Maintenance for the week of June 3:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – June 5, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 10:00AM EDT (14:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance June 5, 8:00AM EDT (12:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Update on Grouping Issues, Mysterious Reward Boxes & Maintenance Announcement

  • X_LadyPhoenix_X
    That was certainly worth the wait and additional downtime... ?
    2nd day of not being able to get in a group through the dungeon finder.

    Are you solo queuing? To be honest, I've always had a long wait time with trying to queue in on a DPS. I always try to make groups for my DPS' through guild so that I don't have to wait so long...
    Mistress of Shadows (GM) <ShadowKnight Syndicate>
    an active,adult only, social guild that dabbles in everything on PS4 NA, Est. Oct. 2015
    For the Pact!
    Master Thief
    | Lady Phœnix ~ Nord DK | Yelena Elethea ~ High Elf Templar | Stalks-among-Shadows ~ Argonian NB | Inyoni Yezulu ~ Redgaurd Sorc |
    | Chändra Nälaar ~ Dark Elf DK | Elora de Danan ~ Breton Sorc | Velia Vixen ~ Wood Elf Warden | Serephina Valyrin ~ Imperial DK |
    PSN: X_LadyPhoenix_X
  • winterwolfwitchneb18_ESO
    Are you solo queuing? To be honest, I've always had a long wait time with trying to queue in on a DPS. I always try to make groups for my DPS' through guild so that I don't have to wait so long...

    yes, solo queue'ing, but that's the whole point, right? If I have to put in the effort to find a group through guild or zone chat, then the group finder is pointless.
    I concede that finding a group as a solo DD might take longer, but I gave up after 2 hours, so unless everyone stopped using the tool, is now manually creating a group and then using the GF , I say it's still broken.

    Arcana| Altmer Sorcerer (DC/DD)
    Lycana Wolfborn| Dunmer Magicka Nightblade (EP/DD)
    Pyra Ignata | Dunmer DragonKnight (DC/DD)
    La'rra Khargarvi | Khajiit Nightblade (EP/DD)
    Wolfwitch Bloodmoon| Breton Templar (DC/Healer)

  • Vercon
    Soul Shriven
    The frustration I have is this.

    * I logged in last night and spent an hour and a half trying to get just one toon into a random dungeon. After many failures which included getting 4 people together and still not getting in I logged out. I didn't try to log in with my other toons because why would I waste more time on something that is broken. Now if they are going to give reward boxes ONLY to the toons that tried to use the broken tool I'm getting shorted 5 boxes because I didn't waste more time trying something that had not worked for well over an hour?

    Reward boxes should be issued to every dungeon eligible character on someone's profile for day one that the system was down. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. It's also the definition of stupidity in my opinion.

    Also as I write this I get a banner saying "Play now & earn bonus rewards..." Your bonus reward is apparently time wasted.

    PS4 is also experiencing issues so please the people who say "It's not" that just means it's not to you. Don't speak for the rest of us.
  • Jade1986
    lientier wrote: »
    are you taking in account, that people who probably would have done dailies with several characters, gave up after the first one wouldn't work?
    Me for example, I tried with two characters, but I have 4max cp characters and two smaller ones, and I would have at least done with 4 of them - but since I was waiting and trying for quite a long time with one of my characters, and looking in the forums later on, but saw it wasnt fixed yet, thought you would probably add another day ...

    Them, admit to a failure on their part? I do not think itll happen tbh.

    Giving out 1 free crown crate would go a long way tho.
  • Dragath
    still not working.
    same problems as yesterday and just now i landed in an empty dungeon without bosses and just 4 trash mob groups.
    maybe you should hire some actual professionals to fix the bugs?
  • Jade1986
    PC EU

    Still not working, your fix did nothing....
  • stuff12002
    [/quote]@ZOS_GinaBruno ?[/quote]
    it's not as simple as just clicking a button that sends everyone a box. [/quote]

    Condescending, much? By and large, you guys have failed this customer service experience. U say nothing to the folks who have eso+ when they should be one of the first things you guys should have addressed. Extending their sub for a broken game. It’s not this hard; but, it seems like the leaders at ZOS are not even receptive to that idea. Blows my mind, when that’s how u keep ur subs, u know, subscribed.
    Edited by stuff12002 on December 1, 2017 6:53PM
  • StrawberryKitsune
    Can anyone please tell me if it is worth logging in to run my toons or is this still an omnishambles of an event and not working?
  • Bhaal5
    Can anyone please tell me if it is worth logging in to run my toons or is this still an omnishambles of an event and not working?

    If your group finder works..... Youll jave the normal pug experience. In most cases youll have "someone declined" error and itll be stuck on repeat for 30 minutes+.
    But do your "random" wirh your guilds may make it easy (even then the activity finder still broken. Had a group of for in coms. All accepted yet it thinks someone declined)
  • StrawberryKitsune
    Bhaal5 wrote: »
    Can anyone please tell me if it is worth logging in to run my toons or is this still an omnishambles of an event and not working?

    If your group finder works..... Youll jave the normal pug experience. In most cases youll have "someone declined" error and itll be stuck on repeat for 30 minutes+.
    But do your "random" wirh your guilds may make it easy (even then the activity finder still broken. Had a group of for in coms. All accepted yet it thinks someone declined)

    Thanks for getting back to me :) much appreciated.
  • Aurielle
    Bajlk wrote: »

    Since you are still posting here (and I guess you saw my post), could you answer this, please?
    Bajlk wrote: »
    Why I can't convert crap from boxes into crown gems?

    You can only convert crown consumables etc. into crown crate gems if you originally got them from a crate. It has ALWAYS been that way since the crates were first implemented. Why did you think that the crown items in this event would be any different?
  • eso_lags
    THANK GOD. Maybe i can post about a dozen other bugs going on after you fix these load screens. Havent posted because i didnt want to drag attention away from the load screens but im sure others have.. the game is a mess right now.
  • Kyle1jk_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    So much for getting the event. since I downloaded the update, My game Crashes every time I press A at the title screen. did I download a faulty update? can this be fixed? I'm gonna miss my dungeons today and I really looked forward to it. I have 7 characters to do and I cant even get past the title screen without the game crashing.

    I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, (and it took all day) and it still wont work

    is there any help? I don't wanna miss my chances =(

    I play on Xbox One. original.
  • IlgaBeck

    Are you suggesting the programmers, developers in an American company need to alter their schedules completely to accommodate international users?

    Unfortunately, that's not how it works. I work for a company that has vendors in Europe and Asia. They all work on EST/CST time zone schedules. Any maintenance or training they need to do is done in off hours in the US. (Not Primetime US).

    So you expect your international suppliers to bend over backwards to keep their American customer (you) happy? But American companies should not and will not do this because what? ....America First? Is that you Donald?
  • Elsonso
    Vercon wrote: »
    Reward boxes should be issued to every dungeon eligible character on someone's profile for day one that the system was down. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. It's also the definition of stupidity in my opinion.

    They frequently create events that their game is not designed to deliver. The first time we all had to go get an anniversary cake the servers went on strike, hid in their room, under the bed, and refused to come out.

    It is like the deliberately pick events that are designed to show the weaknesses and bugs in the game.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • mysticwolfe
    Soul Shriven
    I am still having join the queue start forming group then tell you someone declined and puts you back into queue
  • Kaktus
    Xbox NA here, things were fine today until now, the queue declining issue seems to be back
  • Bhaal5
    Ps4, queuing is broken still? What was done during maintenance?
  • Defilted
    Xbox one NA . Same issue as yesterday. Someine declines even though everyone accepted. Happening right now

    SSD external

    Good luck ZOS
    Edited by Defilted on December 2, 2017 2:45AM
    XBOX Series X

  • zayven
    NA PC

    Premade group can't do random normals. We've been hitting F for 15 minutes. Every one of us has restarted our games entirely. We've all tried being group lead. No one is in phased places... no matter what we do, we cannot normal. We even "fail" to join the group 2-3 times each before it even lets us in a group, and it takes 2-4 times to disband it again. We all hit ready, says forming group, it tells us someone declined, and puts us back at the front of the queue. A few seconds later, another ready check, rinse, repeat. Endlessly. Sometimes the ready check procs multiple times, sometimes it doesn't prompt *at all*. We've tried it on Veteran too, as we're all champs, and same issue on vet.
    Edited by zayven on December 2, 2017 2:48AM
  • kargen27
    Four guild chats and zone chat is being overrun with comments about being unable to queue with a formed group.

    PC NA
    and then the parrot said, "must be the water mines green too."
  • Amyxleexownsxu
    PC NA SAME, premade cant queue
    PC/NA Since Beta!
    CP 1165

    Rank 27 EP Khajiit Stamblade | Derosianthe | 26k Achieves

    EP Redguard Stamcro | Reindallia
    EP Bosmer Stamden | Sathiriel
    EP Imperial Stamplar | Velinaszol
    EP Altmer Magsorc | Ophianthil
    EP Dunmer Magknight | Thelisarcis

    Housing Enthusiast/Completionism Nerd
    Blood for the Pact!!!
  • Anthy1066
    Soul Shriven
    Still broken - 4 person group waiting always says someone declines - gave up after 20 minutes
  • jknight201
    Well it's completely broken for 4-person full groups as well as 1-, 2-, and 3- person partial groups. We've been trying to get a queue for 30 minutes with various people and group sizes/compositions and yeah, it's still completely broken and non-functional.

    It says "someone declined the queue" and sometimes just randomly kicks us out of the queue completely. Unable to join any group for 30+ minutes now.
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    Still broken. PS4/NA, queue, ready check, forming group, someone declined, wash, rinse, repeat.

    EDIT: spamming group, 1/20 successful. Great fix.
    Edited by SGT_Wolfe101st on December 2, 2017 2:59AM
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • Gaterbug30
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Activity finder isn’t working. Another night of no rewards. Please update on when this is getting fixed and compensation for no rewards
    On 10 toons.
  • static_recharge
    not working, keeps saying someone declined even with a premade group of 4 where no one declined.
  • Caligamy_ESO
    not working, keeps saying someone declined even with a premade group of 4 where no one declined.

    This right here ^

    Started on PC-NA about 15~20 minutes ago and refuses to enter the queue with a premade group of 4.
    love is love
  • AzraelAcid
    Same issue here. 4 people from guild, all of us tried shutting down client, and restarting. Over an hour and we can't get in. Keeps saying someone declined.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom , none of us can take advantage of the event. Fix please, and maybe extend the event an extra day for the losses.
    Edited by AzraelAcid on December 2, 2017 3:14AM
    You can not earn Respect by tolerating Disrespect.
    Death is the graduation of the soul
    .- Sylvia Browne

    Aleawyn - CP810 - Sorcorer - AD - North American Megasever
  • Gnortranermara
    This "fix" did not fix anything. The Activity Finder is still broken.
This discussion has been closed.