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PTS Update 21 - Feedback Thread for Item Sets & General Itemization

  • Minalan
    CyrusArya wrote: »

    Templar can cast skill, Mutagen do same thing. I do not think its OP as it applied to single target.

    Stop crying for something it not worth! Do you think players will use this set instead of other good sets?

    An auto purge every 2 seconds if you have a HoT active, meaning it doesn’t have to be cast. So not only does it not cost resources or a cooldown, it actually returns resources. Absolutely broken. And it robs Templar of class identity by giving an auto purge to everybody.

    Do I think players will use it? If it goes live like this half of Cyrodiil will be in curse eater next patch.

    This, pretty much. Why have a templar when literally anyone can cast a HOT and keep a permanent auto purge that ticks every other second?

    No more curses, DOTS, snares, defiles, vulnerability, maim, or piercing marks. Ever again. Why the hell wouldn't everyone run this set?

    It's ridiculously OP, kick the cool down to like 14 seconds or something. That's game breaking. Stop defending this garbage.
    Edited by Minalan on January 21, 2019 11:01PM
  • Xsorus
    Curse eater reads like it only applies once every 2 seconds, meaning it only works on one person every 2 seconds
  • Joy_Division
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Curse eater is op and needs to be nerfed. Two seconds is way too short a cooldown for such a strong effect.

    Templar can cast skill, Mutagen do same thing. I do not think its OP as it applied to single target.

    Stop crying for something it not worth! Do you think players will use this set instead of other good sets?

    Yes, I absolutely think players will use this set.
    Edited by Joy_Division on January 21, 2019 11:46PM
  • eso_nya
    Tzogvin’s Warband (Medium)
    2 – Adds 833 Weapon Critical
    3 – Adds 833 Weapon Critical
    4 – Adds 1487 Physical Penetration
    5 – When you deal critical damage with a Light or Heavy attack, you gain a stack of Precision, increasing your Weapon Critical by 129 for 10 seconds, up to 10 stacks max. At max stacks, you also gain Minor Force, increasing your Critical Damage done by 10%.

    Too weak. 5pc crit stacks up to max of 1290, while leviathan gives 1924. Minor force is not making up for that, as Trap gets u infinite uptime while also granting 3% weapon dmg from Slayer.
    Leviathan also doesnt come with 10+ sec ramp up and u dont risk the stacks dropping off.
  • LonePirate
    The Impressario is not present at her tent in Davon's Watch. We cannot buy the new pet or feathers or berries.
    Edited by LonePirate on January 21, 2019 11:27PM
  • vesselwiththepestle

    2325 magicka every 18seconds is equivilant to 129 mag/sec or 258 magicka regen.

    You waste a monster set when you can just use a magick recovery glygh or a monster set with 1pc mag reg.

    For example: 169 * (1 + 10% sorc passive + 20% pot + 10% vampire + 15% cp + 4% mages guild + 20% light armor)
    = 169 * 1.79
    = 302.5

    It is 2325*6=13950 in 18 seconds. Which is nearly 7k rec. it was late, it's over 18 seconds 1550 rec, however, it's in fact a burst rec over 6 seconds, which makes it stronger than it seems and during these 6 seconds you get effectively 4650 rec.

    Edited by vesselwiththepestle on January 22, 2019 8:30AM
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • Joy_Division
    Edited by Joy_Division on January 21, 2019 11:46PM
  • Tasear
    Curse eater is amazing set that will help healers be more needed and desired in content, especially pvp but also in some very important pve aspects too.
  • jaws343

    2325 magicka every 18seconds is equivilant to 129 mag/sec or 258 magicka regen.

    You waste a monster set when you can just use a magick recovery glygh or a monster set with 1pc mag reg.

    For example: 169 * (1 + 10% sorc passive + 20% pot + 10% vampire + 15% cp + 4% mages guild + 20% light armor)
    = 169 * 1.79
    = 302.5

    It is 2325*6=13950 in 18 seconds. Which is nearly 7k rec.

    Yeah, it is around 775 resource returned a second if it were soread out over the whole 18 seconds. But it is a 6 second burst restore, with a smaller cooldown than lich. And it only requires two armor pieces instead of 5.
  • bardx86
    Tasear wrote: »
    Curse eater is amazing set that will help healers be more needed and desired in content, especially pvp but also in some very important pve aspects too.

    Its game breaking for a sorc. We already can't hit a winged DK or cloaking NB's with anything but curse. Remove that we have no chance vs Dk's or NB's.
    Edited by bardx86 on January 22, 2019 12:19AM
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    susmitds wrote: »
    I am all for strong set bonuses and all BUT

    Symphony of Blades (Monster Mask)
    • 1 – Adds 2% Healing Done
    • 2 – When you heal an ally whose primary resource is under 50%, grant them Meridia’s Favor, restoring 2325 of that resource every 1 second for 6 seconds. 18 second cooldown.
    is way beyond overpowered. It is broken. It is possible to spam Steel Tornado endlessly on a zero-sustain build with this setup. The value needs adjusting surely. It is stronger than any 5pv set bonus available. PvP is going to be a mess with this. Expect the return of true perma block.

    This is what the PTS is for. We need to try it out!

    Pretty sure this can be mathematically shown to be absurdly powerful for sustain.

    2325 x 6 sec = 13,985

    With a cooldown of 18 seconds this means 775 every second. Recovery ticks every other second so this is the equivalent of 1550 recovery with 100% uptime, or 4650 recovery with 33% uptime however you want to see it. Two pieces giving the equivalent of 1550 recovery with 100% uptime is absurdly broken.

    By comparison Lich gives 1032 recovery with 33% uptime and is a 5 piece set.

    The only negative is that someone else might get the proc, but at the very least someone on your side who is low on resources is getting insane recovery. You can selectively force this recovery for yourself if you only run self heals.

    More than 4 times the power of Lich sustain and at the cost of only 2 set is broken.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • Toc de Malsvi
    Toc de Malsvi
    2 – When you heal an ally whose primary resource is under 50%, grant them Meridia’s Favor, restoring 2325 of that resource every 1 second for 6 seconds. 18 second cooldown.

    Sounds broken.
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    jaws343 wrote: »
    Tannus15 wrote: »
    2 – When you heal an ally whose primary resource is under 50%, grant them Meridia’s Favor, restoring 2325 of that resource every 1 second for 6 seconds. 18 second cooldown.

    Sounds broken.

    use this on a dps for infinite sustain. can only heal self

    Mag Sorcs in PVP. I look forward to using this over Lich or Bright Throat and equipping a 5 piece damage set instead and just running crit surge for the heal.

    Pretty sure the crit heal CP passive will be enough to keep it proc'd. Also frags proc. I doubt you'd even need crit surge honestly.

    I'll ditch ilambris in PvE for that level of free sustain.

    2325 magicka every 18seconds is equivilant to 129 mag/sec or 258 magicka regen.

    You waste a monster set when you can just use a magick recovery glygh or a monster set with 1pc mag reg.

    For example: 169 * (1 + 10% sorc passive + 20% pot + 10% vampire + 15% cp + 4% mages guild + 20% light armor)
    = 169 * 1.79
    = 302.5

    L2 math, its 2325 every second for 6 seconds that's 1550 recovery.
    Legendary Archer of Valenwood
    Bosmer Dragon Knight Archer. XBox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Nightblade Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Sorcerer Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Bosmer Warden Archer. Xbox One. (Flawless Conqueror Bow/Bow)
    Templar's are evil..
  • WreckfulAbandon
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • ezio45
    Icy Conjuror, i like this but the delivery system makes me think its going to be doa like flameblossom or mad tinker

    Mighty Glacier, This is cool.

    Auroran’s Thunder, I feel like both the damage and delivery system again are both pretty weak on this

    Buffer of the Swift, good

  • Minno
    CyrusArya wrote: »
    Curse eater is op and needs to be nerfed. Two seconds is way too short a cooldown for such a strong effect.

    I agree. 5-10 seconds isnt terrible. But then again its purge removal should be 5 to match other sets or get higher mag return to compensate.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • zaria
    technohic wrote: »
    The new monster set looks like a huge sustain boost
    Sounds like something for this one :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Yamenstein
    i know @SilverIce58 explained this above but here is a more detailed version:

    I like most everything in this patch, but MAN i did NOT expect to see this.

    To start us off, the old Arctic Blast had an inherent increase to proc chilled on enemies on its old AoE. it was around 30%. It was paired with a tank heal and it was really great at being a Frost Tank flavour skill that people got use out of. this skill wasn't broke. yet ZOS "fixed" it.

    People liked this skill. And a lot of them wanted it back when ZOS removed it and added a slow projectile that stuns the enemy dealing no damage, healing very little to the intended audience and even less so in the mode its supposed to be used in (PvP, battle spirit halves that). This skill is expensive, the projectile has a slow animation, travel speed, and is dodgable and blockable!

    Fast forward to today, to add insult to injury we receive Frozen Watcher after our pain points of arctic blast were received. and it's almost a carbon copy of old arctic blast.

    Frozen Watcher (Heavy)
    2 – Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    3 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
    4 – Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    5 – Summon a blizzard around you while blocking, inflicting 1000 Frost Damage every 1 second to enemies within your blizzard. Your blizzard has a 15% chance of inflicting Chilled on enemies damage.

    This set is NOT bad. but it did not need to exist if ZOS listened to PTS feedback the day they changed blast (several months ago). tanks now have to waste an armor slot for what old arctic blast did on a skill.

    At the very LEAST this set should be Scaling off Maximum Magicka instead of Maximum Stamina, because of the frost staff and magicka blocking and the whole ice theme being, y'know, magic! ZOS, please do not disregard the rest of the existing frost magic.

    Arctic Blast still needs some love such as some noticeable single target magicka scaling damage and a cost reduction to make the skill worth using.

    EDIT: i originally intended to put my original post that this is from on the PTS section. but i didn't check and it ended up on combat mechanics.

    As always, the link to the ESO Frost Discord is below if you would join to talk about anything and everything frost magic in ESO

    It's awesome that now any class can have more frost options :smile:
    Crown Crates are a trap. Don't fall for the gamble! Balance? What Balance? Balance, smellance.
    Necro for them RP feels.
  • Mystikkal
    Curse Eater
    2 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
    3 – Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
    4 – Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
    5 – Reduces the duration of all negative effects applied to you by 20%.
    2 – Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
    3 – Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
    4 – Adds 129 Magicka Recovery
    5 – When you heal yourself or an ally, remove two negative effects from them. If a negative effect was removed this way, your target restores 150 Magicka. This effect can occur every 2 seconds.

    So can we stop making it so easy to counter DKs? Cleansing needs to be more difficult than it is, why are we making sets to make it easier? Poor DKs
  • Tannus15
    Am I the only one who thinks ZoS is regretting adding so many bleed proc sets in Wolf Hunter and now is trying to fix it by buffing old sets?
  • technohic
    I see symphony of blades and curse eater and I feel like there is little thought in game design. We're just getting random set ideas just thrown out there willy nilly. There's no need to test even to see how badly this will affect the game
  • Minno
    technohic wrote: »
    I see symphony of blades and curse eater and I feel like there is little thought in game design. We're just getting random set ideas just thrown out there willy nilly. There's no need to test even to see how badly this will affect the game

    I think we need to test them and show videos. If curse eater is so broken, then why wasn't stendarr/the other set used during the bleed metas? Was it the cooldown too high even though the debuffs were doin flying off the shelves? Or was it because no one wantedto waste a 5pc set to fight against debuffs?

    I think it's both and it's started to look like they wanteda PvP set that had some efficiency in the 5pc. It's literally got Gilliam's name all over this patch.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • kypranb14_ESO
    I see a couple of people calling for a Curse Eater nerf already, have you guys actually tried it? It's damage is much lower than bright throat's boast, and it's recovery is slightly lower if you don't include the Curse Eater proc.

    If Curse Eater is to be nerfed at all, I suggest removing the Magicka Restore from the 5 piece, and change it to:

    When you cast a healing ability, remove 2 negative effects from an effected ally. This effect can occur every 2 seconds.

    This gets rid of the magicka return on the 5 piece, and requires you to spend magicka every time you want to remove negative effects without gutting the set.
  • GrumpyDuckling
    Why did Affliction, Eagle Eye, and Kyne's Kiss go untouched? Are people really using them and/or are they really in that good of a place that no changes were made? I don't know of many people who would seriously consider those sets on their builds.

    (2 items) Adds 129 Weapon Damage
    (3 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    (4 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Magicka
    (5 items) When you deal damage, you have a 50% chance to deal an additional 2838 Disease Damage. This effect can occur once every 4 seconds.

    Eagle Eye
    (2 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical
    (3 items) Increases the range of your Bow abilities by 3 meters.

    Kyne's Kiss
    (2 items) Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    (3 items) Adds 129 Stamina Recovery
    (4 items) Adds 833 Weapon Critical
    (5 items) When you deal direct damage with a Bow ability, you have a 10% chance to heal for 1216 Health and restore 1216 Stamina.
  • StarOfElyon
    ZOS is aware that people don't use some armor sets as much. Okay. But what about light armor? When is that going to offer some actual protection? Or at least fix shields.
  • technohic
    Minno wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    I see symphony of blades and curse eater and I feel like there is little thought in game design. We're just getting random set ideas just thrown out there willy nilly. There's no need to test even to see how badly this will affect the game

    I think we need to test them and show videos. If curse eater is so broken, then why wasn't stendarr/the other set used during the bleed metas? Was it the cooldown too high even though the debuffs were doin flying off the shelves? Or was it because no one wantedto waste a 5pc set to fight against debuffs?

    I think it's both and it's started to look like they wanteda PvP set that had some efficiency in the 5pc. It's literally got Gilliam's name all over this patch.

    50% chance 30 second CD or 5 removed 15 second cooldown allows plenty of time to re cast curse or DK dots. 2 seconds will void those classes setup about every time. I mean even as a templar, it's at least an opportunity cost for me to do so at a cost they raised to be prohibitive compared to this set which even returns resources.

    It's just more moving power to sets at the expense of classes and players all around. It's way out of control.
  • Minno
    technohic wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »
    I see symphony of blades and curse eater and I feel like there is little thought in game design. We're just getting random set ideas just thrown out there willy nilly. There's no need to test even to see how badly this will affect the game

    I think we need to test them and show videos. If curse eater is so broken, then why wasn't stendarr/the other set used during the bleed metas? Was it the cooldown too high even though the debuffs were doin flying off the shelves? Or was it because no one wantedto waste a 5pc set to fight against debuffs?

    I think it's both and it's started to look like they wanteda PvP set that had some efficiency in the 5pc. It's literally got Gilliam's name all over this patch.

    50% chance 30 second CD or 5 removed 15 second cooldown allows plenty of time to re cast curse or DK dots. 2 seconds will void those classes setup about every time. I mean even as a templar, it's at least an opportunity cost for me to do so at a cost they raised to be prohibitive compared to this set which even returns resources.

    It's just more moving power to sets at the expense of classes and players all around. It's way out of control.

    Should be one debuff then, but a higher mag Regen to compensate.

    Still want to see video of duels with some of these sets.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • DisgracefulMind
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Symphony of blades seems bugged.

    My friend is testing it on PTS (I can't download it this cycle), and he's noticing it's not proccing on yourself. Which is quite odd since other "ally" sets proc on self. Have you also noticed this?
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Cinbri
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Symphony of blades seems bugged.

    My friend is testing it on PTS (I can't download it this cycle), and he's noticing it's not proccing on yourself. Which is quite odd since other "ally" sets proc on self. Have you also noticed this?

    It didn't proc neither on teammate. Not proc at all on anyone.
  • DisgracefulMind
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Cinbri wrote: »
    Symphony of blades seems bugged.

    My friend is testing it on PTS (I can't download it this cycle), and he's noticing it's not proccing on yourself. Which is quite odd since other "ally" sets proc on self. Have you also noticed this?

    It didn't proc neither on teammate. Not proc at all on anyone.

    That confirms what he's seeing too. Thank you for the response!
    Unfortunate magicka warden main.
    PC/NA Server
    Fairweather Friends
    Retired to baby bgs forever. Leave me alone.
  • Gnozo
    Frozen Watcher (Heavy)
    2 – Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    3 – Adds 1206 Maximum Health
    4 – Adds 1096 Maximum Stamina
    5 – Summon a blizzard around you while blocking, inflicting 1000 Frost Damage every 1 second to enemies within your blizzard. Your blizzard has a 15% chance of inflicting Chilled on enemies damage.

    Didnt saw there is a direct thread for set feedback so i already created in regarding this set.

    Like already mentioned, please change the max stamina To Max Magicka. Ice is always magicka related and this would make a great set for magicka warden. In pvp and for pve warden tanking when using an ice staff.

    Please change <3
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