Game Performance Issues on Console

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Playstation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
  • Malsidius
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno any other ideas? Clearly, deleting quests is a wasted effort.
  • WynonaStealth
    Hello, I too have seen absolutly NO improvement from the most recent patch on Xbox One. Everything that was an issue before, still exist. My characters get stuck in Orsinium, game lags due to server side performance, hitching, world not rendering in all the way, etc. i HAVE NOTICED, my main Nightblade, totally pimped out in every concievable way is the main culprit while my Tank dosent seem to get stuck AS MUCH but STILL very often. My main has WAY more in his bag at all times, as well as 2 5 piece set bonuses and a 3 piece set bonus. my Tank DK, dosent even have a single set bonuses and usually dosent have much on him. PAY ATTENTION TO WHATS ABOUT TO FOLLOW; i Finally got sick of all this, i decided why not see how my PS4 version is holding up, SURE ENOUGH ive put MANY hours in over the last few days and ONE CRASH, bareley even LAG. PS4 is in WAY better shape. i ALSO have a pc account, been here since beta and Early Access, however my main platform has been xbox for the past year or so. it realy sucks that i HAD like 400 CP but now on PS4 i only have 151 :-/ but not only does the game run WAYYYYY better it even looks better. plus most of my games are on ps4 and my friends too, so what ever. PLEASE get your game FIXED! im really looking foward to a bug free ONE TAMRIEL
  • WynonaStealth
    Id like to ADD to my recent post, ALL my issues are on Xbox One NA. ALSO, on XBOX i am NOT subbed but as i just switched to PS4, i decided to sub instead of re buying all the dlc AGAIN. On ps4 my performance is EXCELLENT on xbox the game is entirely unplayable. Characters unable to load, invisible npcs, NON STOP crashes and lag, and EVERYTHING else that has been discuessed in this thread. its been very very bad on xbox
  • MikeTheeElder
    GT: MikeTheeElder(ESO Plus since launch)
    I'm also on XBNA based in the Southeast and have been facing the same problems previously mentioned. All I've been doing recently is gathering skyshards and lorebooks and pulling my hair out in frustration. I typically play during non-peak hours on Sunday and Monday mornings and still the performance is terrible. I hit 11 load screens running from Velyn Harbor to the public dungeon in MalTor. I've given up on PvP and end game PvE for the time being because groups and guilds I try and run with, well they typically run at night when the game is basically unplayable and I don't have the time or patience to wade into that mess.
    Here's my suggestion:
    Stop releasing new DLC on console until you can be certain it will run properly. Fix the known issues THEN move forward. Don't just keep adding content for the sake of adding content. Housing, One Tamriel, and SotH are all fine things in and of themselves, but if each one is going to further degrade an experience that is already becoming less and less enjoyable, or playable for that matter, what's the point? It's a completely illogical philosophy to keep adding if it results in a net loss as far as quality is concerned. I honestly believe you'd find a ton of support for a prolonged fix over new content.
    Edited by MikeTheeElder on July 26, 2016 3:43AM
  • Jazbay_Grape
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.

    I deleted a bunch of quests today, and it helped a ton with these issues.
  • RebornV3x
    this game is still unstable 4 or 5 disconnects a day in PVP and had about 3 or 4 load screens in Crypt of Hearts right in the middle of battle causing 2 group wipes today looks like I'm going back to playing The Division or Elite Dangerous till the next update again :(
    Edited by RebornV3x on July 27, 2016 12:12AM
    Xbox One - NA GT: RebornV3x
    I also play on PC from time to time but I just wanna be left alone on there so sorry.
    Does anyone know if Orsinium crash loop has been fixed? I know some players had no issues and others did.
  • blindy107
    No one KNOWS anything. Playing this game is a crapshoot mate. Deleting my quest logs seemed to help on some of my toons but not all.

    Happy hunting!
  • Balibe
    While we’re continuing to work on the issues mentioned on the first page of this thread, we do have a temporary workaround we’d like you to try. If you are experiencing random loading screens or invisible monsters/NPCs specifically, please try abandoning one quest at a time until the issue no longer persists. We understand this isn’t ideal, but have found this to help alleviate the problem. A more permanent fix will be included in a future patch, and we’re continuing to work on fixes for the other issues including crashing to the dashboard. Thanks for your continued patience.
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Hopefully this will help .....

    I have two characters, both could do writs and quests before DB and after the 07/06 patch in Wrothgar. After DB and before 07/06 I could do writs but did get kicked out unless I walked into Orsinium very carefully without riding on a horse. So the 07/06 update did resolve issues, at least for me.

    My original main character since 07/2015 has had lag, loading screens and black silhouettes not stop since DB. He could play the game and did not get kicked out. My second character created around 02/2016 did not have any issues.

    After your forum response I checked both characters journals, both only had about 10 quests each. So I did nothing and dealt with the issues on the main character.

    Today I deleted all the quests I had on my main that were taking before DB. Amazingly this resolved the main character issues. I can now log into any wayshire with no black silhouettes. I can also run full speed thru a city and no longer get loading screens (so far).

    Maybe instead of reducing the amount of quests in the journal, just delete all quests prior to DB and retake them? I have not gone back yet to retake the old quests I deleted to verify if the lag returns.

    Maybe another way to look at the issue is the older quests in the journal versus the amount of quests .....

    Edited by Balibe on July 31, 2016 5:58AM
  • HaloGod
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom ,
    Can you confirm if the audio issues are being investigated?
  • PrinceBoru
    The state of xb1 ESO is pathetic.
    If you do enjoy the game...
    be careful...
    playing another game made me remember how smooth titles should play!
    I see that there is a big crown sale.
    I'm not biting.
    I think I've lost my patience and my will to play.
    After 3000 hours I feel betrayed by the ever worsening state of this game.
    It ain't easy being green.
  • zadori1975
    I just got the new Xbox one S model today. Any chance to get HDR support for the game ? :)
  • Jolter
    The headset bug is getting worse. Every time I enter or leave a building, or go into a new instance all sound drops out and I have to unplug and replug my headset to get sound back. Being I'm using a wireless headset and have to walk to my xbox each time to do so, is making this bug especially annoying. This started two maintenances ago and this latest one seems to have made it worse instead of better.

    The overall lag has not improved and maybe getting worse again, npcs are still taking a long time to load and invisible monsters are present everywhere until they load. The worst part about invisible monsters is you can't fight back easily. My aoe abilities seem to work but nothing else does.

    I'd recommend pushing back the dlc until these prevailing issues can be fixed. It is getting harder to play this game as intended and anymore new changes will make things worse without fixing the current bugs first.
  • Surgee
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno

    How about headset bug? I have to keep on restarting the controller every few minutes to get sound working again. Tested on 3 different consoles with 2 sets of headsets (Turtle Beach XO Seven Pro and Microsoft stereo headset). Same issue and only with ESO.
  • bebynnag

    trying vMA i have reached sehts balcony, everytime i get the boss to 30% health i am auto disconnected.

    i have reset my router, i have hard reset my console, i have cleared saved data, i went to sleep and woke up and still as soon as i get the engine guardian to 30% health crash. dashboard.

    the character has 1 quest in her log, the vet maelstrom arena quest.

    her inventory only has essential items (food potions 2 spare items so i can swap between dmg & regen as necessary)

    i have spent 3 weeks leveling this characters undaunted so i can try to complete the content and now this i was prepared for the occasional disconnect, i play on xbox afterall, they are sadly to be expected
    but an auto crash 6 times when boss is at 30% health!

    please fix the game for xbox this is rediculous

    Edited by bebynnag on August 4, 2016 4:24PM
  • bebynnag
    Surgee wrote: »
    @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_GinaBruno

    How about headset bug? I have to keep on restarting the controller every few minutes to get sound working again. Tested on 3 different consoles with 2 sets of headsets (Turtle Beach XO Seven Pro and Microsoft stereo headset). Same issue and only with ESO.

    i think the sound issues are connected with the changes xbox are making atm, as it effects party chat too for me
  • Durete
    Since the last 2 maintenance days the game has become unplayable.

    This is what I experience every time I play:

    - I get killed by invisible mobs.... A LOT
    - Sometimes 5-10 loading screens to walk a small distance.
    - Every time you go to a new area for a zone or a quest you need to wait at least 30seconds-1 minute before the npc's show up. (i got 100 mbit internet, so should be fast enough for a game that uses 20mb/sec max.)
    - Did I mention invisible? Everything is invisible for long times! Heck I've even been kicked from dungeon groups because I appear "AFK" while I was waiting for the other players to stop being black and for the mobs/npc's to appear!

    I do have to say that those things could be expected in an early alpha stage but not anymore!
    Please fix this asap.
  • WynonaStealth
    Im shocked at how long it is taking for an update on this situation. Days go by,I allow myself to forget about it, then I tell myself "ok, NOW there MUST be an update" so I hop on the forums only to see more problems but no solutions. This is very worrisome. My two favorite games are stuck with programmers that aren't at the level the games require
  • gkitti7
    Is it just me or has anyone else been experiencing freezes while their character is still able to move around until they get dashboarded?
  • slumy
    This is the worst, I love this game, and since Darkbrotherhood, it has been so awful.. the lag is unbearable, not to mention, now all of a sudden my headset no longer works with the game.
    I love paying monthly for a game that I can't play. seriously
  • slumy
    and not to mention, I think ESO subscription members should be compensated.
  • DjSolJAH
    Thought it was broken now? Wait until the 16th...
    Zee blues are coming!!!! Always.... Always coming...
  • Miliana
    @Milianaa - PC/NA - End Game Healer
    Tamriel Crown Exchange GM

    World Record - vSO: 177,706
    NA First Tick Tock Tormentor
    NA First Title Trifecta (TTT, Gryphon Heart, Immortal Redeemer - Templar Healer)
  • AngeISky
    TICKET POST BY: AngeiSky

    ABOUT: Headset Audio Bug
    Response Andrew via Email 08/11/2016 04:01 PM
    Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are working on a solution, but we cannot currently provide a timeframe for when the fix for this issue will be made available. Please keep an eye on our Patch Notes forum for any updates at

    In addition, you can receive updates by logging in and clicking "Notify Me" at the bottom of the page.

    If you have any more questions/comments/concerns please let me know.

    May you always find adventure.
    The Elder Scrolls Online Team
    Edited by AngeISky on August 13, 2016 12:29AM
    ~ AngeiSky

    °MAIN° Catsulek > NightBlade (ASSASSIN CRIT BUILD [CUSTOM]) > LVL 50 (CP 290)> AD [WERECAT] (°w°)/
    °SUB° AngelSkye > Sorceress (SPIRITMASTER BUILD [CUSTOM]) > LVL 10 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]
    °SUB° Sha'ala > Templar (DRAGOON OF LIGHT [CUSTOM]) > LVL 1 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]
    °SUB° Wychblade > DragonKnight (BUILD? [N/A]) > LVL 7 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]

    WEREWOLF LVL "MAX" MSG Me On Xbox for Bites

    Guild: Guildmaster of "Elder ScroIIs Community" Ingame
    Club: Admin of: "The Elder Scrolls Community" Xbox One Clubs
  • AngeISky
    There is a Temporary fix for the Headset Bug..
    I have Updated my thread on How to do the fix...

    Both Directional and Picture guides are Available!


    ~ AngeiSky
    Edited by AngeISky on August 13, 2016 12:30AM
    ~ AngeiSky

    °MAIN° Catsulek > NightBlade (ASSASSIN CRIT BUILD [CUSTOM]) > LVL 50 (CP 290)> AD [WERECAT] (°w°)/
    °SUB° AngelSkye > Sorceress (SPIRITMASTER BUILD [CUSTOM]) > LVL 10 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]
    °SUB° Sha'ala > Templar (DRAGOON OF LIGHT [CUSTOM]) > LVL 1 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]
    °SUB° Wychblade > DragonKnight (BUILD? [N/A]) > LVL 7 (CP 0)> AD [NONE]

    WEREWOLF LVL "MAX" MSG Me On Xbox for Bites

    Guild: Guildmaster of "Elder ScroIIs Community" Ingame
    Club: Admin of: "The Elder Scrolls Community" Xbox One Clubs
  • PlaceboSoul
    Figured I'd add my voice chat issue to the pile before the patch rolls out. I'm experiencing all the crashing, freezing, fps joy as everyone else, but my extra joy is that I also enjoy a complete lack of sound in all voice chat channels.
    I've issued a militant amount of tickets, and done all I can to test this issue with the tech support folks.
    I've also exhausted all testing with Xbox support.
    I started a second gamer tag, and on that account, I can hear voice chat, but no one hears me.
    On my true account, people can hear me, but I hear absolutely nothing.

    I cannot express how difficult play at max level is without a way to communicate.
    My trade guild is dead, and no trader, and I have no way to obtain a new one, so I cannot sell anything.
    I can't get in veteran groups, because when people realize I can't hear them, I'm kicked, and I don't blame them
    It's very hard to do 160 zones, quests with crap gear, at minimum it's annoyingly harder than it should be, and it's difficult to get set gear without veteran dungeon crawls or any way to sell gear I find to make money to buy gear I need.

    I as a few others mentioned just returned a month ago after a brief hiatus, and returning to find all these crashes and performance issues, and now no chat audio, I must say it is disheartening.

    I pay for eso plus, at this point with all the issues, it's really not worth it, but.......after having the craft bag, I,...I just cannot go back to not having it.

    I'll give it a couple more weeks to see what happens, but it's tough playing this game as an isolated solo experience. Game is in no way designed to be played that way, especially at end game.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • zadori1975
    I'm happy to say finally the game looks like playable. Still have many problem, but now everything looks like running faster then before.
    Thanks guys. :smiley:
  • PlaceboSoul
    Well, I'm unhappy to say I still have all my issues. Still no audio in chat, lagging. To top it off, last night I was in the middle of the primate artorius fight, he healed back to 100% five times, and then my game crashed.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Balibe
    zadori1975 wrote: »
    I'm happy to say finally the game looks like playable. Still have many problem, but now everything looks like running faster then before.
    Thanks guys. :smiley:
    I was not having major issues before DB and after the 07/06 patch. I also noticed a difference while running around doing writs and survey's last night in Wrothgar .....

  • MikeTheeElder
    Since DLC on XB1 NA I'm getting dashboarded about 4-5 times every hour. I honestly think that everytime I make a sale in one of my guilds I get booted. The extremely long load times are still very evident. Also, I keep getting "internal error" messages at start-up and have to make several attempts to login, which is annoying when you're getting booted repeatedely.

    I will say that random load screens seem highly reduced and lag in PvE seems vastly improved.
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