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Show the game our support, PLEASE READ!

I still love this game, yes there are problems, its a new MMO, to be expected, yes they could of done things differently, yes it could of been tested more, yes im a lil frustrated myself and yes i hope to see some sort of compensation for all these things not working.

But please, everyone, and zenimax, you have to realise we all got this game because we have been looking forward to it, we got this game because this is what we have wanted since the dawn of Elder Scrolls, we all knew there would be a few issues, but zenimax and bethesda can both learn from this, and we as customers and people who love this series need to be supportive, all we are seeing on the forums is complaining and whining, to be perfectly understood, but is all this negativity going to help us, we should be helping them by telling them the issues we are seeing, show them how many of us are getting this, and show them that even though we are upset, we still are supportive of the game.

Guys and Gals i am behind this game all the way, yes im a lil frustrated at things on how they are, but this is a brand new game, and an MMO at that, i want everyone who has read this to bump it up and also show your support for the game, and if it really is that bad for you that you have to be aggressive and show complete discontent, then please, stop posting it here and just wait till it is fixed or stop playing.

Bump this thread if you are with me guys! :)

Edited by Dogtag19 on April 7, 2014 6:56PM
  • Dogtag19
    Please comment to show your support, yes i know we are all upset with the service, buty doesnt mean we have to just rip on them, rather than try to help
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. They THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code. ONLY TO FIND that it isn't accepted and keeps telling you to wait another 10 mins. 10 mins come and go....still no new code. You try again, wait another 10 mins. Still nothing. Then when the old code is accepted (because you've messed with the two icons above your account name), you find that your account gets LOCKED because you've entered the code too many times.

    So no, for now they don't get my support for locking me out of a product that I've purchased.

    oh btw, negativity IS helpful. It pushes the devs to do better. See Raph Koster's post on negativity:


    "People who tell you you’re awesome are useless. No, dangerous.

    They are worse than useless because you want to believe them. They will defend you against critiques that are valid. They will seduce you into believing you are done learning, or into thinking that your work is better than it actually is. Especially watch out for the ones who tell you that nobody understands your genius."
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 6:54PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • StarchildTBA
    I second this. Love this game and the franchise. This hot mess on the forums tho needs to stop. Bump this thread, Show some support, If you find a problem please people use the search :D Lets keep these threads a positive environment
  • Dogtag19
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. And THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code, ONLY TO FIND that it doesn't work. Then when it is accepted your account gets LOCKED because you've entered it too many times.

    So no, for now they don't get my support for locking me out of a product that I've purchased.

    I understand, but if we dont support then how do we get back to playing.

    Yes t hey may have *** up, but doesnt mean we just flat out hate them, its a brand new MMO not a week old, and a lot of people got it as it is such a majorly awaited game, instead of whining we should try and help.

  • Negative39
    I don't understand the point of this thread at all other than to creep and crawl to Zenimax. They know we support their game, or we would not be trying to play it. Personally, I'd rather they concentrated on fixing the game rather than reading your redundant support here.
  • Piccos
    They still got my support :smile:
  • Xandroz
    Everyone has the "I payed for it, I want it now" attitude. We'll probably get time credited to our accounts for being unable to access the game today, seeing as they did that for early access it only makes sense. I still support this game 100%, even with all the bugs it's such a great game.
  • Dogtag19
    Negative39 wrote: »
    I don't understand the point of this thread at all other than to creep and crawl to Zenimax. They know we support their game, or we would not be trying to play it. Personally, I'd rather they concentrated on fixing the game rather than reading your redundant support here.

    people who are coming to the forums are seeing nothing but negativity, they need to see that actually the majority care and are supportive, not the minority

  • StarchildTBA
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. They THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code. ONLY TO FIND that it isn't accepted and keeps telling you to wait another 10 mins. 10 mins come and go....still no new code. You try again, wait another 10 mins. Still nothing. Then when the old code is accepted (because you've messed with the two icons above your account name), you find that your account gets LOCKED because you've entered the code too many times.

    So no, for now they don't get my support for locking me out of a product that I've purchased.

    I had some problems with email codes my self and it is a pain I know, It may suck to hear but just send a support ticket about this and they should get back to you with a prompt response and fix for this. Your not alone a lot of other people are having this issue too so they are aware of it.
  • LunaRae
    I'm not going to disagree with those who felt they were wronged. If you actually read the agreements and made an informed, educated decision you would have realized what you were getting into. HOWEVER, in this day and age of BS ToS / PP which are super long - and get updated all the time - it's pretty much implied hardly no one reads them or takes them seriously. Both sides at fault and can better handle situations like this.

    Anyways, love the game and I'm only bothered by quest bugs so far and one instance of falling into the blue ocean which took 5 mins for me to get out of. Hope everyone else can sort out their issues, but so far for me game has treated me well :)
    Stands-Strong-As-Snow ~ Argonian Templar DC NA V14
    Ytheri ~ Argonian Nightblade EP Thornblade NA V14
    Heals-All-Colours ~ Argonian Templar EP Thornblade NA V14
    Stands-In-Still-Waters~ Argonian Sorcerer EP Thornblade NA V2
  • Willow
    I am loving the game when we can get in there . They have my support.
  • Blu3d0gd3m0cr8ts
    this is by far one of the best games i have seen in a very long time. Im ok with a few hours of downtime so that it has 99% uptime !
  • Nopales
    Hey i support them although they didnt support me when i had to re-install game and when my bank upgrades/items messed up
  • Dogtag19
    And you will all see what i mean because people will tend to not read this post.

    everyone that agrees keep this post bumped

    Edited by Dogtag19 on April 7, 2014 7:00PM
  • Knuckles19
    Most of everything can be solved with a simple log in. Anyway they have my support.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. And THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code, ONLY TO FIND that it doesn't work. Then when it is accepted your account gets LOCKED because you've entered it too many times.

    So no, for now they don't get my support for locking me out of a product that I've purchased.

    I understand, but if we dont support then how do we get back to playing.

    Yes t hey may have *** up, but doesnt mean we just flat out hate them, its a brand new MMO not a week old, and a lot of people got it as it is such a majorly awaited game, instead of whining we should try and help.

    You are falling into the age old trap of labelling all negativity and criticism as "hate". It isn't. It's frustration. It's concern. It's a desire to see Zenimax do better than they are doing.

    It isn't necessarily "hate".

    Right now, I'm frustrated. This isn't my first MMO by a LONG shot. But by now, I would have assumed that Zenimax would have learned from the mistakes of the past. But obviously they haven't so far.

    Can they redeem themselves? Sure. Will they? Time will tell.
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Saerydoth
    I'm having a great time so far. I've encountered very few problems (1 bugged quest back on Bleakrock Isle). I haven't progressed as far as I want to yet, because I'm still waiting for my gf to be able to start (she has to get a physical copy because she can't download the game - she can barely download the small patches). Hopefully that will happen today. Right now I'm mainly playing alts, checking out the other faction starting zones while I wait.
    Edited by Saerydoth on April 7, 2014 7:01PM
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Xandroz wrote: »
    Everyone has the "I payed for it, I want it now" attitude. We'll probably get time credited to our accounts for being unable to access the game today, seeing as they did that for early access it only makes sense. I still support this game 100%, even with all the bugs it's such a great game.

    With all due respect, if you pay for something and it isn't delivered on time or in a working state, then you are well within your rights to lodge a "complaint" by whatever means is appropriate.

    However, if everyone just takes the "whatever" attitude, then the suppliers are never given the opportunity to put things right? Fact is, they can't. Which is why negativity is more helpful than blind loyalty.

    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Dogtag19
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. And THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code, ONLY TO FIND that it doesn't work. Then when it is accepted your account gets LOCKED because you've entered it too many times.

    So no, for now they don't get my support for locking me out of a product that I've purchased.

    I understand, but if we dont support then how do we get back to playing.

    Yes t hey may have *** up, but doesnt mean we just flat out hate them, its a brand new MMO not a week old, and a lot of people got it as it is such a majorly awaited game, instead of whining we should try and help.

    You are falling into the age old trap of labelling all negativity and criticism as "hate". It isn't. It's frustration. It's concern. It's a desire to see Zenimax do better than they are doing.

    It isn't necessarily "hate".

    Right now, I'm frustrated. This isn't my first MMO by a LONG shot. But by now, I would have assumed that Zenimax would have learned from the mistakes of the past. But obviously they haven't so far.

    Can they redeem themselves? Sure. Will they? Time will tell.

    I agree its not hate, it is frustration.

    But if we show our support, rather than that frustration.

    if we want zenimax to make the game better for us, we need to show them we like it and are willing to stick with it, not lash out with this frustration and threaten to not play it or give the game a bad look.

    I work something similar to what these guys do, they will learn, but positive feedback gets much further than negative feedback, we need to show that rather than just pure aggression, which everyone else seems to be doing.

  • Nopales
    Im just mad that i lost so much game time during early access and i missed pretty much all of Official Launch because i had to re-install the game, but overall the game is kick @ss
  • SaibotLiu
    This is what official forums are for at launch. Negativity and projected bile is scientifically proven to travel at the speed of light on the internet. If someone isnt happy in game, you can be damned sure they'll march straight here and let everyone else know about it.

    My gameplay experience has not been flawless. Ive encountered bugs like everyone has. But being savvy enough to get around them or being patient has saved me quite a lot of grief. And Im loving the hell out of the game.

    As with anything else in life, it's not what you encounter, it's how you handle it. Most people on the forums are from the type that just handle things poorly.
    Edited by SaibotLiu on April 7, 2014 7:05PM
  • Dogtag19
    Xandroz wrote: »
    Everyone has the "I payed for it, I want it now" attitude. We'll probably get time credited to our accounts for being unable to access the game today, seeing as they did that for early access it only makes sense. I still support this game 100%, even with all the bugs it's such a great game.

    With all due respect, if you pay for something and it isn't delivered on time or in a working state, then you are well within your rights to lodge a "complaint" by whatever means is appropriate.

    However, if everyone just takes the "whatever" attitude, then the suppliers are never given the opportunity to put things right? Fact is, they can't. Which is why negativity is more helpful than blind loyalty.


    Im not showing blind loyalty.

    But constructive feedback is better than yelling its broke fix it for me! or ill stop playing.

    i dont have a whatever attitude, but i dont have the oh if it aint fixed i aint playing attitude, i want to help them to help us. otherwise we are just blindly shouting at them to fix it without giving them the ability to help us

  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    I agree its not hate, it is frustration.

    But if we show our support, rather than that frustration.

    if we want zenimax to make the game better for us, we need to show them we like it and are willing to stick with it, not lash out with this frustration and threaten to not play it or give the game a bad look.

    I work something similar to what these guys do, they will learn, but positive feedback gets much further than negative feedback, we need to show that rather than just pure aggression, which everyone else seems to be doing.

    I disagree. See the link I posted to Raph Koster's page on dealing with criticism.

    The danger in showing blind loyalty is that it can lead to apathy towards the customer and a lack of willingness to actually put things right.

    They already have faith in their own product. The subs tell them just how popular the game is. But subs only tell half a story. What they need is for people to tell them where they are going wrong and what needs to be corrected in order to maintain the desired sub levels.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 7:08PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • raglau
    I support the *game* 110%, I think it's fantastic. The developers truly have captured the feeling of the Elder Scrolls world (which I have played since Arena) and put it into multiplayer, which I thought was impossible.

    I do not support the people supporting the game however. They really are like a fish out of water and sadly, that is what will kill the game. The game itself, had it been delivered and supported properly, deserves a long life, but I think these people are going to kill it through general ineptness and lack of understanding of their audience.
  • WhiteQueen
    I think spending 70$ to buy the game and 15$ to sub it shows my support. Perhaps they should show us some support by fixing bugs and problems that were revealed back in beta, hmmm?
  • Dogtag19
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    I agree its not hate, it is frustration.

    But if we show our support, rather than that frustration.

    if we want zenimax to make the game better for us, we need to show them we like it and are willing to stick with it, not lash out with this frustration and threaten to not play it or give the game a bad look.

    I work something similar to what these guys do, they will learn, but positive feedback gets much further than negative feedback, we need to show that rather than just pure aggression, which everyone else seems to be doing.

    I disagree. See the link I posted to Raph Koster's page on dealing with criticism.

    The danger in showing blind loyalty is that it can lead to apathy towards the customer and a lack of willingness to actually put things right.

    No, because you can give negative feedback without the appearance and hatred of a 3 year old throwing their dummy out of the pram.

  • Evergreen
    Without patronizing people who are experiencing problems, I definitely show my support and have been lucky enough to not experience any issues myself other than a couple bugged quests. My main concern posting on this thread is that we all show empathy for those who are frustrated and hope no one quits as Zenimax works things out for them.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    No, because you can give negative feedback without the appearance and hatred of a 3 year old throwing their dummy out of the pram.

    One person's definition of "negative feedback" is another persons exaggerated definition of "hate". See my earlier post about falling into the trap of labeling everything as "hate".

    The fact is that the people who try to label any comment that is remotely negative as "hate" are not the intended audience for the criticism.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 7:14PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Enteum
    I'm not mad, or frustrated at all. Yes, I come home from work and want to play, we're in maintenance. Ok fine, I'll do some housework I've ignored all weekend because of this game :/

    Now it's a struggle to log in. Ok fine...I'll hang it out. I mean, I'm in this game for the long haul? I report my problems and issues without going 'WTF ZOS'.

    I agree here, we need to be supportive. Make our issues known so they can fix them.

    Although, I am seeing a problem in this community at the moment. People complain about bugs and when the servers go down for fixes, they complain they can't play. C'Mon guys, get a grip.

    I know it's early days, and I am behind the devs/employees of ZOS all the way to get this sorted. But for them to do so, we, the community, should be patient while they sort out their little teething problems.

    It happens :) deal with it.
    Asira Avalis - Mage
  • Dogtag19
    Evergreen wrote: »
    Without patronizing people who are experiencing problems, I definitely show my support and have been lucky enough to not experience any issues myself other than a couple bugged quests. My main concern posting on this thread is that we all show empathy for those who are frustrated and hope no one quits as Zenimax works things out for them.

    Agree, im frustrated too and i feel for those of you upset.

    But we should (if we care about the game and want to play it) give constructive feedback rather than pointless bitching

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