HELP!!! The Slug keeps killing me!

I am Facing K'tora... I died TOO many times no matter what I do I can not beat the stupid slug! UGHHH! HELP!
My character is a Champion leveled vampire tank/Healer Imperial. I ran out of potions... I also ran out of hope... :'(
I tried looking up ways to do it but there isn't much about it! PLEASE EXPLAIN THE MECHANICS!
This boss is way too difficult... ZOS needs to adjust its difficulty... Or I am going to toss my computer out the window in my rage...
Sorry... I am just frustrated.
@Tucker311- PC
Nord Beth Rose (EP)
Imperial Freya Var (DC)
High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
Hotstuff Queen
  • Stygies_VIII
    Do you actually kill the pearls? Or maybe...

    ...quoting Met A Demon Once from a steam discussion on this boss:

    I beat him tonight and it was a hard fight. I play Dragonknight and basically I am a magical tank in heavy armor.

    Basically I would I battled him and ignore the others until they forced me away and then is when I would deal with them. Then I would go back to him until forced away. Did this over and over again until he weakened and died.

    It took 2 Crown refreshers for the lack of a better word to keep me in the fight. I normally replace health by attacking so I have to get in close and personal (reason for being heavily armored tank). When pushed away I can suffer heavy damage because I cannot replace health so I try my best to stay close to my opponents. In essence for each 1 damage point I cause I get about .7 in health back.

    Also, try hitting your A or D key twice to dodge. I do this a lot and basically try to dance around my opponent causing him damage, gaining health, and not taking hits at the same time. PS. Do not forget to block when your opponents give the cue they are going to launch a heavy attack.
    The Imperial Library - Assistant Librarian
    Polish The Elder Scrolls Wiki - Bureaucrat
  • SydneyGrey
    I think they made all the bosses in Summerset more difficult on purpose because of people wanting harder content. It sounds like you were trying to solo him. If so, good luck.
  • Stygies_VIII
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I think they made all the bosses in Summerset more difficult on purpose because of people wanting harder content. It sounds like you were trying to solo him. If so, good luck.

    I think this is - unfortunately - a solo boss
    The Imperial Library - Assistant Librarian
    Polish The Elder Scrolls Wiki - Bureaucrat
  • Slick_007
    is this the one in artaeum with the staff? i dont think i went below 90% hp on that
  • Yakidafi
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    is this the one in artaeum with the staff? i dont think i went below 90% hp on that

    It is the sload, solo main quest boss, you go with lachesis to investigate Northwest shore that is under attack and ends up having to save him

    And I am not entirely sure how to help give advice for it, especially with the info given.
    Edited by Yakidafi on May 28, 2018 3:21AM
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Eeri_Ravencaw
    Wait for other players and kill him together.
  • SwampRaider
    . This guy is supposed to be hard?

    I'm a magicka templar with champion points designed for healing. I'm wearing grothdarr/julianos/rattlecage. I killed him very quickly.

    Is this a non cp issue? Or gear issue?
    Character: Eros, Eros I I, The Paw of Woe
    Class: Templar Healer/MagWarden/ Stam Sorc
    Alliance: DC
    Campaign: Vivec (pc/na)
    Guardians of Daggerfall
  • Zaella
    Soul Shriven
    I'm a 11th level warden, I just have questing gear (no special sets). I've tried with the bow but still die quickly, I've seen others post they kill him quickly. I'm unable to do that..the most I've got him down to is 60%. Any specific Warden strategy? Other than him him with the bow and stay out of the red circles? Do you get the orbs? Do you go straight for K'tora? Better gear? Do you have to have good twitch reflexes for this fight? Any tips would help.
  • Yakidafi

    Go for ktora, kill adds when they come, don't go for balls. Try to line up your Scorch to hit adds aswell as ktora. Do heavy attack before you get too low on sustain so you can use the heal if in trouble and not be out of resources. Block hard hitting attacks.
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • Tucker3711
    I just did it... It was hard for me, but I got better gear, food, and potions... It helped a lot!
    @Tucker311- PC
    Nord Beth Rose (EP)
    Imperial Freya Var (DC)
    High Elf Hestia du foyer (AD)
    Wood Elf Epona Caoin (AD)
    Hotstuff Queen
  • Partomax
    Git Gud
    PC/EU - This is a signature
  • VaranisArano
    I did this fight on a leveling magblade with no CP and my strategy was to lay down an AOE (wall of elements) on the boss and adds, then light attack the heck out of K'torra to save my resources for self-healing and my AOE, heavy attacking if I was running low.

    On a stam build, I'd use Volley for my AOE, self-healing might be hard depending on class.
  • PlagueSD
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I think they made all the bosses in Summerset more difficult on purpose because of people wanting harder content. It sounds like you were trying to solo him. If so, good luck.

    I think this is - unfortunately - a solo boss

    No it's not. Friend and I duo-ed it.
  • UnseenCat
    Try to keep the boss off balance. That keeps the adds from spawning much, if at all, depending on how hard you can keep hammering K'tora.

    Spam ranged attacks from the center, keep moving and close in, then hit wit heavy attacks, danage-over-time skills and/or ultimate. K'tora will dive underground and come back on the other side. Run to the middle and keep repeating. If you can keep this up, it delays letting the adds spawn and swarm. If they mob you, you'll die.

    Other players find spamming AOEs works well.

    K'tora has tons of hit points, but relatively weak attacks. The adds are the danger, and will spawn too fast to make soloing fun. This could be a really fun, long brawl alternating between killing waves of adds and hammering the boss. Unfortunately, the adds tend to turn into a zerg, so to me, mechanics wind up secondary to spamming any means to keep the boss off balance, which pre-empts the zerg of adds.
  • Apherius
    Tucker3711 wrote: »
    I am Facing K'tora... I died TOO many times no matter what I do I can not beat the stupid slug! UGHHH! HELP!
    My character is a Champion leveled vampire tank/Healer Imperial. I ran out of potions... I also ran out of hope... :'(
    I tried looking up ways to do it but there isn't much about it! PLEASE EXPLAIN THE MECHANICS!
    This boss is way too difficult... ZOS needs to adjust its difficulty... Or I am going to toss my computer out the window in my rage...
    Sorry... I am just frustrated.

    come on, it's a World boss .. not one of these faceroll easy quest boss, if you can't solo him you should ask in chat for help .. Isn't that an MMo ?
    Edited by Apherius on July 10, 2018 1:16PM
  • VaranisArano
    Apherius wrote: »
    Tucker3711 wrote: »
    I am Facing K'tora... I died TOO many times no matter what I do I can not beat the stupid slug! UGHHH! HELP!
    My character is a Champion leveled vampire tank/Healer Imperial. I ran out of potions... I also ran out of hope... :'(
    I tried looking up ways to do it but there isn't much about it! PLEASE EXPLAIN THE MECHANICS!
    This boss is way too difficult... ZOS needs to adjust its difficulty... Or I am going to toss my computer out the window in my rage...
    Sorry... I am just frustrated.

    come on, it's a World boss .. not one of these faceroll easy quest boss, if you can't solo him you should ask in chat for help .. Isn't that an MMo ?

    You are thinking of B'Korgen the world boss. K'Torra is in fact a quest boss faced in the main Summerset quest line.

    He's basically the Doshia of Summerset for new players. A boss that requires AOE, DOTs, interrupts and good resource management.
  • SantieClaws
    You have tried good quality table salt yes?

    Yours with paws
    Santie Claws
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    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • UnseenCat
    Actually, Doshia wasn't hard, but the mechanics weren't readily apparent - especially for an early-game boss.

    K'tora is more like the Grand Sermonizer in the Dark Brotherhood quest. Depending on your build, it can be easy or stupid-hard. Even though your build plays fine everywhere else, including against difficult bosses. The Grand Sermonizer spams unlockable, unavoidable AOEs, even if you kite and take out her adds. K'tora spams a zerg of adds who can be more powerful than the actual boss. These kinds of attacks will corner you and cheap-shot you because you'll run out of split-second time to manage resources.

    There aren't many bosses like these, but they tend to stand out because they'll go seemingly OP beyond their own mechanics unless your build matches what the devs tested against - which is usually popular builds at the time the boss was designed, but not necessarily YOUR build. Nerfing the boss (like Doshia) isn't necessary. But fine-tuning so the mechanics work correctly across more builds would help make them more fun and still challenging.
  • k_8
    I kept getting killed over and over again. Then, on a tip from another discussion about just this very boss, I added wall of elements to my skill bar—I’m a destruction staff-wielding Breton sorcerer. Wall of elements made a HUGE difference. K’Tora was never able to spam adds. He just sat there, miserable lump, and died. In seconds. It was amazing.
  • El_Borracho
    Use a bow. Fighting with a staff at a low level is very difficult
  • Minyassa
    I've been able to solo him with some toons, and had a lot of trouble with others and needed a friend to join me. I think my tanks were the ones that had the most trouble because they weren't burning him down quick enough. If your gear isn't all up to level, it's far more difficult. If you are on NA I can help you with gear, or if your gear is already where you want it, I could maybe come help you fight. If you want send me an in-game mail, my forum name matches my @name and if our schedules coincide I'll be happy to come help you kick his sluggy butt.

    Edited by Minyassa on March 20, 2019 12:08AM
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