Game Performance Issues on Console

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • LanaCroft92
    I'm still having a problem with Dark Brotherhood dlc.
    Unable to defeat Primate Artorius as it keeps freezing! Please can this be fixed as I'm sure I am not the only one who is/will have this problem on Xbox one!
    Edited by LanaCroft92 on May 29, 2017 2:21PM
  • gp1680
    So it's now the one year anniversary for this amazingly productive thread they started. So ZOS, how are the engineers doing on fixing the disconnects and lag in PVP? Seems worse than ever. Maybe we have to wait another year?
  • Nexus_Emperor
    Update stop on 34% any tips or wit ?? My internet not speed
    I'm play ESO on Xbox 2015-2018
    AND i Move create New Account on PC EU server Cp1080
    i play Trials i like it more i complete Vmol +VSS+Vhof+Vcr
    i love these game and fun time with new people
  • Toophat82
    I don't know if this is normal but on my xbox one for a while now when i enter towns the buildings don't load in properly and can look blob like or faded sometimes. Is this normal it only happens inTESO and in crowed areas like towns.
  • BarbedSaturn
    Ha lol. This was posted in 2016, and i not seein any fixes to frame rate or lag in 2017.
  • Moonscythe
    Since Morrowind I have been having some serious lag just running around in PVE. I have nearly died more than once because my staff is not firing on all cylinders, so to speak. I hate to die! Is there any good/reasonable reason for this? I love Morrowind. It's beautiful and feels more like a single player experience than any other part of ESO, and since I play in off peak hours and things have simmered down since launch why is there so much lag? Is anyone else on Xbox experiencing this problem?

    My ISP is not the greatest but I do have the best they offer. I don't play any other MMOs so I can't really compare otherwise.
    Scura di Notte - Altmer Nightblade (gear)
    Lalin del Sombra - Bosmer Sorcerer (alchemy/enchanting)
    Angevin Sarkany - Bosmer Dragonknight
    Alkemene Velothi - Dunmer Warden (Morrowind)
    Sanna yos'Phalen - Altmer Sorcerer (provisioning)
    Cosima di Mattina -Altmer Sorcerer
    Naria Andrano - Dunmer Templar
    Luca della Serata - Redguard Templar
  • ImperialNord66
    I have the exact same problem. Since Morrowind had been released, I wasn't able to play ESO without lags for a single time.
  • Elder_Martin
    Lag is still terrible and no one at ZOS even cares.
    I am the real Mudcrab Merchant.
    Gamertag - Elder Martin
  • Steel_Linx43
    I've been disconnect 12 times in the last hour, can't get into dungeons forever and when I do I get disconnected or I can't use skills or bar swap or my character lags forward and backward it also freezes. I can't even play seriously need to fix this it is unbearable. Patch it or something I'm also getting kicked from server for "spamming messages " even though I'm not even using chat voice or text.
  • madchuska83
    The spamming messages thing is because you're still hitting buttons during the lag spike, when the lag ends all those button presses get sent to the server at once. This makes it think you're a bot and boots you. It's getting very annoying and I'm starting to get angry about this $15 a month I'm spending on an unplayable game.
  • N1ckelsNd1mes
    Since the Morrowind Release

    City of Wayrest is death to me. If i have to go there, after coming out of the wayshrine i let the character sit for a good 45-60 seconds before moving. if i forget or get impatient, the game crashes/freezes. and i have to exit back to Xbox home, exit game, relaunch.

    Graphics load horribly. I don't know how to explain it other then it looks very pixelated. This is in most cities in Morrowind, Wayrest, Wrothgar, and other places.

    Weapons not firing during PVE combat situations. Pull trigger, nothing. Move, pull again, nothing. I have several controllers that i've used, even tried attaching cord, same issue.

    Certain areas will kick up the load screen again. An example, on Malabal Tor. Come out of the Dra'Bul Wayshrine. Head north to go to the Broken Coast Dolmen. About half way down the hill and before the Orc village, the load screen comes back up. 10 secs, 20 secs, this MAY be an unusually long load time, 30 secs, frees up. Sometimes, it comes up when i reach the first 3 Orcs, so i'm usually dead when i get loaded back in. This same deal occurs leaving other areas, not always cities.

    Is there a fix for any of this on the horizon? i've never thought this before about the game, but last night when it crashed/froze in Rawlka again, i had the thought of why do i play this game?
    XboxOne NA - N1ckelsNd1mes
    50 Nord DK - Tank - EB
    50 Imperial Templar - Tank - AD
    50 Breton Sorc - DPS - DC
    50 Khajiit NB - DPS - AD - currently rebuilding
    50 Redguard DK - Tank - AD
  • Silufadumar
    I seem to be having similar problems to other players in this post.
    (I'm on Xbox One, European Server)

    • Abilities not firing off during combat.

    • Even simple Light attacks not always firing during combat.

    • Graphics not loading properly in towns and citys.

    • Game freezing and crashing to dashboard all too often.

    Personally, I've noticed these happening since the release of Morrowind, not so much before, and the game is crashing to dashboard even more frequently in the past week.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Can we have an update on these issues, as they are really having a major negative affect on players enjoyment off the game, a game we all love and want to continue playing and supporting.

    Thanks in advance Gina and Jessica for any help/news you can give us.
    Edited by Silufadumar on July 29, 2017 2:07PM
  • Krayzie
    Yea I highly doubt they're going to fix anything about console lag
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Krayzie
    I seem to be having similar problems to other players in this post.
    (I'm on Xbox One, European Server)

    • Abilities not firing off during combat.

    • Even simple Light attacks not always firing during combat.

    • Graphics not loading properly in towns and citys.

    • Game freezing and crashing to dashboard all too often.

    Personally, I've noticed these happening since the release of Morrowind, not so much before, and the game is crashing to dashboard even more frequently in the past week.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Can we have an update on these issues, as they are really having a major negative affect on players enjoyment off the game, a game we all love and want to continue playing and supporting.

    Thanks in advance Gina and Jessica for any help/news you can give us.

    Yea, I want an update too, but at this point I highly doubt they can do anything about console performace.

    It's gone on for way too long, broken beyond repair, terrible customer service, they can't keep their servers up.

    Just all around bad, nothing good to say about this company
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Hey all, want to let you know that we have some improvements coming to game performance on Xbox in our next update. This will include better FPS, improvements to loading times, and a reduction to lock-ups and game crashes.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Octopuss
    Hey all, want to let you know that we have some improvements coming to game performance on Xbox in our next update. This will include better FPS, improvements to loading times, and a reduction to lock-ups and game crashes.

    Is this console-specific thing only or will other platforms get anything out of it as well?
    Edited by Octopuss on August 28, 2017 4:40PM
  • MurderMostFoul
    Hey all, want to let you know that we have some improvements coming to game performance on Xbox in our next update. This will include better FPS, improvements to loading times, and a reduction to lock-ups and game crashes.


    @ZOS_GinaBruno - On a related note, when might we get some details regarding Xbox One X enhancements?

    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Octopuss wrote: »

    Is this console-specific thing only or will other platforms get anything out of it as well?

    All platforms will have some degree of improvements.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • Octopuss

    All platforms will have some degree of improvements.
    Oh that's awesome. I hope you will elaborate on this a little bit more when the time comes. We all are extremely curious.
  • Dasovaruilos
    Hey all, want to let you know that we have some improvements coming to game performance on Xbox in our next update. This will include better FPS, improvements to loading times, and a reduction to lock-ups and game crashes.

    That is probably the best news from this patch.

    Performance after Morrowind has been abysmal. All improvements from Homestead were reverted with Morrowind. All the crashes that almost disappeared came back, loading screen times were atrocious, lots of times taking more than 2 minutes do finish...

    I really hope we can notice those improvements and have sane loading screen times again and can play the game for more than 1 hour without crashing to the dashboard.
  • SwaminoNowlino
    • BUZZZZZ Crash - Not fixed <- I waver on whether or not this is fair to hold ZOS accounatble for since it exists in other games, though not to the same extent.
    • Gap closing through the map - not fixed
    • Crashing constantly in Cyrodiil - not fixed
    • Crashing during loading screen for bgs - not fixed
    • Light attack weaving bug - not fixed
    • graphics/buildings/npcs not loading - not fixed
    • abilities not firing - not fixed
    • unable to use a potion - not fixed
    • CC immunity and immovable pots not working - not fixed
    • crashing in wrothgar - not fixed
    • mounts randomly losing momentum - not fixed

    All present for over a year. None fixed in the Horns of the Reach patch. 90% not even officially acknowledged.

    And these are just the one's off the top of my head before I got bored proving my point.
    Edited by SwaminoNowlino on August 29, 2017 5:14PM
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • Dasovaruilos
    So, I played yesterday hopeful this update would indeed bring some performances issues. Here is what I found, results that may be skewed because a lot of people were still downoaling the patch and a lot of places were emptier than usual:
    • Still crash in Vivec when using a menu for first time. Every. Single. Time. Unless I log into a character already there, I get a crash everytime I try to use a Banker, Crafting Station, Guild trader
    • Logging in screens and traveling to Wayrest, Craglorn, Rawl'kha and Mournhold still took 50-90 seconds more ofter than it was fast. Some logins still take 2 minutes+ in Craglorn.
    • Loading screens for less populated areas, Delves and Public Dungeons were indeed much, much faster. Went from 40-60 seconds in Morrowind to 15 seconds yesterday
    • Light attack weaves and skills were apparently even glitchier than in Morrowind. This might be the extra lag from people trying the update or something, but for a DPS in high ping, yesterday's performance was almost close to unplayable.
    • I tried several times to get a double loading screen by using Rapids and mounting right after getting out of a Wayshire. Only got one in Rivernspire. Before Morrowind, I could get a double and even a triple loading screen almost 100% of the time by doing that in Craglorn, Daggerfal, Wayrest. So, looks like it was an improvement here
    • FPS after porting to a city is much better. Textures and NPCs were loading noticeably faster, but interactble stuff like Stablemaster, Pledge Givers, containers and Guild Traders could still take up to 30 seconds to fully load.
    • I didn't get a single "Too many searches" message or "Retrieving items" lockups yesterday, so it looks like it was an improvement here as well.

    All in all, first day impressions on Xbox/NA were that the patch sped up some loading screens and textures loading, but the gameplay itself manage to get even worse than Morrowind. To the point were it felt like animations were 1 second or more delayed from the actions themselves (I play with 300 ping).

    Will test more in the next weeks to see which of those things are actually fixed and eliminate any "first day of patch" inconsistencies.
  • Hawkeye0099
    cannot log in on any of my characters, originally thought it was just craglorn.
  • gp1680
    • BUZZZZZ Crash - Not fixed <- I waver on whether or not this is fair to hold ZOS accounatble for since it exists in other games, though not to the same extent.
    • Gap closing through the map - not fixed
    • Crashing constantly in Cyrodiil - not fixed
    • Crashing during loading screen for bgs - not fixed
    • Light attack weaving bug - not fixed
    • graphics/buildings/npcs not loading - not fixed
    • abilities not firing - not fixed
    • unable to use a potion - not fixed
    • CC immunity and immovable pots not working - not fixed
    • crashing in wrothgar - not fixed
    • mounts randomly losing momentum - not fixed

    All present for over a year. None fixed in the Horns of the Reach patch. 90% not even officially acknowledged.

    And these are just the one's off the top of my head before I got bored proving my point. [/quote]

    One small glimmer of light from the hotr patch. Last night I crashed in Cyrodiil while in the middle of defending Aleswell. When I logged back in, it brought me right back to the inner keep of Ales where I crashed WHILE the fight was still going on and the keep was popped. This is not what would happen in the past. Before the patch, it would keep crashing me two times until it finally ported me back in to the south gate. I'm hoping to test this again in the coming nights to see if it was a one-off or a consistent theme. My fingers are crossed...
  • Silufadumar
    Hey all, want to let you know that we have some improvements coming to game performance on Xbox in our next update. This will include better FPS, improvements to loading times, and a reduction to lock-ups and game crashes.

    Thanks for the update @ZOS_GinaBruno , I hope things improve soon.
  • Defilted

    I am not sure if you are aware, but ever since Morrowind I stopped crashing to desktop (XBOX One NA). It has not happened one time since Morrowind

    -The issue now is the game will freeze for about 1 to 1 and half minutes.
    -Then the game drops you and says the internet connection is invalid.

    I am getting these drops just as often as I got the kick to dashboard. Something else to note is that these game drops happen in the same spots that the kick to dashboard used to happen. In our PVP guild 1 to 10 people will get drop almost every time. If I had to stick a % on it I would say it is at 89% of the time myself or others from my group get dropped in the below situations.

    -After you take a keep and right after you receive your AP reward
    -After you defend a keep and receive your AP reward
    -After a large fight is over, typically right after the last enemy is dead in the area.
    -Right as a large fight begins (Some AP is awarded)

    I do get kicks in other places but at least for me are not as often. I also find that when I get kicked mid battle I am normally not in a group(Solo).

    -During large battles anywhere (not often) 1 and 15 battles
    -In the middle of a keep battle defending or attacking (not often) I would say 1 and 8 keep battles this happens
    -I still get kicked solo sometimes in the previously mentioned list, but not nearly as often when I am solo

    Large battle lag
    The lag is still there but again for me it has changed how it happens. The game used to slow down and the button presses would get very delayed or not happen at all. Since Morrowind ( I have not PVP'ed enough since HOTR to know if it is better or worse) I do not see the slow moving battle or the lag in button presses.

    -Now I see the game will freeze and then move in chunks.

    The above is the most prevalent behavior in large battles since Morrowind. This does not always happen. I still do experience the older style of slow button reactions, but not as often as this behavior has replaced a good chunk of the older style lag.

    I have not changed anything on my end as far as internet and router are concerned. I did receive a new modem. However the changes I mention did not start happening after I received the new modem as this was back in February. All behavior stayed the same until the release of Morrowind.

    Hope this is slightly helpful. There are not logs to pull that I am aware of or I would pull them and include them here.

    Good luck
    XBOX Series X

  • Hawkeye0099
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Gina, my game crashes instantly while trying to log in. I've hard rebooted my Xbox my router. I cleared saved data I've reinstalled. what else am I missing? is this a known issue? it started with the new patch and I have not been able to log in since.
  • goggs25
    I can't loging to this game anymore all I get is login failed over and over and over 17 times I get login failed and yes I have my ports open and it does not help this why online games dshould be bbanned lazy developer's won't fix there useless servers
  • Krayzie
    Hey all, want to let you know that we have some improvements coming to game performance on Xbox in our next update. This will include better FPS, improvements to loading times, and a reduction to lock-ups and game crashes.

    Do we just have to wait for Scorpio for reliable playability?
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
  • Krayzie
    Defilted wrote: »

    I am not sure if you are aware, but ever since Morrowind I stopped crashing to desktop (XBOX One NA). It has not happened one time since Morrowind

    -The issue now is the game will freeze for about 1 to 1 and half minutes.
    -Then the game drops you and says the internet connection is invalid.

    I am getting these drops just as often as I got the kick to dashboard. Something else to note is that these game drops happen in the same spots that the kick to dashboard used to happen. In our PVP guild 1 to 10 people will get drop almost every time. If I had to stick a % on it I would say it is at 89% of the time myself or others from my group get dropped in the below situations.

    -After you take a keep and right after you receive your AP reward
    -After you defend a keep and receive your AP reward
    -After a large fight is over, typically right after the last enemy is dead in the area.
    -Right as a large fight begins (Some AP is awarded)

    I do get kicks in other places but at least for me are not as often. I also find that when I get kicked mid battle I am normally not in a group(Solo).

    -During large battles anywhere (not often) 1 and 15 battles
    -In the middle of a keep battle defending or attacking (not often) I would say 1 and 8 keep battles this happens
    -I still get kicked solo sometimes in the previously mentioned list, but not nearly as often when I am solo

    Large battle lag
    The lag is still there but again for me it has changed how it happens. The game used to slow down and the button presses would get very delayed or not happen at all. Since Morrowind ( I have not PVP'ed enough since HOTR to know if it is better or worse) I do not see the slow moving battle or the lag in button presses.

    -Now I see the game will freeze and then move in chunks.

    The above is the most prevalent behavior in large battles since Morrowind. This does not always happen. I still do experience the older style of slow button reactions, but not as often as this behavior has replaced a good chunk of the older style lag.

    I have not changed anything on my end as far as internet and router are concerned. I did receive a new modem. However the changes I mention did not start happening after I received the new modem as this was back in February. All behavior stayed the same until the release of Morrowind.

    Hope this is slightly helpful. There are not logs to pull that I am aware of or I would pull them and include them here.

    Good luck

    I've noticed improvements, it's sad to say but these tiny improvements are actually major and in most of the ways you describe.

    In Cyrodiil I still BZZZZZ crash once every few hours but in situations where I'd normally crash every 30-60 minutes I freeze(so does my group) for 2-3 seconds then we unfreeze and can continue.
    I'm a PVE roleplayer concerned about my vampires stage 4 skin tone and keep getting load screens so I came here to distract people from major issues with a rant thread about my characters cosmetic appearance.
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