Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• [IN PROGRESS] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
· Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
· PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

New awesome glitch with full char lock-down. EDIT: 100% reproducible with Shadow Return skill

  • Countcalorie
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Basically there's a new glitch introduced with the latest update. About each 2-3 min of a fight in cyro my character gets locked out of using any skill, dodge, block etc. Everything.

    The character can "move" around the map on my screen, but on other people's screens the character just stays in one spot.

    After ~1-2 min of this state the char is reset at the original location and all skills start to work.

    It looks similar to a huge lag when you died, but still can move on your screen. But in this case it lasts for 2 min instead of 3-4 sec:)

    Zero lag present (~100 latency). No lag spikes. No correlation (that i was able to find so far) with specific abilities used by me or other people.

    NA Vivec.

    thats called lag dude.its been happing to me since day one but I live in Australia so my ping is usually between 500-700 on eso

    welcome to the other side

    This is not called ‘lag’, dude.

    Because nothing ‘lags’ besides you, dude.

    Because other players on your screen don’t lag, dude.

    Because your chat messages don’t lag, dude.

    Because when somebody’s killing you, you can clearly see his actions and your ui correctly reflects them, dude.

    Because your lag lasts for 700ms, and this glitch lasts for 100000ms, dude.


    Holy *** I hit a nerve.
    I know what your talking about so get off your damn high horse its been happining to me since day one usually during trials or pvp fights.
    they freeze in place,you can still move around and you can still see chat can last anywhere from 10 secs to 5 minutes. I have 5 minute videos of it happing to me.its latency mixed with the typical Zos only happens to a select few and there is no fix aside from getting better internet connection(which is impossible for most Australians)
    please think before you post and your welcome to apologize to me anytime :)

    This has nothing to do with latency (i.e. time between packets from you and the server) because your client receives all the updates and properly responds to the server.

    The whole gameworld behaves in an expected manner. Zero delays.

    It does look like the server decided to ignore the content of clients packets of a specific kind.

    Better internet connection has nothing to do with this, unless after 2 years, right after a major patch in one single game it became problematic. Without any indication of lost packets or anything.

    And i do regret i have to call you a 'dude'.

    Dorrino wrote: »
    Basically there's a new glitch introduced with the latest update. About each 2-3 min of a fight in cyro my character gets locked out of using any skill, dodge, block etc. Everything.

    The character can "move" around the map on my screen, but on other people's screens the character just stays in one spot.

    After ~1-2 min of this state the char is reset at the original location and all skills start to work.

    NA Vivec.

    Not that it matters, but you are not communicating properly to the server. Your client is essentially running by itself. Either the client is not sending what you are doing to the server, or the server is not processing it. The reason that the character is reset to the location is that the problem resolves, the server starts responding, and the client finally gets updated and realizes that it has been living in a dream world. Only the server's version of events matters, in the long run.

    This is obvious. And that's the nature of the glitch:)




  • Dorrino
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Basically there's a new glitch introduced with the latest update. About each 2-3 min of a fight in cyro my character gets locked out of using any skill, dodge, block etc. Everything.

    The character can "move" around the map on my screen, but on other people's screens the character just stays in one spot.

    After ~1-2 min of this state the char is reset at the original location and all skills start to work.

    It looks similar to a huge lag when you died, but still can move on your screen. But in this case it lasts for 2 min instead of 3-4 sec:)

    Zero lag present (~100 latency). No lag spikes. No correlation (that i was able to find so far) with specific abilities used by me or other people.

    NA Vivec.

    thats called lag dude.its been happing to me since day one but I live in Australia so my ping is usually between 500-700 on eso

    welcome to the other side

    This is not called ‘lag’, dude.

    Because nothing ‘lags’ besides you, dude.

    Because other players on your screen don’t lag, dude.

    Because your chat messages don’t lag, dude.

    Because when somebody’s killing you, you can clearly see his actions and your ui correctly reflects them, dude.

    Because your lag lasts for 700ms, and this glitch lasts for 100000ms, dude.


    Holy *** I hit a nerve.
    I know what your talking about so get off your damn high horse its been happining to me since day one usually during trials or pvp fights.
    they freeze in place,you can still move around and you can still see chat can last anywhere from 10 secs to 5 minutes. I have 5 minute videos of it happing to me.its latency mixed with the typical Zos only happens to a select few and there is no fix aside from getting better internet connection(which is impossible for most Australians)
    please think before you post and your welcome to apologize to me anytime :)

    This has nothing to do with latency (i.e. time between packets from you and the server) because your client receives all the updates and properly responds to the server.

    The whole gameworld behaves in an expected manner. Zero delays.

    It does look like the server decided to ignore the content of clients packets of a specific kind.

    Better internet connection has nothing to do with this, unless after 2 years, right after a major patch in one single game it became problematic. Without any indication of lost packets or anything.

    And i do regret i have to call you a 'dude'.

    Dorrino wrote: »
    Basically there's a new glitch introduced with the latest update. About each 2-3 min of a fight in cyro my character gets locked out of using any skill, dodge, block etc. Everything.

    The character can "move" around the map on my screen, but on other people's screens the character just stays in one spot.

    After ~1-2 min of this state the char is reset at the original location and all skills start to work.

    NA Vivec.

    Not that it matters, but you are not communicating properly to the server. Your client is essentially running by itself. Either the client is not sending what you are doing to the server, or the server is not processing it. The reason that the character is reset to the location is that the problem resolves, the server starts responding, and the client finally gets updated and realizes that it has been living in a dream world. Only the server's version of events matters, in the long run.

    This is obvious. And that's the nature of the glitch:)





  • TazESO
    I hear it's caused by updates ZOS Stealth API changes, when certain addons are in use..... jk :wink:
    Edited by TazESO on October 25, 2017 2:26PM
  • Apache_Kid
    Can confirm this same issue in Cyrodiil on Xbox NA. I will get stuck in loops where i try to leave a castle and run somewhere and 15-30 seconds into my journey i will get a load screen and get sent back to the castle to the exact same spot. I will try again to go where i need to and I get sent back again. This is an infinite loop and I even went through it for almost 10 minutes one time to see if it would end. To fix it I have to manually quit the game from the Xbox menu and restart the whole thing. Add this to the general lag and latency issues that causes your abilities not to land 50% of the time and the frequent crashes to the dashboard while in Cyrodiil.
  • rfennell_ESO
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Basically there's a new glitch introduced with the latest update. About each 2-3 min of a fight in cyro my character gets locked out of using any skill, dodge, block etc. Everything.

    The character can "move" around the map on my screen, but on other people's screens the character just stays in one spot.

    After ~1-2 min of this state the char is reset at the original location and all skills start to work.

    It looks similar to a huge lag when you died, but still can move on your screen. But in this case it lasts for 2 min instead of 3-4 sec:)

    Zero lag present (~100 latency). No lag spikes. No correlation (that i was able to find so far) with specific abilities used by me or other people.

    NA Vivec.

    How much video ram do you have?

    Just asking because there has long been an issue with loading from cell to cell, particularly if you are moving at speed. It used to manifest as you hit a world seam (which you can see because textures at the cell border haven't loaded and can't do squat). It could be related to that, but in some smoothing change it's allowing you to move.

    Any unloaded textures when it occurs?

    (just eliminating one issue I know of that can cause a character lock up)

    1080gtx, so 8Gb vram:) No texture problems. No problems at all (no new problems, still have memory/some game systems leaks leading to stable low fps after some time in cyro).

    This is not hardware related.

    This is not router/ISP related.

    It never happened in 2 years.

    It happened in 5 min of cyro right after the patch.

    It keeps happening each 5-30 min since then.

    Well, elimination can be the same as discovery.

    Being people are reporting it's occurring on Xbox it's likely not going to be addons.

    The question to answer is why isn't it happening to everyone.
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Never rule out network issues. Your packets could be taking a different route today then they were yesterday or even two years ago...BGP(Border Gateway Protocol)

    BGP Decides what routes packets take on the internet and there are multiple paths to the same destination as the internet has redundancy built into its core. A Tracert won't show you the same path your packets take while actually playing as ICMP could be handled differently then TCP due to ICMP(what Tracert uses) is not used to exchange data between systems like TCP. So a router in the path between your ISP and ZOS could put ICMP packets on a different route then TCP, UDP, etc...welcome to the world of network administration and traffic shaping.

    I do know ZOS started using Akamai DDOS protection (Scrubbing services) to mitigate DDOS and it has had effects for some players

    Just little tidbits there, I have had issues at times for the last few months, but just recently they seemed to have cleared up completely. I have a significantly lower ping now then i had 6 months ago (went from 120-130 in PVE zones down to 80-70 steady)

    Not saying I am right, but the Network administrator in me says to use something like Windows Resource Monitor and watch the latency on eso.exe and see what it reports...I have had the in-game latency meter say 120 while Windows Resource monitor said 1000+ and the game was laggy as all can be and later disconnected me. So its not really an accurate gauge.

    Its also possible this has nothng to do with network and is some kinda buggy client or server side code. Just not enough information to really know.

    @Dorrino Try using a VPN Service and see if this bug still persists...its one way to rule out network related stuff as a VPN will put your packets on a different route then your ISP uses...its worth a shot for troubleshooting purposes.
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Elsonso
    Never rule out network issues. Your packets could be taking a different route today then they were yesterday or even two years ago...BGP(Border Gateway Protocol)

    ZOS is pretty quick to hang up on you when you stop talking to them, so that sort of tells me that the megaserver was getting the "I'm Alive!" information, but was not processing instructions from the client.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Serjustin19
    Never rule out network issues. Your packets could be taking a different route today then they were yesterday or even two years ago...BGP(Border Gateway Protocol)

    BGP Decides what routes packets take on the internet and there are multiple paths to the same destination as the internet has redundancy built into its core. A Tracert won't show you the same path your packets take while actually playing as ICMP could be handled differently then TCP due to ICMP(what Tracert uses) is not used to exchange data between systems like TCP. So a router in the path between your ISP and ZOS could put ICMP packets on a different route then TCP, UDP, etc...welcome to the world of network administration and traffic shaping.

    I do know ZOS started using Akamai DDOS protection (Scrubbing services) to mitigate DDOS and it has had effects for some players

    Just little tidbits there, I have had issues at times for the last few months, but just recently they seemed to have cleared up completely. I have a significantly lower ping now then i had 6 months ago (went from 120-130 in PVE zones down to 80-70 steady)

    Not saying I am right, but the Network administrator in me says to use something like Windows Resource Monitor and watch the latency on eso.exe and see what it reports...I have had the in-game latency meter say 120 while Windows Resource monitor said 1000+ and the game was laggy as all can be and later disconnected me. So its not really an accurate gauge.

    Its also possible this has nothng to do with network and is some kinda buggy client or server side code. Just not enough information to really know.

    @Dorrino Try using a VPN Service and see if this bug still persists...its one way to rule out network related stuff as a VPN will put your packets on a different route then your ISP uses...its worth a shot for troubleshooting purposes.

    OK, so this actually does makes sense. Some days I have no lag (I thought I fixed it with Internet power adapter, since I could actually play BG's in which before I couldn't)

    But even (without Internet Poweradapter) Some days no lag and everything clear and playable. Most of time it's mostly Unplayable. However I wanted to test my Network power adapter more, but seems I can't.

    Due to Apple bins next door, stacked so high and blocking my signal. It’s going be while before no bins. But I'm playing in kbps mostly currently.

    However from What I could gather. I wonder if both my dynamic (I don't use anymore) or my Static IP (currently using in router from my IP Provider)

    Would be considered a ddos IP address. In which this does actually explain, I mostly freeze and then rare occasions. 3 days no lag at all...

    But I'm on PS4 and unable to log on PS4. Also my Internet Provider told me (after changing new cable)claimed. Using VPN would not help me. In which I haven't tried VPN yet. But now it must wait until Apple Bins next door, be removed and not blocking my signal lol :smiley:
    Edited by Serjustin19 on October 25, 2017 5:36PM
    Formerly Serjustin19, Save for Forum Of Course.... Fiery_Darkness (PC NA) currently.
  • Dorrino
    Never rule out network issues. Your packets could be taking a different route today then they were yesterday or even two years ago...BGP(Border Gateway Protocol)

    BGP Decides what routes packets take on the internet and there are multiple paths to the same destination as the internet has redundancy built into its core. A Tracert won't show you the same path your packets take while actually playing as ICMP could be handled differently then TCP due to ICMP(what Tracert uses) is not used to exchange data between systems like TCP. So a router in the path between your ISP and ZOS could put ICMP packets on a different route then TCP, UDP, etc...welcome to the world of network administration and traffic shaping.

    I do know ZOS started using Akamai DDOS protection (Scrubbing services) to mitigate DDOS and it has had effects for some players

    Just little tidbits there, I have had issues at times for the last few months, but just recently they seemed to have cleared up completely. I have a significantly lower ping now then i had 6 months ago (went from 120-130 in PVE zones down to 80-70 steady)

    Not saying I am right, but the Network administrator in me says to use something like Windows Resource Monitor and watch the latency on eso.exe and see what it reports...I have had the in-game latency meter say 120 while Windows Resource monitor said 1000+ and the game was laggy as all can be and later disconnected me. So its not really an accurate gauge.

    Its also possible this has nothng to do with network and is some kinda buggy client or server side code. Just not enough information to really know.

    @Dorrino Try using a VPN Service and see if this bug still persists...its one way to rule out network related stuff as a VPN will put your packets on a different route then your ISP uses...its worth a shot for troubleshooting purposes.

    Yes, it's obvious that routing path can at any moment change and thus lead to any amount of packet losses, delays and other problems.

    Though this situation is different for 2 main reasons:

    1. It's highly unlikely that the routing changed right after the patch. This might be a coincidence, but its likelihood is quite low.
    2. None of the manifestations of the glitch resemble lag - understood as higher delay between packets or packet losses. The whole world around you behaves normally, no pauses, no disappearing or stationary characters, no stuck animations. Purely normal. Your whole ui operates normally, your gear sets proc (like troll king), you get damaged and healed.
    3. When you run out of range of server updates from the starting location of the glitch (roughly visibility distance) the server keeps updating your surroundings properly (mobs, players etc).

    So whatever happens has proper server and client updates. Additionally server doesn't boot you after the timeout and client doesn't disconnect, as would have been the case if a lag lasted for 1 min.
  • Dorrino
    Ok. We found the source of this problem.

    It's 100% reproducible when using nightblade Shadow Return when out of range of the shade.

    Dear ZOS, let's see what we can do about it:)
  • Elsonso
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Ok. We found the source of this problem.

    It's 100% reproducible when using nightblade Shadow Return when out of range of the shade.

    Dear ZOS, let's see what we can do about it:)

    Hopefully, you reported this in game and are not hoping the above is noticed? :smile:
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Juhasow
    Definietly Miat add-on have something to do with it like with all latest Cyro problems.

  • Dorrino
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Ok. We found the source of this problem.

    It's 100% reproducible when using nightblade Shadow Return when out of range of the shade.

    Dear ZOS, let's see what we can do about it:)

    Hopefully, you reported this in game and are not hoping the above is noticed? :smile:

    I got this thread, a thread in bug reports and an in-game bug report.

    Still don't hope they will notice:)
    Edited by Dorrino on October 27, 2017 6:47PM
  • enzoisadog
    Dorrino wrote: »
    EDIT: the glitch is 100% reproducible when using Shadow Return nightblade skill, when the shade is out of range. Thanks, Enzo.

    np babe <3

  • Minno
    Juhasow wrote: »
    Definietly Miat add-on have something to do with it like with all latest Cyro problems.


    That's why impen is bugged, duh! Lol
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Dorrino
    Minno wrote: »
    That's why impen is bugged, duh! Lol
    Bingo! That should be obvious by now:)
  • technohic
    I just posted the same issue on the bug forum last night. Didn't see this thread.
  • Dorrino
    technohic wrote: »
    I just posted the same issue on the bug forum last night. Didn't see this thread.

    Keep them coming. I've heard reports it's not just shadow image related issue.
  • glavius
    It happens every time you move out of range of shadow image and use the teleport to shade. Clears when the image runs out.

    Can force clear it by using a potion (but cooldown is an issue here), using a food/drink, or starting to filet a fish (very nice if you use expensive gold food, just gotta stand still for a split second)
  • Dorrino
    glavius wrote: »
    It happens every time you move out of range of shadow image and use the teleport to shade. Clears when the image runs out.

    Can force clear it by using a potion (but cooldown is an issue here), using a food/drink, or starting to filet a fish (very nice if you use expensive gold food, just gotta stand still for a split second)

    I knew about the potion. Thank you about food and filet part. Especially the later.
  • Chori
    Will you make an addon to balance the game til ZOS fixes this?
    EP NA-PC - Invictus - Odem Mortis
    1. Stamina NB Cat - ChoriB'Good
    2. Magicka NB High Elf - Lîndara
    3. Stam Sorc High Elf - Lindara Moonlight
    4. Red Guard Stamina DK - Chorî
    5. Red Guard Stamina Templar - Choripaninikinnie
    6. Magplar High Elf - Vagitarian Sillonour
    Don't tell me you lag, I play with 200-300 ms all the time ^_^
  • Dorrino
    Chori wrote: »
    Will you make an addon to balance the game til ZOS fixes this?

    I'll see what i can do. If filet fixes that and works in combat - i might do something about it.
  • Chori
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Chori wrote: »
    Will you make an addon to balance the game til ZOS fixes this?

    I'll see what i can do. If filet fixes that and works in combat - i might do something about it.

    luv u long time
    EP NA-PC - Invictus - Odem Mortis
    1. Stamina NB Cat - ChoriB'Good
    2. Magicka NB High Elf - Lîndara
    3. Stam Sorc High Elf - Lindara Moonlight
    4. Red Guard Stamina DK - Chorî
    5. Red Guard Stamina Templar - Choripaninikinnie
    6. Magplar High Elf - Vagitarian Sillonour
    Don't tell me you lag, I play with 200-300 ms all the time ^_^
  • Rudyard
    Sometimes when I get skill lock-out - when all my skills are greyed out and cannot use any - I can press the Shift Key and suddenly everything is fine. It's as if the game thought I was sprinting. It's probably a different issue than what you are experiencing, but I am throwing it out there just in case they may be related.
    Deacon Grim
  • Dorrino
    Rudyard wrote: »
    Sometimes when I get skill lock-out - when all my skills are greyed out and cannot use any - I can press the Shift Key and suddenly everything is fine. It's as if the game thought I was sprinting. It's probably a different issue than what you are experiencing, but I am throwing it out there just in case they may be related.

    In both cases your UI is locked.

    They are similar, but the current one is not fixed by pressing sprint.

    So far we got break free, potions, food, filet and mementos they get you 'unstuck'.

    I still keep looking for other methods.
    Edited by Dorrino on October 28, 2017 3:33AM
  • Dorrino
    Ok, a found a 'solution'. It's awkward, but better than nothing.

    Will try to finish it tomorrow.

    Basically it will be an addon that when you use Shadow Return it will swap your quickslots to the one with a fish (yep, you'll need a fish, giggle with me). Then you press your quickslot button, the addon will start cleaning the fish and immediately cancel it and return to the previous quickslot.

    The act of starting to clean the fish will fix the glitch:) No fish will be consumed.

    Only proper fish-cleaning can fix ZOS bugs:D

    ps. I'm fully aware how ridiculous this all sounds.
    Edited by Dorrino on October 28, 2017 4:04AM
  • hobicabobjob
    Repeatable for me as well
  • technohic
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Ok, a found a 'solution'. It's awkward, but better than nothing.

    Will try to finish it tomorrow.

    Basically it will be an addon that when you use Shadow Return it will swap your quickslots to the one with a fish (yep, you'll need a fish, giggle with me). Then you press your quickslot button, the addon will start cleaning the fish and immediately cancel it and return to the previous quickslot.

    The act of starting to clean the fish will fix the glitch:) No fish will be consumed.

    Only proper fish-cleaning can fix ZOS bugs:D

    ps. I'm fully aware how ridiculous this all sounds.

    Awesome. Only problem is they might think of this now as a skillful act and decide to leave the bug as a “feature “
  • Dojohoda
    Dorrino wrote: »
    Basically there's a new glitch introduced with the latest update. About each 2-3 min of a fight in cyro my character gets locked out of using any skill, dodge, block etc. Everything.

    The character can "move" around the map on my screen, but on other people's screens the character just stays in one spot.

    After ~1-2 min of this state the char is reset at the original location and all skills start to work.
    Yes, that is happening to my magblade since the patch. I also use shade.
    I'll see if I can reproduce the bug next time I am on.
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • Dorrino
    After some considerable i decided not to make an addon for this.

    It's still awkward and a 'solution' of not using the image should be the best.
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