Game Performance Issues on Console

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Jolter
    After the Shadows of the Hist update, overall game performance is much better. Wrothgar/Orsinium has seen the most improvement, I can actually wander around without crashing in the city now. On my DC character I have been dashboarded in Wayrest at the Undaunted Enclave, and my AD character has been dashboarded at the wayshrine in Elden Root. I have also been dashboarded in Cyrodiil and rarely in other zones. Also since the update I have been somewhat frequently losing connection to the server and then having issues getting back in the game, sometimes taking 5 or more attempts. I also am no longer having issues from the sound bug we were experiencing before the update.

    I'm pleased by how much progress has been made in fixing issues, but there's still some crashes that need to be looked into.
  • Jolter
    Just dashboarded at the blacksmithing station in Orsinium, not crash proof yet I guess.
  • Lluanda
    Jolter wrote: »
    Just dashboarded at the blacksmithing station in Orsinium, not crash proof yet I guess.

    Yeah, it's been much much better for me too. The only time I crash now is sometimes at a crafting station in Elden Root. No more double loading screens or choppy music and things just seem to load in faster in general.
  • Jackpoe
    22 minute unusually long load time is the most recent. Average loading time is 3 minutes and it happens randomly throughout any zone especially in the major cities. It's not my internet I have tested and checked repeatedly. Took almost 2 hours to log over my four characters just to check mail and train mounts. Is this something that will be fixed soon or am I alone with this problem. Can't even play the game. It's frustrating.
  • Jackpoe
    I hope someone in support can help me understand this problem I have been having. I have played ESO since launch on PC. Never really had any terrible problems with it until I bought and played the XBox one console version. I love the game but since the Dark Brotherhood update and worsening with the Hist update I haven't really been able to enjoy the game. It's due to the excessively long load screens. I thought for sure the problem was on my end but I have remedied any and all possible problems. My internet is top end. I am getting approximately 90 mbps and nearly zero latency. My console runs fine with everything else in any application. I have averaged my load screen times to be about 5 minutes and it's not just in major cities. Zoning into delves, dungeons, wayshrining, even just reading a lore book I get long load screens. I have had load screen times that have lasted almost 30 minutes. please help me understand.
  • Enigmatic
    XBOX NA - Aldmeri Dominion chars

    Increasing frequency of "long loading screen" despite maintaining a low quest count across all chars.

    Spent 5 mins standing in R'wlaka bank earlier today. All players in the bank were silhouettes and never rendered. Bankers never appeared. Had to log off game to resolve and at point of logging off I got a barrage of in game sounds that appeared to have been suppressed.

    Long load screens within normal Sanctum - had to quit gsme and relog

    Long load screen zoning from Wrothgar to Kvatch via wayshrine
  • Nexus_Emperor
    hi I m IN EU Server I suffer from LAG Dashboard Crash :( 4 /5 10 Tim's & game sum time not work need restart xb or go offline & swatch on
    + Long Load Screen In PVP +Pladge+Trial+Worthgar
    + & Sum time loading screen & send massage 2 sumone the game crash ? problms need fex :neutra :neutral:
    I'm play ESO on Xbox 2015-2018
    AND i Move create New Account on PC EU server Cp1080
    i play Trials i like it more i complete Vmol +VSS+Vhof+Vcr
    i love these game and fun time with new people
  • Khilseith
    HaloGod wrote: »
    In addition to everything that has been said already (random load screens, phasing, NPCs taking forever to load are the big ones), I attempted Maelstrom today and the load screens and no round resets were atrocious. Below is a 5 minute clip of trying to even start Stage 8 Round 4. I couldn't even load quick enough to get a shield up to keep from dying. Tried restarting stage 8 twice and keep getting stuck at round 4 (because I can't do it flawlessly). I limped my way through all other stages with similar problems, but I don't have the patience to keep fighting the load screens.

    Another reason why I haven't been able to complete maelstrom. I'm still stuck on round 7 because the game's too laggy. The plants explode without the AOE showing and I instantly die instead of my health draining. Or when the boss screams and I have to get in the barrier, there's a plant there... I would consider every round before that one of the easiest things I've ever done.
  • Skagsmasha
    I'll add my recent experiences.....
    After the OT update, dashboarding and connection issues seem to be the main problem.
    Prior to update, it would happen every "now and then"... but that's to be expected.
    I believe that there are a number of factors contributing an that most people have touched on them to a certain degree.

    Dueling - Utterly ridiculous.... should never have been allowed in cities. The amount of information that needs to be processed in order to load your character into an area where masses are duelling....... seriously.
    Loading screens - Just take twice as long due to the above.
    Timing - Yes it appears as though the "timeout" factor has been reduced significantly causing more disconnects. This is not just "idle time" as it appears to be taking into account data transfer.
    Dashboarding - Mainly when starting, almost loaded into character selection screen or just after.
    Connection issues - Get disconnected to be presented with a message that I have no valid internet connection.. which is NOT the case (cuz i'm still talking to mates in a party).

    XB1 is the only device on my network when gaming (hardwired) - and as an IT Tech I can almost guarantee you that these issues are "Server Side".... uninstalling, downloading another 50Gb and reinstalling will not solve the problem
  • SwaminoNowlino
    Second everything @Skagsmasha said
    Xbox NA : CP 160 StamPlar, MagNB, MagSorc, StamSorc, StamDK, StamNB, Level 10 MagDK & MagPlar, StamWarden, MagWarden

    "We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome." - The Balance Lord Wrobel
    - And now it sure does, better learn how to bash folks!

    I get by with a little help from logic.
  • RolandSol
    Soul Shriven
    I get and have been getting complete drops in fps to what I think is around 5fps. This happens at random and in random locations. Sometimes in a city sometimes fishing or walking about on a Sunday. This will then fix tswlf after about 20 second a then reoccur every 5 mins or so till I relog or clear my cache.
    Edited by RolandSol on November 9, 2016 1:41PM
  • goggs25
    getting pissed of with this game random crashes and now it won't get off the loading screens how about you get off your ass and fix it
  • zigzagzen
    still crashing at random in Cyrodiil, then stuck in 'unusually long load time' hell for 20+ minutes
  • olorinthewise
    Soul Shriven
    How do i fix randomly no voice or guild chat for two weeks now?
  • Buffler
    cant get into wrothgar, the rift, greenshade or alkir desert with dashboarding. its happening to a lot of people i know
  • TheNaughtyOne
    Soul Shriven
    7 months later and it still lags, crash to dashboard, double load screen, locks up.
    This game is unplayable at times.
    Doesn't matter if we have 1 xbox or all 4 connected, it's the same.
    Hard wired or wireless, still the same.

    I like how they keep ramming the crown store down our throats but wont fix the server side lag.

  • llllADBllll
    Bringing back a thread that is over 7 months all but reads as though it was written yesterday except Stormhaven is one of the City's locked out of.

    July 6th an update went out last year and today I have 4 characters I can't login to and haven't been able to since last weeks server maintenance. Hope the next incremental is a positive step forward getting frozen in my house on a permaload does not sound like fun.


    Tamriel Trading Company Guildmaster
  • AustunXXI
    Soul Shriven
    I cant even start to play this game because it won't let me get passed the character creation. Says it's my Internet connection even though every other online game I play is fine!!!
  • Balibe
    AustunXXI wrote: »
    I cant even start to play this game because it won't let me get passed the character creation. Says it's my Internet connection even though every other online game I play is fine!!!

    If you are on WiFi, try connecting the XB1 direct with a CAT5 cable .....
  • AustunXXI
    Soul Shriven
    Balibe wrote: »

    If you are on WiFi, try connecting the XB1 direct with a CAT5 cable .....

    I already have one
  • AustunXXI
    Soul Shriven
    I'm pretty sure this forum is merely a support group for people with stockholm syndrome caused by a game
  • Victoria_Marquis
    Cyrodiil repeatable crashing to dashboard.
    All you have to do is use meatbag, scattershot, or any AoE that damages more then three people, you Will instantly freeze then hard crash to dashboard.

    Sometimes you have to go to settings> network> advance settings> and clear the cache in the alternative Mac address. Then hold the power button on the XB1 until it shuts down, then unplug the power, wait five minutes, plug power cord back in wait until it's power checked OK then reboot the XB1.
    This will give you about an hour if play in Cyrodiil before you freeze and crash again.

    It's very hard to get AP in Cyrodiil when you crash all the time, ZOS owes us at least 50k in lost ticks for AP due to crashing by now .....we are after the black dye and gold dye. Why in the hell ZoS put all the pretty sparkly dyes as PvP Achievement we will never know,.... At this point fluff it, just put every dye in the Crown Store and we will buy it with money.

    We use to *** about crashing in PvE every time we try to craft, or use a dye station, but after playing in Cyrodiil,... Yeah PvE crashes are a lot more rare.

    As for lag and crashes in PvE, we blame the dueling, in cities and next to wayshrines.

    Dueling should be set to out side of towns and cities, and very far away from any wayshrines.

    There's our rants and raves.
    Thanks for your time development team.
    Edited by Victoria_Marquis on February 6, 2017 5:33PM
  • Jolter
    Not sure if this is still looked at, but I'll provide another update.

    The chat bug does appear to be mostly fixed. Chat rarely drops out now, but if it does the disappearing chat channels does sometimes still occur. I've also had a couple new chat related bugs. One is I've been in a situation where I can't see group chat or access it, but I'll get sent there and can hear people, but they can't hear me. When this is happening I also can't see the chat icons over people's characters or on the side of the screen. I have to go to dashboard and close the game and restart it to fix this issue. Similarly I had another bug where I couldn't be heard in chat, so I logged out, and while logged out I could actually still hear people talking. Again I had to restart the game client to fix this bug.

    The capital cities are now horrendous! I crash everyday in Wayrest and I'm only there to pick up quests and leave. I think there is too many people for the servers to handle, and on top of that there is always people dueling at the Undaunted Enclave which is already the most crowded place. Something needs to change, I have to go to the capital cities right now for undaunted dailies and the guild dailies so it would be really nice if I didn't have to crash just picking up these quests. Also dueling needs to stop in the major cities, please write some code that will make cities duel free. Outside of the main cities, I still crash once in awhile (usually once every 2-3 hours, but not anywhere near the same rate as the capitals.

    I like to pvp in Haderus a lot, but it's as bad as the capitals. I crash all the time when I pvp on top of the massive lag in major battles. On a good day I can go an hour before I crash and then have to wait another hour to queue back in. On a bad I'll crash in 5 minutes and that really discourages me from even trying to pvp for the day. Something has to happen here too especially with Skeleton Key and Chillrend being removed. The other campaigns haven't been as bad, but they will now with their population soon to be increased.

    Beyond this, things aren't too bad in the game. The constant lag and disconnects is very frustrating though and some days makes playing the game very discouraging.
  • dragonlady3764
    Soul Shriven
    I have been playing ESO since it came out on XBOX One. Since the release of One Tamriel, I have had problems with being constantly kicked from the game. Tonight it has been ridiculous. I have been able to actually play a total of maybe 5 minutes and I am currently on party chat with my partner as he is in Cyrodil watching my screen repeatedly say 'this my be an unusually long load time." I am an ESO plus member and have been excited to see the update coming this week, but if I am unable to play, what is the point in continuing my membership and giving you money for a game I can't play?!?! Please fix this or you are about to lose members.
  • Hyoden
    This is unacceptable
  • PlaceboSoul
    I just came back (literally yesterday) from being away for 6 months. I renewed my eso+ (since the craft bag is locked behind it) and logged in.

    From my impressions the last 2 days, not much has changed in the performance department, and judging by the fact there have been 2 unscheduled maintenance down periods in these 2 days, things have actually gotten worse.

    What really annoys me is the fact I love the game. The only real solution is to stop playing and play something else, but that solution really sucks. I'm going to stick it out for the term of one month until eso+ hits renewal, if things haven't improved, I'll be (regrettably) moving on.

    Come on ZOS, I know the big draw is more content, and investors are pushing hard for things like dlc and expansions like morrowind and store crown stuff. I know there is pressure, but you have to put some of your time and energy into fixing what is already there (and broken).

    Please ZOS, fix the problem. Upgrade the servers, hire more QA testers, whatever needs doing, please do it. You are going to start losing people, and word of mouth travels fast in social media. It's a real heart breaker to see a great game heading down a path to oblivion.

    I have personally over the years put over $2,000 into this game. I know there are others that are deep into eso too. Use some of that money to fix the game. I'm looking forward to morrowind, but if the base game doesn't work by then, you really think I will shell out the money to buy it?
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • FrozenSlayer
    I just came back (literally yesterday) from being away for 6 months. I renewed my eso+ (since the craft bag is locked behind it) and logged in.

    From my impressions the last 2 days, not much has changed in the performance department, and judging by the fact there have been 2 unscheduled maintenance down periods in these 2 days, things have actually gotten worse.

    What really annoys me is the fact I love the game. The only real solution is to stop playing and play something else, but that solution really sucks. I'm going to stick it out for the term of one month until eso+ hits renewal, if things haven't improved, I'll be (regrettably) moving on.

    Come on ZOS, I know the big draw is more content, and investors are pushing hard for things like dlc and expansions like morrowind and store crown stuff. I know there is pressure, but you have to put some of your time and energy into fixing what is already there (and broken).

    Please ZOS, fix the problem. Upgrade the servers, hire more QA testers, whatever needs doing, please do it. You are going to start losing people, and word of mouth travels fast in social media. It's a real heart breaker to see a great game heading down a path to oblivion.

    I have personally over the years put over $2,000 into this game. I know there are others that are deep into eso too. Use some of that money to fix the game. I'm looking forward to morrowind, but if the base game doesn't work by then, you really think I will shell out the money to buy it?

    Unfortunately you came back at a weird time. With new updates there are always performance and server issues. Homestead just launched and yes it has some aftermath. Before the new content things had been running rather smooth
    Platform/Server: Xbox One/NA
    GT: Fr0z3nSl4y3r
    Daggerfall Covenant
    8+Trait Crafter/Avid Adventurer
  • DJFishbones
    Soul Shriven
    Except for the areas where people are still having game crashes and kick outs, like Grahtwood.
    Edited by DJFishbones on March 17, 2017 8:26PM
  • KylerF
    Are you guys working in a fix for the bounty/guard bug.
    Khilorn Freewander
    Male Khajiit, Dragonknight
    Mostly PvE(er)
    Self proclaimed "Lore Junkie"
  • Tickets2Gunshow
    Please fix the PVP. It's just an unplayable lag-fest. An idea would be to just give everyone alliance uniforms, restrict mounts, pets, costumes, etc, then maybe we'll have a playable game.
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