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The Sloads Nerf Isn't Enough

Sload’s Semblance:
Removed the first damage over time tick.
The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.
Sloads main issue was that it could stack effortless unmitigatable damage from multiple players thus making it a death sentence to players.

Make it so it can't stack but another sloads procing on you will refresh the duration of sloads.

Also, make sloads only proc on direct damage as the set is way too rewarding for how much little effort is needed for a big payout.
Edited by Aliyavana on July 12, 2018 9:08AM
  • Tonturri
    The first three notes are pretty much the same exact thing - and it can still stack from multiple players.

    Not much is gonna change. I bet the NBs are happy though
  • Durham
    Tonturri wrote: »
    The first three notes are pretty much the same exact thing - and it can still stack from multiple players.

    Not much is gonna change. I bet the NBs are happy though

    If they removed damage while in stealth that's just wrong this class iscurrently over performing in PVP... I play one and its by far easier then any of my other classes to play... Currently NB's and Sorcs are at the top of the food chain... But NB's are crazy good ...
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    Durham wrote: »
    Tonturri wrote: »
    The first three notes are pretty much the same exact thing - and it can still stack from multiple players.

    Not much is gonna change. I bet the NBs are happy though

    If they removed damage while in stealth that's just wrong this class iscurrently over performing in PVP... I play one and its by far easier then any of my other classes to play... Currently NB's and Sorcs are at the top of the food chain... But NB's are crazy good ...

    Can anyone confirm if cloak surpresses unmitigable oblivion dots?
  • josiahva
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities. The set was nerfed significantly...but all the same whiners continue to call for more nerfs. I didn't like nor did I ever use Sload's, but I think there is nothing that is unhealthier for the game than constant nerfs, no matter the reason. Its rare indeed something is actually overpowered and needs a nerf...and 6k damage over 5 seconds wasn't overpowered. I agree that it pulling nightblades out of stealth needed to be fixed, that wasn't intended in the original design...but just because everyone runs Sload's and it stacks(just as if everyone ran Viper, or any other set) is neither here nor there.
    Edited by josiahva on July 9, 2018 8:30PM
  • Aliyavana
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities.

    Sloads semblance is UNMITAGATABLE free damage and should be the exception.
    Edited by Aliyavana on July 12, 2018 10:07AM
  • Tonturri
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities.

    You're proving a point here - but not the one you might think. You're comparing an armor set to a skill.

    It's almost like they have fundamental differences or something and applying the exact same way of thinking to two very different things is somehow fallacious.

    Does burning embers ignore ALL methods of reducing incoming damage? No.
    Edited by Tonturri on July 9, 2018 8:33PM
  • josiahva
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities.

    Sloads semblance is UNIMITAGATABLE free damage and is a death sentence

    What about implosion? thats 5k FREE burst damage....kills me far more often than sloads...isnt that a death sentence? I have no problem outhealing Sloads...I cast rapid regen...or on a stam build, rally, and voila! mitigated.
  • starkerealm
    Aliyavana wrote: »

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people. unmitigatable damage is a pain to deal with

    Need is a bit strong, but, yeah, making the DoT refresh instead of stacking when multiple players pound on one target would be one way do deal with focus fire sload groups without invalidating the set.
  • Kel
    Durham wrote: »
    Tonturri wrote: »
    The first three notes are pretty much the same exact thing - and it can still stack from multiple players.

    Not much is gonna change. I bet the NBs are happy though

    If they removed damage while in stealth that's just wrong this class iscurrently over performing in PVP... I play one and its by far easier then any of my other classes to play... Currently NB's and Sorcs are at the top of the food chain... But NB's are crazy good ...

    Nightblades are crazy good, but incap took a hit right along with Sloads.
    Incap will no longer stun unless the nightblade using it has lower health than the target. No more stun from cloak...
  • Edaphon
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.

    That was the only useful thing about it.

    I, for one, welcome our new (and old) NB overlords.
  • Vahrokh
    Edaphon wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.

    That was the only useful thing about it.

    I, for one, welcome our new (and old) NB overlords.

    Yeah, and when some other class manages to rise from the mud, they mass team up to create nerf threads until such competing class is returned to the mud again. Worst of all, ZOS quickly obeys them and they know it.
  • Heka Cain
    Heka Cain
    Oh do pipe down!
  • brandonv516
    jabrone77 wrote: »
    Durham wrote: »
    Tonturri wrote: »
    The first three notes are pretty much the same exact thing - and it can still stack from multiple players.

    Not much is gonna change. I bet the NBs are happy though

    If they removed damage while in stealth that's just wrong this class iscurrently over performing in PVP... I play one and its by far easier then any of my other classes to play... Currently NB's and Sorcs are at the top of the food chain... But NB's are crazy good ...

    Nightblades are crazy good, but incap took a hit right along with Sloads.
    Incap will no longer stun unless the nightblade using it has lower health than the target. No more stun from cloak...

    Not completely true. If I am being pressured on my magblade, I can still cloak out and evade but come right back and Incap.

    It hurts Stamblades much more than Magblades for sure.
  • Cage_Lizardman
    Well then I'd probably scrap my set, I mostly liked it as a counter to cloak.

    Also we need better cloak counters.
  • Potenza
    Then make sure all other dot's in the game also do not stack.
  • WreckfulAbandon
    The invisibility breaking part was why I used it on my magic templar. While the 15% nerf feels like baby steps the cloak breaking part was def contributing to its OPness. Hopefully this will bring it down to a reasonable level.

    To put things into perspective, it's worth noting Durok's Bane got a 60% nerf to duration LOL. Loads of people who use Duroks cry about Sloads... Take that. Your cheese is just as cheesy as my cheese.
    PC NA

    All my comments are regarding PvP
  • Anne13
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities.

    Sloads semblance is UNIMITAGATABLE free damage and is a death sentence

    What about implosion? thats 5k FREE burst damage....kills me far more often than sloads...isnt that a death sentence? I have no problem outhealing Sloads...I cast rapid regen...or on a stam build, rally, and voila! mitigated.

    I agree with implosion. Its bs. It’s the same as having viscous deaths 5th bonus
  • Xsorus
    Dots stack, welcome to this game.

  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn
    Anne13 wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities.

    Sloads semblance is UNIMITAGATABLE free damage and is a death sentence

    What about implosion? thats 5k FREE burst damage....kills me far more often than sloads...isnt that a death sentence? I have no problem outhealing Sloads...I cast rapid regen...or on a stam build, rally, and voila! mitigated.

    I agree with implosion. Its bs. It’s the same as having viscous deaths 5th bonus

    That doesn't even make sense. Vicious death procs after your target's death, isn't cut by battle spirit, and isn't an execute.

    Implosion is single target, needs your target to be 15% health or lower, is halved by battle spirit, and is an RNG proc.

    They're nothing alike.
  • Girl_Number8
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    josiahva wrote: »
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Sload’s Semblance:
    Removed the first damage over time tick.
    The damage over time effect now begins dealing damage 1 second after it has been applied.
    Decreased the total damage by approximately 15% due to the removed tick.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time from this item set was removing invisibility.
    Fixed an issue where the damage over time could proc itself.

    They need to make it so that it cannot stack from multiple people

    So lets apply that same logic so that multiple people cant all apply other DOT abilities shall we? Lets say only ONE instance of poison injection allowed? ONE instance of Viper? ONE instance of burning Embers? Ridiculous, of COURSE everyone should be able to apply ALL their damage and not be limited because someone else happens to be running the same gear/abilities.

    Sloads semblance is UNIMITAGATABLE free damage and is a death sentence

    You are adding a little too much drama there tbh~
  • Zeytio
    Just make it anything other than oblivion damage. I say make it frost to tribute all of the magden builds that utilized it.
    [PC/NA] - Zeytio

    just some magicka nightblade on pc/na

    Twitch -
    Youtube -
  • Judas Helviaryn
    Judas Helviaryn
    Congratulations people, you got your nerf. I hope it was worth it. :D:D:D
    Edited by Judas Helviaryn on July 10, 2018 1:57AM
  • Thogard
    Congratulations people, you got your nerf. I hope it was worth it. :D:D:D

    All I see is a buff to nightblades.

    I give up. I’m leveling my stamblade. I said before that If the only change to sloads is that it doesn’t pull NBs out of cloak then I’d make one. All this is is bug fixes and a NB buff.

    And please. NBs can still stun from stealth.
    PC NA - @dazkt - Dazk Ardoonkt / Sir Thogalot / Dask Dragoh’t / Dazk Dragoh’t / El Thogardo


  • mr_wazzabi
    The nerf is not that bad. Looks like I'll craft a sloads set after all >:)
    Bosmer Stamina NB
    Altmer Magicka TEMP
    Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
    Altmer Magicka NB
    Breton Magicka Sorc
    Redguard Stam Sorc
    Max CP
  • Heimpai
    Tonturri wrote: »
    The first three notes are pretty much the same exact thing - and it can still stack from multiple players.

    Not much is gonna change. I bet the NBs are happy though

    I’ve seen NB‘s running it too
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    The invisibility breaking part was why I used it on my magic templar. While the 15% nerf feels like baby steps the cloak breaking part was def contributing to its OPness. Hopefully this will bring it down to a reasonable level.

    To put things into perspective, it's worth noting Durok's Bane got a 60% nerf to duration LOL. Loads of people who use Duroks cry about Sloads... Take that. Your cheese is just as cheesy as my cheese.

    You do realize that the double whopper extra cheese was/is wearing durok's AND sloads? And what does the reduction on durok really accomplish when it still has cooldown that is so much lower than the dished out debuff?
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
  • EPelite
    i´ll just stand over here screaming in to a wall.... why... oblivion damage on dots...why does it stack....

    make it fire, ice, lightning, magic damage i dont care, you can even buff it x3-4 but by the love of god why oblivion damage.

    (awaits the sloads users defence rage.)

    EPelite wrote: »
    i´ll just stand over here screaming in to a wall.... why... oblivion damage on dots...why does it stack....

    make it fire, ice, lightning, magic damage i dont care, you can even buff it x3-4 but by the love of god why oblivion damage.

    (awaits the sloads users defence rage.)

    Magsorc detected :)
    “Good judgement is the result of experience and experience the result of bad judgement.” ― Mark Twain
  • OneKhajiitCrimeWave
    Ok, the reason it's oblivion damage my spellslinging friend is because 95% of the games abilities and damage type do not go through the 3 shield stacking sorcs.
    There's a reason around 90-95% of mag sorcs in PvP run a resto back bar. Yet so far, not one of them has thought to replace Healing Ward with mutagen, especially in BG's.

    Look, the game has had enough of 3 shield sorcs basically not being touched unless you're on a crazy dot/bleed build.

    Your class has for a long time had:

    The best defensive capabilities while maintaining high burst damage and both an active and passive execute. Then you got added an unblockable, undodgeable stun.

    What did you think was going to happen? That ZOS were going to continue to leave it as Elder Sorcs Online forever? Just be thankful you haven't been given the stam DK treatment for being on top for so long.

    Instead, ZOS are basically giving you a chance to either slot a heal or to keep dying because Healing Ward will NOT save you.

    Again, mag sorcs want things not to stack? Ok. So we'll make it so you can have 1 shield only (no stacking remember) and your endless fury cannot proc implosion. I mean that is 5k free unmitigated damage after all, which is pretty much the same as Sload's full damage but you get to give it out instantly. You also spam endless until it does proc so i find that worse than Sload's.

    Then we can stop the stacking of sets and maybe Cyrodiil then can stop being mindless zergs and Elder Sorcs Online.

    Sound good? I mean i love that plan.
    Dark Flare is the Beginning, Radiant is the End. Hail the Light Bringers!
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