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Sorc Education

  • ak_pvp
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    If anything theyve nerfed rune cage. On live you can use it to consistently drain magicka player's stamina pool and kill them with dot spells. Now theyve stripped off whatever uniqueness the spell had.

    No hate, but clarrification please?

    Surely its as breakable as before, but instead of burning them with DoTs, you get 2.5s of any damage. The only thing you cant do is keep them stunned/disoriented for over 2.5s, but normally no one would stay in it for longer than that? It is more usable in groups or with pets (I believe pets basic is direct?) or anything non dot based. Sorc doesn't actually have that many dots either.

    To me it seems like a huge buff. Even if some might not use it, people can replace something like boundless or mines.

    2.5s of free dmg? You do realise that u can cc break right? Or are you literally implying that u never get stunned now apart from fear and fossilize?

    Why the hell would u use it in groups? Who gives a [snip] about a single target cc in a group scenario. And how the hell is getting stunned by a frag different from getting stunned by a rune cage. Or are you literally implying that you can pay attention to every single person in a group and the only way for you to get stunned is with an unblockable cc?

    No one is gonna drop mines for that cc in open world. No one. Sorcs didnt even drop mines for dark conversion and you think they are gonna drop it for a third cc? And how the hell are u going to drop boundless for it? There is already no room for boundless.

    The only way you can fit it in ur bar is in duels because you know ur opponent and maybe u can drop something for it. Unfortunately the amount of broken things in duels is too damn high. There is no balance in duels. You cant balance duels.

    Trying to fit it in ur bar for open world without losing an important ability means using overload which also means dropping resto ult. No thanks. You could nerf resto ult to the ground and half of the sorc will still put atro there instead of overload. And the other half that use overload will most likely still pick the defensive rune which is prety much the exact same thing as it is on live. Its more like a nerf when u look at the defensive morph.

    Of course to you it looks like a huge buff. But then again you also proposed a nerf to streak and you named it as a buff so yeah...

    WOW. You do have the reading comprehension of a child. You know you can break free from rune prison as it is now. So presuming you don't break free, you either get any damage type with the buff for 2.5s, or dot damage, any direct would break it, and sorc dots aren't exactly very common or strong. How exactly is it a nerf, please tell?

    Why would you use it? Duels, but they aren't balanced, what an excuse, ok, against rollypolly players, or against permablock builds, which are FOTM tied with sorcs. Hmm, I don't know, dropping block for sync'd ults In groups, like what DKs in groups do? And trust me, there are many sorcs that can fit it on their bar, because a lot do actually use overload. I.e. syphers new vid. Some sorc I fought a few hours ago did too. Dark deal, surge, boundless on back bar frees up a lot of space.

    Also, aren't you the one who said most sorcs don't streak more than twice normally, that its very costly to streak 3 times. Won't it be better to lower streaks cost for normal use, and just cap the amount to two. Since no one uses it more than that. Or can you not comprehend that. You honestly are like a child getting its toys taken away, not realizing its for the best.


    You said 2.5s of any dmg. Its 2.5s of any dmg assuming you are out of stamina. In which case, you are getting punished for it. That the whole[snip] point. As long as you can manage ur stamina its not free dmg.

    Using defensive rune means you are using it defensively. You use it for anti gank and to get people off you. Not to line up a burst on someone. Getting someone off you for potentially half a minute is a lot better than 2.5 seconds.

    No you cant balance duels. Thats not an excuse, thats reality. Duels are balanced by the players involved in the duel. You know ur opponent you build to counter. If it was just an excuse then how come and you complain about DKs that have nothing going on for them besides being tanks? They are amongst the best in duels so why the hell do u complain. Biased much?

    Yes there are sorcs that play with overload. The point is that to do it u have to drop resto ult. You say in one post resto ult OP, facetanking and in another post you say dropping it for something else is a huge buff. Contradicting ur own arguments now?

    Stop putting words in my mouth that i never said. That doesnt boost ur argument. It makes u look like a fool.
    I said 3 streaks is viable. Anything more than that isnt viable cause it costs too much and that certainly doesnt make it spammable which is what you implied. But If your option is streak again or death then its not really an option. You streak again.

    If you remove shieldstacking then mobility becomes even more vital and using streak becomes even more important. If you are squishy you need to rely on mobility to reposition and escape. If i cant use the skill then who gives a damn about how much it costs. What you proposed is to nerf survivability and mobility at the same time because you personally dont want sorcs to be able to survive or escape. Sorry but we are not falling for your idiotic bs.

    You contradict your own arguments, you make asinine statements about a class you have zero experience on and you try to "educate" people that played the class for years while you also refuse to be lectured on a subject that you have experience on and they dont.

    You started the last thread and you said "im not the usual pleb that wants every bit of it nerfed". No, your even worse. At least those people call them nerfs. You on the other hand, are a biased hypocrite asking for nerfs and you have the audacity to call them buffs. Sorry but you cant *** on people's feet and call it rain.

    You are without a doubt one of the most laughable nobs I have ever seen. Firstly, I do know abut the class, I played stam and magsorc around the pet era. The way I played mine was resto and overload, you don't have to drop one or the other, because it's possible to run an ult on the overload bar, or not even a damage ult at all. That's 3 bars and tankiness.

    So yet again more *** spewed from your mouth. Do you seriously think I want to randomly kill of a class? Because that would do wonders for balance. /s No, I don't. A

    On streak, I may have misremembered. 3, but what is better, 3 at a high mag cost, around 7k, or 2 at around 3k, along with cheaper mines for mobility. Because trust me I know which one is better for actual use and not just running away. Also, look at the start of syphers new video. 5 in a row with a shield between 2nd and 3rd.

    DKs are all built as tanks, because they have no movement or other ways of survival, wings is useless and shields for them aren't as strong. If I build for burst, my survival options are... Wings which take lots of projectiles and effects, not to mention atrocious uptime for price. Or tanking... Oh yeah, unlike sorcs DKs have to build for it.

    In case you wondered why I wanted a change for that, is because I, like most others want to remove permablock. And other tkk increasers Oh, wait... Nope, is because I am sooooo biased. Idiot.

    "I played the class once upon a time therefore i know everything about it now." Not that the game changes or anything.
    I played DKs on launch when they were god mode. So i guess they should be the same now right? Lol

    Running another ult on overload bar was an exploit (think its fixed anw). So i guess the solution is to exploit right?
    Good, you get another lol.

    Not running a damaging ult at all? In this meta? Where everyone and their mother are tanks with 30k+ hp. Id say lol again but its not even funny anymore. Its sad.

    The first streak costs 3.2k with 5 light armor. The third streak alone costs around 7k not all 3 of them. Your ignorance on the subject is astonishing. And you are talking about laughable nobs? You are making a fool of ur self in every single comment.

    I saw syphers video. Cant say if u are dumb or blind. He casted harness which costs nothing cause he got hit with vamp bane and the cost was refunded. And those streaks took about 35% of his magicka after regen ticks. Can you even comprehend how much magicka that actually is? And 5 seconds later they all caught up with him again. And you are here arguing whether taking both his survivability away and his ability to reposition like he did is destroying the class or not. And funny you mention sypher considering the fact, that he said in one of his latest streams "WHY THE [snip] DID THEY NERF STREAK". He is also the one who contradicts every single one of ur arguments in his streams. Maybe you should be more careful when providing evidence if u want to actually prove ur point.

    Put it through ur skull meathead. Its survivability vs mobility. When you take away shieldstacking then u rely on mobility. Streak is the mobility. It doesnt matter if u make 2 streaks cost just 3k. If u cant use it more to reposition and escape you are dead. Thats a nerf not a buff. Mines are not mobility. Mines are are of denial. Mines are stationary and a form of survivability. Sort of like fear for NB. They can use it for offense and defense. If you remove shieldstacking then the cost increase of streak gets removed and u better get used to sorcs actually spam streak and escape. You cant have it both ways. You not liking the class that relies on mobility being able to escape the slowest class in the game isnt balancing. Its ur own biased bs.

    You said it urself. DKs are built as tanks because they have no movement. Exactly. Bingo. You nailed it. And NBs are built for mobility because they have no tankiness. Guess what happens when u take away shieldstacking from sorcs. They have no tankiness. So that means they need mobility. Thats streak damn it. They need it to reposition and escape. How about you start a thread and ask for a cooldown on cloak and shadow image because NBs shouldnt be able to escape. Id love to see the replies you get.

    I hope you know you just proved my point. Cheaper, but less spammable streak = more offensive use, better for repositioning that isn't just lul spam. Maybe my idea isn't the best, but isn't a tactical use of streak/block/cloak/shields/whatever better than the mindless spam that most abilities are. Sorc burst gets it right, balanced, not random spam like procs were.

    And the source I gave, along with many others prove how easily it is to spam streak, "not viable past 3." Streak also gets through roots, and can make some damage abilities not hit, similar to cloak. But cloak, unlike streak, can be broken. And I never said 7k for all of them, what are you on about, I mean general after last cast. Hell, even lower streak to 1.5k mag with the small cooldown after 2streak in a row. Would require staggering streak out a bit.

    FTR i'd also like 20s shields back because of the same spam vs smart use issue. With 20s shields, sorcs can reposition/have more time to set up burst without having to worry about being squish instantly.

    [Edited for quotes]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on October 12, 2017 4:00PM
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • thankyourat
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    The only class I see using force pulse in PvP is Sorc. mDks won't neither will temps. Maybe nbs.
    So how about this. Force pulse will by way extremely op next patch. So any mag using it will be OP sorcs leading because it's already in thier tool kit. Is that better? There are so many ccs in PvP that I won't even notice the other skill.
    The meteor/stun/ curse/frag/execute combo will be crazy strong next patch. with a 2.5 second stun (esentially a fear or fossilize) it will guarantee that all your burst can hit at once if timed correctly. That may be a little too strong

    If you don't break rune cage with the combo incoming on live you die. If you don't break rune cage with the combo incoming in CwC you die.

    Also, what skill are you supposed to drop for rune cage?

    I've always played with defensive rune not giving any thought to the other one. I may dust off my sorc this week and see if i can get my meteor to land with the rune cage disorient. This sounds like it could be op, sort of like agony in duels for magblade. Because one of sorcs only weakness is its lack of cc which makes it's burst very easily to counter. If this new rune cage will work like fear or fossilize this may push sorc to the number one class in pvp. Who would be able to survive a meteor combo. It's also viable open world as well because you don't have to worry about it breaking from a random tick. I could just switch degeneration for it or even annulment.
  • newtinmpls
    The only class I see using force pulse in PvP is Sorc. mDks won't neither will temps. Maybe nbs.

    My mag DK's use it quite a bit.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • pieratsos
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Dude ur out of ur element! It can cost nearly all ur magicka to streak away 3 or 4 times. Guess costs the chasing player almost all his stamina to catch up. Its another buff for sorcs.

    Yeah obviously gap closers have increased cost per cast like streak.
    And yeah obviously people not being able to manage their stamina is a buff to sorcs. These days you can fart and it will still be a buff to sorcs somehow. Lmao

    You are not just out of ur element. You are out of the discussion so see urself out. We have enough clueless people with their idiotic bs already.
    Edited by pieratsos on September 25, 2017 1:49AM
  • Kram8ion
    Oh I thought it was just shield/ curse shield/ curse >:)
    Kramm stam man kittyblade

  • Drdeath20
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Dude ur out of ur element! It can cost nearly all ur magicka to streak away 3 or 4 times. Guess costs the chasing player almost all his stamina to catch up. Its another buff for sorcs.

    Yeah obviously gap closers have increased cost per cast like streak.
    And yeah obviously people not being able to manage their stamina is a buff to sorcs. These days you can fart and it will still be a buff to sorcs somehow. Lmao

    You are not just out of ur element. You are out of the discussion so see urself out. We have enough clueless people with their idiotic bs already.

    If your not wrecking everything with a sorc, than u are doing it wrong. Smart sorcs know how to kite all around cyrodil. By the time most players get into a good attack position with a sorc, they have very little of the stamina pool left.
  • pieratsos
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    If anything theyve nerfed rune cage. On live you can use it to consistently drain magicka player's stamina pool and kill them with dot spells. Now theyve stripped off whatever uniqueness the spell had.

    No hate, but clarrification please?

    Surely its as breakable as before, but instead of burning them with DoTs, you get 2.5s of any damage. The only thing you cant do is keep them stunned/disoriented for over 2.5s, but normally no one would stay in it for longer than that? It is more usable in groups or with pets (I believe pets basic is direct?) or anything non dot based. Sorc doesn't actually have that many dots either.

    To me it seems like a huge buff. Even if some might not use it, people can replace something like boundless or mines.

    2.5s of free dmg? You do realise that u can cc break right? Or are you literally implying that u never get stunned now apart from fear and fossilize?

    Why the hell would u use it in groups? Who gives a [snip] about a single target cc in a group scenario. And how the hell is getting stunned by a frag different from getting stunned by a rune cage. Or are you literally implying that you can pay attention to every single person in a group and the only way for you to get stunned is with an unblockable cc?

    No one is gonna drop mines for that cc in open world. No one. Sorcs didnt even drop mines for dark conversion and you think they are gonna drop it for a third cc? And how the hell are u going to drop boundless for it? There is already no room for boundless.

    The only way you can fit it in ur bar is in duels because you know ur opponent and maybe u can drop something for it. Unfortunately the amount of broken things in duels is too damn high. There is no balance in duels. You cant balance duels.

    Trying to fit it in ur bar for open world without losing an important ability means using overload which also means dropping resto ult. No thanks. You could nerf resto ult to the ground and half of the sorc will still put atro there instead of overload. And the other half that use overload will most likely still pick the defensive rune which is prety much the exact same thing as it is on live. Its more like a nerf when u look at the defensive morph.

    Of course to you it looks like a huge buff. But then again you also proposed a nerf to streak and you named it as a buff so yeah...

    WOW. You do have the reading comprehension of a child. You know you can break free from rune prison as it is now. So presuming you don't break free, you either get any damage type with the buff for 2.5s, or dot damage, any direct would break it, and sorc dots aren't exactly very common or strong. How exactly is it a nerf, please tell?

    Why would you use it? Duels, but they aren't balanced, what an excuse, ok, against rollypolly players, or against permablock builds, which are FOTM tied with sorcs. Hmm, I don't know, dropping block for sync'd ults In groups, like what DKs in groups do? And trust me, there are many sorcs that can fit it on their bar, because a lot do actually use overload. I.e. syphers new vid. Some sorc I fought a few hours ago did too. Dark deal, surge, boundless on back bar frees up a lot of space.

    Also, aren't you the one who said most sorcs don't streak more than twice normally, that its very costly to streak 3 times. Won't it be better to lower streaks cost for normal use, and just cap the amount to two. Since no one uses it more than that. Or can you not comprehend that. You honestly are like a child getting its toys taken away, not realizing its for the best.


    You said 2.5s of any dmg. Its 2.5s of any dmg assuming you are out of stamina. In which case, you are getting punished for it. That the whole[snip] point. As long as you can manage ur stamina its not free dmg.

    Using defensive rune means you are using it defensively. You use it for anti gank and to get people off you. Not to line up a burst on someone. Getting someone off you for potentially half a minute is a lot better than 2.5 seconds.

    No you cant balance duels. Thats not an excuse, thats reality. Duels are balanced by the players involved in the duel. You know ur opponent you build to counter. If it was just an excuse then how come and you complain about DKs that have nothing going on for them besides being tanks? They are amongst the best in duels so why the hell do u complain. Biased much?

    Yes there are sorcs that play with overload. The point is that to do it u have to drop resto ult. You say in one post resto ult OP, facetanking and in another post you say dropping it for something else is a huge buff. Contradicting ur own arguments now?

    Stop putting words in my mouth that i never said. That doesnt boost ur argument. It makes u look like a fool.
    I said 3 streaks is viable. Anything more than that isnt viable cause it costs too much and that certainly doesnt make it spammable which is what you implied. But If your option is streak again or death then its not really an option. You streak again.

    If you remove shieldstacking then mobility becomes even more vital and using streak becomes even more important. If you are squishy you need to rely on mobility to reposition and escape. If i cant use the skill then who gives a damn about how much it costs. What you proposed is to nerf survivability and mobility at the same time because you personally dont want sorcs to be able to survive or escape. Sorry but we are not falling for your idiotic bs.

    You contradict your own arguments, you make asinine statements about a class you have zero experience on and you try to "educate" people that played the class for years while you also refuse to be lectured on a subject that you have experience on and they dont.

    You started the last thread and you said "im not the usual pleb that wants every bit of it nerfed". No, your even worse. At least those people call them nerfs. You on the other hand, are a biased hypocrite asking for nerfs and you have the audacity to call them buffs. Sorry but you cant *** on people's feet and call it rain.

    You are without a doubt one of the most laughable nobs I have ever seen. Firstly, I do know abut the class, I played stam and magsorc around the pet era. The way I played mine was resto and overload, you don't have to drop one or the other, because it's possible to run an ult on the overload bar, or not even a damage ult at all. That's 3 bars and tankiness.

    So yet again more *** spewed from your mouth. Do you seriously think I want to randomly kill of a class? Because that would do wonders for balance. /s No, I don't. A

    On streak, I may have misremembered. 3, but what is better, 3 at a high mag cost, around 7k, or 2 at around 3k, along with cheaper mines for mobility. Because trust me I know which one is better for actual use and not just running away. Also, look at the start of syphers new video. 5 in a row with a shield between 2nd and 3rd.

    DKs are all built as tanks, because they have no movement or other ways of survival, wings is useless and shields for them aren't as strong. If I build for burst, my survival options are... Wings which take lots of projectiles and effects, not to mention atrocious uptime for price. Or tanking... Oh yeah, unlike sorcs DKs have to build for it.

    In case you wondered why I wanted a change for that, is because I, like most others want to remove permablock. And other tkk increasers Oh, wait... Nope, is because I am sooooo biased. Idiot.

    "I played the class once upon a time therefore i know everything about it now." Not that the game changes or anything.
    I played DKs on launch when they were god mode. So i guess they should be the same now right? Lol

    Running another ult on overload bar was an exploit (think its fixed anw). So i guess the solution is to exploit right?
    Good, you get another lol.

    Not running a damaging ult at all? In this meta? Where everyone and their mother are tanks with 30k+ hp. Id say lol again but its not even funny anymore. Its sad.

    The first streak costs 3.2k with 5 light armor. The third streak alone costs around 7k not all 3 of them. Your ignorance on the subject is astonishing. And you are talking about laughable nobs? You are making a fool of ur self in every single comment.

    I saw syphers video. Cant say if u are dumb or blind. He casted harness which costs nothing cause he got hit with vamp bane and the cost was refunded. And those streaks took about 35% of his magicka after regen ticks. Can you even comprehend how much magicka that actually is? And 5 seconds later they all caught up with him again. And you are here arguing whether taking both his survivability away and his ability to reposition like he did is destroying the class or not. And funny you mention sypher considering the fact, that he said in one of his latest streams "WHY THE [snip] DID THEY NERF STREAK". He is also the one who contradicts every single one of ur arguments in his streams. Maybe you should be more careful when providing evidence if u want to actually prove ur point.

    Put it through ur skull meathead. Its survivability vs mobility. When you take away shieldstacking then u rely on mobility. Streak is the mobility. It doesnt matter if u make 2 streaks cost just 3k. If u cant use it more to reposition and escape you are dead. Thats a nerf not a buff. Mines are not mobility. Mines are are of denial. Mines are stationary and a form of survivability. Sort of like fear for NB. They can use it for offense and defense. If you remove shieldstacking then the cost increase of streak gets removed and u better get used to sorcs actually spam streak and escape. You cant have it both ways. You not liking the class that relies on mobility being able to escape the slowest class in the game isnt balancing. Its ur own biased bs.

    You said it urself. DKs are built as tanks because they have no movement. Exactly. Bingo. You nailed it. And NBs are built for mobility because they have no tankiness. Guess what happens when u take away shieldstacking from sorcs. They have no tankiness. So that means they need mobility. Thats streak damn it. They need it to reposition and escape. How about you start a thread and ask for a cooldown on cloak and shadow image because NBs shouldnt be able to escape. Id love to see the replies you get.

    I hope you know you just proved my point. Cheaper, but less spammable streak = more offensive use, better for repositioning that isn't just lul spam. Maybe my idea isn't the best, but isn't a tactical use of streak/block/cloak/shields/whatever better than the mindless spam that most abilities are. Sorc burst gets it right, balanced, not random spam like procs were.

    And the source I gave, along with many others prove how easily it is to spam streak, "not viable past 3." Streak also gets through roots, and can make some damage abilities not hit, similar to cloak. But cloak, unlike streak, can be broken. And I never said 7k for all of them, what are you on about, I mean general after last cast. Hell, even lower streak to 1.5k mag with the small cooldown after 2streak in a row. Would require staggering streak out a bit.

    FTR i'd also like 20s shields back because of the same spam vs smart use issue. With 20s shields, sorcs can reposition/have more time to set up burst without having to worry about being squish instantly.

    No, shields to 20 seconds is bad. Now you can outplay bad sorcs that cant use their shields reactively and kill them extremely fast. Thats why bad sorcs are the easiest kills now. They cant keep them up they get punished. Thats smart use and good gameplay. Keeping them up, managing ur resources and timing ur bursts. They may not be perfect now but at least there is punishment for mistakes.

    The video doesnt show how easy it is to spam streak. Spam means actually spam. He used it 5 times and then he had to use dark conversion to get magicka back up because he couldnt use streak again. Thats the exact opposite of what you are implying. Which in its turn gave his opponents the chance to catch up which they did. And when the fight started again he was already very low on magicka which forced him to reposition again. So no, its not spammable. And that was a case in which he actually had a clear head start. Imagine if he didnt. Using other mechanics in ur favor such as roll dodge, LOS or dark conversion doesnt make streak spammable or OP. A DK or a templar using mist form and managing to reposition doesnt mean the DK or the templar have mobility. Thats a stupid statement to make.

    And no 2 streaks are not enough to reposition. Just look the video. He had to use 5 streaks in a row to reposition. The streak cost increase on streak comes in place in cases like that. Thats when you need it to cost less. 2 streaks means you cant reposition and escape. You literally said that they shouldnt be able to escape. You are talking about the class that is designed to be mobile and you dont want it to be able to escape? And you are telling me that not bias?

    Cloak can be broken. Indeed. And u can gap close streak, you can snare the sorc to [snip] and u can root streak. If you are rooted in streak then you cant turn to the direction you want to streak. And if you are rooted in streak its much easier to catch the sorc that streaks with a gap closer for example.

    I just dont get it. You dont play the class, you are arguing with people that play the class for years. Its obvious that they are not biased cause they are literally telling you that sorc needs balancing like shieldstacking, double curse, fury, implosion, dark conversion. They explain you with numbers and actual PVP scenarios and yet you keep on arguing and trying to convince them on a subject you dont about and they experience every single day, that they are wrong and you are right.

    Seriously have u actually considered the fact that you may be just wrong. You are not playing the class. It isnt exactly weird to be wrong on a subject you have no experience on right? Thats common sense.

    [Edited for quotes]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on October 12, 2017 4:01PM
  • pieratsos
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Dude ur out of ur element! It can cost nearly all ur magicka to streak away 3 or 4 times. Guess costs the chasing player almost all his stamina to catch up. Its another buff for sorcs.

    Yeah obviously gap closers have increased cost per cast like streak.
    And yeah obviously people not being able to manage their stamina is a buff to sorcs. These days you can fart and it will still be a buff to sorcs somehow. Lmao

    You are not just out of ur element. You are out of the discussion so see urself out. We have enough clueless people with their idiotic bs already.

    If your not wrecking everything with a sorc, than u are doing it wrong. Smart sorcs know how to kite all around cyrodil. By the time most players get into a good attack position with a sorc, they have very little of the stamina pool left.

    Wrecking everything? Lol. Like i said, see yourself out. We have enough people with their idiotic bs.
    Edited by pieratsos on September 25, 2017 2:46AM
  • Drdeath20
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Dude ur out of ur element! It can cost nearly all ur magicka to streak away 3 or 4 times. Guess costs the chasing player almost all his stamina to catch up. Its another buff for sorcs.

    Yeah obviously gap closers have increased cost per cast like streak.
    And yeah obviously people not being able to manage their stamina is a buff to sorcs. These days you can fart and it will still be a buff to sorcs somehow. Lmao

    You are not just out of ur element. You are out of the discussion so see urself out. We have enough clueless people with their idiotic bs already.

    If your not wrecking everything with a sorc, than u are doing it wrong. Smart sorcs know how to kite all around cyrodil. By the time most players get into a good attack position with a sorc, they have very little of the stamina pool left.

    Wrecking everything? Lol. Like i said, see yourself out. We have enough people with their idiotic bs.

    U are out of your element on this 1 sport. Sorcs are easy mode sorry that ur having a bad time playing on urs. Great players are gods on sorcs, Average players look amazing on sorcs and well then theres players like u....hey cyrodil needs novices too
  • Mystrius_Archaion
    idk wrote: »
    No no no. My oppinions are fact.

    Don't take the the wrong way, but you are misspelling that word. I saw the same in another thread. It would be "opinion", one P.
    Just trying to help. You may want to correct any spell-check problems with your browser. I had my browser accidentally add misspellings to my dictionary for it also.
  • Morgul667
    Remove shield stacking or reduce shield CP value (for PVP) while not touching no-CP shield or PVE shields.

    -> sorc problem solved no more OP in CP and OK in no-CP -> then forum will find other classe OP and ask for nerf

  • Mystrius_Archaion
    Morgul667 wrote: »
    Remove shield stacking or reduce shield CP value (for PVP) while not touching no-CP shield or PVE shields.

    -> sorc problem solved no more OP in CP and OK in no-CP -> then forum will find other classe OP and ask for nerf

    Well, you have the same effect by just choosing the no-cp pvp options. Also, doesn't battle spirit already affect shields? Maybe they can just make it affect them harder?(I wouldn't ever go into pvp if I depended on shields then so I vote no of course.)

    You can't decrease the CP effect without hurting pve where they really need it for those big boss hits.
  • Feanor
    This thread will end as every other nerf Sorc thread.
    Main characters: Feanor the Believer - AD Altmer mSorc - AR 46 - Flawless Conqueror (PC EU)Idril Arnanor - AD Altmer mSorc - CP 217 - Stormproof (PC NA)Other characters:
    Necrophilius Killgood - DC Imperial NecromancerFearscales - AD Argonian Templar - Stormproof (healer)Draco Imperialis - AD Imperial DK (tank)Cabed Naearamarth - AD Dunmer mDKValirion Willowthorne - AD Bosmer stamBladeTuruna - AD Altmer magBladeKheled Zaram - AD Redguard stamDKKibil Nala - AD Redguard stamSorc - StormproofYavanna Kémentárí - AD Breton magWardenAzog gro-Ghâsh - EP Orc stamWardenVidar Drakenblød - DC Nord mDKMarquis de Peyrac - DC Breton mSorc - StormproofRawlith Khaj'ra - AD Khajiit stamWardenTu'waccah - AD Redguard Stamplar
    All chars 50 @ CP 1700+. Playing and enjoying PvP with RdK mostly on PC EU.
  • pieratsos
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Dude ur out of ur element! It can cost nearly all ur magicka to streak away 3 or 4 times. Guess costs the chasing player almost all his stamina to catch up. Its another buff for sorcs.

    Yeah obviously gap closers have increased cost per cast like streak.
    And yeah obviously people not being able to manage their stamina is a buff to sorcs. These days you can fart and it will still be a buff to sorcs somehow. Lmao

    You are not just out of ur element. You are out of the discussion so see urself out. We have enough clueless people with their idiotic bs already.

    If your not wrecking everything with a sorc, than u are doing it wrong. Smart sorcs know how to kite all around cyrodil. By the time most players get into a good attack position with a sorc, they have very little of the stamina pool left.

    Wrecking everything? Lol. Like i said, see yourself out. We have enough people with their idiotic bs.

    U are out of your element on this 1 sport. Sorcs are easy mode sorry that ur having a bad time playing on urs. Great players are gods on sorcs, Average players look amazing on sorcs and well then theres players like u....hey cyrodil needs novices too

    Usually those that resort to personal attacks are those that are clueless on the subject.
    I appreciate your attempt but it was a failed one. You are not just out of ur element. You are out of touch with reality and off topic. First read the actual conversation before spreading ur crap. And usually those screaming sorc god mode wrecking everyone are the potatoes getting 1vXed. Its ok cyrodiil does need potatoes like you. What would we do without you.
    Edited by pieratsos on September 25, 2017 9:07AM
  • TheDodge
    I would like clarify something as many people have taken this thread as there own personal stomping ground, on which they get to QQ about balance and experiences that have screwed them over.

    This thread had one purpose, to provide the correct information to those too ignorant to find it themselves.

    Edited by TheDodge on September 25, 2017 1:33PM
  • KingJ
    Feanor wrote: »
    This thread will end as every other nerf Sorc thread.
    So a endless debate that end with name calling and ZOS closing the thread.
  • Maulkin
    ak_pvp wrote: »

    The root component of fossilize is a null point because talons exist, and triggering flamelash is same, talons does it, and has nothing to do with the stun itself. I didn't know abilities are better because of passives that sort of relate to them, its like saying mark target gives crit because the pressure point passive does.

    Of course it's not a null point, unless you are telling me you wouldn't care to see the Immobilise removed from Fossilize since you already have Talons. What's that? You would? Oh well then it's not the same as Rune Prison like you said, is it?

    Fossilize is currently heavily used in PvP and Rune Prison is not. And the reasons are:
    a) the double CC of Fossilize
    b) the useful passives Fossilize triggers
    c) it's only competing with 1 other skill for space on the DK's bar, Stone Fist. Rune prison competes with Mines, Dark Deal, Boundless Storm.

    None of these factors are changing.
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    No one is going to run it is an AWFUL excuse. Of course people will run it. An unblockable, undodgeable stun is going to be very good for tanks, frags and streak have other uses and even if they didn't CC, they would be used. A hard CC that doesn''t break instantly and give free CC immunity is very important.

    Tell you what, why don't you quote me back a couple of months after this goes live. We'll see then. If it's used outside of duels as much as you predict, I'll happily admit I was wrong. Though I somehow don't think so.
    Edited by Maulkin on September 25, 2017 2:39PM
    EU | PC | AD
  • Xvorg
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Stumbled upon this thread, and it gave me a hearty lul.

    Incase most didn't know, rune prison in groups broke instantly, and outside of groups very quickly. A 2.5s stun effectively gives them the ability to set up their combo easy mode. No one said that it wasn't unblockable before. But now it is a stun, and the equivalent to DK. Quite ironic calling others ignorant.

    The staff is fine class wise, still quite strong. People saying that only sorc can use it is wrong. Its like saying templar can't use vma axes because they already have a spammable.

    Not the equivalent, but a 28 mts version of Petrify that costs like 1.5 k less magicka
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Xvorg
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    The only class I see using force pulse in PvP is Sorc. mDks won't neither will temps. Maybe nbs.
    So how about this. Force pulse will by way extremely op next patch. So any mag using it will be OP sorcs leading because it's already in thier tool kit. Is that better? There are so many ccs in PvP that I won't even notice the other skill.
    The meteor/stun/ curse/frag/execute combo will be crazy strong next patch. with a 2.5 second stun (esentially a fear or fossilize) it will guarantee that all your burst can hit at once if timed correctly. That may be a little too strong

    If you don't break rune cage with the combo incoming on live you die. If you don't break rune cage with the combo incoming in CwC you die.

    Also, what skill are you supposed to drop for rune cage?

    It is the sorc version of the Agony + meteor + impale combo NBs used to have, until some crap developer changed agony
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Xvorg
    Maulkin wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Stumbled upon this thread, and it gave me a hearty lul.

    Incase most didn't know, rune prison in groups broke instantly, and outside of groups very quickly. A 2.5s stun effectively gives them the ability to set up their combo easy mode. No one said that it wasn't unblockable before. But now it is a stun, and the equivalent to DK. Quite ironic calling others ignorant.

    The staff is fine class wise, still quite strong. People saying that only sorc can use it is wrong. Its like saying templar can't use vma axes because they already have a spammable.

    We've got a case of double irony here. Of course, it's not equivalent to the DKs Fossilize...

    Rune Prison is a stun, Fossilize is a stun and a root. The DK's skill is much bigger stamina drain. Not to mention the fact that the immobilise effect synergises with Flame Lash to set people off ballance (which gives a free Flame Lash), or the fact that it triggers the Helping Hands passive to give back stamina.

    Finally, hardly anyone is going to run Rune Prison. You're QQ'ing about something that's inconsequential. Sorc already has hard CC in Streak and Crystal Frags. Sorcs are not gonna slot a 3rd single-target, CC skill outside of a duel environment. There's literally no space on the bars.

    Foss is a 15 mts skill, while rune cage a 28 mts skill. A sorc can shut down a ranged enemy with it, while a DK ust run towards him before using it. Cage costs 2.1 k magicka, while Foss costs 3.5 k

    As a Mageblade I used a combo with meteor and agony... a super easy one: Meteor + agony while meteor was coming down. Ok, you were able to break CC. but did you have time to block? After that spamming strife or force pulse or even impale was a way to make a safe kill.

    Now that combo went to sorcs and can be done combined with curse and fury aaaand force pulse. You can even drop fury or frags with the new staff since your main spammable will keep concussion up almost 80% of the time.

    Of course, you can keep on using the old set up, but there are gonna be guys trying this new one that includes a CC on demand.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Drdeath20
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    Drdeath20 wrote: »
    Dude ur out of ur element! It can cost nearly all ur magicka to streak away 3 or 4 times. Guess costs the chasing player almost all his stamina to catch up. Its another buff for sorcs.

    Yeah obviously gap closers have increased cost per cast like streak.
    And yeah obviously people not being able to manage their stamina is a buff to sorcs. These days you can fart and it will still be a buff to sorcs somehow. Lmao

    You are not just out of ur element. You are out of the discussion so see urself out. We have enough clueless people with their idiotic bs already.

    If your not wrecking everything with a sorc, than u are doing it wrong. Smart sorcs know how to kite all around cyrodil. By the time most players get into a good attack position with a sorc, they have very little of the stamina pool left.

    Wrecking everything? Lol. Like i said, see yourself out. We have enough people with their idiotic bs.

    U are out of your element on this 1 sport. Sorcs are easy mode sorry that ur having a bad time playing on urs. Great players are gods on sorcs, Average players look amazing on sorcs and well then theres players like u....hey cyrodil needs novices too

    Usually those that resort to personal attacks are those that are clueless on the subject.
    I appreciate your attempt but it was a failed one. You are not just out of ur element. You are out of touch with reality and off topic. First read the actual conversation before spreading ur crap. And usually those screaming sorc god mode wrecking everyone are the potatoes getting 1vXed. Its ok cyrodiil does need potatoes like you. What would we do without you.

    Somebody sounds triggered.....take a lap bud, i think u have had enough.
  • Xvorg
    Maulkin wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »

    The root component of fossilize is a null point because talons exist, and triggering flamelash is same, talons does it, and has nothing to do with the stun itself. I didn't know abilities are better because of passives that sort of relate to them, its like saying mark target gives crit because the pressure point passive does.

    Of course it's not a null point, unless you are telling me you wouldn't care to see the Immobilise removed from Fossilize since you already have Talons. What's that? You would? Oh well then it's not the same as Rune Prison like you said, is it?

    Fossilize is currently heavily used in PvP and Rune Prison is not. And the reasons are:
    a) the double CC of Fossilize
    b) the useful passives Fossilize triggers
    c) it's only competing with 1 other skill for space on the DK's bar, Stone Fist. Rune prison competes with Mines, Dark Deal, Boundless Storm.

    None of these factors are changing.

    One of the most annoying things for a S/B mDK is the necessity of using shield charge as your gap closer.

    You know, it stuns, which is good for almost all classes. Problem is that if you use it, you MUST run talons, because it is the only wat to CC an enemy after shield charge. Fossilize on a mDK (or a s/b DK) does no good to you, if fact it is nearly useless if you want to kill fast. You can't stun what is already stunned, as well as you can't stun those guys who have broke CC.

    On a stam DK running 2H it is a great skill. Crit rush + foss is bread and butter for them, and allows them to drop talons. Then WB and Leap seem a natural step towards killing fast.

    Of course, if it was a 28mts CC it would be OK for mDKs, but it is just a 15 mts expensive skill.
    Sarcasm is something too serious to be taken lightly

    I was born with the wrong sign
    In the wrong house
    With the wrong ascendancy
    I took the wrong road
    That led to the wrong tendencies
    I was in the wrong place at the wrong time
    For the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
    On the wrong day of the wrong week
    Used the wrong method with the wrong technique
  • Maulkin
    Xvorg wrote: »
    Foss is a 15 mts skill, while rune cage a 28 mts skill. A sorc can shut down a ranged enemy with it, while a DK ust run towards him before using it. Cage costs 2.1 k magicka, while Foss costs 3.5 k

    As a Mageblade I used a combo with meteor and agony... a super easy one: Meteor + agony while meteor was coming down. Ok, you were able to break CC. but did you have time to block? After that spamming strife or force pulse or even impale was a way to make a safe kill.

    Now that combo went to sorcs and can be done combined with curse and fury aaaand force pulse. You can even drop fury or frags with the new staff since your main spammable will keep concussion up almost 80% of the time.

    Of course, you can keep on using the old set up, but there are gonna be guys trying this new one that includes a CC on demand.

    No, it didn't just now go to Sorcs. That's the point of this thread to educate people that don't play Sorc that this was already available. Agony and Rune Prison worked exactly the same way, an unblockable disorient. You could already combo Curse and Meteor with Rune Prison, like you did with Agony on your mageblade. Nothing has changed in that regard.

    I'm not sure what mts means, please explain. Regarding the cost, I've always said that the magicka cost of Earthen Heart skills was ridiculously high for no apparent reason. They need a cost reduction but that's aside from the functionality.
    Xvorg wrote: »

    One of the most annoying things for a S/B mDK is the necessity of using shield charge as your gap closer.

    You know, it stuns, which is good for almost all classes. Problem is that if you use it, you MUST run talons, because it is the only wat to CC an enemy after shield charge. Fossilize on a mDK (or a s/b DK) does no good to you, if fact it is nearly useless if you want to kill fast. You can't stun what is already stunned, as well as you can't stun those guys who have broke CC.

    On a stam DK running 2H it is a great skill. Crit rush + foss is bread and butter for them, and allows them to drop talons. Then WB and Leap seem a natural step towards killing fast.

    Of course, if it was a 28mts CC it would be OK for mDKs, but it is just a 15 mts expensive skill.

    I don't disagree on this. They tried to rectify this issue with Empowering Chains but they didn't exactly make the synergy work as well.

    I think Major Expedition is kinda lost on that skill. You usually need speed to disengage from combat or re-position. It's more useful on the dodge roll of Bow users for example, or Quick Cloak, or Boundless Storm, or the Warden's Falcon Swiftness. Tying it to a gap closer limits its use greatly because a) you need an enemy in range and b) you can only use it offensively not defensively. Thus you still need Mistform to disengage.

    I think they should move Major Expedition to another skill and give Empowering Chains a different secondary buff. Like so:
    "Also Immobilises your target for 2 seconds. If your target is already immobile, it increases the damage of the Chains by X and reduces your targets Movement Speed by 30% for 2 seconds".

    So you could use the skill alone, in synergy with Flame Lash (Chains->Flame Lash) for turning an Immobilise into an Off-Balance.

    Or you could do a Fossilize -> Chains -> Flame Lash. Fossilize stuns and immobilises, it gives Chains a damage buff which bring it on par with Crit Charge and a 30% snare (which stacks with Warmth passive to make 60%) which brings it on a par with Stampede. It also Empowers your next Flame Lash which will hit hard and set the enemy off balance. Then you get a free Flame Lash which is buffed by both the skill itself and by the Exploiter CP passive if you have that unlocked.

    That would remove the need for Magicka DKs to use S&B for gap closing and make both Chains and Fossilise an extremely potent combination along with Flame Lash.
    EU | PC | AD
  • ak_pvp
    Maulkin wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »

    The root component of fossilize is a null point because talons exist, and triggering flamelash is same, talons does it, and has nothing to do with the stun itself. I didn't know abilities are better because of passives that sort of relate to them, its like saying mark target gives crit because the pressure point passive does.

    Of course it's not a null point, unless you are telling me you wouldn't care to see the Immobilise removed from Fossilize since you already have Talons. What's that? You would? Oh well then it's not the same as Rune Prison like you said, is it?

    Fossilize is currently heavily used in PvP and Rune Prison is not. And the reasons are:
    a) the double CC of Fossilize
    b) the useful passives Fossilize triggers
    c) it's only competing with 1 other skill for space on the DK's bar, Stone Fist. Rune prison competes with Mines, Dark Deal, Boundless Storm.

    None of these factors are changing.
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    No one is going to run it is an AWFUL excuse. Of course people will run it. An unblockable, undodgeable stun is going to be very good for tanks, frags and streak have other uses and even if they didn't CC, they would be used. A hard CC that doesn''t break instantly and give free CC immunity is very important.

    Tell you what, why don't you quote me back a couple of months after this goes live. We'll see then. If it's used outside of duels as much as you predict, I'll happily admit I was wrong. Though I somehow don't think so.

    Its a weird one to use outside of lining ults. DK dots break it in a single second, making it just a root, which is then outclassed by talons. I wouldn't actually mind if the root was removed, if we got the rune prisons 28m and lower cost ;* I'm not sure, but I might run it unmorphed next patch, the root is ok, but unneeded. (Maybe I'll keep it to root ranged, maybe not) And the second morph is situationally useful for a free flamelash, but fks up my burst combo. (talons, deep breath, whip, powerwhip with breath exploding at same time as power whip.) as powerwhip can't proc of power whip.

    New petrify will fix the issue of the stun being broken instant, which is consequentially the same reason sorcs don't run rune now, since it breaks at any . But that doesn't matter, rune/foss isn't as popular because
    MagDK main. PC/EU @AK-ESO
    Best houseknight EU.
  • Anti_Virus
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    pieratsos wrote: »
    ak_pvp wrote: »
    Ankael07 wrote: »
    If anything theyve nerfed rune cage. On live you can use it to consistently drain magicka player's stamina pool and kill them with dot spells. Now theyve stripped off whatever uniqueness the spell had.

    No hate, but clarrification please?

    Surely its as breakable as before, but instead of burning them with DoTs, you get 2.5s of any damage. The only thing you cant do is keep them stunned/disoriented for over 2.5s, but normally no one would stay in it for longer than that? It is more usable in groups or with pets (I believe pets basic is direct?) or anything non dot based. Sorc doesn't actually have that many dots either.

    To me it seems like a huge buff. Even if some might not use it, people can replace something like boundless or mines.

    2.5s of free dmg? You do realise that u can cc break right? Or are you literally implying that u never get stunned now apart from fear and fossilize?

    Why the hell would u use it in groups? Who gives a [snip] about a single target cc in a group scenario. And how the hell is getting stunned by a frag different from getting stunned by a rune cage. Or are you literally implying that you can pay attention to every single person in a group and the only way for you to get stunned is with an unblockable cc?

    No one is gonna drop mines for that cc in open world. No one. Sorcs didnt even drop mines for dark conversion and you think they are gonna drop it for a third cc? And how the hell are u going to drop boundless for it? There is already no room for boundless.

    The only way you can fit it in ur bar is in duels because you know ur opponent and maybe u can drop something for it. Unfortunately the amount of broken things in duels is too damn high. There is no balance in duels. You cant balance duels.

    Trying to fit it in ur bar for open world without losing an important ability means using overload which also means dropping resto ult. No thanks. You could nerf resto ult to the ground and half of the sorc will still put atro there instead of overload. And the other half that use overload will most likely still pick the defensive rune which is prety much the exact same thing as it is on live. Its more like a nerf when u look at the defensive morph.

    Of course to you it looks like a huge buff. But then again you also proposed a nerf to streak and you named it as a buff so yeah...

    WOW. You do have the reading comprehension of a child. You know you can break free from rune prison as it is now. So presuming you don't break free, you either get any damage type with the buff for 2.5s, or dot damage, any direct would break it, and sorc dots aren't exactly very common or strong. How exactly is it a nerf, please tell?

    Why would you use it? Duels, but they aren't balanced, what an excuse, ok, against rollypolly players, or against permablock builds, which are FOTM tied with sorcs. Hmm, I don't know, dropping block for sync'd ults In groups, like what DKs in groups do? And trust me, there are many sorcs that can fit it on their bar, because a lot do actually use overload. I.e. syphers new vid. Some sorc I fought a few hours ago did too. Dark deal, surge, boundless on back bar frees up a lot of space.

    Also, aren't you the one who said most sorcs don't streak more than twice normally, that its very costly to streak 3 times. Won't it be better to lower streaks cost for normal use, and just cap the amount to two. Since no one uses it more than that. Or can you not comprehend that. You honestly are like a child getting its toys taken away, not realizing its for the best.


    You said 2.5s of any dmg. Its 2.5s of any dmg assuming you are out of stamina. In which case, you are getting punished for it. That the whole [snip] point. As long as you can manage ur stamina its not free dmg.

    Using defensive rune means you are using it defensively. You use it for anti gank and to get people off you. Not to line up a burst on someone. Getting someone off you for potentially half a minute is a lot better than 2.5 seconds.

    No you cant balance duels. Thats not an excuse, thats reality. Duels are balanced by the players involved in the duel. You know ur opponent you build to counter. If it was just an excuse then how come and you complain about DKs that have nothing going on for them besides being tanks? They are amongst the best in duels so why the hell do u complain. Biased much?

    Yes there are sorcs that play with overload. The point is that to do it u have to drop resto ult. You say in one post resto ult OP, facetanking and in another post you say dropping it for something else is a huge buff. Contradicting ur own arguments now?

    Stop putting words in my mouth that i never said. That doesnt boost ur argument. It makes u look like a fool.
    I said 3 streaks is viable. Anything more than that isnt viable cause it costs too much and that certainly doesnt make it spammable which is what you implied. But If your option is streak again or death then its not really an option. You streak again.

    If you remove shieldstacking then mobility becomes even more vital and using streak becomes even more important. If you are squishy you need to rely on mobility to reposition and escape. If i cant use the skill then who gives a damn about how much it costs. What you proposed is to nerf survivability and mobility at the same time because you personally dont want sorcs to be able to survive or escape. Sorry but we are not falling for your idiotic bs.

    You contradict your own arguments, you make asinine statements about a class you have zero experience on and you try to "educate" people that played the class for years while you also refuse to be lectured on a subject that you have experience on and they dont.

    You started the last thread and you said "im not the usual pleb that wants every bit of it nerfed". No, your even worse. At least those people call them nerfs. You on the other hand, are a biased hypocrite asking for nerfs and you have the audacity to call them buffs. Sorry but you cant *** on people's feet and call it rain.

    You are without a doubt one of the most laughable nobs I have ever seen. Firstly, I do know abut the class, I played stam and magsorc around the pet era. The way I played mine was resto and overload, you don't have to drop one or the other, because it's possible to run an ult on the overload bar, or not even a damage ult at all. That's 3 bars and tankiness.

    So yet again more *** spewed from your mouth. Do you seriously think I want to randomly kill of a class? Because that would do wonders for balance. /s No, I don't. A

    On streak, I may have misremembered. 3, but what is better, 3 at a high mag cost, around 7k, or 2 at around 3k, along with cheaper mines for mobility. Because trust me I know which one is better for actual use and not just running away. Also, look at the start of syphers new video. 5 in a row with a shield between 2nd and 3rd.

    DKs are all built as tanks, because they have no movement or other ways of survival, wings is useless and shields for them aren't as strong. If I build for burst, my survival options are... Wings which take lots of projectiles and effects, not to mention atrocious uptime for price. Or tanking... Oh yeah, unlike sorcs DKs have to build for it.

    In case you wondered why I wanted a change for that, is because I, like most others want to remove permablock. And other tkk increasers Oh, wait... Nope, is because I am sooooo biased. Idiot.

    Don't reply this guy calls Every one a fool that doesn't agree with him and is on an agenda to nerf heavy armor into the ground dispite the nerfs it received in the past.

    INB4, your resistance calculations are wrong.

    [Edited for quotes]
    Edited by ZOS_KatP on October 12, 2017 4:02PM
    Power Wealth And Influence.
  • GrimJaw
    Anti_Virus wrote: »

    Don't reply this guy calls Every one a fool that doesn't agree with him and is on an agenda to nerf heavy armor into the ground dispite the nerfs it received in the past.

    INB4, your resistance calculations are wrong.

  • Lexxypwns
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    The only class I see using force pulse in PvP is Sorc. mDks won't neither will temps. Maybe nbs.
    So how about this. Force pulse will by way extremely op next patch. So any mag using it will be OP sorcs leading because it's already in thier tool kit. Is that better? There are so many ccs in PvP that I won't even notice the other skill.
    The meteor/stun/ curse/frag/execute combo will be crazy strong next patch. with a 2.5 second stun (esentially a fear or fossilize) it will guarantee that all your burst can hit at once if timed correctly. That may be a little too strong

    If you don't break rune cage with the combo incoming on live you die. If you don't break rune cage with the combo incoming in CwC you die.

    Also, what skill are you supposed to drop for rune cage?

    I've always played with defensive rune not giving any thought to the other one. I may dust off my sorc this week and see if i can get my meteor to land with the rune cage disorient. This sounds like it could be op, sort of like agony in duels for magblade. Because one of sorcs only weakness is its lack of cc which makes it's burst very easily to counter. If this new rune cage will work like fear or fossilize this may push sorc to the number one class in pvp. Who would be able to survive a meteor combo. It's also viable open world as well because you don't have to worry about it breaking from a random tick. I could just switch degeneration for it or even annulment.

    I think sorc is so far from top tier in pvp at the moment that this buff isn't going to get it to top tier much less absolute top spec. Furthermore, if you drop a major sorcery buff you lose out on both healing and the freedom to choose a potion that supplements your stam and magika sustain. Not being able to run tri-pots or immovables is a huge ding to sorc sustain and survivability. These are all trade offs you have to take into consideration and this is what keeps rune cage balanced on mag sorc. On a class with less competitive bars this kind of buff would be colossal, but you have to give up something that is critical to your build in order to run this.

    Mageblade is already superior to magika sorc and is getting a much larger buff with healthy offering and that's not even mentioning that both warden specs are drastically better than mag sorc, offering more burst and better survivability. There's a good argument that magplar outperforms mag sorc now and next patch as well. Especially once people realize that sweeps is *** and you'll get much more damage on magplar with asylum inferno front bar and force pulse as your spammable and you don't need to be melee to deal effective damage, something like 5 riposte(jewels+snb) 5 light impreg sturdy(body) 2 Skoria/Bloodspawn Asylum inferno will drastically outperform anything mag sorc can manage.
    Edited by Lexxypwns on September 25, 2017 5:10PM
  • Subversus
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    The only class I see using force pulse in PvP is Sorc. mDks won't neither will temps. Maybe nbs.
    So how about this. Force pulse will by way extremely op next patch. So any mag using it will be OP sorcs leading because it's already in thier tool kit. Is that better? There are so many ccs in PvP that I won't even notice the other skill.

    I'm literally going to be running Asylum Destro + force pulse on my magplar for BGs next patch, force pulse is already close to sweeps in performance anyway and its not a channel.

    I agree, many are still struggling to choose between running destro force pulse or melee jabs for magplar in pvp... at least this will make the choice easier.
  • TheDodge
    Maulkin wrote: »

    No, it didn't just now go to Sorcs. That's the point of this thread to educate people that don't play Sorc that this was already available. Agony and Rune Prison worked exactly the same way, an unblockable disorient. You could already combo Curse and Meteor with Rune Prison, like you did with Agony on your mageblade. Nothing has changed in that regard.

    I'm Happy somebody understands :smile:
  • Dorrino
    While the amount of overreaction on these forums is quite overwhelming i have to add the following to the OP:

    1. The main difference between disorients and stuns is that disorients break on directs damage and stuns do not.

    When rune prison was a disorient it broke from many unintentional (by the caster) sources in xvx environment.

    So previously, if the target experienced lag spikes or were out of stam or were not skillful enough to break free in time there was a chance for rune prison to break 'by itself'.

    The stun version doesn't provide these additional ways to remove the cc, while still being undodgeable, and thus is a buff.

    2. While any mag spec can use force pulse, most classes benefit more from their class spammable, instead of it. The common exceptions were mag sorcs and, partially, magblades.

    That's why judging from the current state of pvp meta, this buff to force pulse is primarily a buff to mag sorcs and secondarily a buff to magblades.

    If asylum staff goes live as it it, this alone might change the meta to force pulse for more mag specs. We don't know that yet, that's why people claim that it's a mag sorcs buff.

    3. If magplars swap jabs for force pulse they will have to trade in the extra damage from dual wield and agree to make their spammable dodgeable again. So the choice is not straightforward at all even for them.
    Edited by Dorrino on September 25, 2017 7:47PM
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