Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of September 23:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – September 23

Show the game our support, PLEASE READ!

  • raykai12000b16_ESO
    thx :) for fast maintenance keep up the good work even tho alot of ppl is bitching in the forums.

    i have seen other companies having longer maintenance in the 1st months of game release as a mmo.

    just giving you a positive energy for your hard work. <3

    as i programmer i know how code fixing can be a eye-strainer thx for doing a good job on bug squashing.
    <The Dredge [DDGE]> Daggerfall Covenant | International | PvX | Adult Community | TS3+Mic required |http://ddge.zapto.org
    [Addon Author] :
    My addon : Reloadui Extra Slash Commands
  • Xandroz
    Xandroz wrote: »
    Everyone has the "I payed for it, I want it now" attitude. We'll probably get time credited to our accounts for being unable to access the game today, seeing as they did that for early access it only makes sense. I still support this game 100%, even with all the bugs it's such a great game.

    With all due respect, if you pay for something and it isn't delivered on time or in a working state, then you are well within your rights to lodge a "complaint" by whatever means is appropriate.

    However, if everyone just takes the "whatever" attitude, then the suppliers are never given the opportunity to put things right? Fact is, they can't. Which is why negativity is more helpful than blind loyalty.


    I'm not a blind follower, I'm just understanding. Yes I payed for the game, and yes I'd like to be able play when it's most convenient for me but sometimes things don't work out perfectly. If we get extra time credited to our accounts because we weren't able to play one day then I don't see the problem. Yes, they do need to step up and get their *** together, but I'm sure they already know that and acting like a 3 year old that got their favorite toy taken away won't solve anything.
  • SilverWF
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
  • Chanz
    It is hard to support them while, at the same time, i feel like a rat in a laboratory with them still doing tests on me. This feeling in beta is normal, but not now when the game launched and customers did their part of the job - paid for it.

    The game is great, just the customer service, lack of communication and maintenance timing have been abysmal since the start.
    Edited by Chanz on April 7, 2014 7:21PM
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    With the random "unknown errors" that are randomly occuring after this patch, perhaps the originator chose the wrong time to create a "show your support thread"
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • peechwurmnub18_ESO
    Much as I support the game, and the OPs attempt to shine a little ray of sunshine into a dark and miserable place... This IS the customer support forums. People usually don't tend to come here if they're happy :p And for those who dish out too much hate...well that's just going to happen, and I think that's why there's moderators to help keep those who go too far in check. :)
  • Dogtag19
    With the random "unknown errors" that are randomly occuring after this patch, perhaps the originator chose the wrong time to create a "show your support thread"

    I chose now because there is nothing but hate in these forums, and thats not fair on the devs. they are probably working their asses off trying to help everyone, and dealing with a ton of *** from a lot of people.

    tell me, if you were them would you want all this pressure and negativity coming towards you right now ? no? then dont deal it as well

  • sully73
    I've been a part of some really bad launches. ZOS has done a great job as far as I'm concerned. The reasoning for te long customer service times is becuase of all the players and they need to realize this and be patient.
  • Prolaming
    Soul Shriven
    My 80 euros is not sufficient support? Cancelled the subscription today, take that for my answer...
  • smetssarahb16_ESO
    I like the game a lot, i understand there are problems/ bugs that need fixing. Those require server downtime. Just sad its during EU primetime, also sad that we then have to wait a hour for an update when things come crashing down. But just gotta put up with that frustration for a few weeks.
  • christian.griffinb16_ESO
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    Negative39 wrote: »
    I don't understand the point of this thread at all other than to creep and crawl to Zenimax. They know we support their game, or we would not be trying to play it. Personally, I'd rather they concentrated on fixing the game rather than reading your redundant support here.

    people who are coming to the forums are seeing nothing but negativity, they need to see that actually the majority care and are supportive, not the minority

    People SHOULD be seeing only negativity, this is a fiasco and you (and your MINORITY of 'supporters', not majority) are wrong to support them through it. Sorry, Zenimax will get my support AFTER they actually have the game I paid for working, not BEFORE.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Xandroz wrote: »
    I'm not a blind follower, I'm just understanding. Yes I payed for the game, and yes I'd like to be able play when it's most convenient for me but sometimes things don't work out perfectly. If we get extra time credited to our accounts because we weren't able to play one day then I don't see the problem. Yes, they do need to step up and get their *** together, but I'm sure they already know that and acting like a 3 year old that got their favorite toy taken away won't solve anything.

    Yes, because I'm sure you're in a really good position to belittle the concerns and criticisms of others. After all, YOUR opinion is the only one that matters isn't it?

    Now I'm sure you think everyone should be as "understanding" as you. But if everyone was like that, then chances are that Zenimax would probably be blissfully unaware of a lot of the issues that are currently plaguing THEIR customers.

    In short, I'll show my support when they deserve it.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 7:28PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Cydramech
    Blind loyalty is what led to Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, Final Fantasy XIV 2.0: A Realm Reborn, etc. sucking if not failing (retention rate shows their failures, as any MMO with a retention rate below 50% is losing more customers than it brings in while a successful MMO needs a retention rate of 66% or higher just to keep things a bit more than even).

    Now I'm not going to sit here and say all of the criticisms are valid (because they aren't), after all even those behind the criticisms need to learn to fight the proper battles for the proper results, but you don't want a suck-ass TESO, do you? Then realize, paying shows support enough, and while there are problems with unconstructive criticism, any criticism at all is better than none at all.
    Edited by Cydramech on April 7, 2014 7:26PM
  • sinnsvak
    This feeling of being ripped off again, really really sucks. I have learned my lesson, and I will never preorder a game again.
  • kragh
    Way way too many issues constantly. I went from enjoying this game and wanting to explore to sit here every time I play and think "I wonder what the next bug will be".
    It ruins it for me, I seriously hope there start to be better communication from the developer site, it's absolutely horrendous how little we hear about what's being done.

    Anyway, I still want to play and enjoy this game, and I hope I soon get the chance, rather than sitting here watching the forums, because another bug blocks progression entirely.
    Perhaps they weren't ready to launch yet, perhaps they were. But it feels like the aftermath of the launch is getting more and more unprofessional in the way it's handled.

    #2 cents
  • StarchildTBA
    Dogtag19 wrote: »
    Negative39 wrote: »
    I don't understand the point of this thread at all other than to creep and crawl to Zenimax. They know we support their game, or we would not be trying to play it. Personally, I'd rather they concentrated on fixing the game rather than reading your redundant support here.

    people who are coming to the forums are seeing nothing but negativity, they need to see that actually the majority care and are supportive, not the minority

    People SHOULD be seeing only negativity, this is a fiasco and you (and your MINORITY of 'supporters', not majority) are wrong to support them through it. Sorry, Zenimax will get my support AFTER they actually have the game I paid for working, not BEFORE.

    That's a very ignorant thing to say. I can't even play the game right now but Im still confident that I'm gonna get proper support. What problem gets solved by coming on to forums and raging. As for supporting them you must not realize that this is an mmo and mmo's go beyond the game, its a community effort for them to be the working game you payed for. There have been way worse launches and support from companies other than ZOS. Id say they're doing a damn good job working of fixes and keeping us updated.
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    Xandroz wrote: »
    Everyone has the "I payed for it, I want it now" attitude. We'll probably get time credited to our accounts for being unable to access the game today, seeing as they did that for early access it only makes sense. I still support this game 100%, even with all the bugs it's such a great game.

    You're delusional if you think we'll get one iota of sympathy or reimbursement for the myriad problems.

    You think they extended that grace period for the downtime during early-access, do you?
    Spend a little more time on the forums and you'll run into quite a bit of this being quoted:

    But just in case they take down that page because that seems like all they know how to do in their attempt at salvaging their crumbling image, it says:
    If I don’t receive my retail edition on launch day, will I be able to play after Early Access?
    Updated 03/26/2014 11:55 PM Published 02/15/2014 12:13 PM
    Following the Early Access period, players who pre-ordered retail editions of The Elder Scrolls Online will have a 48-hour grace period to enter their retail edition game codes. During this time, they will be able to play ESO as normal. After April 6, any account that has not redeemed a game code will no longer have game access, but the account will be reactivated once a game code is redeemed.

    Do not mistake me.
    I'm not new to mmo launches. I bought the Imperial CE to show my support for Zeni/Beth knowing full-well that there would inevitably be bugs and subsequent downtimes/patches--- hell, I've been beta testing for them for months; I KNEW what state the game was going to launch in, but I went ahead, knowing what awaited me.

    I WANT them to succeed.
    I want them to succeed so badly it's ridiculous. Hell, I spent $100 on a box, a book and a figurine.
    But from what we've all seen so far from their "customer support," who say that helping us is their passion, I'll be impressed and happy if I don't get a physical slap in addition to the virtual one.

    Do I expect any compensation whatsoever?
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • ularis
    Yes is still suport the game but they rly need to make fast repeir of login issues and start read forum !
  • Thorntongue
    The OP has something on it's nose. What's that brown stuff?
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    That's a very ignorant thing to say. I can't even play the game right now but Im still confident that I'm gonna get proper support. What problem gets solved by coming on to forums and raging. As for supporting them you must not realize that this is an mmo and mmo's go beyond the game, its a community effort for them to be the working game you payed for. There have been way worse launches and support from companies other than ZOS. Id say they're doing a damn good job working of fixes and keeping us updated.

    Let me ask you: how many problems in MMO's get fixed when people DON'T actually tell the devs about them? Chances are, only a fraction.

    Sometimes devs only get to know about issues when people DO voice their criticism on the forums. The devs aren't mind readers.

    Just remember, YOUR perception of events isn't the only valid one. And being seen to belittle the criticism of others is a prime example of "a very ignorant thing to say".
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 7:40PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Maylinh
    Xandroz wrote: »
    Everyone has the "I payed for it, I want it now" attitude. We'll probably get time credited to our accounts for being unable to access the game today, seeing as they did that for early access it only makes sense. I still support this game 100%, even with all the bugs it's such a great game.

    If this was the only issue, maybe, read more through the forum topics and u see many many many many more issues. That is what people get frustrated. And the forums are there to out them.

    I had my own issues with this game already. Was telling a friend to not give up because it was early acces. Early acces is over now. No more excuses. Having flaws like some people cant even choose a subscription plan due no PayPal button available for their country or when they use a virtual card it gives the message: purchase not authorized is just very annoying. They bought the game to play it. + people didnt know they had to pay already. They want to pay up, but cant.

    Or getting a primetime maintenance and then failing in letting people back in the game. It is just for me too many things. To keep staying positive about this game or company.

    + The lack of communication between CSR and customer is just ridiculous.
    Edited by Maylinh on April 7, 2014 8:01PM
    EP| Maylin - Templar v16 - Ava 32
    EP| Lulu White - DK v16 (Nerfed to CC-bot) Ava 30
    EP| Karma Baby - Sorc v16 - Ava 21
    EP| Scrubbadub - NB v16 - AvA 19
    EP| Shini'qua - fotm DK v16 - AvA 13
    DC| -Aeya - DK v16 - AvA 14

    Pls accountbound AvA ranks, pls give us dynamic ulti back, kthnxbai

  • Mataata
    I definitely still love the game. I just wish I could play it.
    I love the Power Glove! It's so bad!
    i also do art and stuff i guess, here's my twitter
  • gustasonmichaelub17_ESO
    I can't actually get into the game because Zenimax have changed the account system without telling anyone. They THEN make you wait for over an hour for the emailed code. ONLY TO FIND that it isn't accepted and keeps telling you to wait another 10 mins. 10 mins come and go....still no new code. You try again, wait another 10 mins. Still nothing. Then when the old code is accepted (because you've messed with the two icons above your account name), you find that your account gets LOCKED because you've entered the code too many times.

    So no, for now they don't get my support for locking me out of a product that I've purchased.

    oh btw, negativity IS helpful. It pushes the devs to do better. See Raph Koster's post on negativity:


    "People who tell you you’re awesome are useless. No, dangerous.

    They are worse than useless because you want to believe them. They will defend you against critiques that are valid. They will seduce you into believing you are done learning, or into thinking that your work is better than it actually is. Especially watch out for the ones who tell you that nobody understands your genius."

    What a fantastic link/read.

    /bumping it cuz all the fanboys/girls need to read that.

    Do you guys really think ZOS is gonna be like "They are crashing our forums with mean posts! :'( I just can't handle it anymore-- all the negative energy. I'm out."

    For the record: if that's actually been happening in-studio, Zeni, you are truly lost.
    "Our race has not been strained for all these ages through that sieve of dangers that we call Natural Selection, to sit down, in the tedium of safety.
    The bourgeois is too much cottoned about for any zest in living; he sits in his parlour out of reach of any danger, often out of reach of any vicissitude but one of health-- and there he yawns."
    -Robert Louis Stevenson
  • FryingBullet
    I've done my fair share of complaining; all in good humour I hope - but, heh, you're right, there are times I halve to pinch myself. It's either when rounding a bend in the road as the fading sunlight trickles through the trees or when swimming through crystal clear water or when an NPC gripes about having 5 back to back meetings (no, wait - that's at work). Anyway - it's beyond supurlatives - you guys done good and I'm sure you will do better.
  • StarchildTBA
    That's a very ignorant thing to say. I can't even play the game right now but Im still confident that I'm gonna get proper support. What problem gets solved by coming on to forums and raging. As for supporting them you must not realize that this is an mmo and mmo's go beyond the game, its a community effort for them to be the working game you payed for. There have been way worse launches and support from companies other than ZOS. Id say they're doing a damn good job working of fixes and keeping us updated.

    Let me ask you: how many problems in MMO's get fixed when people DON'T actually tell the devs about them? Chances are, only a fraction.

    Sometimes devs only get to know about issues when people DO voice their criticism on the forums. The devs aren't mind readers.

    Just remember, YOUR perception of events isn't the only valid one. And being seen to belittle the criticism of others is a prime example of "a very ignorant thing to say".

    I'm sorry your literacy skills are lacking. I must not understand my own words of a community effort if I for some reason believe that we don't tell devs about problems. I guess its belittling someone to say there are better ways to voice concerns than raging on the forums. I do apologize tho for now I am belittling you by insulting your horrible articulation and interpretation of what I said. Don't mind my words tho for I am the ignorant one for attempting to keep this positivity thread positive.
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    That's a very ignorant thing to say. I can't even play the game right now but Im still confident that I'm gonna get proper support. What problem gets solved by coming on to forums and raging. As for supporting them you must not realize that this is an mmo and mmo's go beyond the game, its a community effort for them to be the working game you payed for. There have been way worse launches and support from companies other than ZOS. Id say they're doing a damn good job working of fixes and keeping us updated.

    Let me ask you: how many problems in MMO's get fixed when people DON'T actually tell the devs about them? Chances are, only a fraction.

    Sometimes devs only get to know about issues when people DO voice their criticism on the forums. The devs aren't mind readers.

    Just remember, YOUR perception of events isn't the only valid one. And being seen to belittle the criticism of others is a prime example of "a very ignorant thing to say".

    I'm sorry your literacy skills are lacking. I must not understand my own words of a community effort if I for some reason believe that we don't tell devs about problems. I guess its belittling someone to say there are better ways to voice concerns than raging on the forums. I do apologize tho for now I am belittling you by insulting your horrible articulation and interpretation of what I said. Don't mind my words tho for I am the ignorant one for attempting to keep this positivity thread positive.

    Lol. So, instead of sticking to the subject of discussion, you resort to picking apart any errors you perceive in the actual form of the post. Which is often done when someone feels that their own argument lacks a solid foundation. Good job there. Here's a cookie. Can I ask if you enjoy picking apart spelling errors in posts made by people whose first language isn't English as well? Just wondering.

    Now, you know what they say about people who live in glass houses don't you?
    It's wise to not try to call other people "ignorant" when you exhibit such a trait yourself.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 8:00PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • Sturmlied
    I like the game... really do... but how can I get attached to the game when I can not play?
  • rioinsigniab16_ESO
    Sturmlied wrote: »
    I like the game... really do... but how can I get attached to the game when I can not play?

    Some might say that you should show devoted loyalty and support regardless of the fact that you've purchased something, but you are not being given the chance to enjoy it.
    Edited by rioinsigniab16_ESO on April 7, 2014 8:03PM
    How can you soar with eagles.....when you work with turkeys?
  • StarchildTBA
    That's a very ignorant thing to say. I can't even play the game right now but Im still confident that I'm gonna get proper support. What problem gets solved by coming on to forums and raging. As for supporting them you must not realize that this is an mmo and mmo's go beyond the game, its a community effort for them to be the working game you payed for. There have been way worse launches and support from companies other than ZOS. Id say they're doing a damn good job working of fixes and keeping us updated.

    Let me ask you: how many problems in MMO's get fixed when people DON'T actually tell the devs about them? Chances are, only a fraction.

    Sometimes devs only get to know about issues when people DO voice their criticism on the forums. The devs aren't mind readers.

    Just remember, YOUR perception of events isn't the only valid one. And being seen to belittle the criticism of others is a prime example of "a very ignorant thing to say".

    I'm sorry your literacy skills are lacking. I must not understand my own words of a community effort if I for some reason believe that we don't tell devs about problems. I guess its belittling someone to say there are better ways to voice concerns than raging on the forums. I do apologize tho for now I am belittling you by insulting your horrible articulation and interpretation of what I said. Don't mind my words tho for I am the ignorant one for attempting to keep this positivity thread positive.

    Lol. So, instead of sticking to the subject of discussion, you resort to picking apart any errors you perceive in the actual form of the post. Which is often done when someone feels that their own argument lacks a solid foundation. Good job there. Here's a cookie. Can I ask if you enjoy picking apart spelling errors in posts made by people whose first language isn't English as well? Just wondering.

    Now, you know what they say about people who live in glass houses don't you?
    It's wise to not try to call other people "ignorant" when you exhibit such a trait yourself.

    People in glass house shouldn't throw stones your right, but now your the pot calling the kettle black. I am gonna pick apart an error when there is an obviously ignorant post made. Oh, and thanks for the cookie, I would've enjoyed some cheese to better go with that wine you shared earlier. I'm gonna end this and no longer keep this argument going because this solves nothing. I apologize if I hurt your feeling for calling you out on your seemingly ignorant post. I will finish with this; It's not what you say but how you say It, and maybe if you would've exhibited that common knowledge proverb in your post I might not have said what I said.
  • SilverWF
    Let they will show their support to us - players!

    They need to return this morning game version to let people normally play this evening and start testing this patch harder before release.
    I can live with some bugged low-lvl quest 1-2 days more and I'm sure - not only me
    • PC EU. Ebonheart Pact. CP 1k+
    • YouTube: All ESO disguises (2014)
    • EU players are humans too! We want our maintenances in the least pop time (at deep night) and not lasted for several hours!
    • Animation canceR - is true PvP cancer! When you can't see which actions your opponent do - you can't react properly on them!
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