Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

Server maintenance times

  • LoLEProps
    Yea! Back up finally!
  • luckyjoemcb14_ESO
    ZOS is just as upset about the server outage as we are. Here's their CEO:


    Hey now that is not fair....He doesn't wipe his own tears
  • SuperJChat
    Teroh wrote: »
    SuperJChat wrote: »
    I just hope that my two-day bow research is still progressing during the outage...

    Devs confirmed research is still working, so downtime isn't negatively effecting research!

    What if your research was scheduled to be done hours ago and now i cant research anything new?!?! thats pretty negative to research to me!

    I understand where you are coming from, and yeah it sucks not being able to play when we got early access, but instead of complaining on the forums why don't you find other things to do while you wait? I was playing some Goat Simulator and FFX HD, but suddenly DD happened and I've become a little more preoccupied =P

    All i'm saying is ESO will be back up eventually and nobody is holding a gun to your head saying you have to play, so just relax, enjoy something else, and wait for it to come back up =)
  • typeopymp
    I believe when the server comes up, I will have this page on my other screen (dual moniter) I just HOPE playing the game again is as fun as this forum thread.
    NA server: Ariseth Nightvale Level XX Bosmer Nightblade. Daggerfall.
  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    ZOS is just as upset about the server outage as we are. Here's their CEO:


  • Artmonger78
    MaxBat wrote: »
    phogan110 wrote: »
    Good morning ESO peoples... I decided to go to bed when the servers went down... still down.... *Le sigh*

    On the upside, reading this forum is more entertaining than reading any novel by Stephenie Meyer.

    Reading the ingredients on a jar of veggie-mite is more entertaining than reading anything by Stephanie Meyer
  • Shiva
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    Am I annoyed? Yes. Am I angry? No. After all I wanted 5 days early access but was still on the fence due to the subscription. Once my friends pounded me down I went for the pre-purchase so I could catch up AND get my Elder Scrolls fix in an MMO. I never pre-order for the bonuses - I always pre-order for:
    1. Early Access
    2. My Best Buy Gamer's Club and Elite discounts
    3. To be on the servers and out of the starter areas before the mass onslaught

    So I am just trying to hang out, avoid doing work or school work since I am supposed to be off (I will probably take tomorrow off too to make up for today) but I will most likely try to get jump on studying since if I do that I will have more time to play when the servers are online.

    And 12 to 14 hours down is not a big deal or out of the realm of anticipated problems. When WoW Vanilla went down for 2 days (effectively) they did give folks extra time added to their subs, but honestly its not needed or expected since the 30 days has not started.

    For me at least, its no big deal as I know what is happening with me and this game. Something I did NOT anticipate. I am hooked. As hooked as I was with Everquest, DAOC, Vanilla WOW through to WOLK - this is a game that gets measured in YEARS of play for me. Not minutes, hours or weeks. The last game that sucked me in this hard was The Secret World - and I burned over 300 hours in it and have a life-time sub (just means I get free content not that its B2P). I am a Skyrim junkie with over 300 hours EACH in PC and Xbox 360 versions. (I'm an RPG/Shooter/Adventure game junky anyway). For me the journey of leveling IS the game. End game is a place holder for me waiting for more content to become available. I will at least 3 characters - one for each alliance - within a month and all of them will be midland at best in terms of levels. A couple of years from now and I will have 8 characters, 1/2 will be max level.

    I savor games and enjoy them to their fullest. I READ all the books and lore. I try everything there is and in that way I ensure I get my money's worth. So 14 hours of downtime is NOTHING when you look at the long view.

    Just wish I hadn't taken the day off... sorry folks I tainted the NA servers with my early access curse...
  • Zaeros
    MaxBat wrote: »
    phogan110 wrote: »
    Good morning ESO peoples... I decided to go to bed when the servers went down... still down.... *Le sigh*

    On the upside, reading this forum is more entertaining than reading any novel by Stephenie Meyer.

    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • elfindreams
    Herbatio wrote: »
    weell it's 3 minutes to 1:00 pm...let's hope its a 1 hour left as opposed to the 2 hours left...CAUSE I GOTTA GO TO WORK SOON!! LOL

    *cough* *cough* I feel a sickness coming on... LOL
  • Rukur
    ZOS is just as upset about the server outage as we are. Here's their CEO:


    Im pretty sure there will be bad press and a lot of jokes at ZOS's expense over a 12 hour+ downtime.

    It is terrible. This thread is enjoyable but.
  • juic3
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    Yea! Back up finally!

    this guy is trying to get murdered. should probably leave the country man,
  • illogicbh
    86 pages!?!?! Wow!

  • Wylerayb14_ESO
    ZOS is just as upset about the server outage as we are. Here's their CEO:


    Hey now that is not fair....He doesn't wipe his own tears
    I literally laugh every time I see this post or its comments
  • Teroh
    ZOS is just as upset about the server outage as we are. Here's their CEO:


    Im pretty sure there will be bad press and a lot of jokes at ZOS's expense over a 12 hour+ downtime.

    It is terrible. This thread is enjoyable but.

    They should get bad press for 15+ hour downtime.
    The Fallen Legion is Recruiting, Help us Retake Cryodiil! Message me for more information.
  • T3CHN01221
    12h sitting in this forum... I'd say thats 12h well spent haha. Keep this going!
  • Sheonuff
    only 14 more pages til 100
  • Thundergod
    So I'm not even going to get a full day of early acess yet?
  • LoLEProps
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    Yea! Back up finally!
    Made ya look! Psych!

  • Zaggolf
    Here is a thought..If this was the xbox1 version it would be down for days.Microsoft has to approve it and we all know how that goes lol
    Fanboy's don't keep a game running! GAMER'S DO!!!
  • Zaeros
    "Yes, one step after the next. Come what may, that is what it means to live" - The Seneschal.

    This is why we keep going. What else are you going to do with your life?
  • will.kowachb14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    I give up.

    As soon as I attempt to type in a response, i'm already behind 5 pages worth of posts.
  • Myrdreth
    MaxBat wrote: »
    phogan110 wrote: »
    Good morning ESO peoples... I decided to go to bed when the servers went down... still down.... *Le sigh*

    On the upside, reading this forum is more entertaining than reading any novel by Stephenie Meyer.

    As if that's so difficult to achieve. Even reading the assembly instructions from ikea is more entertaining than any novel written by Stephenie Meyer. :|
    ~ ♥ ~
  • MaxBat
    Zaeros wrote: »
    MaxBat wrote: »
    phogan110 wrote: »
    Good morning ESO peoples... I decided to go to bed when the servers went down... still down.... *Le sigh*

    On the upside, reading this forum is more entertaining than reading any novel by Stephenie Meyer.


    My god, I'd pay to see that movie ... and I'd pay a lot.
    Edited by MaxBat on April 2, 2014 5:02PM
    "Funny that magic doesn't work when a mace caves in your skull."

    Playing on a PC, NA Server, since that very first day ...
  • dfwmikey74
    My posted screenshots in one post.

    I didn't think THAT was supposed to be in there.
    I'm not moving until you do.
    Who's next?
    Sunrise in Daggerfall.
    Misty Mountains?
    Just a poor serving girl.
    A good day for a swim.
    Come and get me!

  • L3p
    MaxBat wrote: »
    phogan110 wrote: »
    Good morning ESO peoples... I decided to go to bed when the servers went down... still down.... *Le sigh*

    On the upside, reading this forum is more entertaining than reading any novel by Stephenie Meyer.

    This is true... I just wish I had left out tending to my snakes and building a cat tree yesterday when the game was still up.. Now I have nothing to do but chat on the forums
  • anthemik
    HarryWolfe wrote: »
    i'm not usually a trollish type of person or the type of person to enjoy schadenfreude, but the intensity of sincere butthurt some of you guys are experiencing dude to giving a *** about other people in this thread giving you sarcastic or know-it-all or otherwise assholish replies to your comments is just breath-taking. just ignore them, why even dignify it with a pissed off response? unless you are just feeding into it so we can reach 100 pages before we're back up. in that case, carry on, i guess.
    i disagree wholeheartedly, you sir are a fop :expressionless: i find your face as offensive to my vision as your rear is to my nose.

    a Fop and a Gad I call thee :expressionless:

    Harry, UMG... (thats both omg as in oh my god and um... as in um... like when you say something and im just like um.... cuz it's so awkward) how dare u
  • gdawg311b14_ESO
    actually @Zos_jessicaFolsom another one for you to chase up ;) has the Elemental Guardians actually ahh... been put back to their ENGLISH voice recordings on the English Localization.. I mean don't get me wrong german is a great language but I'm playing in english and they spoke english durring beta :)

    We have enlisted the Mages Guild to help teach the Elemental Guardians English. These things take time, but they're fast learners.

    (This will be fixed in the next content patch.)

    you say NEXT content patch, curious when was the last one? how often are they? just wondering if we wont see english dialogue for a week or 3 months?
  • ScarlettRein
    Shiva wrote: »
    As a LONG time gamer and vet of MANY MMO's I must say this is all MY fault...

    Every time I take a day off of work to be able to maximize my early access the damn servers go down... Seriously.

    As for NOT buying for Early Access - hogwash. Seriously. But for not expecting there to be down time... I must say that those who are surprised by it are really, really short sighted and completely inexperienced in gaming and software development in general.

    Am I annoyed? Yes. Am I angry? No. After all I wanted 5 days early access but was still on the fence due to the subscription. Once my friends pounded me down I went for the pre-purchase so I could catch up AND get my Elder Scrolls fix in an MMO. I never pre-order for the bonuses - I always pre-order for:
    1. Early Access
    2. My Best Buy Gamer's Club and Elite discounts
    3. To be on the servers and out of the starter areas before the mass onslaught

    So I am just trying to hang out, avoid doing work or school work since I am supposed to be off (I will probably take tomorrow off too to make up for today) but I will most likely try to get jump on studying since if I do that I will have more time to play when the servers are online.

    And 12 to 14 hours down is not a big deal or out of the realm of anticipated problems. When WoW Vanilla went down for 2 days (effectively) they did give folks extra time added to their subs, but honestly its not needed or expected since the 30 days has not started.

    For me at least, its no big deal as I know what is happening with me and this game. Something I did NOT anticipate. I am hooked. As hooked as I was with Everquest, DAOC, Vanilla WOW through to WOLK - this is a game that gets measured in YEARS of play for me. Not minutes, hours or weeks. The last game that sucked me in this hard was The Secret World - and I burned over 300 hours in it and have a life-time sub (just means I get free content not that its B2P). I am a Skyrim junkie with over 300 hours EACH in PC and Xbox 360 versions. (I'm an RPG/Shooter/Adventure game junky anyway). For me the journey of leveling IS the game. End game is a place holder for me waiting for more content to become available. I will at least 3 characters - one for each alliance - within a month and all of them will be midland at best in terms of levels. A couple of years from now and I will have 8 characters, 1/2 will be max level.

    I savor games and enjoy them to their fullest. I READ all the books and lore. I try everything there is and in that way I ensure I get my money's worth. So 14 hours of downtime is NOTHING when you look at the long view.

    Just wish I hadn't taken the day off... sorry folks I tainted the NA servers with my early access curse...

    So what your saying is. We should be friends because we will most likely pour most of our time and energy into this awesome game? ^_^(When were not working of course lol!)
    +So the night will fall and morning will rise once again.+
  • typeopymp
    This is ZOS's April Fools joke. Well played.
    NA server: Ariseth Nightvale Level XX Bosmer Nightblade. Daggerfall.
  • Z0MBiEjaw
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    LoLEProps wrote: »
    Yea! Back up finally!
    Made ya look! Psych!

    It's not sike? I've been spelling it wrong for yeeeears
    Luminous beings, are we; not this crude matter.
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