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The Sloads Nerf Isn't Enough

  • Gargath
    I agree with OP, in some situations the stacks from Sload's mean death sentence :(
    PC EU (PL): 14 characters. ESO player since 06.08.2015. Farkas finest quote: "Some people don't think I'm smart. Those people get my fist. But you, I like."
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Gargath wrote: »
    I agree with OP, in some situations the stacks from Sload's mean death sentence :(

    This thread is a month old . Sloads will be nerfed into uselessness next update .
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Gargath wrote: »
    I agree with OP, in some situations the stacks from Sload's mean death sentence :(

    This thread is a month old . Sloads will be nerfed into uselessness next update .

    Only for ranged builds, only against stam builds.
  • Rohamad_Ali
    Gargath wrote: »
    I agree with OP, in some situations the stacks from Sload's mean death sentence :(

    This thread is a month old . Sloads will be nerfed into uselessness next update .

    Only for ranged builds, only against stam builds.

    Which are still Meta and will remain meta . It will just encourage the return of Tank builds to go with all the stamsorcs .
  • Qbiken
    Still can´t believe people defend Sload as a balanced set. It carries so many people in PvP it´s ridiculous. And this continuous cry for magsorcs is also getting out of hand. I used to have an agenda towards magsorcs until I started playing one. Reason I felt it was "OP/ez-mode" was because of the change to Rune-cage. I´m by no means an experienced magsorcs, but I´ve played the game long enough to know if something is balanced or not. Magsorc is by no means the god-mode people want to believe it is.

    Sload on the other hand is by no means balanced. And justify Sload as balanced just because there´re other "broken mechanics" is not a good way to balance a game. Having to completely gimp myself just to counter one set is not a definition of a balanced set.

    ZOS has even said themselves that Sload was supposed to counter tanky heavy armor targets. The ironic thing is that Sload counters literally everything else but tanky heavy armor targets.

    Sload´s need a complete rework (preferably deleted). Making it a dodge-able projectile won´t solve anything. Sload will still be terribly broken next patch. Only difference will be that ranged builds will stop using it.
  • MajBludd
    There are skills you can use to heal through it and you can even slot purge. Sure it's expensive for stam, it's expensive for mag, but it is a counter to being dead.

    Seems a lot of people get killed and cry for a nerf. How many years and threads has this been happening. It's another, "I got killed by a set, class, or skill now I want it nerfed" thread. It is, move on.
    Edited by MajBludd on August 8, 2018 9:05AM
  • Chrysa1is
    It will be a dodgeable projectile when Wolf Hunter launches. Thats fine.
  • Qbiken
    MajBludd wrote: »
    There are skills you can use to heal through it and you can even slot purge. Sure it's expensive for stam, it's expensive for mag, but it is a counter to being dead.

    Seems a lot of people get killed and cry for a nerf. How many years and threads has this been happening. It's another, "I got killed by a set, class, or skill now I want it nerfed" thread. It is, move on.

    Because purge isn´t even a viable counter since you´re not guaranteed that Sload will be removed (depending on how many debuffs you've on you). If it always guaranteed Sload being removed then it might be a viable argument. Sure I can go full healbot and counter almost everything in this game but I´ll "sacrifice" a lot of other things by doing so. A Sload user on the other hand doesn´t have to "sacrifice" anything in their build. The stat-bonuses on Sload isn´t exactly bad for any build.
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    It will be a dodgeable projectile when Wolf Hunter launches. Thats fine.
    You mean the same way Caluurion is dodge-able from melee? I´ll give you a hint = It´s not dodge-able from melee. In theory yes, but in practice it´s more RNG if I decided to dodge-roll when Caluurion went off in melee range.
    Edited by Qbiken on August 8, 2018 9:45AM
  • Nyladreas
    MickeyBN wrote: »
    I’m sorry but can I just say something to all the people complaining about Sloads stacking...

    If I’m getting attacked by 4+ players all at once, Sloads or not I’m going to die.

    If your argument is going to be that Sloads stacking 4 times is the problem you need to rethink your argument.

    You have no idea how horribly wrong you are. Yes, YOU are going to die. Not me, not Aliyavana not other good players. Before sload was introduced I was easily able to kill up to 4 bad players by myself and I still can. It's just extremely complicated and much harder.

    It's hilarious and sad at the same time to watch these horrible players get lost in the middle of the fight and hit like a wet noodle until I get slammed with 2-3 or even 4 stacks of sload on top of their other dots, effectively making my stamina self heals nearly non-existent.

    I also love the endless arguments about how such a set was designed to help with sorcs, tanks and shields in general. While the GM post indeed says so, how is it that EVERYONE ELSE suffers from it a whole lot more than the targeted "specs", how is it that even tanks and sorcs themselves are abusing the crap out of this set. Or even healers lmfao. What is your argument there? If this were even remotely true, then a direct nerf to targeted classes would've been introduced. Not a set. Unless the designer was really drunk or high at the time of developing such a set.

    Honestly if there's any one thing at the moment that makes me pull my hair out and slam a hole through my desk with my forehead it's the current state of sorcs, rune cage and their controlled burst despite their defenses, which alone by themselves are ok btw. With sload alone I'm still okay-ish on my builds.

    9/10 sorcs if assaulted by you with immovable potion active have absolutely no idea what the F to do and get sent into a deep state of panic before dying in the most shameful hilarious ways possible. And that's what bothers me. A sorc running 25:2 K:D in a BG not even knowing how to actually play besides their 1 2 3 + R burst combo, often utilising SLOAD as well.

    Anyways, back on topic... SLOAD is NOT a HEALTHY set for the game. It does not promote skill and interesting design, quite the contrary in fact. It's not the set on its own either, but rather how it compliments class abilities AND ITSELF.

    NO SET EVER should bend your entire playstyles and build, forcing you to completely abandon everything you've known and worked for. Yes, it's completely fine if you need to adjust your current setup, but ADJUST =/= CHANGE. NO SET EVER should take skill and completely throw it out the window just because you happen to not be able to use purge every 3 seconds, cause you aren't a mag build.

    NOT SET EVER should be so good 90% of all PVP players can run it and can wreak havoc with it with virtually 0 effort other than spamming left click.

    STOP defending a broken set that holds your hands for you. STOP defending a broken set that makes PVP a brainless effort and eliminates learning curve.
    Edited by Nyladreas on August 8, 2018 11:52AM
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