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Dragon Tears - RP Guild - US Server

ESO Dragon Tears

Reasoning behind the Guild [IC]
The guild is a loose group of people who come together as scholars and explorers seeking out lost ruins and lore all over society. It is their hope to learn from the past and use its lost tools to light the best path into the future.

[OOC Guild Reasons]
Play the game at a mutually acceptable pace with groups of friends.
The most fun I have had in a game is growing my character and building a story with other characters as we adventure. Then a few nights or a year later we might look back during a conversation and say “Hey remember when this happened or Ras had that crazy idea to go do this?”

Medium Role Play
Playing the game without Role Play really amounts to 1 of 2 things, playing for the content and learning to “beat it” or playing to learn the story. When you take it one step further and RP, even a little, you become part of the story. You can still do everything else, but RP greatly helps immersion and enjoyment.
We will not insist that you RP in Guild Chat. We will not insist that you have a character sheet. Our primary goal is a relaxed guild where you can have fun with a group of like-minded individuals. However, we would like to foster some amount of role play in our Guild. All “say” & "yell" will be RP (what your character would say, not what you, the player, would say). If you need to speak OOC in these channels, just use brackets or designate this when you do. Guild chat is OOC.

About Your Guild Leader
I have been role-playing for over 30 years. I started out with the D&D Red Box edition and went to AD&D, D&D 2.0, D&D 3.0 and D&D3.5. Through most of my time playing I was the DM. Some of the people in my guild played with me in College! I have known them for 20 years. I have also played AC1, EQ beta, SWG beta & retail, AC2, WoW, LotRO, DDO and SWtor. In AC1 I led a guild that grew to 2,000 members. In DDO, SWG, LotRO and others the guild was around 100-200 members. Back in the day we used to grow guilds from scratch based on the people we met in game that we liked playing with. This is what we will be doing in ESO.

Guild Life, Growth & Application
Your growth in the Guild will be based on entirely what you would like to give back and what you have time to do. There will be no penalties for not being an officer. There will be no booting of members who go on vacation or who take breaks from the game. We are here to have fun, if you are not having fun, take a break and come back when you can. Please let us know if you can that you are taking a break.
There will be no application form to fill out. We will play with you and you with us. If we like each other, we will be guild mates. If there are issues, we will address them in an adult fashion. IC drama is fine, there will be no OOC drama.

PvE & PvP
We will be appointing a Raid Leader. I will personally enjoy taking groups through dungeons and otherwise exploring the world. We will also be appointing a PvP Warleader. I suspect many people would like to wait till they are comfortable with their character to play PvP, or wait till max level. Others will want to dive in. We will especially be encouraging RPvP.

Officer Positions
If you are interested in leading small groups for RP & exploration, please let me know. If you wish to be a Raid Leader or a PvP Leader, let me know. Additionally, I would like a Council of Officers to lead this guild, not just one person. The Council might meet 1x/mo. To RP out Guild Issues and also to deal with OOC issues or issues of running the Guild.

Room for Improvement
We are always open for suggestions or improvement. Talk to me or another officer about your idea or complaint. Come to a Council Meeting (let us know ahead of time if you can!)

Please feel free to post here about the guild, or send me an email or tell in game @Rastafariel!

EDIT (1/1/17) Updated Guild Contacts are: @TheTalkingWolf-Cat, @Haxer, @Redsnow5, @AshureGlory, @Bernacki or @Rastafariel
Edited by Rastafariel on January 2, 2017 11:55PM
A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Braddass
    As an old D&D player (I started in 1979 in college), I would love to get to know your group. I am planning to play a Dual Restoration Staff Nightblade.

    See you in game on Tuesday.
  • kingsandlionhearts
    Soul Shriven
    This sounds like a wonderful guild and I would like to get to know you and the group! And i much prefer the organic way of building a guild, I have to say. Hope to see you in game!

  • Rastafariel
    Thanks for the kind words guys. Just send me a tell/ friend @Rastafariel and I will get you in the guild!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Rastafariel
    We just added 4-5 new Aussie RPers! We are multi continent friendly!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • phermitgb
    I'm always...wary...about joining guilds in any MMO, as I've had sufficiently terrible experiences, but I've also discovered that a good guild can make a game into another life with the right people...

    so, I'm *looking* for a guild to make a part of my Elder Scrolls Online experience, and so far, yours sounds like a reasonable candidate. Don't mean for that to sound harsh, just...not wanting to get too excited just yet...

    I'm comfortable RP'ing and leading group instances after long experience pnp rp'ing and MMO's, my best credit would be long-standing membership in the Lonely Mountain Band of LOTRO, if that means anything, and I'm generally level-headed and pride myself on maintaining a no-drama, calm and casual of the time. Like anyone, there are a few things that get me riled, and I have my silly moments, but all in all, I'm pretty level-headed.

    I'll welcome private tells (assuming these forums support that option), and I'll see about friending you when I get back in game, but I'd like to chat more about the guild itself, what you plan to do in the future and whatnot, before I commit one way or the other, if you don't mind.

    either way, I wish you the best of fortune with your guild, and I look forward to carving out a moment or two to meet you and your guildmates. I'm usually on very late weeknights (11pm and later pst), and more normal hours usually on weekends, although this weekend I'll probably be checking out "Winter Soldier" with some friends.
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • Braddass
    Have you chosen a campaign yet?
  • phermitgb
    Braddass wrote: »
    Have you chosen a campaign yet?

    on the off chance that that was directed at me...campaign?

    if you mean the alliance story lines, my main is a breton running the Daggerfall covenant alliance. If it refers to other things...I'm not sure how to answer. Haven't gotten involved in PVP at all yet, and if it refers to one of the (possibly many) branching storylines, well, I haven't hit any of those either at this point.

    if that wasn't directed at me, you can just...ignore everything I just said, as it will be irrelevant.
    "There is no correct resolution; It's a test of character."
    James T. Kirk
  • Rastafariel
    We are attempting to discover the best PvP or RPvP Campaign to join!

    EDIT (4/2/14 @ 7:17am)
    TESO-RP reports that the Unofficial RP Campaign is Skull Crusher, so we will likely choose that!
    Edited by Rastafariel on April 2, 2014 5:12PM
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • NytLite
    I would be interested in joining the guild as well. It sounds like it will amount to a great experience. With the right players, of course.
    A sharpened tongue cuts deeper than any sword.
  • Rastafariel
    I'll try to get you in today Nytlite. I should be in game off and on today. Whats your @handle - @Nytlite?

    If you don't see me, just ask @Tarie to recruit you, she is our Aussie Officer and might be on more likely today at your times.
    Edited by Rastafariel on April 1, 2014 10:34AM
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Rastafariel
    Added two more today, thank you all for some great late night RP.... hopefully I can get back in and continue...
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • MattoxMaodhun
    Sounds like a good guild. What sort of guild communication system will you be using?
  • matthew.edwardsrwb17_ESO
    Hi mate, you guild sounds great. I myself am an aussie, have rp'ed on and off for a few years but rarely in a game. This would be a great place to start. I first read your post purely just to have a look, but after reading your great intro and discovering you have fellow aussies aboard, i would very much like to be a part of this.

    Im playing a templar redguard, sword and shield and tbc second weapon (thinking 2hand) In an effort to make a 'paladin' like tank. So if you'll give this fledgling a go, Im sure i can make some good contributions.

    Thanks @Eddstar89
  • CASP3R421
    role play where people wont look at me like i'm crazy for role playing, or get mad at me for not following epicly strict rules about how i have to, sounds amazing.

    this nord will gladly give you milkdrinkers a run for your money

    give me a shout in game @CasperEtherial

    My Alt is a Mer

    Due to the excessive amount of bait that we had to remove, this thread will remain closed
  • Rastafariel
    Sounds like a good guild. What sort of guild communication system will you be using?

    I have a few, I think I would prefer Team Speak or Mumble though. We have not decided.

    Typically I only use voice chat when I absolutely have to - say in a raid (large group adventure in this game) or PvP situtation, because I have found over the years that voice chat kills RP. Most RPers are not comfortable with RPing in VC, and prefer text. That is how it all got started, and we are comfortable adding nuances to our text or character RP that way.

    Edited by Rastafariel on April 2, 2014 4:16PM
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Rastafariel
    @CasperEtherial & @Eddstar89

    Glad you found us! Hopefully the servers will get back up in another hour and I can get you in, otherwise it will likely have to wait until 1pm +/- EST today. If I'm not on and you are, look for @Tarie, she is our Aussie Officer and can invite you.

    Also I will post my planned schedule of play (all times EST) for ESO (subject to change due to emergencies or force majeure):

    Weekends: as much as possible, which usually means 7am to 10am, then 1pm until whenever.
    Week Days: 7am til 9am usually, then 4pm to 6pm +/- (If group event I will try to stay longer on week nights)
    Edited by Rastafariel on April 2, 2014 11:44AM
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • MattoxMaodhun
    @Rastafariel‌ Thanks for your clear answer. I really understand what you're saying in terms of RP. Tried it with some friends a couple of times (VC for RP), not the best of ideas.

    But for dungeons and PVP totally necesary. Have you considered Razer Comms? In any case whatever you guys decide is good.

    By the way I would like to join when the servers come up. I'm living in Shanghai, so I guess I'll be contacting Tarie, since aussies are pretty much in my same timezone.
  • WhistlingRose
    Like phermitgb, I am a bit cautious about joining a guild right away. Politics in previous games totally turned me off. However; Rastafariel's intro caught my eye. If you all are interested in having an above 30 chic who is willing to learn, please send me an invite @WhistlingRose. I like a good fight, am loyal, and just want ti have fun! Cheers
  • RaizenTheFallen
    Soul Shriven
    I'll be playing as a Dark Elf Nightblade. I'm looking to join up with a casual guild that won't ride me for not playing 5 hrs a night and I have to say this one is looking pretty darn nice. I'm looking to delve extremely deep into crafting as well so in the future I could help outfit members (provided with some of the proper materials of course) My one question is since we can join up to 5 guilds in this game, am I expected to take part in guild activities every time I'm online or can I go off on my own or with other friends on occasion?
  • Rastafariel
    You sound perfect for our group! As soon as the servers get up I will send you and everyone above an invite.

    Since we seem to have some time on our hands let me also outline an idea of the Council of Dragon Tears:

    The governing body of the Dragon Tears Guild, lead by the High Councilor. Every Officer will have a seat on the Council. [We will RP this meeting and have OOC parts of the meeting to deal with RL Guild problems but also for brainstorming of activities or whatever else comes up]. Each Officer is strongly encouraged to attend. The High Councilor shall set the time of the first meeting (likely about 3 weeks after launch) but at that first meeting the Councilors shall mutually agree to a continuing meeting time and place. [If we decide we don't need to have a meeting, or there is another event going on, we may choose to table the meeting until next month or some other time]. The meeting shall be a place for each officer to bring their concerns, or the concerns of their peers, to the Council.

    Remember: "They say a dragon’s tear has many mystical and otherworldly qualities, and each tear is unique…"
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Rastafariel
    I got a very insightful inquiry from Hitchhiker regarding whether the guild would accept people who wanted to play Vampires or Werewolves. Here is my response for everyone interested:

    We don't want to restrict any form of RP in our guild, whether it be the preference to play a werewolf, or something else. As long as a person's RP isn't hurting anyone else, they should be free to RP as they will. I think general RP conventions should stand, and we would likely frown on say, god-modding, but freedom and freedom of RP is very important to us!

    I will try to couch that answer in the following terms also: We would need a good RP reason to be involved with werewolves or vampires. Perhaps a member was stricken after joining and this could be a great RP story arc. Perhaps a vampire is forward thinking and has been instrumental to the Guild by providing us with locations of ancient relics for study. On the other hand, we have to remember that the vast amount of the populace look down on lycanthropy and vampirism... and are afraid of it! Are we, as a Guild, so different that we would not also be afraid or cautious or wary?

    This could be a topic for our first Council Meeting!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • FocoDeco
    Soul Shriven
    I like what I see here. I'll contact you in-game sometime soon!
    Dar'shim One-Eye
  • Rastafariel
    @RaizenTheFallen had a great question about gameplay and Guild activities:

    When we have a posted Guild RP night we will strongly encourage people to come and play. If you are not there, its not a big deal. We realize that people have RL and RL comes first, always. You do not need to feel you have to make an excuse not to come to an event. If you are online and we ask you to come to an event and you want to do something else, tell us and go do it! Its your time and your character. Not all events are for all guild members. Some like Poetry Night and some like small group adventure....

    Officers will have a higher level of expected participation, and this is necessary for running the Guild and Guild events, but the same principle will still hold true. No one, not even the Guild Leader, can be at every event, nor should they reasonably be expected to be.

    Our goal is to be the most open and best RP guild on the NA Server! We want to foster multiple small group RP sessions and monthly large group events! At the end of the day, however, this is a game and this is something we all do to relax or for fun. At the point where our participation starts to feel like work is when we all should take a deep breath and step back for a bit or take a break or ask for help.

    If you have other questions, fire away.
    Edited by Rastafariel on April 2, 2014 6:48PM
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • kennyb1121_ESO
    Seems right up my ally and already sounds like the great people to enjoy this game with. Im 39 years old myself and live in Alaska. Sometimes play is limited during the week but weekends are wide open. My @ is @tenzen1121 hope to hear from you!
  • Rastafariel
    @phermitgb made some comments above that I would like to respond to since we have down-time today. (I had thought we could handle the questions in game, but here we are...)

    1. If you played LOTRO on Landroval or Elendilmir, you might remember the Valacirca RP Guild Alliance? I founded that Alliance, and along with some key members, came up with the name and mission in RP meetings. It grew to be about 12 RP Guilds in its hey-day and was a lot of fun.
    2. If you are interested in becoming an Officer and leading small group adventures, RP sessions, or whichever you like, by all means, we would love to have you! We need more people to help organize events and lead them.
    3. This brings me to my next point: The Future. The future of the Guild shall be dictated by its members, and even more so, by its Council Members. If you are volunteering to become an Officer, this is where you will have the most impact on the Guild and its future. I will not say that EVERYTHING about the future is open, but almost everything is, and the first few IC/OOC Council Meetings will likely lay out a plan for the future of the guild!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • royalghost
    Soul Shriven
    keep your eyes peeled for mail from @royalghost. My curiosity has been aroused. Now if they would just get the damned server back up. :-)
  • Rastafariel
    Servers are up but Guild functionality has been disabled. I shall attempt to friend all those who have requested to join...

    EDIT: I have tried to friend everyone that left me a correct @handle. Some did not work, please seek me out in game at your convenience.
    Edited by Rastafariel on April 2, 2014 6:59PM
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • Rastafariel
    For those I have missed today, apologies.

    We did have a great Spindleclutch run and managed to RP through it!

    Catch you all tomorrow!
    A Dragon's Tear has many mystical qualities...
  • RaizenTheFallen
    Soul Shriven
    Sorry, forgot my handle, I friend requested you though! @RaizenTheFallen‌
  • Krello
    Old D&D(pamphlet version) 2 time around for MMO

    purchased and DL'n

    looking foward to the guild
    Beer 30, your never late
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