Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)


The Army of Meridia quest is bugged. After saving all the npcs the last part is to talk to the groundskeeper. Problem is shes there but you cannot interact with her. I cannot progress to veteran content because of this quest. I have done every quest in every zone up to this. I literally have nothing to do.

I called support and the guy was basically like well theres nothing we can do but you can always create a new character. TY support just what I wanted to do. Redo the content I just did the past week.
  • billylanden
    Soul Shriven
    got the same issue too
  • DV_Cypher
    Any idea if they are going to fix it or are current characters obsolete now?
    "Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Albert Einstein
  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    We're actively looking into this, folks. Thank you for the reports.

    One thing that would help: Have you done the quest Into the Woods yet?
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
    Facebook | Twitter | Twitch | Tumblr | Instagram | YouTube | Support
    Staff Post
  • Mysfit
    Is there a way to check if you've completed Into the Woods? My problem is that I told the Groundskeeper to begin the assault and you cannot interact with her when she is in front of the chapel in the Hollow City; this is all part of The Army of Meridia quest.
  • andylarson770b14_ESO
    im also stuck here for the past day and a half my buddy completed it 1 hour before me then when i tried the npc was bugged
  • mik3d
    Please fix this asap or restart the damn servers
  • andylarson770b14_ESO
    only thing i could think of is that my buddy did the the fighters side 1st then the mages, and i did the mages with him then went back and did the fighters.
  • andylarson770b14_ESO
    maybe just need to restart the servers so you can interact with the npc here is a SS
  • Xanidius
    Same issue here. Made progress without any problems so far(except the rift which cannot be closed) and now I stand here unable to progress any further. I deeply hope for a big fix-patch in the next 1-2 days.
  • ionutn1
    when will be fixed? i cant play
  • jcascio92ub17_ESO
    I'm also having the same problem.
  • mik3d
    Keep posting guys! We need this fixed ASAP or a server restart
  • Rai
    Im also stuck there, Ive completed all the quests until it prompted me to talk to the groundskeeper as I have assembled enough troops....she stands infront of the chapel of light and Im not able to interact in any way...already tried relogging, leaving the area + relogging ...still nothing
  • randomaffliction66
    We're actively looking into this, folks. Thank you for the reports.

    One thing that would help: Have you done the quest Into the Woods yet?

    I hope so, I can deal with all the "minor" quest bugs but ones like this need to be fixed. When can we expect a new patch with some fixes? I'm also stuck on this quest...
    Edited by randomaffliction66 on April 5, 2014 8:04PM
    Brave New World.
  • randomaffliction66
    Why not fix the quests, rather than troll the forums with the, ban hammer or the /edit , /remove comment toy.

    I think every one would be a little more receptive towards the gms, if they did that :)
    Edited by randomaffliction66 on April 5, 2014 8:25PM
    Brave New World.
  • galleyanub17_ESO
    Also stuck here. Also very unhappy. Cannot progress without this completed? Come on.
  • abrizsb14_ESO1
    I have to say, that I am very ticked off at Zenimax. I sent in so many bug reports during beta, and at least 90% of those bugs still exist. I don't know how they can allow a MAIN story line quest to be broken this bad, and not even make an official post about it. I am debating not even subbing at this point.
  • Xanidius
    It makes me kinda mad that its announced there is no maintenance tomorrow. There is so much to do and everyone gets the feeling they are just chillin in their seat and waiting for the bugs to go away themself. Most bugs exist till beta/early release and nothing happens about them.
  • Nyxx
    Same issue. Ours is bugged a bit differently though.

    We've tried EVERYTHING you could think of to fix it and it's not working.

    I'm tired of Support not bothering to read anything I send them.
    The Psijic Order
  • randomaffliction66
    So if we can't talk to her to further the main story, and we can't get her to open the northern area, do we just skip half of this zone and move onto the next lol??
    Brave New World.
  • galleyanub17_ESO
    So if we can't talk to her to further the main story, and we can't get her to open the northern area, do we just skip half of this zone and move onto the next lol??

    The problem is, unless I'm mistaken -- You *CAN NOT* unlock Veteran Rank content without completing the main story... at least, I have been unable to do so. If there's some way around this requirement, I would love to hear it... cause right now, I'm literally stuck with absolutely nothing to do but re-roll or go around reading books.
  • randomaffliction66
    So if we can't talk to her to further the main story, and we can't get her to open the northern area, do we just skip half of this zone and move onto the next lol??

    The problem is, unless I'm mistaken -- You *CAN NOT* unlock Veteran Rank content without completing the main story... at least, I have been unable to do so. If there's some way around this requirement, I would love to hear it... cause right now, I'm literally stuck with absolutely nothing to do but re-roll or go around reading books.

    That was my way of being a Smart a** lol ( yes zos I added the asterisks in myself, can edit my post for no reason ). Can;t hit 50 with out, them fixing this quest, I wont b ash monsters on the head for another three days just to get a few levels, zos please fix the quests.....
    Brave New World.
  • galleyanub17_ESO
    That was my way of being a Smart a** lol ( yes zos I added the asterisks in myself, can edit my post for no reason ). Can;t hit 50 with out, them fixing this quest, I wont b ash monsters on the head for another three days just to get a few levels, zos please fix the quests.....

    Ok, sorry -- The internet and sarcasm don't mix. :(

    Yeah, I don't know. Between the lack of polish for a large portion of the 40+ content and bugs like this one... I've got to believe they have some way of simply removing and repopulating this one NPC; and if they haven't tried that yet... IDK.

    You would think main storyline quests would be a priority for them to at least temporarily remedy, seeing as how we have *NO OTHER OPTIONS* to even attempt to enjoy anything about the game. I'd love to join my friends in VR dungeons who finished the quest before it was bugged... but I can't. And now they're all VR5, and I'm stuck.

  • tokyov
    I found a solution: uninstall ESO. Worked for me!
  • randomaffliction66
    That was my way of being a Smart a** lol ( yes zos I added the asterisks in myself, can edit my post for no reason ). Can;t hit 50 with out, them fixing this quest, I wont b ash monsters on the head for another three days just to get a few levels, zos please fix the quests.....

    Ok, sorry -- The internet and sarcasm don't mix. :(

    Yeah, I don't know. Between the lack of polish for a large portion of the 40+ content and bugs like this one... I've got to believe they have some way of simply removing and repopulating this one NPC; and if they haven't tried that yet... IDK.

    You would think main storyline quests would be a priority for them to at least temporarily remedy, seeing as how we have *NO OTHER OPTIONS* to even attempt to enjoy anything about the game. I'd love to join my friends in VR dungeons who finished the quest before it was bugged... but I can't. And now they're all VR5, and I'm stuck.


    To true, they do not mix :D.

    Yeah I agree hopefully we see a result soon.

    I'll also say this, Most mmoorpgs on release see constant hot fixes etc.. And when I say that I mean if their is a serious problem the devs will have the servers brought down and they will fix the issue, Now some would say well that game has only been out for a day.

    While this is true, The servers have been open since Sunday, and 90 percent of the bugs have been here since Sunday, not specifically this quest ( though I now it did some thing similar for others then they brought the servers down and the problem was gone ) so even if say we don't see a fix for this for a few days...

    Which would be insane and wrong on so many levels, why haven't we at least seen a " State of the game address " outlining what they are working on and rough estimate on when we will see a new patch, Server maintenance is on Wednesdays for the na shard, waiting till Wednesday to see any sort of fix for this quest is unacceptable lol.
    Edited by randomaffliction66 on April 5, 2014 10:33PM
    Brave New World.
  • Atropos
    Still a major issue.
    Creator - Tamriel Foundry
    Author - Foundry Tactical Combat
    Guild Master - Entropy Rising
    Noob - Twitch streamer.
  • hblix
    Please do a server reset and fix this.
  • randomaffliction66
    I don't know if this is true, but I was told by quite a few people in zone that Wednesday maintenance ( for Na shard ) has been canceled so we wont see a fix for another week and a half or more, unless they put a hot fix in soon.

    What kills me is the fact that this can kill end game pve before it even starts

    Can you confirm this zos?!
    Brave New World.
  • artie290
    Soul Shriven
    Can someone that completed the game tell me what version of the game your running. My launcher has been broken and nit been updating.
  • randomaffliction66
    The " Version " of the game has nothing to do with this problem, in any way, Just update your client and you'll be at the same version as the rest of us lol.

    Brave New World.
This discussion has been closed.