Game Performance Issues on Console

Maintenance for the week of February 17:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
  • Enigmatic
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom - Another issue to add to the list...

    Load into character and the character is completely stuck and rooted to the spot. Camera angle suggests character is actually partially submerged in ground but can't be certain as can't see char as camera angle has changed from normal setting.

    Cannot move camera or character for a couple of minutes until game sorts itself out.

    When resolved, the camera angle resets to the normal setting, player becomes visible and can be moved again.

    XBOX NA server, AD char. Various regions.
  • zadori1975
    I just finished the daily undaunted veteran dungeon, was the crypt of heart. We experienced serious game performance issues in the dungeon. Monsters are not loaded visually in the area, so we can't target them directly, but the monsters attacked us. Maybe this is a more difficult version of the dungeon ?
  • zadori1975
    Eu server.
  • GawdSB
    Get a boss in Imperial City to 5.4k health and all of a sudden I can't hit or anything. I disconnect and come back to being killed and losing ver stones. Marvelous great job in fixing things zos.
  • blindy107
    NA server. Long loading times on initial character load. Into an unpopulated cyrodiil campaign...
  • zadori1975
    Crash to dashboard when I trying to travel from Hews bane to elden root. After relog crash again. Also problem with chat.

    X1 European server.
  • JThorn420
    Those of you who are experiencing long loading screens and missing NPCs, specifically, are you playing on the European or North American Xbox One megaserver?

    North American Xbox One megaserver

  • Enigmatic
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom - NA Server. AD char in Rivenspire.

    Trying to move from Crestshade Wayshrine to The Shadow mundus stone.

    This video shows coming out of second load screen after starting from wayshrine and waiting for stuff to become visible.

    As I moved, NPC disappeared, then I was attacked by invisible NPC before being knocked back (by nothing visible) and sent through walls back to where I was with NPC back in a state of not being aggro'd
    Playing on XBox NA.

    One thing I have not seen mentioned anywhere and I am certain is the case for me, is that......

    After DB went live on XBox, I immediately noticed performance issues. Namely....
    • Longer loading screens.
    • Loading screens while traversing areas.
    • Silhouetted players when loading into a zone.
    • Long waits to access guild banks.
    • General lag issues, even in solo instances.
    • Unresponsive combat - abilities not firing or being extremely delayed (this was not a common thing).

    At this point, I was NOT a sub of ESO+.

    Now, you'd think that, given all the aforementioned issues, there'd be NO WAY I'd become a sub right??? Well........ I REALLY wanted that crafting bag. Also, the issues I was experiencing weren't game breaking at that point, merely annoying...

    So...... I became a sub. And instantly, my issues became a LOT worse.

    All the previous issues became more intense and frequent, and on top of these I now also experience.....
    • NO characters loading when zoning in - NPC's or players, eventually these will load and silhouette, I dare not move until the loading is complete lest I invoke the wrath of the Gods and be damned to dashboard or a state of being frozen in time and having to do a full reset of my console, this delayed loading of NPCs has lead to many a death from enemy NPCs who can be heard and felt but not seen or touched, like poltergeists, they have their way with me until they load. If I've survived the onslaught I might still have a chance provided my resources weren't drained trying to keep myself alive and unsullied.
    • Quest markers, or, in most cases, a total lack thereof, so you have no clue where to go. Sometimes they will load on the map, in the totally incorrect locations.
    • Bizarre things like having enemies join me as companions and fighting by my side until they are killed.
    • Terrain not loading, instead, seeing a white and grey checkerboard, like it may be an empty area inside their map editing tool.
    • Combat, at times, is simply impossible.
    • Far more frequent hang ups and dashboarding. I'm beginning to think that's what the "DB" update REALLY was -- ESO DashBoard -- sweet mother, sweet mother, send your running child process unto me (the dashboard).

    I'm VERY curious whether ANYBODY else out there become a sub AFTER the DB went live, and if they too noticed a dramatic increase in performance issues after subbing.
    Also... People who are subs, are your issues extreme? AND non-subs do your issues seem "not quite as bad"??
  • zadori1975
    My main character in elden root, got a crash, and I can't relog, always crashing. I think will be nice an option on the character select menu, where we can move the selected character for a different zone. I try again. Hope I can login, if not I try to send a ticket. Looks likes I can't play for tonight. My friends waiting. Just annoying... Again. No luck...
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    I can confirm that this has resulted in a noticeable improvement in regards to loading both PCs and NPCs when logging in or zoning.
    I can not yet verify any other improvements as I came straight here to post this.

    I had to reduce my quest list down to 7 before it made a difference. Also, I only did this on my main and strangely it has made things better for my alts too, well I only checked 2 of them but they were both experiencing the same issues as my main prior to abandoning two thirds of his quests, and when I logged into them both everything loaded instantly as it used to
    pre-DB. This is the extent of my testing with the alts, but so far I am happy.

    Thank you ZOS. My faith in your ability to get your game working again is partially restored.....
    Well that excitement was short lived...

    After my previous post I went back to the game to see how things ran and much to my dismay (but not surprise) things were no better in regards to unresponsive combat, in fact, I would even say it is WORSE than I have experienced to date....

    • Bar swapping now takes 2-3 seconds or doesn't happen at all, my playstyle requires constant swapping in combat, I have re-mapped the left D-pad to R-stick press to allow for easier swapping it is that critical to my style. The fool who thought 5 actives per bar was a good idea needs to be slapped.
    • Skills are lagging by a similar amount of time or not being executed at all. As with swapping, this leads to pressing again and again and in some cases after several button presses and seconds waiting you get all of the events in the queue firing.
    • Enemies are still able to attack and do damage while in these states of lag.
    • STILL experiencing loading screens while traversing zones, and for the first time EVER I got a loading screen during combat!!!!!

    These are what I experienced over the course of roughly an hours play. IMHO the game in its current state is unplayable. I have already been charged for the next month of ESO+ even though it expires on the 22nd, so, I will stick around for the next month, mostly just to do my crafting research and mount upgrades each day, and if there is no resolution then I might have to pull the plug, atleast until something is done to address the many issues.
  • Enigmatic
    @ZOS_GinaBruno - Early days but I've done some provisional testing on a couple of chars.

    On my main char (AD Mageblade) with 936 quests completed, I've culled the quest log down to 9 and have found that I can load in and move around without any load screens noticeable so far. I am still experiencing issues with players and NPC not loading in and a noticeable delay in them loading in gradually.

    I am trying to progress VMA on this char but still experiencing other issues in the Arena.

    On my AD Stam Sorc (quests completed 45) I have reduced the quest log to just 6. I then redid the steps from my video above ( and was able to see NPC immediately although there were some shadows but I was able to make it all the way to the mundus stone without any load screens at all.

    I'll test further when I can
  • bebynnag
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    i experience the worst lag on my Sorc, who(once she has done her daily writs) doesnt have any quests on account of competing every one

    she is currently unable to regenerate any of her stats whilst in combat, which im sure you can appriciate makes playing her impossible...
  • blindy107
    Well the gap closer to loading screen is back. Both my buddy and I charged a flag in cyrodiil and loaded into a freefall under the earth. Also, not sure if this is lag related but I seem to be losing Stam when I cc break without the cc break occurring.

    Has anyone had any luck deleting the save file or whatever they keep harping on? Do you delete from everywhere or just the console?
  • HaloGod
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno ,

    I have noticed a night and day difference since trying the proposed workaround. My characters that were unplayable before are running better than I can remember in months. Even in Grahtwood, the characters loaded in under 5 seconds which I don't remember ever happening. I did delete all but 2 or 3 quests on my characters. I have only been taking one quest at a time and have not had any issues whatsoever. Hopefully the good performance will continue. Thanks Gina & ZOS!
  • DRXHarbinger
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    To be more specific on this, abandon any outstanding pledge, MA or VMA, the Vet sanctum quest that pops up when you enter on normal and repeatables that have been stacked up for a rainy day, this makes bit of a difference tbh ( quests that the majority of people online at the time have)

    Note this for Flawless, pick up the quest, abandon it don't get kicked in between round 6-7.....I died on round 8 like a noob but can you get flawless without the quest?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm if this is possible please?
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Seamonkey001
    Has anyone tired this on PvP?
    XBox Live GamerTag: Sea Monkey 001
    Main Character: Kelach, High Elf, Sorcerer, Level CP 275
    Guild: Fathers of The Dominion

    Twitch: SeaMonkey001
  • NordSwordnBoard
    I am gonna try this so hard tonight when I get home
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager

    To be more specific on this, abandon any outstanding pledge, MA or VMA, the Vet sanctum quest that pops up when you enter on normal and repeatables that have been stacked up for a rainy day, this makes bit of a difference tbh ( quests that the majority of people online at the time have)

    Note this for Flawless, pick up the quest, abandon it don't get kicked in between round 6-7.....I died on round 8 like a noob but can you get flawless without the quest?

    @ZOS_GinaBruno can you confirm if this is possible please?

    You do not need that quest in order to get the Flawless achievement.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Creator Engagement Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • DRXHarbinger

    You do not need that quest in order to get the Flawless achievement.

    Great going for it tonight. If this turns out to be no coincidence then obviously the issue for vma disconnects lies between the data being handed over between quest "enter the vault of umbrage" and "survive the vault of umbrage".

    Come to think of it when you relog into round 7 after a dashboard, you don't have the small circle which you'd usually exit and start the quest "survive the vault of umbrage" could be related to this. You always spawn in at the back of the map facing a wall and not where you would be when you enter via the portal.
    PC Master Race

    8 Flawless Toons, all Classes.
    Master Angler
    Dro-M'artha Destroyer (at last)
    Tamriel Hero
    Grand Overlord
    Every Skyshard
    Down With BOP!
  • Jayne_Doe
    I appreciate that you are continuing to work on the performance issues for console and that you recognize that there are still MANY issues.

    Being a transfer from PC, the longer load times and all the other problems and crashes just makes it extremely frustrating - knowing that the game is a LOT better on PC. I regret transferring to console but don't want to go back to PC (unless a transfer is available) and lose all my progress.

    Since this is a thread specifically for people to post the problems/issues they are having so that the devs can FIX them, I don't see a problem with the "negativity" here. People are frustrated, and the devs should know both about the problems they are having and how these problems are negatively impacting players' experiences.

    As a long-time player, I can tell you that my faith in the company is slowly dwindling. I'm losing interest big-time. Already cancelled by ESO+ months ago, due to the other HUGE problem of ESO+ not working properly on XB.

    I'm glad the game seems to be working so well for some of you, but please don't put down those of us who are posting "negative" posts since this is what the thread is designed for - to let the devs know about the problems. There are other threads in which to praise them.

    I am loathe to try your workaround of abandoning quests, since I don't want to have to go back around and find them all again. I will say that my alts, which are sub-30 and haven't done as many quests and don't have as many in their queue do run a lot better than my main, who is lvl50 and has done many quests. I can get into Orsinium now, but I still port to the Shatul wayshrine and walk in - without pet or costume. Still, when I start turning in the writs, the framerate drops considerably and I become fearful of crashing. I did, one day, wander in to the rest of Orsinium and went to the bank, but most of the textures didn't load all the way.

    I haven't really crashed to DB since the patch, except for when I don't use the thumbstick trick (holding the left thumbstick in a given direction until the character loads) or move around the immediate area while things are loading - if I don't move at all, my character will crash. So, still using workarounds to make the game somewhat playable, and slowly losing interest in playing this mess. I'd give you $60 to transfer back to PC.

    EDIT: I play on NA server only.
    Edited by Jayne_Doe on July 20, 2016 5:32PM
  • neville_bart0s
    you do realise that only a tiny portion of the ESO population will ever see this thread right???

    are you guys going to tell everyone else about this workaround???

    send out a message or something, maybe put in on the log-in screen, you cant just expect your customers to come to this thread and find the one post with the only workaround that may make this game half decent again for console players.

    come on guys get your *** together.
  • Seamonkey001
    Disconnected twice last night while PvPing in Cyrodiil on Scourge Campaign. Video of the first time:

    The second time:

    Like a typical disconnect, they are at the end of the videos if the player does not work right and start you one minute prior to the end of the video.

    Hopefully this helps you @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    XBox Live GamerTag: Sea Monkey 001
    Main Character: Kelach, High Elf, Sorcerer, Level CP 275
    Guild: Fathers of The Dominion

    Twitch: SeaMonkey001
  • Rex-Umbra
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    I removed all active quests and noticed a substantial improvement in regards to load screens NPCs and PCs loading much faster but not as fast as smooth as before DB.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • jkolb2030
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    So doing this did not help my character, unfortunately. I was getting long loading screens when running through Alik'r Desert - a map with the bare minimum of terrain/activities to load. It was a long loading screen just about every 20 steps, so annoying that i found it hilarious.

    Another issue that has just started to plague me and couple guildmates is that we are getting dashboarded before we even get to the character selection screen. Will click to play on NA server, get the load screen, and then the game will sit on this load screen for a long time (as if its searching for an internet connection) and then it will crash and dashboard. It did that to me about 3 times in a row last night before I could log in.

    On a side note - if you guys are looking to hire a real nit-picky QA employee I can have my resume ready ASAP ;)B)

  • qrichou
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    woow so first fix on problem is to avoid problem ( orsinium crashloop ) .
    The second abandon quest you like to do ?
    Lemmy think here the solution for big groups getting randomly crashed in pvp : kick players 1 by 1
    NO just no i stopped playing eso due to so many problems in eso
    cya next week i will check here first to see if its fixed
    because its possible
  • HaloGod

    Just FYI, I picked up the Undaunted quests on one character and the game started having long NPC loads and random load screens again. Dumped the quests and it went back to normal. Picked them up again and same issues so for me those seem to be the most problematic
  • DracoBeowulf
    Same issues as everyone else... Sucks. I have two xbox ones and two eso copies. One for me one for the wife.

    We get booted every 10-15 min. And if one of us gets booted the other does too. 100mb connection.

    Deleting quests did not help. Idc about npcs. But getting booted and having to re queue cyrodiil when server is locked....

    Please help. Loyal sub since pc release.
    Xbox One Gamertag: WITHGODNOW
    Xbox One Guild: TheTRINITY
    send friend request and message to be included in pve & pvp events
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