Best example are quests which were ok in beta, and bugged on live. New build, new problems. Sad fact is, people not famliar with MMOs, and/or coding/programming will see it as step backward(''I did it in beta now i cant, they ruined game!'').

    Same as all of you i want to play, but if servers are down, its for our good, even if annoying, they still trying to fix things. I was damn happy when i could finally finish ''Ghosts Of Westtry'' today and get rid of bloody grey quest. This is good job done for me, bug reports sent, game patched, players happy to be able to do quest, devs happy because of -1 on their ''to do'' list with 19947781989 things to fix. ;p

    Give them some time, they have really good devs in team, people who were behind biggest titles in MMO industry. It was one of best MMO launches in terms of game stability, not in terms of bad decision made(patch times) or lack of experience with MMO customers(full month fee deduced from account instead of 1 euro/dollar to check it).
  • l-wilson-1986b16_ESO
    Boyfriends bank was reset to 60 slots from 110 and he lost his epic crafting mats due to it along with the 40k+ gold he spent on upgrading. He has been waiting for a response to his ticket for over 3 days. Meanwhile more and more people have been affected by this bug. I will give the game my support when it deserves it. It is an incredible game but the support is the worst I have ever seen in my years of gaming and I honestly feel if they don't pick up the ball soon it will be an absolute tragedy.
  • Azzuria
    I am loving this game. Am I 100% completely in love with every design choice? Of course not! Even if I'd been in charge there would have been choices and compromises to be made which would not have fit my ulitmate vision.

    That said, bugs aside, this is pretty much the game I wanted. It's HUGE. It's DEEP. There are soooo many choices and options and character development decisions to be made. Crafting is meaningful and beneficial and useful. Game mechanics are interesting and there's no face-rolling involved, at least for me. Every fight takes some active involvement, even just slaughtering wolves and bears for leather. Not to mention, it's bloody GORGEOUS!

    This game has been on my radar and on my wish-list since I first heard about it. It's about as perfect a marriage of the Elder Scrolls experience and an MMO as I can imagine is possible. Every time I just run off in a direction I see another breathtaking vista, find another little hidden gem or crafting staion or the like.

    I'm tolerant of the launch issues because I can see what it's going to be very soon, once it's polished and gleaming, and that intrigues me. There is already new content on the horizon and I haven't gotten a toon to 15 yet!

    Brunhilda Icehammer - Nord Dragonknight, 'Smith & Enchantress 'What is 'ranged? I need to hit something!!'
    Laehl Direthorn - Bosmer Nightblade, Purveyor of fine Clothes, Bows and Staves
    Reeza gra-Zuni - Orc Templar 'War Shaman' and Apothecary
    Noemi Snowpaw - Kajiit Dragon Knight - I laugh... or I'd have to kill you.
    Kitera Dreamon - Breton of The Dominion: Because those Daggers don't appreciate a great Mage.
    Lysara Shadowcroft - Dunmer Bloodmage: This will only hurt a lot.
  • Dogtag19
    its nice to see all of the good things said about this game :)
  • Vikova
    As usual, those who want to complain are always the loudest and spam the most. Don't let it get to you, OP.
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