enzoisadog wrote: »Nice troll 10/10
crazy_catman21 wrote: »
I’m serious, it’s quite annoying having to be in 2 groups & use guild chat. Hard to coordinate 30+ ppl when half can’t see crown
crazy_catman21 wrote: »
I’m serious, it’s quite annoying having to be in 2 groups & use guild chat. Hard to coordinate 30+ ppl when half can’t see crown
crazy_catman21 wrote: »
I mean what reason do you have to want to limit/lower how many friends can play together?
*** no. If anything they need to be smaller. The servers are struggling as it is.
BTW everyone they will literally never reduce the group cap to 12, all of the high-end PvP guilds grew up with the 24 cap and ZOS isn't going to do anything to jeopardize our camaraderie by making us break into two smaller groups. It is pure fantasy and would be bad for the game.
Synapsis123 wrote: »
There really aren't that many large 24 man groups and the ones that exist really don't mind running two 24 man groups together. IF they nerfed the group size people would just run more groups together.
Pugs wouldn't give a crap about this type of change and it might actually improve overall server performance if people ran smaller groups.
Also your argument is internally inconsistent. If groups already "don't mind running two 24 man groups together" then how does splitting it into four 12-person groups change anything? They still won't mind stacking together. The only thing that would be accomplished by capping groups at 12 is disrupting existing guild cohesion and completely destroying what's left of the competitive Cyrodiil play.